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Battle Near Culpepper

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1 New York, Aug. 10. A special diapnlch to tLe Now York Tribune, diitcj Headquarters Army of Virginia, six miles beyond Cul;. V;i., Aug 10, says : A battlo wasfpugbt yesterduy botween General IJttuks aud Stoiiéwull Juckspu. Gen. Bayard, of MeDoweir corps, willi liis cavalry brigade, liad been engaged the day in tho extreme aávanee, ncar tlio Ritpidan Kfver, skir tuisliing aud uiano&uvering, taking somo prisotiers, nnd ending with sligbt lnss, i by bafHing t lie efforts of a larui; fortic to mrr.mud aud ent thum off. Yesterday moiiiing he was engaged for some honra beforc Gen. Bankn caine up, and witli four regimentó of cavalry, the Ist l'ennsy'.vnnia, Ist Mainc. and Ist íihodu Js island, dehiyed and embarrassed the eneray's idvarce. The rebels, uoder Jaekson and Ewcill, liad crossed tho Rapidau in forcé, and tb'eir advonee ffuard, 15,0ÜÜ strnng, was i attackcd by Banks yesterday afterrroon, ' about sis mi'cssouth of Culpeppur Oourt Hinise. The fijílit w:is ilmost whoUy wiih :ir ttllci-y ti t í, but the infantry became engaged about six oVIock, and a determinad mi] bloody conflie' ensued. Banks' rightwing, ónder Gen. Williams, suffered severely. ïbe rebel position was iu tbwd.i.Ls, wbite tliy troops which attocked him vrere obliged to cross on open ground [t was not until about six oViock tliat it became widei t tfiat tho rebela were uttacking in finco. Fruvions to that there had been a ratber desultory canDOoade. Tho wbole rebel f'nrco suddenly Bttacked in Ovorvtbeliniug oumbera atoll poinis. Nearly all their reginniuts had lull runks At 7A o'dock Gen. Pope arrived on tbo fiolil from Culpcpper, ncconipanied by Gen. MeDowell and a part nf Mo puwell'ri corps. Xbe battle was substan tiiilly over, Bai Iís bolding the ea une ground be oceupied ;it w beginning. Aiter the nniVnl of Pope, tbere was an artiücry contesl, lástiiIK at intervals till near 12 o'clook. The nigbt v;.s un usnal'y olear and the moon full. The rebuls plantod a batttiy agftillst Mo Dowell'a centre, where Gen.' Pnpe and Gen. Banks wcrc, bringing bullí ol thein uuder tiro. The Generala and stad' were h uear the rdiel Hnes that a saddra charge of rebel cavahy Was made froiu iho wi.od.s a (judrter of a niilo off with a view to capturo ihem. Tiie attenipi was repelled by a vigoróos tire frota McUoweh's ti'cop-, and tbe Generáis and their staft's leit w grontid, ander a cross ffre froui the rebels and their own trooprt - The fire of tlc rebel batteries was afferwards sileneed. Gen. Pope, on nniving, sent fresh troop ti) tho front to táfe the place of Banks' exhausted columns. The enemy did not renew the attaek, exeept by artülery. Gen. Banks wns on the field ibrongfacut t lio nctioD, and eonstantly und r tire. II is huudling of his troops und personal íalloutry are. highly praised by his officjis Tbe bravery and go"d conduct of the troops were conspicunus diH'ing a arge portion of ihe figbl when overpouend b_ numbers, roiue reg'aaeuts retreated in disorder. Gen. Banks is rutlier severly hurt by n accident. A cavalry trooper ran ugaiiiBt liiin, striking him heaviiy on the side. Col. Kuggles, Chief of" staff to Ppe, liad his luirse sliot under him - Two of Gen. Pope's body-guard were killed The 3d; ts was in the hardest of tho h'ght, and snffertd severely. .Tho 5th Connecticut, li7l h Indiana umi -lGth Penúeylvania are büdly eut up. The losíes are heavy on botli sides, not less than 2,00U or 3,000 in killed, woundetl, and niiss'rig on eacb sido. - sume prisotiers are taken by both Jaek son and Ewell Wero both present iu tbe battle. lleinforecnients under General A P. Bill, to ihe amouiit of 18,000 reached the rebels last nigtit at nbout the same time oura anived. Skinuisbing in lro::t is going ou this morning ; but the troops on lioth sidos are so much exhausted by figliti" and the intci'.se búat that no serious ciicounter is anticipated to da}-. Nbw YoitK, August -11. The IIcralcTs account of the ïght 8ay: " Gen. Geary's brigade, of Augur 's di visión li'.ld the advance and maintained it adinirably. Gi ary's brigade consisteil of the 5th 7th and 2!)t!i Oliio, 28ili Pemisylvania, and iSnapp's Battery. No sooner had these troops taken tbeir places than the ivbels oponed musketrv iiic upon tlieni, from tvvo sidos and in tront, aided by the batteries before mentioi'ed. The buitcrieo on the inouutain also kept a most destructivo fire, hut our troops nevcr fnltered. '1 he light hecame general at halt' past fivo p in. and isontinued uu til darkness endod the earnage. I have witiics.sed many battlea dm ing