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JIMPORTANÏToi-ttëALL. THE HEALTH AND LtFEOFWOMAF Is continuatlv in peril if she ín marl enougli to ucgkct op maltreat those sexual inepitlaritieM to wuich tvrothfrdi of hersex ure more or lesa subject. Uil. CïIEESEMANT'rilMM., preparel from the same formula which the inventor. 'ORN'ELïUS h. CHEJESEMN. M. P., of fork, has for tWVBty year.t used successfuliy in an extended private prsetice - inirnediately relieve without pain, al) disturbanees of tlie periodical disclmree. whpihcr uising from relaxaUon or suppreRsion. Thpy net likn a cliarnt in renjoving the pains thnt accf mpany ditficult or imraodemte me .Struíiticii, and are the only afeand ruliabla remed f tot Flu-ïhes, Piek leadHche Í'jiíus in the LolM, Back and Sides, Palpitntiou f the Heart Nprrous Tremors, Hjatftrlcs, Ppftêmrf, iroken Slcp and otner unploasant and dangprcius etTecïs f an unnatural enndition nf the sexual funrtions In he worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whitea, tbey etfect a peedy cure. To WIVK9 and JMATÜOISTS. D:i.CHEEKI'sPIí.IRreiffe-edas tlie only aafc timans of reneivinjf ntorrupted meaatrttfttiOB, bul. LAD1ES BIUST IIKAK I MIXD There. i one rovdinov of the femnJe system in ichich tht Pih c.a-iutbeUikc.n wi'hnut prolucrr,r n PECULIAR RESÜLT. The r.o 'triVio ure ferredlo {j, PREC-VAyO'- the reult, MISCA ItltlAOE. Stick i i the irrtÜêlibU tendency nf the medicine, to riftor tkr serna! fwctioiut to a vormal conütio't, that even the reproductive power nf iinrnre cnvTint rtsist f'. Eipürit direclion ttating tolt en, and xohen the?; slwuld vot he uscd, with e:ic!i Kut,- tlie Price Out Dollar each Box, '-ántaiiinj? i.Q PM. A v.üitaMe Pa uphlet. to h& had free of the Aents. Vüls sent b'j mail promptly, by aciofifüg prico to nny Agent. Öold by Uruggisis general y. K. B. I1UTCH1NTOP, Proprietor. '20 Cedar-St., Neie York. For" Fale by MAYN'AUD STEBBIN'Ö & WI1.SON , and (jRENVTLLK M'r.IJ-R. #Jl SHght Cota, or Sfaf-tt 7itaat, whizh. might ke cheaked xuith a simple remedy, ifnegleoted, cften terminales sercoucZi. . Few are aware of the importance r a cuqí er ëflirylLt fcLd. in its first stage , that. vjh.ich in. the bezinning would yield ío a mild remedy, if net attended to, eoom attacks the langs. Jf.i'c.iu.n.'a .ancía Jiíc.cIlc& vjere firl inlrod'xcei Heven yeari affo. lt hos been próoti fiat they are the br:t ar'.iate before the pubb.a for y&luna, fécLlaf-tlL, th Hielan? Coii.g'!, in airsiimiÍLr.n., and rsimerous affeations ef the SLííc.a.t, giving immediate relief. Public Siteakers V Singcrs will Jind thsm, effent'.ia-l for clearing and strengthening the ioice. Sold by all and (Dealers in, JAtdxcine, at 25 cents per box. A CAHD TOTHB SUFFER irIG. TlielUv. V'iLUiM Cosgkovk, while labetteg as :t Mission;iry in.Iap;tn, was cure'l ol' ('uusliIii] tii'ii. whlfB ;lü nieans had taik-il by ■ reoipe ibtained frcni a lf;irnfi plivsician rt'sifiii'g in tlic gi ent Cilv of Jecido Tuis reripe bas curoii Krcat wli. werc Rtoffering frcni Cousuinption, Iiroachitis, ure Th nat. i'oughs and rtjl4s, a i'l lebiütv auJ nerveus depression causee bv these diauskn . IH'StrouK f bcnefittinff ntherp, I vi]I eend this rpcipo. wliih 1 have bruught liüme with me, to all wto neel il frt-e of charge. Address IIKV.W.M. rO=GROVE. S23yl 439 Fulton avenue, Urooklin X. Y. Ho war d AsscciatioD, rm la Delphi a. Fr tk relief nf iht Sicli and D'Stre.ssced, (tjlicurf tcill V'ru'fnx and Chronic Distases, and especially for th CiiTf. af Diea84s nfthe Sexual Orgtínnt MEDICAL ADVIt'E giveu gratis, by the Acting Surgeo" . VALUABT.E REPOKTS on Sierma'orrha.l. and othei DIse&xaof tlie Sexual )rgan,nd on thf NKW REMLDIKS i'mpl"yed in tlie Dïflp6nBl tv , i'iit in sealei Ie1t'j envelopew. frfft nf charge. Two or thrf( stami lol posiageaccentable. Aiklrcss , Dr. J. SKIL1.IN HOUÜH TOK. Howard Association, No 2 S. Nlnth bt., Phil delpbii.Pa. 8R0l T862 1862. Sooond Arrl'tfal - OF NEW SPEING AND SUfVI RflER COODS ! AT C. H. MILLEN & C0'3. - ■ ■'■■ '-O ■- - - - We are now receiving a eplendid stock of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, , MANTILLAS, &c. For tlaO ; Fine French Cassimeres, ( and Coatings, For tlio Gentleraen. JARPETS, D0ME3TIC GUODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andother Choice Family Groceries, Por Everybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Call and Soo. C H. EdlLLEN & COMay, 1?52. 854ti I


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