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Br. Wm. B. Hurd's DENTAL REMEDIES AltE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, 1XSÜRINO FLE TEETU & A SWEET BREATÜ, AND Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. Do ycu wish to be blesscd witli ai;d admíroil for Pbahi.yViütkuihí tuiuid ThlTH? (Jas Ur. V'. íí. MJRL'& ; LNi.l .■.i.LIJjTOO'ili POYVUtfA, w.uran d fre f-.m ac.ü,, or any iiaJuií-juí .subtancfi. l'rícfjSi cenia jat bux. t3 Beware of the ordiaary clieap Tootb. Powdcrs wUich wbiten but düátrov. Do you wiah tf be certain that our Brïath ia pure, IWHt) au ai;p MablO tu hu.sbuud ur wile, lover ur tiu-nds? CJm Ur. HuitLt'o CKLEÜKA11O MuCÏJJ WASü. I'iicc, 38 ata par butilt, Tliii astring' nt waih Is fldao the best remdy in tb worldfor C'.kiíií, B.'.d Ijkkatíi, Bua&UiQ UClbS, Soxa MODTU, etj. It hua cured üuuUrcds. Du Viu. oryour childron Huiler f;om TooniACIiE? Get Dr. ayKliíi UAG1U XouïHACHE UiUr'ö. fríe, 15 gtiith per bottie. Areyou aíDícted wfth NEURALGIA? Get Dr W. B. IIUKD'SNj-X'JiALUIA i'LXUW. 'ILe muit tCtctive wud dt-ligLliul VelOffdj Luowa. -' Tliey do not adhere nor blú-tíer, but sootLe aad cbaim pain awy. ïry tJioin. l'iictí, 11 aud Wt ctnu. - Alaik-d on receipt oi hrice. Do ynu wkh a completo set of DF.VTAL REMEDIES and H 'f RKATbt ON I ):liaUiVJU ÏEKTL? Ut Dp. lilKlV.S i MENTAL TREA-ÜHy, Üw nesttct and wut v.uu.ible I pniHi tlujji onefr.ena eau ci:ike t„ üQutber. Irxu, il ' btrut by iü.ri cu rectipAt pico. Fur salo at all tlit btit slorca througbout ihe country. Caution.- As there are alara who advantaer of our a'lvuitisvmoiii.s tu impuse uioa ïiioir cuatosnartf iuferíor prepara tious, it ih wnamuury v iuwflt uj.uu Ijuving wliat y.-u cill f r, and yi-Li -i;l ukt'jHK Bjc.iT, tï.oruugly teated, and prepHrwt by nn es penen ed ;.nl i-ci-uiiiic D.ti [it, ÏVeftKtirer tf l!eXew Lüiiti-i'.- èi -uciutit n, ana Vite i i-e;..d--iit oi tht New Yurk City Liuatal oc.ay. AdársM WSI. B. HURD & CO , New Yorlr. Dr. Iluri'a Dental Remedí ■ iu for rala ia Ann .Arbur by itSBBistd c Wilü-n, EseubalS ; Co., a:A OaiUsVILUB 3t FuLLhii:. fcGjtt TMK iUMJSUKEEPKll'S NEW ÏÜRMTURE POLTSÍI Prepare! from an improrptt ivcipe by the propríú-1" of tli-; "Beothkb Josai&as l'OLi.-n," i# uertffled hy aiI the leiding Ne Vork Furmture Üealbrs and P.a&o Forte MaLeri lo aé tiiw b.-.t ,n tue vtcriá tot Rcntovlnf cratcbes. Marku, aud l)irt. uod restoring a hrgb ni asiinc ploes to ;il himj-j -i' VftrnUbsd w k. from'Fm-uit'iiiv tu Lea Uier. It i-i and better rhafi Varui.-h, (r.e mui] liitiiHoly. uül ia e.i.- ap[jhe.l. W.tU a, pieCu nf Ciini-iii Fl nnol nd irKl ;i bnitle r iwo ut' tliis .Suv FriLMni:K PüLIöH, a Hou; ckeejier can work ra ig ie in the i urnlt in e ut' a buiige nnl ket-p t lnoking like dv. Now .s tbdtime to 'sbinuup" ymr Tible, ehairs, TVsks, l'iau"-, i'icluie Fivimcs Carriago-, ÏCM attH m d;e tli'Mii kok ro per beiier. Thi i.s tru ec n-nny. Frf ■ale by r urni'mö I n 1 Stil ekficpers g. n -rally. - t rice L.i .nnd 50 -cntn abottw. I e..t No. 1 SprucO "fH , New Yo ít. &pê i;il Aa'yuta Waiitt-d. AddrtttS. Box tv72. New Vuik P. u " 'J'he'.s Xew FuruUure PülUli is for bale at Anii Arbor by G-reat Books in Press. THRILLING INCIDENTS ÜF THE GREAT REBELLION; OU TbeücroismofourSoldicrs&Sailors. 