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An Independent Democrat

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We have been avvare that large portion of the Nortliern Democracy huvo no interest in extending the reign of ihe Snwvs Powkr: but tfieir principies and feelinys incline ihem 10 dislike and oppoe it. The immifettations of ihin bias townrdd frt.edom has been to o ÉTreut cxtentsuppresaed by the rigidity of par ty di.-cipline, oud the excitemeitt uL the times; tuit we occaatonally fiud a Democrat who will nut be tratn'ne'Ie t in hi speech, but will express lii.s I.onc8t convictions: ond ihc number of il ese we lelite will conelniitly angnicnt. Thft Prees of that party in Michigan hus generally been' of the most pliant and ser vile char acter, reody 10 do the bidding út the slaveholders, wfiatever it might be; bnt the folio vn article from the Monroe Advocate would seem to prove tint there is nt least one honorable exception. Rad it atteniively, ond mark ks coincidence wr.h the views of the Liberty party in alti.ost every particular. The publication of such eentiments in a well fstablished party pnper, published nt the residence of our Ki'presentative to Congres., is a grati'ying evioVnce tlmt nthers besides voting Liberty men, can oppreciale the truth and itnportance of our Liberty principies.ANNEXATION. We are asked why we don't come out gninst Annexation. We have said from the first.that we were not n favor of annexüi ion. except as an olternaive to prevent Texaa from beeoming a Bntish rovince; nor even for that purpose, without e abolishmeiit and perpetual extinction of lavery within that lerntory; nnd such is till our own individual feeiing on the quesion. The objects proposed to be nccornplished by nnexation, ore as we consider, and as nvowed y southern 6laveho!(Jcrs, the extensión and )erpetu-ition of the inslitution of Afncaii Slaverj; and therefore wa cannot but be oposed to it. And we regret to beor that our State Legislüture is contemplating the adopion of a resolution in favor of annexation. n general lerins, unqualified and uncondi lonal. Slavery is the polilical "Shibolah' of the South and he who "cannol frame to prooüiict? it aright," is treated as an - t wns che slave policy, as we, believe, that evised and adopied the tsro-thirda rule at he Baltimore Democratie Convention of May last, as the means of prevent ing Mr. Van Buren's nomination for the Presidency, and of sec uring Jhat of a slaveholder; and it was the eame policy in the whig convention, hat rejected Mr. Fillmore of New York, and r. Davis of Massachusetts for the Vice Presdency. These men were too far norlh for the he ilave interest. In accordance wilh this olicy also, 6laveholders are the principalce holders under the General Government. Jlnd sUall tlie Nortb, and the free States - ie very democracy of the Union- becomp ccessory to the enlargement of tliis power, nd tó the extensión and perpetuation of an ïstitution, so inhuman in itself, and which we 11 scknowledge to be so fearfully fraught with ational evil and reproach, and with ruin and estructionto the best and dearest institulons of our country, and of human right and .berty? Such are our own personal views in relation o tliis subject; but at the saine lime, we are ware tliat many of the Norlhern democracy ersuade themselves that the annexation ot exas will tind, rather to iminieh than to ncrease the slave power of the TTnion; beause, as they hope the tenilory thtis acquired will eventually be so divided into Statrs, as o insure preponderance against the power ofslavery. But the sla veholders, with whom he project of annexation seetns lo have orig naLed, very evidently anlicipatrd a direclly opposite result: - and vvecannot. but thitik that a decided mojonty of the people of Michigannow view the snbjecl in this light, nnd nre ndividually opposf d in een'.iment and feeling, to liny mensure tending to increase the evils and puwers of slovery; and consrqnentiy t the Annexalinn of Toxas, without the absolute and perpetual extincüon of slavery, within is imiis.


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