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Chicago íioük Trade. ï The riace to Bvy SrJtoot Bcokt, WHOLESALE w, Boolc & Stutionery House. , " S. C. GR1GGS & CO. PIBLISH Sandsrs Progressive Readers, Naw1yElec!rtyf.fta,wlil.nFwajid origina! lilusiratfoM loc "re tU" mOSt bli:iutiful " weil lb beat buoka itani! BalI- udera' AlphabetCarrls, C inaset ] Sauilers' Primry ich'iCiiflrU, 8 oh 4 era, 1 h, Lt3 ' innJeri l'r.niary Spelling Iio„k .„.' j ,,it]l IV bandera' iNew Speller aii'l Vtlincr Ij and V' Sanie-' AnsiTMs uf Englial: Wwd ,.'."'"" U VI. an.ïer'd Piet. nal Pr mer, (bouusi) 12(f iaaf-3 ' Sanders' (.erman and hnglidh I riinn ,he VIII. Sanderi' Now K:r-t Keader ."' t? DON 'X SalK';iBt Xeiv Second Kcudei, " ' ja the ? Sandwa'.Vaw Thlrd Raadtr, [the Sinder.-i'XewKourth Ruuler f Sanders' JCcir rifth Iicaiir m How ..tor.' Uigh-Schcol Kr, J o 1c tj J.„ SattiOrl iouni 1i.hi"s' P.eacer, n '" T' ?n'5'l.8Pvl 1 W ned ' andc''s Koeutionaïjr tïi&ri, j to r, or ïh readers are liiUnfuMinl for thelr itriotlf „. ■"" LreM'Mc'eJRa:tiUdaiiUlioiiiolbejoun d by II" -y have b-en received wnli unprecedented faver sal Br nolaaiaorefaToral)lythttnby l'ractical Twcht „ere w have twtcd theirnn-ntsin the school mom. ,Ug Robinsoa's Course of Wathematics. I. BY HORATIO N. BQBIXEOJf, LL D !Om J'ats Prüfes3lr o' Mathematlc in tho U. 3. NaTJ .tay I ReWnaon'. I r „„ ,y AriU.lé. ■lUjr Rubln,n', Progi-M.ivc ]ntijnotul Arltl 111 BotaBMin'a liu.j.mmN vt n-Htteu Aiith f IV. Kob.iuoii I rogre.,íiVí PncUcal Arith VIII. Rübiaon' New HiBieat-r Algebia t! IX. K bawni'i Kjr tn Uomeniari Atortr, -J i. K"bin,oii', Univcrsit.ï Algtljia", I o XI. K..bltuoD a Kej to L'niTCttit v Algcbrn, 1 c X II ttoblno.,'(íurTelnglu)d Kargauon7' } w 1V Kub aonV Analjtioal GtoffletrJ and éon!o XV Brtimwu-.J fferentlal tuHntrol Calculu' fO H BMnKn', EkaMBtar; Aatron.By, ;s li X I, Lniver-iti A-tiommy 1?? il"! XTU1 Eoblnm'Waili.matiJ1I om'm olí H 3OX Rob n,..n'. K,v - „ Algebra ml " V Sur,od veng.c, ls„ rt Form'ng a Ffl.I. MATrlEM.lTICAT. roUÜSE tram brac Bi Anti mclio and text & k In the WKhei kith1 lt Kuf of arri, and"aptneaa of Mtntii n and in-aoticil u-e'u ne. the auth(,r oi til ,,K !eri8aurpaMd br lio mail n-.alical writer in thln ra Country, Tl.ia senes 1, in bc-.-n nc-mmmJeil by the be ni Orny's Sorica of Botwurs, s2 booka. L. Hitclicocka School Anatomv und PhvgfIta pi"gy, tl. , Hitchoijck's Gcologj-, one bools. ■"■: Wcil's ürniumars, Uro books as W t'H'a Sfllcntífio Series, inclurlicg ChemS „.'''