1 vol,larac 12 mo. Price, $1.25. The eritics and the public are risht In predictingthat tbiñ will graphie narrative, excitin interest, a_d extnnsive pupulRrity , a.l other bisturí! of tlie War for the Uuion lts tbeme will be the beruic dn ling. patiënt su8erings,and bair-breadthascftueaof our M.Wie rs andsailors, ml lts incidvnts will ferm tlie tlieme ofconrtrsatlon at innumerable fireside.s for yearn to cime. It will contain, in addition toits rörring details, the philoaophicat Auljsta nf the Causes of the War, by Joiiv IJTHKUH HOTUT, LL. D , Autlinr uf -'The We ui' the llutch Republic," etc, the di.tes of all th importai.t cvenl Iromthf Jul.n Uruu'n rnid,and an accurate reviscd account of the principal battles, witii enerav.nj. Ons third the prnceeda of all Subscriptlon sent ttnet to ua will be givon lor the Relief of lii.-ablcd 8oldie.-8. and all persons nbo wish :t copy of the work, nnl also to beneht t!ie stldie s.should end the'r name and addrctiS at once. Alo, any offiier er jirivaf, or person in :my section of the coun'rv, haring knuvrlrdgo of a Uenic act or atirrinj incidtnt, wül oblige us bv endinj; us an accüuatof it. Rooksil'ers, Postmaster, and Canvassing Agents will be furiti.slied with ariubscriptiuüs l'rospectu.s.on apnlica. tion to thel'ublisLers. . A liberal comniissirngivrn to soliiers desiring to acta agent.i iu takingdubaciii-tlcni, II. THE HIST0R.Y OF AMERICAN MANUFACTUKES, from 1608 tol86O. By Dr. J.Lbjndee Bhhop. 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. now reaily, Vol II. ntarly ready. This is probnbly the largest anl most Important work qow in the Amulican pE6dft. We have also just published nsw editicni of tho folow:n Ubefuland popular bouks: The Eusiness Man's Legal Adviser ; Ir, HowtoSave Cnnducting Business accorlmgtolaw as exptiundnl by the Het aud Latest Auhorities. 400 pp , hheep. l'rice $1. OPPGRTUNITIES for INDUSTRY ; or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money. ;ioth, $1 This has boen republished in Tnj'and. Every luúnfssinananrl cleiU iüobM have tlies o books. Tbi-y nfl pa y Ilie buy.r a hunditu fuld. üiery pajcnt shuulu get tlitju lor Ltieir üuiis. AU iho ( bnok are miiled, pos'paid, on raoeipt of pnce. W; pity prt. cul r iittnulion ui mailing bouks, rappn; thm ciuclullv, and wíll procura aiul tod, po.ipaiü.auv biiiikiinywuir.-, on rip ui puWislitr..' ■nee. Ad'. rusa FREElíLEY & CO., 8fftf Tribune nuiMinT", New York. Wuntt'd. A GIRL TO DO ilOÜSEWORK. A poud one wi'.l ricfive ftRioady pla e and good wages. Xüntj otUerü ned appiy. lnquireat tlie AKGUS OFriCK. Ju'y2d, J8CS. 1)ERPONTS who ib to liuy a Pino of thobent makfM . wili ba sli'iwn liow thej c:in saea bfttnUoae sum in purchar-e il t!icy adi r. ss I'iam', curt Jcjy, Uux & (; Fiibiisliir.' Agi nl, Nt Vcrk i'. O. 8,itf MAÑHOÜD ; HOW LOST, HOW RESTOKED. Jast Publislied, ia a Se.iled Encelope. Prict Six Cci.ts. A I.r.nXRE OX TUK N'ATUKI-, TREATU8NT ANP RADICAL ( URE OF SfKKUAToBBHOW or feminM Wakne, [nreluattr; Kmisiun-, Sexual Debility. and Impedimeuts to Uurrfagfl, Nervou.-ness. Ccni-naiptii n, Rpilrpay i u 1 l'ita ; MiMitd andPhysical Incapicity, r.'ulln„' f'"rn Sdlf-Abuse, e. Ily ROBT. J CÜLVKRWKLL, M. D., Author of tbr Uren Ro'ik,kc. The wurld n n n il author, 'n this admirable Lecture. cltaily prora lïcm hls on ti. at tb aivful ci)Ui;qneiiocs of Afilábase may be efïectually removed without medií-in- and without riangerous surgical operationfi buugie, iüKtrumcnts.rins. or cordial pointinpt Ofit a mode of euro ut OQceceita.auncfffCtual, by whiüb every luffff r,l}) matter wbat bis cri'lition may . e, may cure himself cheajily privatdy, and radical !y. Thifi locture wiU vrove a boou to tbuusauus and tbousanda. ïiönt uaier Beal, ín a p!a:n envelopo, tn ar%v addreha, oa tliö recöiftof 6ix oatt;,or Iwo üotti,2o ê adrcbing, Ds. CHUS. J. C. EUVE, 127 Bo-y,New Vork, Pobt Oific Boj , 58S.


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