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AjíER'S CATHABTIO U;rV PILLS. Art yon tték, fÜelA -- 1. :' crrWMÊ cmniïaining? Ate you outol j oilK-i-. wltli yonr system dOranged, aud yonr freliugs unK w,n f: - i :■[ tr.ljK' 't Tll'eW f vmp(TIMilWaukif 'B Bff tüius are ofte the prelude to I W' Í'1 ijijfcfc. suuous illiieBs. oiao lit of i fjEHEÍá ';' H sieknewt Is creep!iig_po ya f5T? B nt shoutd '" WöO ly a s. {. .[.''' ■ liuitiJy use óf thu ï'ijilï t itiiiyyí') H ody. Tulte Ayi-iü i'ilís, and i "-iö''t' f Cllsa i:tit llit! ilLsniüi'lcil buinorri - pmity tlio blootl, fth :" ' lel (lic HiiUU more on uiiob.- k'i i: ■■■ il in henltli ngain. Ht Tjicy stinmlato tli ftriictlom il ■,-, pui ify tho sy-iMii from tlic obstructions v.liich inake . A coiti 8(it1efl Bomewhera in MM Uwly, and obstruufca fs natural fujictioun. These, f uot i renet upoii llic-msvlrea and ih smToniMliiigorgaiis, pro i.ivutjtyii, uiRerlng, tiúd dlsoow; ! ttMfiil ly th; tWaugoinenlM, h . .v (lire rtly they restore (hu ji.ttmai iwUon .f tliu syi-m. üikI ivlt(i it khe Imuyant ; h 11 til ngnltr. Whnt is true nnd fJ .ippatxnt in al nitii common couil:iint. i alw tino in many of the i i .- i ■ :ii'.-'l and dnhgtcoiw wti mèrb 'J'Iiü nmo i : -xiL-lá them. Ctttteet] lipr simihir obstracu -.rtii'iit ; of lili1 n:itnr;il liiüctions oí tho 1hIv, ti: . am innny of tlioni snn-ly, cured hv the bjwuo nii'ítii. Nonti wlíoknow (liu firtiwB of thuso J'ill-, tvill i üiMploj Uitui wlicu Buffer Í ug ft'üm tlu; (IlKOidoi'fl t li'-y cm e. Statcinenta froii: letullng pTiyiücliini In ome of the prinelp! rfUe, auU lïoin otlier well kuowu pnbQo persons. Fïovi a Fonvardhtg 21erchant oSL Louis, iïb. 4, 1850. Dr. Ayj:iï: Tfotn I'ilts oro tlio pnragmi of all tlmt is groot in me ii--!ii', Thojf havo cnrtH mjf llttlo dmigbtsr ituuU nntl lort Mifüi bnd próvod iucqml'l mtitbor i ion böMi lon griev! oufcïy affltctóci víLli liIotcÜM umi pfinpimcin lier brIii (t'nd in U i liiiir. AftL-r out oliihl wna cuieJ, lio bIiq tried i vour l'ills, mul thuy have curcd her. ASA MOIIGUIDGE. As a Family Phyalc. Ffom Dr L 11". Crttvrij!t, Ktw Orltam Vour Pilla uro Uw prince cif (tttrgaa. Xtielr .x cel lont qnalitied surpnu any calhái i -■ ïhèy ara mili], Imt verf certnlii ml offcetiml In rbelf acti n on tlie liowcld, wiiich mukes tjjcui iuvaluublo Lu uü la lUü üuily Iïtndachc,Si ItlïeitiTndiP.Troul !o:nach. : r. ï'aIwji ■' ■ -ure. DearHuo. I cannot answor you wftat complaints I havo cnre-l witïi your Wils Iwttcr Inaïi to sny aÜi al cïept'lidenco on an ítf'ictual cfttlmrilc In my ditlly contest wlth disenso, mul bcll lo tbdfc youv VlU IWid us tüo 6c t vü Liivo, l ofoourse vaUtv Uwiu hlglily. PrrBOilipa, Pa., Mnv 1, 1S55. Dr. .T. 6. Arr.n. Pir: T havo been refwatcdly enred of tlie worst li'tulni',r, uiiy ti i(jy can have hj n tlptfe or two of yohr ril"1. H itéoma lo i a foul fatouiat;!), wnloh tlir-y e; JfourswHUgretttveapoct, Kp. W, I'KKULr, tmr Carïon. Uilious Disorderif - T-lvèr Compiaiuts. JPWïH ■ , ■ Vork C-!;i. N -ït -:iiy ara yi-ur PHIa ddoiïi iblj (iiTnptoí t'o ir pur-. ri-nt, lait I llod I '"■ii'' elíi'cts upon tho Li Plioy lutve in my prao o( bdiptu comthuu ftïiy on reiucity t cun mciitlpii. I sí i rejoJM tlAt tru Iiuto til leiitttii :i pitrgiUivo wliicli ÍS wurthy iho coulii-lüijcu cl tüe toíiiHsiun Kiid I i (MltTUl NT OF TUK IWTSHfOfl, Wiwlilugti it, li. r.. 7th Ich, I8Ö0. ƒ Str. : F hayo ;1 i nnj Kospitftl . :i i can nut .i;:- !■) b;i ili'-y iiru ; i 'ir rt'gulatúig Riiiin in ih'jc-i i; naick ttuü tïocKlwl, cunso. tboy are nti ;; . , .ly für 'Ifiuu Ot' tílftt ni'.i;i. lul ■■■il. 1 UIlVO Sol fililí 1 fdliml Ji c;im' nf bilioutdi i nato Uiat it clid ii". i tlu'in. iruiciiNiliy y.u.s AIO; ' l;.i,l'. . Dysetcry, Diftirlna, IJoïax, "IVoriiis. . Tour ! Lrial n my ii'f, mul I i I have iw nllvet uit'n tho livor make ■ : I nlülg i loakca -üscuivKt foü tbo uso .