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Tí ü II ACE WATERS, A O 7J A T I 3 Iï r o a ö w ay, N ; v Y o r Ii lHbli i Eooiw 4 XD Pianos, Melotféon Iré Grgans . Martiti.'t r (uií:rs, Vioiins, Tenor Vlols, Violincollos, Acëórdéörm, Fiutinas, I Finios, FilVs, TrianIeis'Ciari-ïnetts, Timing FoiksPipcs fintirlammorft, Vioiin Bows, iun Btrinj menUl r for Buk1s, Piano 8 tooi s, ( and coversj aml ill kin '.. i f Mnaichl lu.-irumonlti. JS li o o t 3VC -VL O i o, ( !■!--; ! ■■■- Tl ui.' U. S. . H US, ain] Mu i! kinds of Imtrnctioñ Hoofcs I pftpotj and al! kinds of Mustc ( A t t íieLowcst Piices. N c w iManos, At ?:: 250,andop to SSOi). Seeond " Hand PImum Itoui :--" up ons, S Jj,1 t ■ ■■■)(- I 1160, ■ ■ 5 '111.1 5; A Liberal discount ■ .. ïho XVaüe suvplied at tUe usual i.. utfl ;1 tle ÏTornrc Water Píanos iü(í 31:lodeons Ji : ' " rbp haa hád IWws: - ' ( . lii. :. . . ',r i ! hor. Bbe Uk" Uiey will Ue more popaLi r bliao :i ■ ' ;h'-:' lWe have '■■■. tf Wal i ■ nsa Id i ' ; for tlirci' i ;ff: nunlíty and : '-Win i fc Gp joryj Mnt?}i Corro: , ■'il, ' ' oneof jout r 'Korte for tww I !;au' fmad (taverj t y, , to give ït ■ in thi ; i tójit r'.f. v ari-iveU. ] ■ ■ " ,-,,., ■;.'Couut." Kev. J. ', O'. "i . mtii" in "Vfi-llent ' - .■ ■ 'i ii '. '.;. :.■■ n .-.: . -■ . ' riphelUon, Ga. r liavin pont ■ . . ' lown asamong the rcry bésl H ■ aro ■■:■' ■ ■ Intrui!:eir ■ ." - ;V. Y. F.rnv■ [ t'.ie very (int-st . ■ . ■ . [tof. tl b l, ' '■■.■:■■■■.,': ,-■-'■' thnn at a á Journal. ■ ■ Nir.ütry." - Home "Í :'m1I, pioh anil ■ ■ Rèpey. ■ the vory b ! fuuml in i ■i tÍK'y go to New Warehoiue 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sab ba th S ch ooi B c 1 ]5 14OOOO tssced In teii nionths. Tr.C r pre on the clieap editïöti- Amö ■ ■''"' Ol'H ■and eihlüíhe.-.s ím1 Apnivpr. , wKta 2 Kï tiitu-s mul ever issneil. te Blttgantiy lxaml, pni): : i introduced 'i'li e eDtttled Anbl:h, Hor. 1 , 2, 3, & 1, in ?2 & íí por ■ ipweemontof ano ■ 'n' 1 & prico SI & L2 per ÜO, posjtage 1c. More tbaa 300,0p0 copies of I psfet ., aml the domandiü rn.pi',Uy ticv';i-i: ,haC by H01ÏA '■ ■ ï' Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 lïroatlway, Jicw Vork. can dio;p! "The Angels tora rad so;" "WiWii ■ G d(" ' Giv. ImicÜ m3 "Dai ■ ■ i thee Btill;"Pe1 nan "The ng like luiiu1;'' "Saiab .1 tne .■f." --Ju'. or of iliPf;'' 'Tm leityiBg thee i ti Sm-mw;" uHinlof BoKat'y';" "Ilome of out birth;1' "OravE td Etosabei,'1 aol i -V;tki', lady, wiike,,' price 2'ic t-.ich. ■. . - ' Bftrdeo, or Pinginíí Birtt : Polka,' 40c; "Sw I chojt ■, ,'■ Tbowae ' cjie;" 'Piccolomini Polka, 86 vi-' ■:; th". utiful N'i'.'üt'1. 'c ' !'