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Order Relative To Army Absentees

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The following order haa just beeu isued : War Department, ) Wusliii]gtoi),July 31. $ The abhcaco of offieors and private! i'roin their. dut}' undor various protesta while rccciving paying pay at great expenso and burdeu to (he governnieut, mate it uecessiry that efficiont mensural should bc tiikou to enforoe their return to duty, or that their places bo supplied by thoso wlio will not tako pay whilo rciidcring uo service. This ovil, nioruover, tends greatly to discourage the patriotio impulso of those who would COD tribute to support the familiea of' faithful soldiers. lt is, therefore, i ed by the President : First, That on Mouday, the llth day of August, all leaves of absence and furlougbs, by whouisoover giveu, unlesd i by the War Department, are revoked, I absolutely aunulled, and all oilieors : blo of service are reijuired forthwitli to joiu their regiment, ander poniilty of dismissttl from the servieu or such ty as a eourt-martiul niay award, uuless tue absouce bo occusloued by lawful cause. Second, The only excuses allowcd íov absence of officors or privates f rom duty at'ter the llth day of August, are, lst, the order or leave of the War Department; 2d, disabiliüus from wounds reoeived in service ; 8d, diáability from disoaso that reudurs the party uulit for j military duty. But auy oflieor orprivatu whose hcixlth permits liim to visit watering platos or places of amusement, or to uiake social visits, orto wíiIk about towü, city, c.t uoighborhood n wliieh he ffiay be, will ba considered üt for military duty, and as his duty by absüucu from his cominand or thc ranks. Third, On Monday, the ISth day o{ August, at 10 o'clock, A. M., cach regiment and corps shall be mustered and the absentees will be marked, threo lists of the samo made out and withiu fortyeisht houis after the muster ono copy shall be sent to t!ie Adiutant General of the anny and one to the comtnandcr of tho corps. The third ia to bo retaiued, and all offioers uud privfttea fit for duty absent at that time shall bo regarded as absent without cause, their pay will bo stopped aud they will bo dismissed from the service or treated as desertera utilesa restored, aud no oflicer shall be restored .to his rauk unless by the judgment of a court of iuquiry to be approvud by the President. He shall establish that bis absence was not without cause. Fourth, Commanders of corps, divisions, brigades, regiraents aud detacbed posts aae strictly enjuined to forco the muster and tho retuni aforesaid. Any ofiicer failing in bis duty herciu will be deemed guilty óf gross ueglect of duty and dismissed froin tho service. Fifth, A commissionc" shall be appointed by the Seeretary of War to supcrintond the ex''cution of this order iu the respective States. United States Marshals in their respective distriets, tho Mayor and Ohief of Pólice of any town or city, the Sheriff of the respective counties of each State aud all Postmasters aud Justicos of tbo Peace are authorizcd to act as special Provost Marshals to arrest any officer or private soldiera tit for duty, who may be í'ound absent frotn bis command without just cause, and couvey him to the nearest military post or depot. The transportation, reasonable expenses of liis duty and üvu dollars will be paid for each officer Oi' private arrested and deltvered. 13v order of the President.


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