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DENTAL REMEDIES, AKE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSÜIUNQ FINE TEETfl & A SWEET BREATH, A2ÍD CuringToothache & Neuralgia. Do yi-tt wisli to be bloswd witli Rr-tl adrnircd for Te.iRLY WaiiKauii iüuiid TtUUi Uc Dr. W. 1). HÜP.lj'a t'HKlVALLKDÏOUTH POWUfiR, ninn ed freí fruía i aci(iiaUuli ur auy injuiioua sut)stRüci. i'ric;,2.) centi per box. &J. Beware of tb oidmarj oUeup Tootli Powdcra, whicli wbiun but diütruy. Do you wUU tn ho certain that your BREATn is pure, ■west au agieeuble tu bubuud or wile, lover ur trwnds? U-u Dr. HURU'd CELEBKAIKD UUCTB WAüH. Trice, SS conts poi büttle. Tilia astringí nt wash is the brst rem':r]y In the worlJfur C-iNKKK, B-m ButMB, Buaau-S Ums, Sokc fclouru, et.". U büá tured liuiiünOj Do vou or yoi:r chi'.drcn suDur f:cm Tooiuacse? Get Dr. llülúí'd MAU1C ÏUJÏIUUIE UBOIH. friet, IS ceiUb ijki bottle. i AMTOuafflictedwIth NEURALGIA! Get Dr. W. B. UUUD'n NEURALGIA l'I. it'lljü. ThM mut (.Ctctive ■rnd :]igUUul remtdj Lujwii. f Tlify do not adlurs nor blialcr, brt aootl c and chrta pan y. Tij tiitt, 1 """l "' U.- luiicd üu recu:ji ol , rice. Do vnu wlh a enmaleto ut of DKTTAL REMEDIE md Tkïatu ■: I kkhuiíO 'liur oetDi-. HUKUM DKXTA!. IKtAjSUBy, Un iwmpiít and mukt valiubta prsacut thHt on frisad can nuk t .. aüullior. i'rce, il beat by mail ou rL-cciit ot pttco. ' For sale at all tht best storea tlirongtiout tbe try. Caciiox - A' UM aro v,-lio t.iko advantaM of adveriiMimmu tu topos upm ilien puxtoiw ra iufMiorppratioo,it ia uweMarJ V nit "1" l.aving wliatyuuc&ilfi.r.Kiid yuu will ktiU B.T, luoiougly teted,aadpr..predbj n perito ed una tauautte talboo-vt. A4drau Wffl. B. KURD & CO , H 3W York. ftn Dr Iljr'.'s LVnti! Remedí B are for ial !n Ann ,rtur i} cTWHMa oc ffiuo.i, Kbubuji " ci a"d ÓmuiVULtai Feu.. fcs-llt T ilTriu) ( ï SKKEKP Klt'S NEW ïURNITÜREPOLISH Pnvaredfroman mproved n-cipa by the proprktor Of UW'BHOTBKUJONATHAS l'OU-li," i' COrüficd .y :1 the leaiinii New Vcrk l'wraitun 1 en Iers an.l P.O Forte ffir, U, ... Ilie b.t ■" tU w. rld for B, njovij Scratclies, Marks, ud U.rt. oa rrsloring a lp;, i ■ . . r ■ tu ïi"lf. 1 I nd better fhii ,T -h, „f C1mt.mFl..nnUi..lanrta Uuttle 01 two o thh ML Kckxitcbk Pouh. a Home-keeper wnrk maEio m tbj L5 the timo te. "hiom." yur Cubito, ' 1 .ur, Hi Plano, Motme Fnn Carree, etc., an,ï imte K;... ioouro per ent. bettBr. IU i true ce -. ,1e by rurniiure i enhr.-í n 1 cüoieku'iier g.n.Tall).- f-rice 2S and 50 Cnt a üollie. Iut No. 1 ruce . l . Sew Vo.k. Special Agent W&uWd. Addreu, tor laTheNuói-ekél;i'e;'Ï.Vow Kurniture PolW is for wM at Auu Arbur by Great 33ooks in Press. THRILLINGINCÏDEWTS ] OF THE CREA? REBELLION; Ott The Ileroisin ofour Suldiers&Sailors. lwl.,large 12 7710. Pricr, $125. The critica aad tbe public ar riglit n predicting that tbis will surpi)-3,in graphio narnitiW, excité1;? interest, lid cxtenaire pptUnty,Bilotberbitoriei of thf War i'or the Luion Ha liii'inu will be tliR liciüic darlag, lalient suneriiigí.anii bar-br■a(11hec:lIil'"'f 'jl r M.Wicrs .indsailurs, im'l lts iucidt'iits wil! f'im the tliome of conversa'ii.n ai inanmerabla flresidea fnr yean to c nu-. It wili coutwo. naildition tuin ttirrinu details, the pliilosophioal Aualysis cf tbc Cmes of th War, Jos_v LoïliK.' oiOTLkï, LL. I) , Author cf ■■Tho i'.i.