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Dr. Wm, BTHutq' DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSORING FINE TBBTB & A SWEET BREATH, ANÖ CuringToothache & Neuralgia. ! . Po ycu wisli tobe t1esser3 with and admired f-r Pe.rly Wan!; and Sound Tl-.LÏH? U Dr. VV. tí. HÜEU'S UNHI aLLLDTUOIU POWDER, wm-ran.ed Lr from acid,;ilkah, or aay injuvioub iuiMt4ncl. I!iice,aJ ccnls per büX. UL5 Bow&re of the ordlMCf cheap Tootb Powdcre, ■ wLich Wblten ijut dostioy. Do you wiah to be certa'm that -our Breath is pure, swcei", a a . agieeable tü hm-band uv wife, tuvvr or frind? Uso Dr. HURD'd CELEBRATKÜ IOUTH WASH. Frice, 38 cents per bottle. Tbfc Mtriagfot wasb Ín &1sa tb bi romdy in the w-orld for Caxkkr, Bad Bkkth, Ulekpg UCjiu, Eore Moiriii, et:. It hua cured Do vou. or j'our eliUdreo Kuficv f: cm Tootiiacste? Get Dr. HVRD'S UAUIC XOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, ló cents yer büttle. Are you aíH'otd wiíh NEÜRAlfiU? Gat Dr. W. B. . HÜHDïa NtUKALGIA PLiSl'ERd, The most cfltclivo : Had üdigbtful rtiueJy tnuWBi. f They do not acth&re nor bli&ter, but soothft and cli.rm pain away. Try them. Price, 13 and '61 centá.- itallod on rcceipt oi rice. Do you wish a completo sc-t of DF.XTAL REMEDIES and a TkkatiíJ: DK Pkssfrviso ltfih? OctDr. HUKU'd LENTAL TREASURY. the néatet and most ftlu&Ula pr&MQt thftt ouef'nend can uiake t anuther. Prxe, $1 üeut by mail ou rectipt uf mee. F. r su le at nll tbt bcst stores thioughout the country. Cal'iion.- Ai there are dealers who titkti iidvar.taíe ot' out udvrus(-iuentH to impose upon íheir cuitoiiiwa Idf{'iiirprej;u-tUous, it íü DtstMacjr to insist upon liaving wluit V'fucail for, aad you wiU ghtihk bet, tlurougtjí testeu", and preparen by un expricaced nd scL-nüüc Deniist, Ticasurer tf tfaÑev Yorí: ri:ute Lenti.-jt'a s■ .sociation, aul Vice Prtsiüent of tiie Ntw 5fk City Dental Socitty. Afldresa WK. B. HURD & CO , New York. tJ3„ Dr. Hurl's Dental Reraedii3 are fyr fiald ia Ann Arbor bv EtBI8 tt Wilso.v, Eekhbaco & Co., and GKL-WIlLü & 1' LLLtK. 86'Jtí TÏÏÉ I1OUSEKEEPER'Í NEW lUMITURE POLISH Preparedfrom an improveil recipe by the piojirittor of ths kíLÍROTHiíii Joxatiun POUS,' II certifiecl by all Ihe teftdiftg New Ycrk íurniture Dealers and piaaoForte Makers to be tho bcst in fue worht fot Remuviiig ëcfatcbei, Mallín, and IMrt, and rwitoring a ligh and laslin g'.uss to al kinds "i Vai'ni.shed work, from Fuvaiture to Leatlier. It is ebeaper and better tliau Vttrnish. dries immediately. Hn 1 is easily appücd. a piece of CüTitou Flüriiiol and and a bottle or two of this New Fl'RMTL'Kk PousH. a IlGmekcepi-r cap work r.Kigic in the furniture of a house and keep it looking like new. Now is tho time to ■shineup" your Tablea, Chaira, Desks, I'huios, Pictuic Frames. Garríales, etc., and make them look TiO per c-nt. better. Thi is trua economy. Fr palé by Furniture Dealers nnl títoiekeepers gtnrally, - I'riee 25 and 50 conts abottle. Pepot 1 Spruce St , New Yoilf. irpecial Agenta Wanted. Addresa, Bux 1972, New York P. O. The IIouekoírji'H New Furniture Polish ís for sl at Ann Arbor by Grreat Books in Press. THRILLING INCIDEüíTS OF THE GREAT REBELLION; OR TheHeroismofourSoldiers&SailorS; I val, Iqrgc 12 mo. Trice, Si. 25, The criticB and the public arfi right ín predictínr ihftt LUis will surpasa,in grapliic narrative, exciting interest, and extensive populanty, all olher histories of the War for the Union. lts theme wíll be the hcruic daría?, palien t sufferings.and hair-breadth escapes of our soliliors aud