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Wool At Manchester

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wool Luyera at Manchester have purcbased anJ shippcd this year 01,410 lbs., at an average pricc of 47 cents por lb.i or au aggragate of $"29,169,75. - G. V. Ketohum & Co. bought the clip of Ilenry Goodyear, of Freedom, 3000 lbs , at 48J cents, or $1,746,00 for the clip. ii ■■ ii L5E" Some two or threo tnonths ao wo noticed the then furthcoming book ol Parson Biiownlow, expecting to re. ceivo n copy froin tho publiaber, Cteo W. Ciiilds, ot PhlladotpMa. It has not yct come to hnnd, probably owing to tho publisher boing utiable to pi int oopiea fust enough tn meet tho domand. O?er 10,000 copies havo nlready been sold, on pil of vvliioh tho oceenntYn; Parson receivea a percentage. lic is lifeo'y to come out of tho rebel] ion financially wholö. ■r The AuguHt number of the Continental Monlk'yw on onrtablo with a t Lible cjf c 'iitents varied and readablo. "Among the Pines " !s oonclnded, and a nother ot tho samo soit, by the samo autbor, "A Moruhatn'a Story," ia begun. Tho Ountinmtal has Epiceunough for dog-dayc, and ia ono of tho moot Helcomo montbliea duspite ita colored hobby. $3 a y ear; two copies $5. Addrpss J. K. Gilmore, 523, Broadwny, New York. L3T Vt" 'liive i'ecoived tho first numbor of the nkw Michigan Farmer. It is a bandeomely pnnted 1G pago paper, published by Bo.nd & Snydkh, and tho number before ub is well tilled with matter of interest to the farmers of Michigan. The editorial corps is annotinced as II. F. Joiinstone, Afrs. L B., and Wm. S. Bond, and in elude talent enough to maleo u good and live Journal. Farmers of MichU gan,give it your support. Si a year; 15 copies lor 10. Addross Bond & Snyder, Detroit. JLS W understand thnt an enlhtisiastic wnr meeting wns held at the ohtiroh on Lodi Plainson Tuesday evening. Rev. F. A. Blades tn.dtj a Btirring oppeal in behalf of the countrv. A resolution was adopted pledging a lxiiinty of 825 to evory citizen of tho Township who nhonld enlist. Capt Wiltsie was present and enlisted threo men, and oxpects to geta iiumbor raoro r.s tbo reerjlt of tb meeting. J52C Kefore us we have the August number of the Ecïeclie Magazine. ïhc cngraving is a superb steel portrait of Capt. Uuicsson, aecoinpanied by a bio-' graphioal sketch, and a coinmunication from the Captaiu to Napoleon III, dated September 26th, 1854, which shadows forti the '; Monitor." The olher papers are niueteeii in number, salected witli good taste and discriiijiiiruion from tlio leading British öriodioal?, and all of them are of permanent valuo. Tlio . Jüchctio makes three iine volumes yoarly. 85 a year. Addres,? W. II. Bidwbll, 5 Beekman Streot, N. Y. jL3L" We regret to learn that Sergeant E P. Cf.AHK, of Co. F, Gth Michigan Infantry, died in St. James' Hospital, New Orleans, on the 15th inst, from tlio cffects of gun shot wouiids reoeived from a plauter placo ho was visiting with other aoldiers to purehasa suppliea Our reader will remeiiiber our uotioing the occurrenee some weeks i'go. Mr. Clakk was a son of the Ilev. C. Gr Clakk of tliis city, and a brother of ono of the Editora of the Courier. Sergeant Clark graduated in the Literary dopartment of the Univcrsity in 1855, and in the first Law Class. At the time of eulisting he was a member of the law firm of TwtchELL& Clakk. lic was n good student, a genial conipanion, and leaves many warm friends who deeply sympathize with the bereaved relativos. fögT We cfaeerfülly ivo place to and endorso tho following purngraph from our cotemporary, tho Slale News : - Captain Wiltsie. - We take pleasure in calling attention to the etirring Gard of Cupt uiii Wiltsio, in another column, culling for recruite to fill up his compnny fur the Twentieth Regiment. - Captain Wiltsio wil! mako an excellent officer; no one wiahing to to enlist need look for n bt'tter. IIo is a gentleman of great eneigy of eharacter, of unliring pereveranco and noted for liis jast and urbano bearing in all relations ol life. - Born in New York, eduented at Union College, litn ing spent several veara as n teacher in Louisiana, :i gradúate of the Law Department of our ovvn University. Captain Wütsie svaa praotioing law in this city when tho Preeident's last cali for troops was rnade,biit being unablo to longer resist bis nclination he promplly oflered his services to Gov. Blair who eornmhisioned him to raiso o c-ompanv for the 20h Kegi nent. Captain Wiksie lias for tho past year been Editor of the Cotincr, of this City, but now throw8 down the pen und draws tho Bword at the cali of his country. - His company is fost filling up and will very soon rendezvous at J:ckson. - Captain Wiltsio viill soon bo in the thiukest of the fight, and we know tho honor of our city vvill be n safe hands with hiin. A larga eirclo of wurm friendo, drawn to him by his uniíorm courtesy and urbanity, will iullow his cureer with no small interest. We ih hitn tho broadest success. ÍST We hnii been appointed Agent oí theLiverpool, Now York, and Philadelphia lino of stoamer.-', and sel I ticke.s to Queenstovvn, Liverpool, London, Paii, Havre, Hamburg, Breinen, &c , at tliu ratea a'lvertised n anotlier column. Also tickets f rom Ihu same pcints this way, so thnt our Germán and Irtah fel lo w oitizana can remit passage tickets to their friends in liou ofmonoy. This line of Pteainers bas an excellent rep' uta ti on, and o nolice that it lakea regularly a largo list of first-class passengers I'rom NewYurk. Return tickets furni.-shüd, good for six inonths.


Old News
Michigan Argus