this war, but none where the teuaciuus obstinacy of the American character was more fully displuved. Our troops fought like veterans. X BOOuer did :x iOÜey of musketry or a dis chargu of artillery mow down the ranks of a regiment, thi:ll the gap were cluscd up and a uew front pretented. Regiment vied with regiment, and Lirigado v;th brigade in dreds of valor, and few inBtaucra iudoed were thore where even ind viduüls falteied The üiglltb and Tnelftlillegu!ar, led by Copt. l'itcier, did excellent service. Captain l'itelier was wuunded in die knee liy B musket shot, but k pt the field until the end, wben iiiing ot ïnusketiy j eeasrd at daik. The aitillery on ihe mountain kept up a randoiu firiug till near inidnight. At dark óur troops wit. drew to i stnall o'ipse of wood, where ïhey were joined soon alter by the corps of McüüU'ell and Sigel, who formad iu theit rear. At 0 p. in. tlio huugry and wearied troopn of liairka weie relieved and feil biek half a mué, resting on their anus. Abciut four in the ifternoon (jen. Po;'0 went upon the field and was greeted wit 11 i tlirce vociferous eheers. Tlie General ! rode to the extremo front in tho thickest Ol the iight and canic near get ing in a rebel ninbuscade, but discovered the dunger in time to avoid it. It is certain tiiat the rebel General Wn.der is killed. Gen. Jacksnn is wounded slightly in tho hand. General Swtton is innrtully wounded. The rebtl force was from 40,000 to 50.0U0. Gen. Auger's wound is not dangerous. Gen. Gearyis sevciely wounded in the arm. (Jon. Bauks had his horf-e killed under hint. Cujpepper is oue vaat hospital, tbough most of the wounded will be seut to Wash ngton fur trealmetit. Two pieCfS of artillery and alargo luimber of small arnis were eaptuied from tho eneuiv. Vr:ihiiigton Ang. 11. AccountR from Cuipt pper represent tbc cnerny's "(stiiiKited l'orco eng-nped ut 20,000 nrid oiirs, fxclusivo ofcavalry in'l luthlery, :is hot exceeding 7,000. The iiüin'tuT ol United Stutos soldier.s wounded is large, und the wourtda ü;(nerally siïght. T)m mrnbor of killed ion. i j Ou Satirday nigh( tho tontnstera lit : their tire.", cmiMug tho rebels lo Bhell our Dmv nwition for t'.vo "hou ra with COIi-ir!ei'al;!u i.fl'tóot. Yeturiiay inoi'iiHig the rubela were not in eight ou our front, but th indicatiuiis i .id '.luit tin y were reiniuoed ! on Suturday lüglill umi wtreuUeuipting 1 lo tl::nk our liioi'eineutx, Nuthing has bei-u heurd frnm Gen. Burnside at Mudigon Cour -Uouoe. Tho rebels mrmmrked batferies on tlie inountuin hlupes, unl on every Ilill, iimking a cre-scunt of bultcrii of nonrly three liiilus, Ct)lI)IOUndifl OUT ru;w po.ition lor fwo Immhv. Our batturies wero I exponed io croMs fire and flunt tiro at uvny poiut. 'J'hu rtbels evidootly onliiüiiibul cil U8 in jj;i;i] ;mh1 Weitfht iif ui. tul. We replied shot lor shotutit.i 5 o'coek, wbeu tliu i tbcl.s oponed un uuüludu buttüiy on our light. Gen. Banks hero guve orders lo censé íiri.ig tuid chtirge tbis baiterv. The duty was ossigned lo Crawford's brifïade ot' Williums' división, aoii tho Fortyixiii I':)'..-iva!,ia KugirneoÜed the chargo Behind the balt(.:rv v;s a tliiuiet of shrub mik, a'rrd betore the F'Tty-six'li Pcnnsylvunia Rugimuut (■uul reiH-.h the rubel iuns thfy were mowed don b-, a ',oir:fio ti'u froai tho iliick&t. Tho rot i-I tin; brigude was quickly. brouht up, and subsequeritly Uie rt;s' of (iuiitTal UMÜmiii-í' umi (JL-i)"ernl Auger'a cuminunrln, iho brigades oí' ihe rebels were fauud ut every point. Tho battle -grrtinil was in a 'liick wood wkh a ruvine on (iur righ't. Here neaily uil tho mfaotry had been ponooiiled during tho cheliing, after fccurinir theinselvoH from dbseivation liy Kxpelling oor pkïkeits. Tl is uas probnbly óne of tho hurilest uontested fight in Virginia, hinting lül durk, wlio'i i.iir forcen retired from the field, tuking a new posiiion lx on.l :he rrnich of the nmny'H ííiimsi Inch wcre ia tui udvitntugeouH powilion on iht'heighta Our iniactry ivafe badly iMit lip. W'y lo.-t t'.o gillis. The eileniv's lo.-is ,s certainlv jre:ltar thaii ciufs, as iheir ir::so columnM More frequently Hddltfd by our ariillery. Sinco onr corrüípondoat oft the fifld larga reioforcementa havo renchod tbero. Oulpepper Va., Auít. II. Tin; eneniv this innrning set rmt i lay oi truoe asking perfnisifVn to büry iheir duad. This.-hows ihat with a'i tlicir Hupèriority of onmben they wfi-.too IümIIv ent np lo iiitiinlain Ilit'ir pnilion, nud thut tlieir falling ;:vk yuterday was fiom necus-iiy, not ehoice. Onr iroops aro eñguged rn bringrng off our wounded from ihe field and bur) ing the doad.


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Michigan Argus