. " . irch}1' t;i!.: [tTooviiimw Doniplls Kfnzut-ka; '■']'■■■ l: Ing " ano "Lance] ■■' (na 1 rtlïc,"26c eftel ■ ■ " Ich'fl Quádrille;" a BW dance, itnfl ' 'The HHjcrniati Quadrille,' 35c eacb. M:my of 61ï8fe pi '- elèbrftted f orcht'st ra witb grcaí :]p1 vu -■■-5' üailed freo. A ■ ' largelol of Fofeígn iluiic ;:! half prïce. Pianos, Melolo"s aiui Organs. The Horaoe Wa.tfs Wámos ahá Mclodeona, for depth, paritv oí t"mi and iSurabitft,ftraun8arasfa'ed Prices vovy low dwsoiid M:i!i ! 1'im 10a and ftfelodsonsfrom $25 to $j50. Mu-.:;; and Musical fntructioiw of all kinds, at the lowest prices. ÜO : u R ft LTERS, Ageot. ? adway,N, v. TssmiOKlAIS; - "The noracu Waters Pianos are known ís a'monj? theverjr I ï"it, froio personal knovvlctige." - C.'tristipn Intehigmctr. 1 ''No'tlimgat the Fair ilispJayed grater excellence -1' - Chitrchman. Waters' Pianos ftnd Meló Í0OH8 challonffecomparirtn wiili tbp riL's t madeaaywhexaia the couútry." - Home Jnurxal. ' 719tL LOOMI3 ÏTMPP7 Succfssors to ! Ohapjn fe Loomïs,aiidChipin, Tripp A Loomu 1 fTTHEabovè fir 1 I ; parofaaaet 1 i ilie cniiro interest of the former opmpuiisa wil! continue business ;it Uiejald stands, whexe they wil! i 1 ■ feeaidy, on the Biiortftfli aolfee, to lili all orders ia tht line of ! Castings and Machinery, tn the most (FöAïBftfïUke mrnncT, and no aS libera } trm the shop intim State. Amon1 the varí mis articlesmaitufactured by os, wtb wotlW enumérate ! STEAM ÊNGINES of all fcioi FixturMj wroughi And ; ; ai! . ■ ■ '- renalring j Ilorse Powcrs & Thresbing Machines h ii.-i nri:it present; ór nnve fórnïerl j bèeb In uad in 1 tliis part ' . he carious ktndeöi oastÏDge and machine 1 I ir by faruMti uul 1 mechanlc ■ inthia sectiou of the coun' ry. r of all tbc varïüus pattern, np in si.c.-:m'l priceR, will be d, gót the most modem aml lmproTed ;■ l Lea. :: Tha 1] ful i" ■■ ■' ! firms, we r wotiM BoTïcit ;i continuante from oíd fríeodsand a trial ! by all wislilng foranything inoür line f businefw. f J.DiiMLS & XUUT, e Aun Afbor;May Í8th, ISOO. 69Ttf ; ïhrëshïng" maciiinIs. ! .'■ 3 , tD BY : 'Xïicbols 5i Sheppard7 I lïiittie reek, Mtcn:. , Improvodfor Ilie Soason of 1862 1 umi '■ Èlown wixh cvIít-.'Nt ir. ■ ... n rallg " ■■ ■ ■; frotn the trow. rain bottomnre umie Rtn 1. rrhici ■ I t ■■■.:m1 the . .■ .n :■ ! ! ■ ..■!.:;. . 'u'.w.' 1 0T( r 11 otl !■■ : aw, (.1 pmi himplipl 1 , li:. v ■ ■ ■■ t rp to elog p. ■ 1M)V iste when en ■■■■ ; Easy draft, bettr cünjtruciölj nunple and 1. ... PëïinsylVahia Irun liarse Power. I Tl ■ vat in uso. Mado n 1 h vood 1 1 In :i Fr ima Ka pn '■ rid I ie BE !' U ■.'■:;'.■!. -: . I nPi (■'. Hall'g p p: iüciplos. ; intrnd bwi i . I ;■■ t a pau. ■ ■ ■ . . 'a . at f iü. C;ill and ■ . .v SHKPPARP, Igan. Or M. Arbor:or V. tèr. O Val Picture Frames AU. I ■,-■. TV: ;■■' and ■ ■ ■ ,-■(! an] ■ dCTfOFF & MfLLR'S. I 1 ■:■■■.-.■■ ., -,-'i'


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Michigan Argus