-V' PW'_wnplij, etc Tiireo books. nj U rWg Series of Histories, five book. ,, F.iucl!e'g FrcncU Sorie., eiglt books ■b. Woodbury'. Qerpian Series, geven books. ,s, brviint & Stniíton'a Serios of liuok-keepai ing, thretï buoks. Spnnceiian System of Penmanship. nim ■:c bouks. And Many othcr l'alaaljle Eoakj. - Wholesale Dealers and Iïetail Pur" clii'.sers Willflnd at or.r store over FourThmisaml ITerent ar. ' uVT'F "■'■ll''in'-lre,l ThouaanS v". . . urne, of bouk, tren whicL to m.,k Iheir iflectioa ï S. C. GP.IGGS & CO. 'ƒ Are Special gentj for ,! Messrs. Tlarper & Rro's Publications. ;; " P. Appliton & Oo'a i : ïicknor & Field'n " " Gould & Lincoln's " s '' J Lippincott & Co's " Ana furnish all thc-lr i!„, ks at Katern prices for oaah. ■ Note Pjptrs, Letter Papers and Cap P. pers, Blank Booki, Pass BodIcs And all k:nis of ïAïI,)yEi:y, ït lhe io.yest , BiuATia b_v the dozmor caso. ■ eS.Stranersitn-1 traveiers visltlnjj Chicleo will Snd it mt'-retugto lir,g-r iut u houroraid the mterminaW . piles of Iitratureut39 and 41 I.aku atre-et. S. C. GRIOOS & Co. Agents Waated. y For allcostly anl valnable Bubneription Torkj or noble wurk i.pon Reügkm, IJUntat, Science, e Art, Mdreis S. C. tililübS ,: CO. PI.EA3K KUVE1IBEB Thatthere is no bookntore in this country kcepnea bet' l""rtn''rlxteilaivoassortn5eot thaa is alwjrj foua at tS und -II Lake sïrteï. KEMKMBEB. That Public or Prirste Librarles can bo aupr.lfed wit Brtt clas Standard Wurka bd. C.G. & Co monbetter terms tbatt to aend last tac pj ireight m-'escr.u Liter ry and Professional mén, Teacher , achulare,,, all departm.Mit. of f the world of latte are mvited to mate ;9ani 41 Lak e atreoi their place of reaortiu moaients of leisure. S. C GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and Rotall Book.-ellers and Statior.éra, '■'J Í; 41 lake Street, Cbicaro. a. c, aioG3 S42,ii3 ,t. L uxuii, DO Y OU WANT WH1SKERS! HO OU WANT A MOVSTACHEi If so, purchase one boitle of E. E. Champion',. EXCELSIOP IN VIGOR ATOR ] The worM renowned the „ article or the kind' THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEll IXVIGORATOG ! ! Isa Eeautiful, ÜMBonÜMl, ïostbiaf, vet Stimulatie -on)pound,aotlnga3 ii bv m i.e:c upon tbarouts cavis inga ij. :u.ti ui gruwili oi l.utu riiiut Beard If le4 to the ScalT, it w,Jl Cl,re Bld-vkss, and if appliei ! c, r..n lo írli.m.s, t rifl luw to ptin uu in bald spots a Bue jruivth ut oofi Knutti; Ihe Cilfb-.tcil EXCELSIOR IXVIGORTOR U aa iniisppi,sr,I.]e in evi,j (.er.ikmiui's Toilet ma nfter o:, e vtêk', UM they rouid uot, loranv c.nsid' emtiun be mth-.ut . Tbe a-bova wticl wni, b Ir. m l'our Ui tight Wjeks, brinoul a tliicl; set of WnisKEEa or .V'ouhta. uk. ih iabwriben are the on!y Agents for tbe a'aove u. ticle in the Lnited Statts. They would also anuounce to the public that the Napaon's Hair Toilet! Theonly t:cl offerr d „ MieFieneli people tliat iv ,uld OTKi ktiuigbi ii.'