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A Conspiracy Revealed

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New Orlcaiis, J-u!" ö. Sik - hile the military are aboiiug. i bv overj invang possiWc tb put dowu tho relu-lüon, and restore the Union to ita fWmer strengtb aud grandeur, the cébela aro hiitcliing ín secret a sohem'; th-it wi',1 be more iV-tul to tlie Union ihan t!)ö rebelüon tself, beeause il is one whieh no luw can rea?b„ cxeopt military luw, mid it is iiot proposed to put it in praotiool Ópcration uiitil aftcr maitui! luw lias buen snperseded by civii luw. It vrill ui plifi!) what open aud avowed treaíou muy tail u do. 'l'o enffio to dis poiut, tliers is BOW on , toot an orga:iizatlo!i whicli it is ioteinded !:i cx'end tbroughout evory slaveholding St..te, under the namo of tbe ■' Southern Lone Star Laigue." The merabers of thi.s league ore svun'ii to support tlio inStitut'lOüö oL the Sout.lj to :;id in ! ing tlieni wliprevw soil and cliraate are ; adapted to their use aud advancemont, a:id to report the nnraes of a.!! who are not. u ñivor of these ustitiitioiis. They are worjju to withbold uil patj ronago aud eneouragement. to men of uortbern bir'th, who resiikd at tho North on and previeras to the 4th of July, 1S61, txcept in case of absolute or uuuvoidablo i necessity. ! ïhcy are svrorn to givo prefereuce in j nll raat tors of busir.CÊS to tbose belongiug to thia league, and in no instanee to patronize even northein manufacturers, cxoept from diro nocessity, unless tbe articlcs are sold by thoee who wero hona fide residents of tbo Southern Stutes previous to and since July 4, 1861. They are sworn, as far as practicable, to cense patroaiziog northern publishing housps, b ith book and newápuper, and to oxtend a'l possible eneouragement to Bouthcrn publisbing honses. Thny are sworn to suspend. as far as prst ticable, 11 conmcrcial intercourse witli the northcruer?, and partioularly with the New England Staten. This does not apply to an exchange of ttgricultural produets with tho Western States bordcring on the Misaissippi Kiver and i'.-? tritmtarie8, exceptitig Ohio iiid PenniyUíOi, and anieles oonring from Riehraond and Indianapolis, in Indiana; Alton, Quinc-y and Chic-.ia;o, Illinois. N'Ttbern Illinois and Indiana ave t) bc trea'ed as the New England Statos. Thev ate sworn r,ot to sdueate their cbildron at nortbern iastitatwns, or at S'Mithern iiiutitutiona tnnght by U-uchers importad from tt:e North siuce Julv, iül. are iworn nol to vote for my man who is not in favor ot' the airas and ob jee's of tbc league, nnd who is not in t V ror of exoludiog frora office, oud, aa far as priietieable, "roin the right of suffrage. all who have irumiruted to t!ie South from the Northein States since July. 3861, or who may hereafter itnmigrate. These are the leading features of the " Southern LoreStar League,"' which I have learned through a souree I am not disposod to diiioloso. We all koow whnt liau be aceoinplisbed by secret oïgrtniïitions. partieularly wbeu politics are not tho leading features, lu thia leagae no provisión is made for carryiog out its politieal feature. Evcfry mem-Der is left free to act fur himself as tocboice of men, only beiug bon ui not to voto for any man who is not iu favor of tho aiais and objeets of the league. This wiil give the leigue greator than it would bo able to exereise, era it to make its own uouiiuations. lts menibers will exert themselves to secure tbe nomination of stich uien as tbey can eonsittently vote lor, and, at the s mie time, enable them to use out8Íde iuíluenee in secuiing their dleeiion. Some provisión is made in regard to those who have taken the oath ot' allegiance to the Federal government, but 1 am not positivo as to its tenor. Bat l a'.n tL tiie impression t!;at all who have or may voludtarily teke thut oath are exeluded from meiiibership. provided thcy eanuot satisfy the league that taking said onth was a matter of neeessity, either to recover property, save tbninselves i'rojn Io88j support tiifir i'umiiies, or fceêp tlieniHelvcs out of prison. There is sotue iati tude in tbis proviso. Uut whera it can be shown thut a man took that oath from eboice, or to obtVm position, he will be treated as an alien - as a northerncr. I have thus revealed the out.liues of the " Southern Lone-Star League," wbieh 1 obtained from a souroe knowo to be re Hable, but which 1 eauuot revcal without endangering my own positioD. I have done this to show you tbat a triumph of the UnioO anus may ñot suppress the rebe! I i on.


Old News
Michigan Argus