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The Law Authorizing Drafting

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An nc. tp amond nn net cnlling frrtli tile mih;ia toeï'.'OUlo tlïo Inws uf lii línioh, j i . i .- s UèuriyCvioii') is tui rciie! tnrAiun. ! KpprovrJ Fiibranry A. lïia. sud ilMaoti , auK'ii jmory tUcieof, and fot otbt'r pnfpotts. ! De il nat'i'l hii th Seate and Uomt rf K -:.■■. j.'!í:i,ii:s '; tha Unittá iiitím ■ Lj#$rjci i ffonyret-s cstjntbicd, 'i:,i: JuMitivtr itio I'iiiJeiit of ti; I?1; ín;:i(.jí siiitli eall foriü ibe uiilni of iho Síüt.--, to be emplojed in tbe servioo (rf ího üuited Staten, lie m;v apecify i:i his oj'i'. tlm per.od whioh cerviea wíll bo !!; na, aot exceoding nina ruontbs; miei the militia s) caücd tthuli be inustorud in n;d cotí ui'.U' tu acrvo for aid ■ ■t.ri: .. (lie fHno sospecifiod unkís soonor riit-cii '";;. á :.-. 'he Prwident. It', by i aon oí djtfeclft in oxUüng laws, or in tiio .S'.'ciuumi of ::c::), in thc sevcrjl Stntes cr any of theo, c ulial! be íounil n&ees8iry to ;ovúv fot anroüútg ihc militia, i ■jw uthtrnbc put Efoia act iü axccutiuu, tlu Proav.o;.' ia nuthorizpd in Euch o ■!.■■. = ty i:ii:í.' al neccssai'y rules nnd regula I I ib tliii eniollmcnt of the nitlitia I fifc:. n oitís incluso all tlie 1 bo-iici rúalo citiíoni botweeo tho aL;ss : of aighteon ud forty ;;.''o, and uhall be npporttuicd among t'ia Ststoa aaourdiug t' ri'prefCf.tati i p lation. 8ko. 2. And h i: farther auutei, Tha,t tiiO óiilitiu, wken tu c;ilii-d intj servj . t-i.;!Íi bef rj:;i;ized in the tuodü presciibed bv law iV.r rnlunteers. 8ec. S. And be it f aither emeted, Thnt th( Prc i'Jciit bo, autl be is liercbv au tiiorizeii, io adüition to tbe volunteer i.-.v.;o liili iic is dow aothorized by law in rai.-i1, to aocept tho Borvioea ot' aiy DWuber of voluntcora tot exeueling oae bnndred tousand, :s ufsntrj, íüt a pur'.ií of rtiue moutbs, uaksM sioi:r dis chirgcd. And cvery soldier wbo símil oliít lindoi' t!ie provisious oí' thu seütion sh-iü reocivo Lis ñrst iBOnth's pay, nd nlso twí'nty-five dolíais bounty, upon tho mustoriug of his eompany or regí mont iuto tlio seivice of tlie United Ktates. And u!l p;-o of law fulntinfr to voluuteera euüsVed in the service of tiio United Stutos Cor threu years or dwing til'' war, except iu relation to i bU!ity, sbaU ba and tliu same are t.cnded to, and are hereby decía red to j embrace, thc voliritecrs to ba ratsed ; der the provisi'ins of this scotion. Bkc And ' r enacted, Tbt, I for the üirpose of filling ap tlie ! meota of iufontry now in the service of tho Uuited Stale-, tho President b. and Le bereby ia autborized to accept tlio service of volunteere in sueh n timbara a- tua.v bo presen ted for ihat parpóse for twe'iío niontris. if not sooncr disebarcred. Aud sueb Toluuteers, when mustered iuto the serviac, sliall b; iti ail reapesta upon a footing 'A-ith similar troops in the l'iiited otates service, except as to service bounty, whieh sball be fifty dollars, one ha'f of wbieh to be paid upon their joining thoir resíments, and the o her half at the expiratioa of tbeir eiilistment. Sec. 5. And be itfuriher enaeted, That the Presidest shall apppiut, by and with tbo ailvico and consent of the Sonate, a Judgo Advocate General, with the rank, pay and e'unliiinents of a Colonel of cfivalry, to wliose office shall bo returücd, lor revisión, t'ie records and procaedings of all eourta raartial and military commissions, nnd uhere a record shall be kopt of all proceedinga had thereupon. And no seoteuce of deatb, or mprUonnjont i:i the peniientiary, sliall be carriod into cxeoulion until the samo shall have been approvcd by the President Sbc 6 And Ie il farther enacted, Tliat tbcre may be appointed by the Presdent, by nnd with tho iidvico ard consent of the Senate, for oach anny in the fiold, a Judge Advocate, with the rank, pay and emo'iniiients, eaeh, of a Major of cavaliy, who aliail perform the dutici" of Judge Advocate for the army to whieh tbey rcKpectiveiy bel ng, imder the direotioa of thu Judgo Advocate Geoeral. Sec 7. And bo itfuriher enacted, That licreafier all offendera in thc army charged with ofienoes now puuishable by a regimental or í; eoárt-mm thl rIiuII be bronglit before a Seld cffic'r of dis regiment, who shall be detailed for that purposo, aud who ahall hcar and delerjjine thc offenco, and order the punishment that shall bo inflicted, and shall alao make a record of his proceedings, and snbmit the aarao to the brigade oiinraander wh), upon the approval of the proceedings ot' BUtfb field offieer, shall order t'ie gamn to be esceuted : Prortded, Thnt t'io puuishment in such cases bo liuiited to that authorized to be iutiicted by a regimental or garríaos court martisl: 'And provicled,further, Thai, in the event of thcre being no brigade eommander, the proDeeding8 aa af-urisaid shall be pubsnittod for approval to tbo eommaoditig offieer of thc post. Sec. 8. And be it j 'urther enacted That ai! offi'jers who havo been muBtered into thc service of the United tííate.s batUli m Adjutanta and Qaartermasters of avalry nuder the order of the War Depsrtment, exceeding tbe iminber authorIscd bv law fihall be paid as such for the timo tíiey flrere aotnally empiojed i:i kho service of the United States, nnd that all euch oflicer now in Fervioe, oxceeding the number as aforosaid, shall be iininertiately mustered out of tho service of thp United States. Sec. 0. And bo it farfk.-r cnocki, That the Preaideut bo and bo is hereby au thoriüed to eatablish aud organiza army Dorps uoordúíg to liii discretion, Ü!;c. ltV And Lc itfuriher cmded, That eaeh army orps stiall have the following officers and no ïuore attaohed thereto, who shali ooustitutc the stuif of the comnia;id'i- tbereof : ene Assutant Adjutapt Soneral, o:e Qaartermsster, ouo GomluisBiiry of sabsistence, ad or.e AssLstant kispootor General, who shall beaii ri!gpectivoly, the ranlc of Lieutonant Co'onel, and wlio shall be aei#ned froin t!io avmy of volanteer forco bv the l';-oüidei;t. Aiso, three Aidü de-Cainp, one to bear the rank of Major, and two to bear the rank of Captains, to be appoiuted by the President, by nnd witb t:e adrios and consent of the Sonate, upc-u the recotamendation of the cominluder of the army oorps. The setuor ojfigsr of nrtillerj io each army corps, shall, in addiiion to his other dutio, act as Chief of Arrillery :md Orduanee nt t!iu iifadquartcrs of the corpa Heu. 11. And be itfuriher enacted, That the oavalry forees in tiie Ui.itcd States s'iall bereafter bo organized as folio wa : IJaub regiment of cavalry sliall bave mio Cplonel, oue Lieutonant Colonel, threo Majora, ono Surgeon, one Asaistaut Sureon, ona liagiuiüiital Adjutant, one liepimental Quurtcrwastcr Sergeant, ono Couiniissary Bergoaot, twb Hospital Stewards, oue Suddlor's Sergeant, one Chief Trumpetcr áud ore Cji'ef Furrier or blaeUsmitli ; and eaoli rogimcat eh.-ill oousist of twlve eoiiipanies of troop, ands each couipany or troop shiill have oué Captain, one WxA ' Utenant, otie Wee oud Lieuteiruil, oue Fi.-t Sergeanty oue Qoarterrnagter Sergeant, one ODmtnhistiry Bergeaat, fivc Sergeant, eigbt Corporalu, two 'föamstoir, i-. . Favriow or Blad; Boiiths, onc Ssddler, one Wagoner and Sveuty-eiglit Prívales; the regiment! Adj'itmits, Iba re'jimcntal QuartormaaIers, and regimental Co-miiussjiies fco bc taken fiom the:r respectivo regiment. Provided, That vacancias uausid by ibia oi'gunization t-liull not lo oofisideroü as , al, but sliiiil bo ülled up by regular , promotion. Sjtc 13 And h-üjnrther eiiteifd, Tlmt t!io l'resident ba '.id lio is hertrfey authoriied to revivo hilo the servico ut' tiio U".itcd Statt-s, fcr tho pulposo of construeting iutreuchnient?, or perfonuing camp service, or ruj othcr Libor, or au y or naval sarvicu tbr whioh thtíy niAy be fouuU competent, persona üf Al'ric.iu desoent, and su:!i porsons bi-.ail j be enrollod aiul organized undcr suuh ; gulatious, not inuoiisistoiit with tlio j ëiitution and laws, as tlia PresiduQt uia}' ! piX'ficribe. Skc. .13. And f il fier 'lier enac'cd, That wbeo any iuao or boy of Alrioan dusoent, who by the laws ot' any Stato, sliall owe survice or lubor to any persüQ who, during tlio prosoiit rubcllton, has tuvied wur, ov lias birnu ariqa qgaint the Uaitod ; States, ir ftdlterad to their tnemie8 by giving them aiil ai)d comfort, sluili reuder any such service 03 is pruvidod in ibia tt(!t, ho, liis ïn-ither, and la wifo anu cUildree ahall forever tbpreafter bjt free, auj law, uaae, or custom to the contrary uolwitlut&nding: Proviand, That the tuotbcr, wife or childrcti ot' suuh man ur boy of Afrioaa desoeut shall uot bu made free by tlie operation of this act except whero raoh mothor, wifo or sbildren owe aerriee or labor to soine person who, during the present reb.'líio'.i, has j borne arma ügainst tl, e United Status or ' aJhored to their eDomies by giviog them uid and QOTufort. isjJü. 1-t. And ie it furlher fttacled, That thu expciuea ioourvcd in carryiug this aut i tito effect shall be paid out of tlio general appropriation for the aruijr and voluuteers. Sec. 15. Anl Ie rtfurünr tnac'ed, That all persons who have been or shail be bereafter enfollcd in tlie service of tlio United States undcr this act, shall receive the pay and ratii.ns now alliwed by law to fcóldiöra, nceording to their re spective grades: Procidcd, persons of Afriesin descent, who, undcr thi law, shall be employcd, sluiil teeeive ten d'l lars per raonth and one r;ition, three dollars of whioh i:iy ii)?y bo in clothin. Sec. 10. And bt itfurthtr cnnclud, That tho medical purveyors and store keepers :;;vo bon da in sucli sama as tho Secretury of War may roquire, with secu rity to bo appruved by uJin. Approved, July 17, lö6'J.


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