.n. the above Toilet heirar manuiaetuiL-.l f.,r the s„le in'in tit u Liu!s Napoleon I whick t'ttlO i n.„blf in l:is ÏHlei Mum. l'llf; (teling tonli Vnttliat tlliTutIt must necMwirih the placa c.f all otliem er.r red to th pubi;c,ttK-j takt pleaaur in Mpreaslng thelr oobIii e in the artiele. gaininp ,t trom r..ot. THE NAPOLKON HAIR TOILET MiCt-ta '.'AtfiitTlIinmPort.Pilkcü.r!..,,-;,,!; Curlt., batwtll r. m:.m iu .-lmpe f..r mie or nne w. ,,1., ,,.,.„,- !„,,,,,, ,„.,,„,, !,if thortirectunsaa-strictly th, vi,"M;lf ''""'' "' ,. ■BanseruBterfere witl the ftttuna&iftum „f ,ht ,air ,t n(.íhpr sooroh iior.ljit; jtivüs 'he bair a suft thrifty appa. Til I-J NAPOLEON JIATR TOILET üiti been brfóretlie pubKc but n rt time. and Lus alI l Mw one fhousiind prtonsl and the.v tostity tliat the N'pulon Hair Toilet is the greato-t Iieautilii.r evcroB n.l to the AmericaB pei.plo _ lo pFfvent thi. Toilei 'r.mi belng couatirfeited or lm. itatd by anprinclplort pereon, we dn not uffec t fursala at any 1 i-ugi-t in the l'nite' Wateg. 'Ihen-inra anv Lady or (...„ w:h At sires Sofl, r.uxurian and t img. Soft Whlaksrs or Woustaoke caa proaurtha o Ilet. oitber rar.foi on .lollar cuolootd io a letter, wlxa thuir addnau. AdO. F. SPEXV CO., Box 1U3, Collinsville, tford Co Conui And it wil! be carefullj sent by return mail. "Próvido for Yo r FamilyT" iktxticjikjÊÏfÏÏbo cker, LÏFE INSURANCE COMPANY, W tstcra office, Kiogab'ary Black, Rasdolpb at , Cliicago. Assets Jan. let, 186a, $276,22S.4i. Policies nre issued non the lint of debtari and for Ml bnaipM pnrpnsfs, either f. r life rr for a 'oiin of year. on as favorable tora .as by unv r o mpasr. Man-led ladies ma.v hwuig tho lives f thftir husband" nccoii ng toa la.v of the State, rc-uring the amouut oí ihe in. to themsehes or th.-ir childn n. fr. e frrm the oiaims ut tbrtt bosbands' areditnr; al, mrrl4 laiea can insure their om lives fur the beoeit uf their Bbildnrn or trustees. i'.Wi.-it-ïs on lives ie issucd for any nm not cicceding liv the termsof tho cfcarter. this Compijy --nrohibl!ed paingmn,elh-m 7 per ci-nt. . nnuullv ir. dividend! in lt capital t,, stockuoldar ..n it rtoeiv that um il mt.'.e-t fcir the ue of tu capital, lia surplus beinir ivifli :t jmong the Mutunl Insurers ; heneo t rill apxar tht it combines lh advn jUgt of a .Mutual with 'y nf Btock Coiopuqy. VVhfn lh' pren:ium amüunts 'o $40 or .1 nota Br fgiTeofnrfour3mli ..f the ain;uct. Kitessa w as anyoihergoüd coimpany. ÏNow is the iime of s.-cure n coropefsi-cy for j-oor arailv shonlrl delh finí, your h: mostead enoumbe-ed nd iovolved. ERASiaSLl'JIAS, President. GKO. F. SMTnvN.-fV P. f. Johnsin. Vïce Preiidont andllanaer of Westrn Branoh office. Chicago


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