■! h ... ii niid chiliirci). Dynpepsln, Impnrit'y of tho Blootl. I:t. Ayí ii : 1 bal b . ■ Jfnary i BUccOtí.s ín niy i'.iiuüy i ■[ lo víeít f" ih HrI: . : _ -.un of dïspsllon nnd x i.-i:i'.-'ly 1 bave ever Iíimv. n, and 1 cau cojitKtviitly rocoinineud Lltem to I y ü-k-ii'U. , .J. V. lII.M..-r. Wadmw, Wyomlng 0.. N. Y.. Oct. '21, 1CC". De&B Sm : ï :im iisiu vuur Catúiii Lie ful l my practico, nn I fmd iliem bu excellent pñrntivétó cloausc tbo syKteui tuid vari'u ífiá J,n!-t; f Iht ' joon a. maciia8i;m.i. Constlpní Ion ,Co I venems, Suppresslon, K!ifinntisni, CrOttty Kvuraliu, Diup Hy, Puiaïysis, Iils, etc. m J)r. J. 1'. íH(!tn, Ï. " . ',(. Tor mucli cnjinot lo said of your I'ills fop (Uo curo of i fothcrd of óüe fratéí nily bu . ftöefïicn I j in me in procluimingUfor tl;i' bwiefttof the imdUtuilos wlioaner from tlrnt c inpliiiut, wliiih, alibouglibod ciipngb tukjwlis tlio progenitor of otliera llmt ve worse. I belfrve cojfnate iu t lie lii.-r,but your Tilla aflecf tbat oryan aml cuïo the dl Fom fía, E. Sbtarii lnsician and M&mifc Boston. I fiml ono or two larga doses ofyonr l'illff. loktfh ftt tlio pro] er time, ara excelloiit prnuiotlvesof tli vtdnral sacreti'Di when wliolly or pnillnl]y snjipreesod, utid i n aro so uiucli tita btt jhyic wo buvd tiíat I reoomuieud no oliiér to my patíéiits. Fi-om the Rev. Dr. I&twltes, f Ihe iíModiH Jipis. Church. '-. O, Jan. (., 1-Si6. TTfNonrn í;r. : I Bhould be tingmteful (ov llio relief your skill lias bronst nre if I lul mt report my case to yoUi A cold si'tttcd in niv Hiulisand bruuyht tm excruciating nettnttmc puinsp wíiícb endod in cJtrgm't rAriwatism. NotwínistAnding I luid tile 'e-f nf plivsk-ians, tlie diseose piow votvq and vorso, itítifl bv ilio aitoice öfjOTir excellent agent Ín línltfmoro, ï)r. Mackenzlo, I (ried yeur PüN. 'J heir ti'.rtH urere slow, luit suro. Ity lOi'Süvciing in tho uso ot tin-m, I am mw tntirt-ly well. Skcati OnAtromf; Dntbn Iíonge, Ln.. 3 Dec ISö5. 1)7. Ay:;;:: J liave bn rut i ii-t y cmvl. hy your PIIIS;o( lïhettnifttic Gvut - a paiuful dtjeiLso tlmt bad iïlicti'il tne fbryears, VINCENT SUPJBtU S" M' -t of the "Pilis ïn niaiííct ccmUtn Mercury, Wblch, ftltíioitgh :i Tttlnaiile remedy In f-kilfnl hands, is danfreron in a pitbHE pill, from the drcadful COnsei quences that fr"irntly folinw its incaiitionn uso. These contáin no mercury or mineral suhstaiice wbatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. ; Prcwara-i fa Dr. J. C. AYKR &u CO-, Loirell. Kaas. Au ■ , . .. e y Blaynarfl, Stebbms & Wilson, FAUUANli. vtroit ÖO-'J' J Q. . :-r.n-tIlinE.'.giMit. RISDOK & HEITOaSpFS tSüsa SPifiS GENUINE STSW-RT'S TOVE. ftv wisli to cali llie altíftUouof tho puljüe to lliis celebrated COOKIñIC STOVE! Whiili isMie only perfect alovc made. It Tvill do n ■ h one Iliird lese fuel í):: any othsr STOVE made. From tcstimcii.v givB bythe persons rcffrrcd lo bclow, on account of iu duiability anU Fnel Saviaig ualities, it lias provo J ti Baving frsra Twelvc To Tweníy Bollara per fetrr. We v.-.-il.l retor you to the loing list of persoss iv;;o ha ve thüm in use-. Jol ii ;■'. Jtil] ■ ■ .1. ï. i T. V. 1 " L i( RicU'ü II oiwv. .. I rit, '■ ■ ■ " !!. ■ .ron. We have on IiíuhI a largo fiesortment of the heit tinds of Ci-oking, Parlor and P L A T E STÜVES, nii'l a assortincrit of HARDWARE AND TIN IVA HE, nnil Bent stuff for Cnreiage vork. Particular . ui i.i fr t i ;i; hm Eavetrough and Cniiiludt.firs aml nu kinds of Jl vrork doné rt lh êHiorl ■ K1S0ON i IIMNDF.USON'. Ann Arbor, lí-" l . __ TO LET. TIIF BOTCK Hnr?'.'!V' ,Wt T, [iiS i.. i:. r.i'niin. Alin 1. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus