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3AGH & PSEHSC rinvo i.s'. ppcnctl tbeir 3ECON1) SPRING STOCK and oíFjr a ( IIOICE 8ELECTION Of Seascnablo doods, ínciudii g all The [Ne.west ityles of LADIES'DRESSGOODS, , Clctlis, Domestics, Staples, i aROCZE,IES3&;C.3 ï We Bought for Cash : and will FOB CASH OR REA D F PA J$ ! at very i CAXX. AND SEE!! BACU fc PIEREON. Ann Arbor, May 15, lf6Ö. SCHOFF & MILLÊÏl Ui; STïU. ON' HAND al t'.n old S'.aivl, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, i'.h thenioutsoroplete aesortmonTfe of Books and Stationes-y, PEltFlTMERIES, FANCY G00D.3, .L .ND WINDOW PAPERS, ; SIIAUES, EOLLERS, CORDS, PASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, (JL'ÜTAIXS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOFES & VIEWS &c. Ever ofibrcd in this Market ! ■ vouliisus:-bí l.i tiloso In pur-: uit ufanv 1 1 SA y TA OLA US' LIJVE ihat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! jr purcha$Ing ftomthte stook, a4 ftach purchor gata in additional present of Jewelry, írc, Ranging invalue trom 50 c-ts. to $50. tfïT Thpytru-st tliat theÍTln experíence Ín ■ riet atteotioD to the wansa entitle Uiem to a liberal abare pi age. Aun Arbir, Dftfl,. 5. 18G(T 777tf The Connoeticnt Mutual Life ín suranco Company. Accumulated Capital, - 3,500,000. W-iv amotrat no1 i :coedlng $.ó'JuO ::: tliu whole lerna ofLife oríor a term fifí a the most favorable tcrnis. N . i . 3 Í8 purely ibuta'ai and llic policy holders get all the surplus over tfcfe 'x;ict coirt of It acoomodateij tba insnred in ll; attttlement of their pwmiaiufl ON'i. POUC1EP, iído note .'iie huif the amo at ais per coat, pet anmsm. Dividends are Declarad Annualhj! and tinca tboy aow amount to hkh pet oent on tlic prer.ñuiT], cash anJ note, and are inoreaaiug they noy be jCjir1 The rales of preiutu'isfl nrons low as any othor ree Compapy atirt the large accumulated funl of Slí,&0U,ODO i.-í st'curely invested, :ls may be seen I ence fo th 1 itemeni made accordingto faw, ou Ble ín i "tinjp f tlie Cuunty Clork.rit Aun Arb JAMí.s 0OODWIS, Prest. GvrR.PiiBUtei,Secy Forparticalareapply to JAMES 0. WAT8ON, J63t1 Agcnt aiAnnArbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKa & CüS Standard Machines . Well known to be the Best for Manufacturi.ig l'urpose. No. 1, Standard Simulo Machine, formerly sold at $90, ív.luceü to S70. No. 2, of samo kind of Machine, for inorly sold at 8 100, reduced to 75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE rs the best Machine in the ■ ívínftaJ Ligltt ' 'poaes : faaith Hommer?) ana . lly ornament' The Nos. l and 2 Macblpes are oí' .r-nt capacitv and appiication for maïïbfaöturing pitrpofees, OurNo. y Mac y adapied to all kin da of lifilit and heavy lxrtbef Vork, ni Thoy trt' o f extra si.c, and h mi ann lon a&boffh to . tes It and sütclj tlv . 'iiioro ■'y any part of a Trimmers' .t cannoí be betler done witli , too, the ttaving oí Hjne ánfl labor - ■■.'■' ffreat. ïhetableof these machines is iJt iaqhes lotmand theqbattle ■■■■:!! bold si Iini' .■;._(!. xiic lurge machine workB :-; rastaa amall 01 We woaid aek for our L-tiov A Machines, tlie sppoUl attentíon of Vest Makers and !':' who want .■!:■■ osen. Tlu-y embody the prtdctples of iho I eí , making lüo theñi fcbe I] ':.:; ; ; .i . j rftí EhanufíAOtnrlna purpoeea agfour standard inachinerf are for raanufacturing pi r -ral. We have alwaj s on hand, ■ k twist IJNKN .N1 OOTTOa tnRSAD, ■■■- bottk-s, i-te, etc. VYe raiinuuiiictureovr ovñ STeedles, aad wouW irarn aTI pcmoáit using our ni. kmr.v tbat thete ai (nnlit'j at bigher pricea tban weeharg; for tlio 6c. The uei ti oldbyuBare maní dally for our mu hioes. Abadnecdtemnij rendir thtttott almosl useics. Our cuntoaWM muy ret a?surO(1 thataí. our Hrancli Offices arel urafshed witli the ki . . ■ . In case 'f smal! purehae9 the na ►boj túay be sent in ipi, or bank nóíe. mondeols will pie ii mimes diatioctly. H is all iRpnrl t, meaoücc, know thc I1" ; Uílice, ouniy, ai Stat. y All perBons f. . Hachiaea, tboif Size, priecs, work ,mUÍie ■ anj if our Hrai . ■ py f I. M. Si:iger & Co.1!" Gazettö, Wliich ' . .votedto tho subjoct- ii wilj !■■ _-:■■, WW'li.v. . WJCTIONINl bblic Jtavehcq swiudlpil i.: i iñ imi tatiou i .: thein, i casting tr. su riu.ility. T!,'ir ui::!.,.t bftvo nol ilth?,r ' r i .luiii.unl !i.' ,:i-,. ll Ifl t i j I V hv . ,;i ■ :i ..; ,.■ ; ■ ! ichjop. BAlll V U ■ : mlitiea ti b oí correct aotfou .-vt al] rntos oT-nprt, simpiipitv of cnastructlon, groal ilurabi'.ltv, y of oliera WlHl II ,.,,, t,,..,. ■ iímí-Ii.iI lopprfictifm. WohaVe tlioway nnO Bn.ans,oj Thfl puteliawrt) of nnchiní-s. n hopc laily btébá il may i, will iiiiltlmi il KnvlBstho abovcfinalíticí not onlv uoik vi-ll it ia,i'l afl well n ieel,lint last longer n thn dnent possibi ■ Y ilS, WÍI1 ' :■ . wiih tesa le i :., ,- ;u i,u:i;ii.,'i 'iriu.t. Inftict, tl',i'Varci'!n rtha mkehiaasatagrTt. I; M. -in.;i:h CO., 4S8 ! Vi.rk. trr Dotroit Office, 58 Wpoclmírá Avpnie, (Merrill Block.) ;. 1 1 1, M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. W. M GROAN., Agent for !T,if Insurfincc (Vnipany, Jiew Vork. Aocumn - 5-3X50,000. ling Ufe Insurance Conpany in ti ■ Knlcker boeker Life Xu uranceCompftqy, w Vori;, - n first clans safe Go, - fcernw reaffonuble. [ïuniboldi t'ni1 1 n lurartse Gotapftny. Nfl ■ Capital) with alarbe nurplas, - ' . 10,000la Marine 9c KLreJnaumncrCo,, - hntV . x,. j Firi'Iusui 7'7tf Oaj.iiai, . ■ : .-: W .


Old News
Michigan Argus