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Promotions In The Fourth

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Lieut. (Jul. Jonathan W. Ciiilds has been nppointed Colonel of ilm Fourth Infantry vice Woodbcky, killed. Capt. Gkorge W. Lu.muakd has been appointud Lieut. Coloncl vice Ciiilds, promoted. Capt. Geokgk Spauldin-o has been appointed Mujor vice Coi.e, resigned. - Sinco the abovo was u type it is reported on what wo suppoge ' reliuble" authority, that Maj. Spauldino has been nppoipted Lieut. üolonel of the 17th Regiment, and .that Cupt. J. M, Ranüolhi has been conimissioned as Maj 'T of the Fourth. All rcports say I that Capt. lï. has gallantly won this promotion. E3f" ï" Jackson.ovcr $5000 have boen subscribed to cneouragc cnlistinents iu the Twentieth llegiment. - The subscriptiou in Kal&mazoo for thu same purpose exceeds 6000. - It is laudable to givo inoncy, but thousandu of men must give theinsulvcsor the new regiments will not be speedily filled. Wi i ■ X36" I" St. Louis large numbers of Irlsh and Englisli residonts aro claiming exemptiou from corollincnt in the militia as alieus, nnd taking certiiieatcs of protection from the British Consul. - The Deinocrat says that many of theso have voted far years at city, eounty, State and national elcctions. Grcat excitement prevails among the Ioya] natura] ized citizeua in cousequeuco of this ac. tion. LL" CaIBB Clark, Esij., -nrites us from Washington, Jiily 28lh, as follows : " While I writo, Joii.v UNait, of Co. K, (wliose frionds are In Ann Arbor), wounded at Malvcrn Ilill, in tho breast, is with mo. He is duing very well - is at Eclintoa Hospital near the city - walks out, and will bo well beforo long. He was in all the battlcs." B_ Mrs. Caleu Clakk, of this city, was hooked by u cow on Wednesday and severely irjured. Two ribs vvere broken and it is supposed tholung penetrated. He ïecoverery is doubtful. - Two children wore also somowhat ídjurod. Cp It is announcd that Gen. Price's whole nrmy has crossed tho Mississippi uto Arkansas. ' JE-jT" A war meeting was held at Chelaea, on Thursday evcning of last week, with largo and entbusiastic attendance. lïev. F. A. Bladks, of vhia ?i'.y, delivered a stirriog addreas, and soaroused the people that immedintely over $1000 was subáeribed to enoourago enliütmcnt, and about twent}1 men onroljed, Thu meeting was addresfed by Col. Svlvester Larned, of Detroit, and by Ucv. S. P. Waiinku. of Grass Tiukti,vh U ongaged in rocruiting i comp:iny iur tho Twentieth ilugiinent. KiÜC Wo will chcerfully givo placo in o:r columns to the proceedings cf the war meetings held in tho different towns of the eounty, if furnished tho samo at as carly a day as possible. - Make thein short and to the point. UW Ex-President Martin Vax Buuen died at Kiuderhook, at 1 o'cloek, A. M., ou Thursday the '24th uit., in tho 8tth year of bis age. Sec biographical sketch in another column. U We are yet without any intelligence of the f;ite of our brothor, Sergeant Jarkd Pond. We íear that he rail ia the battle of Gaines' Hill, July 27 th. 1)5" 'l'ho Detroit Advertiser and Tribune says that tffèlve printers havo eolisted f rom its office in the Twentyfourth Regiroeut. L-fC" ïö Adrián Daily Walchtowir has suspended. This paper was peai ly ten years old, but thu war proved too imich for it. - Three of the WatchCov;vr printer have erilisted in a Cavalry company.


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