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War Meeting!

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There will be a war meeting of the citizens of Washteoaw County, at Ann Arbor, on Thursday. August 7 tb, at ont o'elook, P. M., in tbo Public Square.- It is expooted by that time the farmers will have uearlj finished tbeir harvesting, and that they will turn out en masse from every part of the county, and show by their presence at this meeting their patriotism and devotion to the government, and their determinatiou to preserve the Union and the Constitution aguiust all attacks by trailors at home or enemies abroad. Let every person throughout the county who eau possibly leave home on that day attend thia meeting. Public speakers have beon engaged to address those present ou that occasion, and ex tensive arraogements are being perfectcd to make this the largest and most enthugiastic demonstration on the part of the people of old Washtenaw in favor of 6peedy cclistments in the Uuion Army, and a vigoroue prosecution of the war, ever witnessed in tho State. Col. Huqhks, of Marshall, Ilon. Jas. KlNGSLET, Ilon. J.M. GliEOOHY, Prof. ESTABROOK, E. E. FftAZEK, Esq., ReV. F. A. Blades, and Hon. Eüoene Pbingle, are expeeted to be present and address the meeting. SraTMaj. R. J. Barry arrived home on Tucsday cvcning from a visit to Washington, Fortress Mouroe, and tho Michigan Regiments on James River. - Maj. Barry visited the variom hospital in and around Washington and Forliess Monroe, and brings tidingsand messages from many of the Washteuaw boys to their friends at home. Ile reports those in hospital hiiving good care a:xi doina; as well as could be expected, and those in camp in good health and spirits, and anxious for auother fight. Those of our citizens who have friends ia the Michigan Eegiments in Gen. McClellan's army, will find Maj Barry rendy to give them such information he may have gained, - Maj. Barry did not sueceed in recovering the body] of Col. Woodbuky, the flag of truoe sent out for that purpose, and which ho aocompauied, having been refused adinission into the rebel linea. L3T Mr. E. C. Roberts, of Salem in this count}-, has exhibited to us some Bpecimens of last year's apples, as fresh as when first pioked from the tree. These apples have been kept by a niethod just patented by Mr. R , and which promises to prove invaluable, espeeially to dealers and to all families keeping large quantities. By Mr. R's proccss Apples, Peurs, Peaches, Plutrs, Grapes, and all small fruits may be kept for an iadeii nite period without a resort to cans sugar, and cooking. By the anie meth. od vegetables may be kept perl'ectly and meats butter, etc. preserved sweet for an iudefiuite time. All iuterested - and who is not ? - would do well to examino into Mr. Rob. erts' method. CF Capt. Randolpii, of Co.D.Fourth Michigan Infantry, arrived homo on Tuesday eveuing, having buen detached for recruiting service. Capt. li, is looking wull, and reports lus compauy in good coüdition. An opportunity is now offered for enlisting under experienced officers, in a regiment that has won a glorious name, - Sergeant Jonas D. Riciiamison arrived in compauy with Capt. Randolpii, having also been detailed for recruiting service. Sergeant Joe looks every inch a soldier. i - ii - -- . L3C Are have roceived the August number of the Laches' Repository. It hos a beautiful; steel landscape, and [o. portraü, ith a table ol coatenía both interesting and instructiva. Ouríellow citizen, Prof. Winciiell, is contribu ting to its pages a Bories of nrticles on bis iavorite scier.ce, Geology, tho second paper appoaring ia the numbor before us. 82 & year. AddroM Poi; & HiicucftCK, CiQcinnit!, Ohio, I SSfThi; July nunibcr of Blaekwood Edinhurgh Magazine has nine papers, eiubracing a wide range of subjects. ''Caxtoniana" and "Chroaicles oí' Carlingford" are continucd. The other papera are revicws and sketelies. For terms, &c, see advertisement in another column.


Old News
Michigan Argus