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The Renegade Order

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In anctber column we give place to the order of Secrelary Sta s ton pr'oliib iüng al! eitizens liable to be drafled iuto the military service loaving the country or thcir States uniil the draft has beeu made. 1 11 thu same connection ve give tlio Judge Aivocsto'a direclions for uurrying out tlie order. Perlnps tlio order is both necessary and wist, vet we regret i t s i;sue. Men wbo will run away f rom a draft are not fit to bear arma and cap. pot le depended upon as soldiers. They are eithor halfbearted patriota, full hearted traitors, or wbite livered cowards, and in eithcr case will do their country more service abroad tban at home, If drafted ihey would bo cor:sidored deserters, and an oriler no more arbitniry tban the one obstrueling tlieir fuing away miglit prohibit tbeir coming back, aid tbus the country bc well lid of mi i;('-} wbo will turn tbeir backs upon lier in her time of nood. And tbis latter courso would not have made an open oonfession to the world tliat our citizens were fleeing in sueli nunibers as to make it necessary to bolt the doors; and, what is no le.-s iinportaiit, would not have put power into the hands of officials of all grades to detnin bonest eitizi'iis whose basioess requires llicm to 20 from State to State. Too mueb power is confided to too small officers. Ipy Gen. Robbkt McCook, of Ohio, v;is niurdel'ed on tin; 5lb inst., ne;ir 6 iloin, Abi., ' y a iu' rula pn tt v. Ue as vciy siok it tbo time and WBB DOcornpa iyinj{liicominund n anibulnce. A n'iliim ofhis Iniaili) h&d i')iie m idviiiee and tlio otlier [ïortion ;s in ilu-iö.ir, wbua tiio guerrillas rmlied fnun tbeir anibutoh iind g'illttntly ehury;e(l upon a t-iuk nflicer. 'J'bote is i fa;uily of MoOopK GunurUls luit, utíd ;his brtu! miir'ler will bu avenged. ypT Ii' anoihui1 cilu.nn o give placu to : r t artielo Ir Q1 the Du'.roit Vree Pre clüiininji; to defloe what residenls or wtizans uf liiruitf.i birth are liable In dratt, lint do nut voucli f.r it etttiro uDrreutmws'. We, howover, tuko one ibiny; f(is grunteil, n;d lint is tb at i'l trn'éign burn inbabititnts ho have (lechireil iheir intentions to be' orne oitizens, by a coletnn onih uljuring ullegiaBoe to nll prince, potentutea and povvois, anl wlio hnve thèo clahnrd and cjsercueil thé htghetiright of citizenihip - tlie tlectir e franchise - ure li iblu to tío íuiütary dmv imd to dnift, even though tbey may not have taken out ihcir ÍH11 iiaturalizution pnpefH.


Old News
Michigan Argus