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The Prince Of Wales Again Coming To America

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ÏIio following u tba substanoo of a letter rooeived by a gentleman in Scotliind and communicated in its present simpe for the iufurinatiou of fricada in Canada : Juno 16, 1862. The Prince of Wüles Las returned from his tour in Egypt aud the Kast. - Nuxt November lio will be major, and will enter into posscssimi of the Duchy of Cornwall, the animal revenuesof whicli are L50.000 sterling, and the necumultitions one million sterling, the interest on which will not be short, of over L50,000 sterling por animm. Neither Franoe nor England will iuterfere in t!ie Amcrionn buaine-s in the mean t:ne; hut, should mediatiori be called for af;er he has assumed tlio toja vin'lis, hÍ8 Royal Ilighnesa will bu appointed to act - thua inaugnrating his public carour as a friend of peaee and recunciler of men - in which he will bo assisted by older and moro expei ienced heads than his own. It is intended his It yal Hijlhnesa shall spend the sumnier if 18G3 in North America, and shall travel aeross the wliole conti nent froiu tb head of Laks Superior, by Lake Wimiipeg and the Koeky Mountains, to Britisb Columbia, wliere he will embirk, a f ter circumnuvigating Vancouver's Island, and return home by tiie Sandwich Ialands, Valparaisn, the llorn, llio Janeiro, and Buenos Ayros, at which different places he will land and spend n dny or two His Boyal Ilighnoss and the party of engineersthatwill aeeompany him wili be the clialker out of tiie line of the great inter-oce;inic raïlway that is to link the Átlán ie and Pacific with its iron bands, stretching from Halifax to New Westminster To found a Gana dian prinoipality, it lias been proposeii his Boyal Hiühuess should purcliase the rights of the lludaon Bay Gompany. It is uot thouglu that this is at all likely to be tho ca.-ie But his Boyal Highnoss itrends to acquire estates ín Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ganada, the Red lliver and liritish Olutnbia, and to build chateaus or hunting ludges in oach, making thura at the samo time model farms and the nuclei oí agricultural cominui.ities. - Ëngineeri aud workmen of all descrip tions will be sent out ; and this esample of bis lloyal Higliuesg will ba followed by other wealthy men in England, and will give a weighty Ímpetus to the col onization of British North Americ;i. - The vast aud cheerless solitides will be opened up for the plantatations of nuuierous soüieties of industrious and enterprising men ; the barreu land will be converted ihto ferlile fields, and the desert made to blosao.n like the rose. The Governor of Vancouver's Ialand, and alwi the Governor of the lludson's Bay Gompany, have had hints given tbem oí' the intended axpediüon Suitable accomruodatii'ii it different s!agfs will be arranged through the respective turritories, and horses, wagüns, &a , provided, and stores luid in, &c. His Royal Highness, havins: seen the o!d and worn out .societies, wishes to set' youog and fresh toinmunitie-, man in lii aboriginal state, and civilizLition emerging froin its first elemeiüs with all tho vigor which seience aud mechauical power c'n give to it in the present day - feiling forests, making roads, building, drainiug, and subjugating the earth, and mannlacturing homes and homesteada out of tho raw material - ïiKiking nll subservient to human hap pincss.. This spirit of colonization 8 worthy of the heirapparent of tho BritI isb throne.


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