-e "f the Iluten Kcpublic," etc, tlie dates ui' 11 tbe important ovi-nla froin the Julm Bruwn raid, aiul ,n accuraio . n'i revied accuunt of tbe pvincipal battles, ith eugrav ns. Oni thiid (he prncecls of all Subrerlptlon spnt dirset to u will be given lor the Relief of liablcd Soldier. and all perñuDswho Visb a copy of tho work, in' :ilJ to beiu-lit the stldie s.should hend llicir ramt and addrena at unce. Also, jnv ffi?or er privaf.or perpon in any fcection of tho country, bavinK kuowlclge f a bcroic act or stirrinj incidint, wül oblige us liy enndiog ub au account uf it. Booksi Ters, Pmtmutera, and Canvasair.g Agrnts trill be furnishecl witli a Subsciipüots Prospectus, ou applicatiou lo Uiu l'ublisi.eis. tl3_ A libernl cotnmUsirn jivcn to soliiers dosering to ctaa agenta iu ukmgsubcrii'tii-ni, II. THE HISTORY OF AMERICA MANUFACTURES, from 1608 tol860. By Dr. J.Lkínder Piüinp. 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. now rcaóy, Vel II. ncarlj ready. This is probably the Inrgest an3 most important wotk uu'.v ia the Amt;ricun i-re.-is. Wo have ïilo just publisheO new eáitions oí tha following ubci'ul antipopular books: The Business Man's Legal Adviser; Or Hnwio Save Conducting Hustness nccordingtula as upoitiitled ly the liot aud Utst Authuiitioa. 4OOpp,bp. rricell, 0PPORTÜNITIE9 for INDUSTRY ; or, A Thousand Chances lo Make Muney. Cluth, ïl ThU has beun repottlUnd in rnj'aud. Evcly' ss man and cleiksliouH have tliwcbooks. Thvy will pnj the buyirn liuudreil fuid. tveiy panmt siiuulú jyt tlifm 1 r lüuir bons. AU (hao books .ire miiled. pospai'', nn rj!it of price. Wa p-iy pïtieulr attealioo la mailing bouks, wrajpn' tin ui ciiiefully, and will proci.rj iul eno, piipaiü,any book nwtur, on woaipt ot puulisbcr.. ,rioe. JuUreM FREEDLEY & CO., gfj-ff Tribune BLii!lin;cR,NJw York, TjERFÜNS wlio wish ti) liuy a Piano of the best makers J. willbo shown Imw Ihi'y can save i baudsome sum in Hu puteba. it UJ ad' rrs l'uxn, care Juy, Culi k Ou. , I'ublisbirs' Agtnt8,New VorkP.Ü, 8 ltf MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW KESTORED. Jast Pubtished, ia a Swled Envelopc. Pria Six Ctuts. A I.ECTURE ON TIIE NATURE, TREATMEN'T ANC RADICAL CUHE W SI'EKMATolUUlCEA or Scmiual Wtaknens, Involuntirj EmUwioHS 8xul Hehilitv. and Impeilimeuts to Jiatringa, Nerroumoi. Con. miniitiin Fpilcpsy n l Fit ; Hental MM Phj icl Int. „c„, rï-UUin! fro Sir-Abuse, fcc. Hy BOBT. J. CL'LVtliWKLL, U. D., Authot of the Grmi Co')t,&c. Thn wurld RDiDd authnr, n UiU admirable Leeture. cV'ariy pruTM fmBI B4 0n ■xiierieniicc tliat the awful CDnseqnences "f Self abuse may he etfectuaüy removed without medicina and withmit ilangerous Ki:rrical oiienticmn bougies, Instrument, ring or cnrdlali iiointin oot ti moílp of cure at oneooertainanaeffictual, by whicb every pullij r, u ) nwtitt wbat nis con'htion inav . e, roay euro hiBuwlf elieaply pri' at,!y, and radical]y." Ihifl lecturu will prove a boon to thuusauus U) thounand, Sent uaWr r.cvl, in n plaln onvolope, to ar.y addrcEB, od the raoalptot sii jants,or Iwo pustage Btomijs,by rtdr,, .CHASJ.r.KLIN-E, J2Bowery,Xew York, l'utt üffico Boi,4586. Oval Pletnre