sailors, and lts incidents will ferm thc themeof conversa '.ion at innu:nerable firesides for years fo come. It will contain. in addition to ts Btlrring details, the philosophical An.'ilysia of the Causes of the War, by John Lothhop üiuxf.KY, LL. D , Author of "The Kise of the Dutch Republic," etc., the dates of all the important evenls from the John Bnitrn raid, and an accurate And ro■L■d account of the principal battles, with engravnB. tliíid theprnceeds of allSubscriptiona sent direct to uö will be given for thy Relief of Di.-ablcd Soldli n, &nd all perfionswho wían a copy of the work, anl afeo to benefit the slWiers.should Bend their name and addresa at once. Also, any ofíicer cr privat, br pareos in any ection of the country, having knoirlndge of a hero:c act or stirrinj incident, wilï oblige us by ending us an accountof it. Bookseliers, Postraasterrf, and Canvassicg Agenta will be furnisbed with a Subscriptions Prospectus, on application to tbe Pubüshers. 35, A liberal commissiongivon to soldiers dcsiriug to actas agents in takingaubacriptions, ii. THE HISTOÏIY OF AMERICAN" MANUFACTURES, from 1608 tol860. ByDr. J.Leander Bishop. 2 vols, 8 vo. V61 I. now reaOy, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probably the Jargest and most important vork now in the American press. We havo also just publisbcd new ediíion3 oí tha folowing usefulanJ popular books ; The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Jr, How to Save Money, by Conducting Business aocordingtolaw M expounücl by the Best and Latest Authorities. 400 pp , hheep, Frice $1. OPPORTÜNIÏIES for INDUSTKY ; ort A Thousand Chances to Makc Money. Cloth, $1 Thiö bas been republished in England. Every business manand clerk should have these books. They will piy the buyer a hundred fold. Every parent ühould get tbera iorthcir bons. AU thcñ books are iaailed, postpaiil, on reccipt of rice. We pay particular atlenlion to mailing books, vrapping them carefully, and will procuro and si-n.i, )oslpaid, ftny book anywhtTe, ou receipt ot publishor-' jrice, Addf-'-ss FREEIJjLEY & CO., 861tf Tribuno Buildings, New York. 1EBSONa who wish to buy a Piano of the best makers . will be shown how thny can save a handsome sum in he purchase it tlioy kddiöta 1'uno, care Juv, Coe & Co., Publishers' AgcntB,Nüw Vork P. O. Sültf manhööd! HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Seaïed Envelope. Fries Six Cents. A I.ECTCRE ON THE NATURK, T&EATWENT AXD RADICAL CUBE OF í5i'KR.MATüKRIitEA or OemÍDal faatniiM, Involunt.iry Emtutlon, Sexual Debility. and mpediments to Marriagc geneially, Ker70upM. Conumptidn, Kpilflpsy un i Fits ; Mental andPhysical Incapacity, rn-ulting from Öelf-Abuse, &c. Ry ROBT. J. L'LVERWELL, M. D., Author of tbc Grein Book, &c. The world rtfoovned author, ín tbil admirable Lecure, clearly proves from nis own experiennco tliat the wful conseqneqces of Selfbuse piay be effect ually emoved without medicino and without dangcrous inr ical operatioqft, bougies, ínstruments, rings, or cordialu lointing out a mode of cure r( oucecertu,in ani effect ual, y which every suffi-rcT, n mattur whftt tus crsndition may ie, may cure híir.self choaply privatel.v, .ind radiraly. Tbfii lecturo will prove a boon to thousands and bouf-ands. Sent un Ier eal, i:i ; plair. crivclopQ, to any address, n the roceij:t of bis cents, or Iwo postage stamps,by ddressing, DB. CHA3 J. C. KLINK, 127 Bowory,New York, Post Office Box, 4586, Oval Picture Frames A LLSIZES, STYLEL aad PRICSS u&t xeoéived ara i_ forsaie chtapat OHOFF & MILLER'S. lSM.Dte.26, 78Otf ■- e - , a Si jfSígo 2 r= - rt r & J ö SS b E CC - H gj B ö Q 6= S 3 9 i3 4 UJ fe. = Ld a THE REBELLION ON H1GB PRICES FOR CLOTIMG. v HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE C L O T H I N C EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IA7.I now opening a Urge and varicd asEoi-tmcntof gtnqzrodSumminQooda, ana a view of the rebellion on higli priuea gen'erallr, wil! nffur them tomy friends and custuiu. r-i at tlie vcry lowcst figures fur Cash.