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Col. Brodhead The "ashby" Of The Federals

Col. Brodhead The "ashby" Of The Federals image
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A Littlo Washington (Va ) correspondent of i lie Washington Star under date of the 23d, gives tho following account of tho recent cavalry daah of Cülouel Brodhead : Col. Brodhead, of the Firat Michigan Cavalry, ís our Ashbv, and luis made oue of the most dashing and daring reconnoiasanees of the war. He was ordered on Saturday from Culpepper Court-House in ciitnmand of liis regiment and the Fifth New York Cavalry, to the Rapidan tord, and to liold it uutil reiiiforeed that eveuing liy Gju. Hatch. He made the march in a drivmg rain, and bivouacked on the&rtn of the rebel Cul. Tahaferro; but Gun. II atcli found the roads impassable for Iiis traiu and returned, sending word to Col. Brodhead to push on to Orange Court-House and oceupy that place, and that he would be there that evening In the uioniing the rivet' had swolleu so that there was no ford ; but Coloncl Br dhead swam the strcain with his eoinmand, a feat never performed before, and which the inhabitants said was impossible in such a rapid current, and puslied on to Orange Court House, Find ing it ocoupied by rebel cavalry, he ordered a charge through the town, which was made with u burrah, in a blinding rain under a seattering fire from the roads aud railroad track, and the etieniy fltíd. Pickets were pushed out imraediately to withiu three miles of Gordonsville, and on the rond 'o Mndison Coui t-Huuse, to await Goneral Hatühe's arriva!. The enemy sont forces by rail from Gordons villo to drive in the pickets, which were reinforoed ; but the picket towards Madisou Court-House was driven in, and bruught word that tiie enemy were in toree in that direction, and had encoraped. between Cülonel Brodhead and General Hatch's troops, so that the formar was apparently eut oíf. The Colonel then tiiud a rusa upmi the enemy. He reinforced his pickts toward Gordonsvilie with uearly his entire foroe, and advaDced them still further. Tliat i-npressud thein with the idea of a large forcé, and they sent for reinforcenients. Our troops heard the cars go, and then moved half a niile still further up and tore up the ruilroad track, and in the piteli daikness, two hours after midnight, Colonel Brodhead called in his gallant fellows and feil back on the Rápida, his onl} chance being to place that river between his com mand and the enemy undur Ewell. He reaclied the river and swam it without losing a man. As soon n the enemy learned lie was gone, they puslied ou thcir infantry in Éanet, supposing they would cortainly catch him at the river; but the bird had flown. Our boys c;nne to the edge of the stream, and firod off at the enemy sonie of the carbines that had not been suaked iu crossing, aud then coolly eatnped in their siglit, to their astouishment and wrath. Six of our men wcre woundod, but all were brouglit off sately. The, return of the comraand was as if they liad risen froin the grave; for an old scout that General Hateh sent as a messenger to Colonel Brodhead, returned saying he could not cross the river, and thut Cokmel Brodhead was a " goner." He was, indeed, in a tight place - thu enemy thousands strong in front, with a lavge forct) on both flanks, and a swolleu river in bis roar ; but the audacity of his advauce on üord'insville, malead ol íaUiiig bauk íq tho first place, saved Luu.


Old News
Michigan Argus