Frames 4 LL SHES, BTTLS aud PRICES jut reoeivcd aua j CHOFF & MILLER'8. (il gr i {BrË j 1 S 1 g ri H o M -. ►. p Q " sa M fc H g e i B c cj o IL - ds -S L h 'j s 3 e h i? ■ ls R !h IS _5 THI3 SE3ELLION os incn prices for clotiii:íg. HASCOMMESCEDATTBl CLO & EELIAELÜ CLOTHI N C EMPORIUM 1 No. 3 P1IGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. T titea apaftin; Utft nd varicd siortmentof I s,r,nindáuinmTiil3,ndinTewof ilii Ion t'n high ttio" seiu rilly, vrW uar tlieoi tu my and juntura r., nt th vory loare Rurea fur Culi.- Thniwin nal uf a üuiíciiui urtijle oí uetbt, Chui recrea, cr Beady-SSado Glcthing, -irill cali enWWI. WACER, wlio has just returnotl from the Esfe, Hh a large AMortkaeat oí' SPRING & SU MM EB GOODS wlllcli liovclxcn jiurch;'.8Cl at thí late LOW BRICES! amlcinofft-rthemHl n lower flgW thaa ertr before. Auioiigmv AuorUAeat uiay be fouud BHOADCLOTHS, (JASSIMERES, DOESKINS, .VESTINüS of indwrlptHm, togftiiT wUb ?. iopiot aa'orlmcnt ot iitadj-ïlutlc Ciulli!i:g, m l ■ "■""■""" CABPEI B.V'.S, Efjj J .ÍIJ üMDRELLAs, rniSSSBUetitlefflei's Fwuishiug GOODS, ■itvnumoio.isoUnrarticks uaually toaaiHB similar citailibhnicutf . A3 an 1MP0RIU-M OF FASHION, the luVrib flatte-shimsclf, tlmt hl long experience and sacc-.ea, wiil aTl Uim to give the jreatl;t 8tfa?ion to ah who ma y trast him in the waj ol fMauufuctui-'mg Garments to order. AVil. WAGN'Eit. AnnAror, Aplil9tV. 1SC?. slf New from "Dixie!'7 The Raellion about Crushed ! A. t C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAiD CLOTH1NG HOUSE Ret-u-u theirincere thanks tü their nuinerous FRIENli AND l'ATROINS, For the liborairinar in wbioh they have heretotofuie paf11'20' t-hem, aml bcg lcave to luouace tlitit they aic AGiN ON HAND With a Jirge and well soloctüd Stock of SPFlNG & SUMMER CDTHING! GENTS FURM31ILXG GOODS, iils, Caps & Truub, wliicli thcjr irill Bell at Astüisliing Lw Prices ! For fttrtlier particularj CJCH C4.X2.Cl SOO for yourie. and you will not goaway dUsatisficii. A. & C. L0E3, HuroStrfíit, a few diors west of Cuok's HoUl. Auirbor. Mny, 18.3. S"85i Fnit and Ornamental T IR, E E S , TE 3_.O"W PEICES. mJWJBSCBIBEBSartnnw prcparo.1 io rrccive or 1 Ier all kimls f Fruit aml Or.iamental IreoSh'us, Plant, Flowers an.i r,f ererj dcscnptiou n.;iiiuy. fov thFU of 18 a and Spring of 1SW- W .[■ave a lirge Btock now ürowiiis:, and intonrt to melirge importfttiooi from timo totimens the wants oftie cuunti-v dimmrt. Weiovit the ptopU to ttoMlv arquailited withour facilitiis for dolngbu.,. m before purchasinu olsewbere. We warrant all varii to I truoto mn, muS to bo "" Mi hithv imocimeni. AUoommnnieaMooiiriH bt promptLqwnïed to. OarofflMM In ■■' Agr.cultural dr Detroit st., Ann Arbor, Mich. DuBOTS, CARR & CO. Isn Arbor, Juno 2t,lS62. ÍSW The La?t Cali. i LLthoFPinAebtedto tbe late aria of Wino iSnijbt iirorcqufBlcd topiij'thnsamnbefoieihï Brit Y July ntxi. as all (leui.iu'ta 'tben ramaining uniiaid wuj 8 Wt witb u cSccr füi oolleetios. wtsa. J.W.KNllínf, .na Aroi-,Jimn.l3(13. ííotiooTtEEE A. A VVA ULE heg le' t0 infera tbe puMie Khat stae 'oís dur ngtbe last foor yo ra traied to ta ,pou aount..f belweec 0 a 50 dollut m tbat f btI iU'b&Od#' íf W HAR' UWiJM.


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