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What Has Become Of The Specie?

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AJÍ 6f cnir readers will like a sensible susw-ep to the above question - which is probably asked duriag every hour of tlie iluy - -and wo will íllovr the city editcr of tho New York Tribune to gratify thero. He t;ilks as though he kuew wliat he was talking about : "It wil! bo enneed d tliat (hare is as lÁneh monev ín the country now ás the re liaa been at any foruief period. There fs as mach gold and silver, and thero are M in inv brnk notes in the city and country as befbre. Treasnry notes to the vinoiint of $300,000,000 bave been put in oireulatïon daring the past fifteen months- and yot merchante, broker?, bunkers and the peoplo gcncrally, oomplain of a scarcit of monny. Wliat has bcoomo f it' IJ y wliat mysterieus Agenfej is it iVora the cha:mc!s of circula-tioii? Wliere are the rioh reservoirs thrvt hold the preciotis treasure? Wh i is the baypy in-an w!io will strike the vein that slütll yield a plentiíul flow of the white and yellovr eurrent Bgain? It neels no profound skill to péndrate tlio filet tliat the inoney is in Wall strect, in tliis city, in Stato strect, in Boston; in otlier worda, it is i'i the vaults of men whoso foresight ad (iuanuiering skill sn ablorl sliem to créate the present panic by divorting tlio courso of the circulation of coin frnm tlie legitimate cbannels of trade into their own pocket9. - Therc t remains, quietly waiting for premiums. Ask the men who own it to obligo you with i? at a very reasonable advance, and eueh one will reply, 'silver and gold have I none, but such tis I Lavo give I unto thee,' and each one will sliow hands filled with postage stamps. Ií. w shall ïp bring these mso to terms? Wc aiiswer by cheerluliy using the stamps, repeiving thern without reluetancfi and paying thern out without apologies. - Handle tho stamps oarefully - keep them clean, and prevent tbeir adhesión - for tliey are cettlfj tnoney tbat will stiek to lionesi fiögera wiloss dncidedly njauipulatod. In a few weeks tho silver aud pold coin v.ill come out of their hiding places S'iinewhat depreciated of vulue bj tho clipping a-id pweating proecs, but tbt'v will come without a premium. II M III 1


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