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AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. A lui for tin) spoody euro of tho nillowing fcoropJnfnté? ÍS c v of ii la nu c Scroful ons 1V( ( . !:nx,, u:li uw Tninorsj l'l-ers, soves, Krnptioii.v, Pimples, Puitules, BJotchea, Uolh, ttluins, nuil all fcltiu Distases. Oakmm, HkK, 6th June, 1859. J. 0. Ayi-u Co. üeiux: 1 fcol it my thny to ackivuvltdfio whnt yuiir {■hi'gapaiHin h.u tíúne fc mo, Uu ving ftiliorltfil n Sorofuloi iitfectiuir, ! tmto Biiflrud Ihtfti it in viirluiitt ways fur yc;ir. Sokimjimcs it bnni out i il Ulr-fl on niy huiuU uuJ iuium; nouietüttus It tiiinr! luw td ;i]i iiittn-.-iiJ iiitfiit Ihe Ktoiimcli. Two yuutu ugo 11 ti uke nut on my Ik-hiI utul iiminl niv ccnlp and wirs tvltli i i ■ awra. wli cli wiw (Hilññii ntnl loHtltomo beyond (ifjt:i iiiihjii. 1 Wu-i hmuj uittlitriJiwi iul tttvvl'Al pliyHirmiiH, hut wlflioilt miiell reli.-f lï-uu any Lhiiig. n -tin-t, Ilio ilihui'ik'i grew uoim. At Jciilli I wad leji'icud tu reiui in the Uonpvl Memeilgcr tlmi yoti hud irtjmiJ nn itlUiatlvo(i-nif(mmrif]), for I knew'O-uin yoitf tvm(utfoii tli.1t nny Ililiitf you nimio liut bc gnúd. I Wit t. Ciin nu;ili aiidgut if, mul iimiI it Uil L cuifd mu. 1 took it, as ..ii ihIwm-. ju NÏuall iltweM of :v tbHüpOonful ovei a in mili iiim! ut'.-il ;ilnn)vt Hiroe butilo?. mw umi liuntlby ekiii í-iM-ii in toi ni .-(ril. v)iicli itftcwu white f-ll iff My .skiu is huw ilrar, And 1 kiiów lv my frutillas llutt Ih; (UeUL ÜtU üoito IVoiu my .s Hf.-m " Yoil can mil bellovè I foei wíiut 1 atu Ntffng wIipii 1 tut] yuu, Llutt I liuld yu.ii Ut bvoiie oi' Hiu u ustio r üto ge. au t muutu fver iitU'1'ullj'. Yi'tirs, Ai.ri;i.i) it. TAf,LBY. St. Anlliony's Piro, Hose or Érysltielns, ToU-r nuil Snltlílu.ii.i, ScnIU ilcud, Hiiiyuomi, Sore Kj es, Ut o pa y Dr. !:.Ih-i( M,J't-.ip wiIIm rn.ui Sul-m N. V.. 1-Jih fpjtf.. ÍS50, (hut li (in ciiii-J mi in #-i.-i ni'. citde "t lropst, ivhich iluvaii'iu'il Ui lei i.ii.illy, by tho jii-i-c.MÍn lis. of oitr .v;n.-:ii.uill.(. mi'I a. -o .i UniirOúl Mulignutit íSfjf ipefañ lv liU'Kd doKfl nf tho fiiUnu; aaya ho cui'ea tl lo cuirinioii firnptinptt by it constuntly. Bi'oit:hoc4 lc, Gollre oi S vi e 11 e tl IVcclc Z(;linliiii Sionn iif l' Tvxfw, wrfiw : "ÏUree lttlea f v'nn .yiusiiuiiiHu cnre.d me fioni it Ooi're - :i Jiiüeoiis hu.'Iüiilc O" die ïK-ik, wliirli 1 Imil nu!lcred iioni over two yoara.' liOiicorrlkíipn or"Wli H ■. Ovni-Inn Tumor, Dtciliie Uit t'iatlou, lYmn1e Disvasis. Dr. .7. It. S. riiitiiuititr, of Nn V..rk City. wiites ; "I moHt trln-rt'ullv forni'l.v wltli t lio retiitm ofymir n-iit in Baying1 Ifave Pttuul yonr HirmiiiririllH n.nittüxcellont ultt-nttivo i ii (Ii5 MiiintM'oiix cii)i 1iiíii Is for w 1 1 i ■ ■ ! i v. ) eftiplojr Hncli n rmiiioily, lm( C8rciiill in t&nutle Ifi'seuses of tl HctofuloñH (ïïaiittft!fl. I have cuitnl liiány ínreteru(tt -;ii's of fjf'iictirlOioen ly it, aml tronie wlicrre ili cumpla int. wn i-.-mi-mI liy uo r. '■} i-r uit'rn:?. nleeratlon itst'lf tvomi ciirel. Kolhlrtg tliiti niy knon-lodgo eriiinlfi it f.r Ihene [i'iule ilfratigcnwiits," Bcl ii ui S. Hnrr w, df Nu hiiry, M., írritos, (i A dnnfoarmin nwritin ttoffrrf mi Mie "t" Iliu rin;ilcv in my fnnilyf liir-ll liail ili-!;.'.I :ill It 'limltOH W CUItld l'llljiioy. liafl at li'iiu'tli heen - -inj.h-h.-iy rmt'.l !■ yittir ICxtmct of SarBii.iirilla. .liyirian Iiitlf lit nntlihi); litlt extiipo(i.ii onuM nfluid n-üi-f. hut. ndvftu'ti lite liiu) nf vuur SurnnpiM illit iis thd ;int n-sort. l),-r-n(' "'■! it provod rfli-i mul. Aiïcr tnkliiicyiu reintlj elgbt weuka lio Pyinploin of (lm (UiWiVta i-iinuii.--.' S. jliill.s mul RlércnVinl Oisrnse. Nbw ORI.KANft, 2fitl) A 1 1 l; i - 1 . 1860. TIn. J. O. AVKn: mi', I du-f-ifully cnni,Jy wlij' ret)iiont of y "iii1 ;u''''i'. mi-I répnri I '" TOUlO of Uiy eflects I li:i ■ 1 wil li ynur S.iiuMuitin. I liavc cnrtil (vit h ir. In my pmfticfl, mosí f íti cftmpllrfiltfl ful' U'Ilirli i .. . !. nild llïrtTQ tlillllll IS e fff et fl imlv wi hdiirrul in Hut :ui of luavnt m Jrrctíí7 lUaMtr. . i'niv pi hm Ii.i.i syihiiiiic ulcera Íil UU lltmir. nllU'h WW nm liis palitlc nu.] thu tóp ol lus nioinli. Vnur SarNiparlMu, Klvmtlly taken, CUI Kl Illul in !;■■■■ IVtittkM. Aii.IIht tt'ltri Ht&iuketl hy wcuii'l.u.v tijiítUtiiM in Iim utMe. mof tho iilo-iatiuu hut] eateii awny i iimxUtencblti (ihri ■ -r ü,s. ttmi l bvlibTu tho diHurtlttr ui.nld W atóll In hmiii utltl MM iiiiu. lint it yi.-l.iiii U mv Hdroiiiimmiktii of uur nrraimiillu: ilia ulcera IiuhIikI.uikI ho U wtH ftgnlir. nol of cuiii-m wttliuut Mini-,: ( i- liis foc. A vvuiniin wlio hal bVcn treatttd for tlio hhiho ditutrdui by incmnv ub üiiHuitug fnmi tliin ptrlfton in buni. Tm-y Inwl' ImcOmo m enSitiSt: lo Ultí WrjilliiT Hi;l[ UU n UlUlI)) dJI ItllO riUl CrÏH'iuilllK Wiïn in her j-iuNaml buiictï. fc'hê, tiö, WU9 fin.-.t ciilin-ly .-h.-iij al ü.i in a trw WWRD. I know iVom In li.iiiiula, w 1 1 i ■ I j v-in aL'iit guvo lui'. Ihat tliiri i'ionu!itioii fiuni yoiii' li.ti.iiiihuy innul ben great remmly ; consuiiteii(ljr, tinoso truly Hjüiarkuolo inulta wiili it luivo not smpiiatitl Iim. intkrimlly yvma, O. V. I.AUIMKK, M. D. Rheumntism, Gou, Complnlnt.'kmo.m.í:, I'..-1 ii ■ ., -:(. GC, .)nh. l-,". Dit. .1. 0. A vul: Sfr, 1 havo bwn nñfioled witli n painful cluonic WifumoUsm for a lotig linio-, wliloji biilllu! the skilj lof v',V"ii mis. nntl süick t me in iito of all tho rewbdivM I euñld frrid, imtll I Ulocf youi SamapaHIIa. Uno buttl.cihui in iu si --Ai.. .-in-t löNtored my getioml lu-altli ho tlliich í Ji-i L 1 umi lm Iwjtl i tliiin bufore 1 was attitckud. 1 Ihíftk it ii wonüerfiil uiétlK-fue. J. 1KKA.M. Jiilu y. (t-uiifii. of St. t.Miis. wiíu-k: ■ i imfo iwcn RflllcIfU lor tniuilh au tjjfcctr'tnt fíf t!,e. J.nrr, liicli flcsii-ove'i my liHullli. 1 tric.l every Hilng, mid overy (hing feiled tu relierti ijiü; aml JJiavtj lieeii u btokun-down untn f i i yi-aiii in-ui im niln-r ( aime Ilian ikrauyaitmt "f the Axr. lv lu-lovwl p'ilHlor, tllö IUv. Mr, Kspy.ntlw.Ml uu: totry yiMir fNir8aarilla, buiuiiKe h Raid ymi, aAd ui iv thiii uii itimloWnrt wortli n yiuj.-. Ity tlit' i.i-.-sinji of tiotl it lina cinwl m. uuü liua m piinllud iu Ulood as lo uiako ntw niitti of iuo. J fcel Yng again. Tho bust llmtcan be wiïil olyon is not half gowl enotitli." ScliIrriiR,Cn1iccr Tumors, Enimcment, Ulcerui oí, ('uvivs uiitl EitoliuÜoii of Í lic Jtum -.. A greut vaiicly cf cbhpb liave been i'fortO(l toiiswlieie GUl'W OÍ Iht-st: fuiliiidElhli) Ci ln j .l.iilii .-( tcillllctl jVfin Uie iim of Ihis reiiMnly, 1 ut uur -paif hem ill not adnilt tin-ui. Souie r tin in iHiiy Iw Rnnit) in uur Amciiian Almahüc, wit tch Hut ageiitM hi-l-.u ii.itiiüd are jileiuted to fnrrrlnli gmlin En all wha ñill fin llieñi. D.vspfjHl. Unir Tí-nse, FU, I'ilïpiyf Iclttucholy t i cm uli;iti Mauy t'L'Hiiiiliülíli; t'iirvs of (hese aflectlous have been nmdt; hy tlii nltfiative pov er of thla mvült lire. Jt mí muíate tho vital huiL-iiciiis hito vbjOfOHH getuit, ;m tlms overroinea dljonitra whtrh would 1j rapptwed beyand its reach. Sin-ii n (cmeily luis luiift beeii n-qnlnxl hy tlio naCCSsltlU oftllfl iiccpl-, aml we ure cuuflduilt thaL tliia wili do for all tint meüicijiL' eau üo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOH THE ïtAPII) CLHE OF CoilCJ lis, i'oitis, llkfllif'lt.n, IIoaiMcniHs, l'nii, ltroillllt is. IuvilU: CoilIUilit(lon, mid lor t 11 c IC c I ivf of ('oiisiuiipiive Pn tienta ill n (1 it M t Miií;cs of the UÏMii-,1 . Tli8 Ia a rempdy no tniivi-iMilly kiiown tu furpHRA nny ottier for tito ciir of llnoat aml htng cnliiplaintB. innt it i : m ■ Ï ■ s s lu-te Üi pulilt1i thu - ÍiU-i ce of its virli-n. lts nnrlvnlled ccultonce fitr icubs and (■(►IUk. imil %$ tmly wniulorful (ñus ((f piümoiinry diwa'se, lmv marie it kiimvn HinHigiiont lira cSvilhsüU iintíona til' ihe tniítb. Feu are thc a iiLumniltcs, or evi-n fauíilivis nniouic lli ni wll hítve lint j'i-i -- n:il e.pfiicii(rc üf itb t-IU-ts - soiiio (Ivlng tropliy in lliclr Btldsl of its victory nvor Uio sultttu and dangeroua dïnorden of tht Ütroataiid Iuii-b. As all know tho drcailful (atallty of llim dlsoHterp, and na tliey know, too, tlio efldsof tbis icnn'ily, we iifeJ not do inore tlutn in ansure tlieui lint it has nw all ihu virtaa thnl ü lil have when mnktng Ihe cnettf w&tcb have wou so slfonjcly ui'Hi ttii3 coíitldt-nce of luauklnd Frcared by Dr. J. C. AÏEK & CO., Lowsll, Mass. Au! ni 5aie y Miynard, Stebbius & Wilson, I'AKRANl. áilSLpy .v CO., i Btrolt SUOyl J H. öCKUU.L, TravclliDg Agent. RISDON & HENDEBSON'S pLg2s THE GENUINE && STEWZÍRT'S STOVE. We wUh to cali tlie uttentionof tho public to bhis celebrated COOKIIMG STOVE! Wlii :li is i lio only porft'ct stove made. It will do n.ino uí.im'ss wilh óne titirj lesa futí tli;iii nnv utln-r STOVE ninile