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Rules For The Government Of Schools

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The fcllowing Rules and RegulatiotM have been adopt.ed by the Board oí Trustees of School District No. 11 of the City and Towuship of Arm Arbor fbr tlie governmeut of the several Schools of said district : OF SUPEr.UÏTEXDEXT OF SCHOOLS. I The Principal of the High School shall bc Buperintendent of Schools,.aud under the adTioe and direction of the Board of irustces, shal! have the general supermtendence of the several schools, and of lbo school house-, books and apparatus bulongnig to tho üistrict. II He shall visit tho several schools as oftea as his duties wil! perrait, and shall give personal attention to the classiiication of the pupila in the same, in accordance wi th the íourse of fitudy prescribed by the Board i shall .see that all the rules and regulatlona adopted by the Board are duly euiorced. III He shall keep the Board constantly Informad of the conditionof the soveral schools, and the clnu.ges required in the same lio Bhall keep a .ecord of his proroodmgs Inch Bhall at all t mes be open to the inspecUon ol the Board. At the close of each term he hall reoort the number of pupila attendmg each school, with the aTerage attendance, and Eucli olher facts as he niay deern important.-He Bhall also prepare an animal report, to be subniitted to the Board, enibracing all schoei mattera connecied with his superintendency. OF SCHOOLS A.ND TEAC1IEES. I The Schools of the District shall be elasBifled into High School, Granimar School and Ward Schools. ïhe 8ssions in all the schools shall unless otberwise ordered by the Board 1, „ at 8 o'dock, A M , and continus to 12 i,U. with a recesa of 15 minutes in the afternoon at 1 oVluck and continue to i%, with alk rec'ess. Teachers Rhall not dismiss their schools, nor absent thmiselves lrom. nöremploy a-ub,t;tule v.thuui peirmsg on from the Superintendent ; but in case i)i absence on account of BickDW, lor a single recitatiou, the Principa! of the daparaneut shall supply a subütitute and report lo the bupenntendeu'. II The teachers shall each in their rwpective rooms l.e lield responsible lor the enlorcemeiituf the Huios and RegiüatioM adopted by the Boaid for the government ol the tchools, subject tu the general direction ol the Superintendent. III Teachers Bhall be at their respectire school rooms at let st tw nty minutes bef .re the tune sp-c:iied lor cotnmencing üchod in the morning, and tm minuies u the aftemoon; and upen the ruoms for the admission of pupils and enforee all the of order lor school hóura. IV All teachers s-lmll care that the school buildings, iurniture, apparatus, maps, tooks o.ned to indigent pop la, as well as t.-.e out-buildiivs, fences, and ail other tcliool property, be not defaced or injured ; and upon discovery of any in.jtuy sliali report the same to the Supeni'tciKiGiit. V. ïliey shali meet at stich time and jilaces out of school houvs. as the Board niay diiect, for tlic purposo of promoting public school educ.ation in'the District. VI The teacher of the higheit grado in eacli school building shall see that the openin and e'.osing of school, and aiso the re'cesses, be siranltaneous in all the departments. VII It shall bo the duty of all the teachers in ct'arr-e of rooms to file with the Supenntendcnt witllin tv. o eriLsafter the ment of cach term, the ñames, ages, anü residences ot all the scholars ander ilirir charge, together with a statement of all the studies whieh eafh acholar is pursuiDg, and shall at the close of each week maUe a like report of all acholara who may enter during sucli week. They shall also report to the Superintendent at the close ol eveiy week all cases of tardinc-ss and absence which havo occurred. YIII The teachers in the Hiffh School and Qraimnar school sliall keep an accurate rc.ii-i.T of the name, age, residence, and tune Of ei.trance, of each pupil, with a daily record of lus ot her scholarship, deportment, attendance.and tardinass, and shall return ït when filled to tho Snpsrintendent, who shall carefully preservo the same. The teachers m tbeWard Schools ghallkeep registers phowing the name, age, attendance and tardmess oí each pupil and return tho same as above. IX No text books shall be used or introdu: ed by any teacher except those presenbed bytheBjard'for thair raspeotive d.'uanments. VI ci-es 01 indigeut pupila not provided with text books shall le iminediatslv reponed to the Superintendent, who shall Uutily the Board of the same. X. The Superintendent shall, doring the week riext before the final week of the term, fiie with the Sacratary of tho Board a faithiul aud con-ect report of all absences during school hours, of bimself and fne several teachers, with the reasons assigned thevefor, the lensth of absence, and what provisión was made for substituto, if any. XI. The beginning and close of the terras, ani! duration of all vacutions, will be determinad by tho Board prior to the conimencement ol eaoli .school ycar, and no holidays will beallowed except by special permission of tho Board. or ïcbolabs. I Pupila are expected to .vmnnence tiieir itténdanoe prompUy at iba beginntpg of cach erm and be regular aad punctual in their ateudáuce ; to coúforra to tbe regulations of he school and to obey piomptly all ttae.directions of the teachers ; to obsorve Rood order and propriety of deportment ; to be diligent ín study, respectful to teachers, and kind and obligiog to school mates ; to refraiu enurely from the use of profane or improper language, and to be clean and neat in person and attne. 11 Pupila of the Ward Schools are requirod to altend tho school established in the district where they reside, except wlien permissiou to altend elsëwhore is givuti by the Superintendent. III. No pupil preparing his or her lessnns in school sball be allowed to depait before the usual time of closing, except by special wntten request of parent or guardián or on account oí sickness -and pupila permitted to prepare their lessons out of school shall enter at the oiiening uf the sessions or at recess, and leave at recess or close of session. IV. Any pupil who is habitually tardy or truant, or guilty of open disobedience or insubordi natioii, or who indulges in the use of profane or improper language, or who makes use of tobáceo in any form dunng school hours, or wbose general conduct i ininrious shall bo reported by the teacher to Dis or her guardián and to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall examine the case without delay, and if he deern it adtrisable may siispend the pupil temporanly, and report his action to the Board. V. Any pupil vho shall wilfuüy injure or deface any school propeiïy sliállpay alldama"es, and be liahlo to suspension by the Superintendent. Any pupil suspended under the operation of tbie and the precoding rule sliall be admitted only by the board on the recommendatiou of the Superintendent VI. Kvery pup.l in the High School who shall be absent Jour hal d'iijs, and in the Grammar School who shall lie alisent i '■" f doys, and in the Ward Schools who shall ba absent eitjhl half dayi, in four conseculive weeks, without on excuse from the parent or guardián, given in person or by written note satisfying the teacher that tlie absences were causad by bis or her own sicfcness or oy sickncss in tbe íamily, sball iovfeit his or lier scat in the school ; and the teacher shall forthwith íotiiV the pareut and the Superintendent Uiat the pupil is suspended. No pupil thus suslended shall be restored to the school prior .o the commencement f the erwuring term, unlres the parent or guardián shall give satisfactory astomuee to tlio Superimendent that the pupil will be punctual in the future. VII. Olher rules for the internal government and discipline of the respective schools, may be from time adopted and announced by the teachers therein, inore eflectually to carry out the rules and regulotion piescribed by the Board. By order of the Board


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