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On Monday Capt. C B Grant had onlisted and sworn in 110 men, ui da large portion of the are alresdy in rendezvous at Camp Jackson. This company was raised in about iwo weeks, which 'speaks wiell for tho energy of Capt. ükant. It ia compnsed of sterling young men wlio will mate it seooud to no company in the Twentieth Kegimeiit. It is offioered as fbllows : Captain- C. B. Grant. First Lieidenant - R. P. Oarpknteii Secnnd Lieutenmt-D. E. Ainswortii. Ordtrly Sergeant- Olitkr Blood. Capt GkaNT is 11 gradúate of tbe Uníversity, an4 for two yoars kis been principal pf the Uuion School of this city, in whiuh position he has won host of friei;ds Many of his schulars have enlisted undcr him. Lieut Cai;pi:nter gradliated in the last Univcrsity clasrS, and Lieut. Ainswortii is now a studont ia the samo mBtitation. We predict tliat this company will uot disgrace our city. L3L" On Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. Spencer D. Goodale, of this city, received a telcgraphio di-patch from Charles N. Fox, formorly onc of our citizens, d&ted San Francisco, iuforming her that her liusband was a passenger on the ill-fated steamnr Golden Gate, and was lost. Mr. Goodale was an apprentice in the Argus offiyo at the time it came into our p"8se sion, and oontinued in our employ, as apprentice and jjoorneyman for over six years. Be was u faithful and trusty employé, and gained aod retaiued our catire oenfidanoe, as he did the coufideiiee and respect of all who knew hiiu. IIj left our employ about two years sinco in hopea to ba'tor Uw fortune m Califoniu, and was on his return to his wife and ebildren. We regret the duty of thus reeording his sad fute. We bear no particulará. Ouly last week Mr. FiSHBR, publiihei of the Red Bluff fiearon, :n whoso office Goodale has worfced for a year past gave us a cali und reported hini wcll Mr. F. also it.fonned us that he was comnnssioned to take back with him the fauiily of Mr. Goodale. and we undurstand that Mrs. G. had already begon to make arrangemeuts fur joiniiig hor husband.


Old News
Michigan Argus