- ). wam of a Buyerioi orticle of Cioths, Cassi meres. or Heady-Made Olothing, -will cali enWm. WACNER, who has jast returned from the Ea?t, rrith a large assurtment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS wliich havo bren iiurchaaed at the lato LOW PEICES! and eau offer them at a lower figure than evtr before. Among my Assortmeiit aifiy be fuund BROADCLOTHS, UASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of all dusenptions, together with a supírior assortment of Rcacty-JUude C'lollilnp, MaJJj CM3RELI.AS, anJ EÏÏGentlenien's Furnishing aooDS, with nnmoious other artides uaually found in similar eatabhslnnoutfi. As au KMPORIUM OF FASHION, the subsciiber flattershimwlf, thnt liis lons experience and pi.-ntral success, will enable liirn to give the greatest satisfaction toali who may trust him iu tlie way ül t" Manufacturing Garments to order. Wil. WAOIXER. Am ártor, Ap: H Bti 1862. E4Stf GLOBIOUS News from "Dixie!" The Rebelüon about C'rushed ! A. te C. LOEB, 01" THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE Retsru their sincere thanks to their numerous FRIENDS AND PATROMS, For the liberal raanner in whtch they have hereíotofore patronizod tht-m, and beg leave to announce thut they me AGAIN ON HAND With a Largo and woll selected Stock of SPRING &. SUMMER OLOTHÍNG-! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hals, Caps & Trunks, wbich they will sell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further particular- Cali and O o o for yourselves, apd you wjll not goaway dtisatisfieil, A. & C. LOEB, Hron Street, a few doors wefit of Cuok's Hotel. Aun Arbor, Mísy, 1803. Sm854 Fruit and Ornamental T R EE S, JT LOW PEICESrilHE SUBSCRIBERS are nnw preparod io rpceive orX der i for all kinds of Fruit ami üraamental Tree.. Bbrabs, Plante, Flowers and Vines of cvery description and variety. for theFall of 1852 and Spring of 1863 We havo a ïarge stock now growinp, and intend to mnfee liirgc imporfations from time totipaoas tho wants of the country Iemand. Weiovite the poople to mitko themselvcR acquaintt'd with our facilities for doingbusines?, beforc purchasiug elsewhere. We warrant all varieties to Iia truo to nirae, anti to bo viorous and healthy spcímens . All Communications will bopromptly responded to. Our office is in Rogéis' Agricultura.1 8tore, Detroit at., Ann ylrbor, Micji. DuBOIS, CARE & CO. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. 838tf The Last Cail. ALL thoseEndobtsrl to the late firra of '.'ines & Knight aro requestiid to pay the same before thy first d.iy of July next, a:; i!I demands 1tb?n remaining ujinaid wiil bo left with ap oiScer foi collection. W. W.WINE", J.W.KNIGJiT, Ann Artor, Juoe 13, 1862. tfó6w3 arotioOPHEnE A. A.VKABLE begs leiivo to inferm the public tht she has dür.ngths ast four víars trsded to tb.6 E=,,fmQusaniooEtof be!-ueeo 40 rd 50 doüirs ia tilt (ase oo bu hucbMul's accouot WIFI orHiRT &2TO4BLE fhircB., Jure Ui, isesi-.


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