From tcstinioi.v give-n lyllie pprsuus (eferreü lobelow anuecouat of its úuiubihty and Fuel Saving Qu alivies, it lias proved n saving frara Twelve To Twenty Dol J ars por yenr. We would rotor you to the following list of rERSONS WUO HA VE TIIEM IN USE: IVof. Tapono Ann Arbor. ] John i'. Millor, .un Albor IVr. WoikI, '; J. Gllbertfmilh l':i.i. W luchen, " J. T. Aull; " Prof Dougaw, " Joaeph Watts, " AIphus Folrli, " T. Wllkinson. " Wm. R, Martin, ' Mis P. Dentón, " íifir.l Hooper, " O. Hawkins, Uon.B i' GnngM," 0 A.cii:iiu. " I. W. Maynard, " Charles 'llmycr, " F. I,. Sli-íiliim. " Maltin Clark, " U'.B. ttfluoh, " S. A A , Tmra. kn.O.Wloh, " TbajuatWood, PittsSdd. Mrs. K '1 . Will:;i::is,(í A'v-rtt;li Drui y , " '. hnpíñ, ' Jacob PolhAtnus, Srío. c: II. Wtoft, " n C.Goodale, " Jíst pli W. Woodí M Mr. Kuilers, Aliaron. We luive on lianl n ]nrí;e nssnrtment of the I)c3t kiiuls of, l'arlor nnd PLATE S T O V E S , and a genei'ul nssortment of HARDWARE AND TIN VARE, m a] Bont stuff for Cnrringe vork. Pnrtieulnr attenlion paiil tofi'tlBK up Envtroiigli nnd Con'luotoi'íj and nll kinds of Job work dono nt the Sliortvst Nntice HTSDON & HENDERSOÏT. Ann Arbor. 1861. TO LET. TTIK BHirK HOUSK n(l Hurn no oaattplod bj Olnoy Ilawkins.K.-ii., on Hítroii ítteot, Aan Arbor, posgogslon fíivt-n 1hf 1-t of April. AIm. ■■ ' i .■ : I atoles gnu roonwin Bucho' Btoei i niy tinaiits at a very low rent. irameüiato ragtven. Ihqulreof L.R. BUC,,OZ. Anu Arbor. Mar A 38, 1Í61. 845tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, The Latest Special DispatchJ To the citizens of Ann Arbor ana Viciuity t ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilundreds walching the progresa af Daily Events ! ! 'Hie Federal Army again Vietoriuns! "The Union must and sliall be Preserved !" " Tkcre v:as a man in our town He was so wondrous wise" But with al] his wisdom, he was not so viu as tluit 'other man," who when be wam. ed to buy tli The clieapest and best C L O TH I WC! in ihis market always jumped mío G U ITERMAN'X HEAD QÜABTEBSf For there he knew he always got liis niomy, worth. Si'cing ia 'x-lifving umi yJU tj wisli to sec come in and Ijcliuve. Thuso iLji Oeil 't k80(' CAN FEEL, Oud S We fllwnys laii, our eiutomi rs fue! gooil over Lood baruint tliey are spccially niviied to our anxiouj seut.lliat tlu-y loo niüy renlize liow ■ goc,j it is for t htm 10 l)u wiili us," and liow n.uo'i pleasure can be obtained in the oujoymmt of BPLE1ÏÏDID BARGAIWS ! 'Come nll ye Ihat are ve:iry and heavy Ij. ik'" - wil li Hcx'ks and we will do oir btstte n-lijvc vou - giïing vou in re:nrn tlio fintu kind of Goods al the lowest Jiyorea, Great bnttles ore hourly tnking place in thi CJothing line - wlule regimenté of v-'asniraerei, 'istinu's te. are bcing slaughtiTei bv Gtt, Soxdiieim - (ofitilie rusli of reeruiu' thnt are pouring in trom every direetion, t[ tinxioui) to have tlieir oames enrjlled ion NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - juch as can only be had at the IleadQuarters of Guiterman & Co, Oneoftlic firm, Mr. II GuiTKitMAy, lmrinj just returned from Eiirope with a large u. sortment of Ootlis, Ca-siiiiures, and i uicelot dI fine Veat'ngs. also a few Dieces oí ëqi : Heavcr for crercoats whi h we wil! make up t.o orer in the 1 itest etylo, we feel confidnl that we ean atUfy all. STXJJDEISTTS 1 We are happy to greet you aga:n h onf City.after spending your vacation with thi " dear old folks1' at Imine. lia ussured Y) wisli you a pleasant term, and shall (vcríi glad to me;t you ut the Old Uead-Quarttrs, IN'o. 5, iLf' Our former customers, we fee essurcd, will cali en us again To you wlio como u strangers we ivould say a few wor&, ■ wisli you toeull and look at our fine Conti, Panta, and Vesis we can do better by yon than ar.y other li .se in ihe City, nd if yu e:ill nnd examine uur rooils.niid iry theirfiti, you will uurchuác nowliere else. DON'T FAIT., TO 0-A.XjXj. -ATT Gr. H. Q, NEW GOODS For the Spring, 1862. o MACK & SCHUD VTould respectfully anuounce to the Citucniof Wasbtenaw and adjoining Counties tliat wo are now receiri'ng Direct 'from the Eastern Marketi, . A full anti complete supply of DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrons' Shoes, GKOCEIUES, CKOCKERY, fic Piircliasfd by nne of orr firm for cash, and notwitt' stundii:g the hard times wcshail continue to Artd Wcekly Addltious To our stock in order To Accomm.odaie out CustoiMM' witheverytliing thcy mSf necd toask for. A ml we will farlher pledge oursel%-os to sell cfcï AS TIMES WILL TERMIT a.ud which Is ulways as A.s ILio-w as tlie Lowest. A! the -riinrt time wohnpoour frienHs and cusJj en wll.bffttr in ruiti'l that the timos cotnpel ua t" " uur goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor, Mnrcli 38, 1861. tM TJ 99 JS3 E M P I ii E W A T E B FOK [ndlgffltion or Pyspfjwi, Comtipatioii) vtrT Ik'bility, Loss of Appi'tüe, Cumioon Colda, diJJJ of tho LungHt Hoadacbe, nnd Fevcrish ttatco' S,,.l by MAYNAKD. STF.HE1N3 & WII.SOS EBERBACaSCy, Ann Arbor. l)!n' General Land Ageney PERSONS wantinpfnrnn.orreslrtanciilno"'1. AnnArbor.can by calllngon me teloclfrom' ofover ion Farms For SalfJ , O fv a r iou r sirep t rom 3, to 13C crerecb (lfl ai good h n v n'.hi ronnty."! MorrthaD .; Oivi'liiiL' House ,(, DthluClty.fro-ntwo 'mndred to fourthoo"' araeach ; nnd ovnr zoo r.(ni,Dir, ti o t ' Am.inpthofKrmj arethe Klshcpirarni , '"', (l tlin Potter Inrm. in Gi-eenOait, thfP'scf'"' u, 48)cr-B.ihrmnndonni Jenkn farm. In " ,tt RuibS, Mlchael Clancy, Nowton Bee"i ,. Fnllahn, rnrirm In Anr rbor: J.KinKJ V.,)! InPittBHeid-thriïntrh and Hick lrmi ij Y"t,Jt PntrlrlOlayufarm in Freedow, W. S. U" „il'1 r,. Raker and Buk'. firm. In Srl " ,,H nd many otbers con be dltlflo"1 purhaer B w. Mol0J ABBArboJ.Jsn !! 1M6 Ayer's Sarsapaiilla


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Michigan Argus