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cm'JtífclK5!! SAMBÜC1 WINE, ASO FCLF. YWltí OU), Of Cüoi e OporCo jTiuït TOR PHYSICIANP' USE, FOS FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALTD3 Kvery famüy, .it thii seabi, Uiouid usa tbc 8AMBICI WHIE, fpic'.rt,-d-n Evrorw for Ht v: áic'nul índ becefV.m! quMitV. su pcnt!cítúmilrrit,'í.i.íc. Iiiuntcoid J-u 3, r.8o, bighly eetifmcd lï nntocct p ■yi-.cirs, umJ m Kun-,, 10 and Americtta Hofpiiata.Mxi bj tcnle of tt firt iuuiilios of turupe und Aroei is. AM A KlXIf, It lu!iiiMl,riu!B nnariíolite r.=4 bi'tWing up i of the Bystc-IB Iwinj estirtiy tro wine of n most valuaklé fluit. AÍ5 A mORWIC, It lirt a hcalthy aetlon to the ulano! ni KM nor?, Órgano Ttij beuQeilio Propy, Uu-at, ad KhjuM:.tic a&cUÜDS. srEKP.'S WI3IK Is not o mixture -r nrinufRctim-d arcle, bi.t 's pure. from tlie juice of Iba PurtugmJ -an: ucus. cultivatcd in Ne Jrsey.rroirmcnde(l by Ciu-misH ana Phyíiciau HauuessiDgmiiealfrnpitiipriaT 10 nnr oth-.T Winoin uw, and excellent hriiclefnr hü weak and ik-binlulcd prnoua, ar.'l the agï aiui ii.fiim, tmyroTlni the appfütu.and buneli in ; -a um anJ oUild.-ea. A LA!:!! o WINT, BeciuiM t u-ill not IBtojIeftt ai ottff virp, as i'. cowïinH o mixtur ül piriu i i liquoM.und la tliniwa for it rich peeuüar 6vor, hu.'. n.uritive properties. hnp:irt)D([ ft licaltliy lont In (he dig rtivc n-j: :.s, aiid u blooming, oft and heHI'j kin uad coiaplxion. ;ï RLn.:i 10 A f;w wpl! kn"wn gouticmf-n hu-I liliValc.ans , wiO havtIrievl tlit ViDi-:- Gen. WinaMíott, Ü.S.A. Or.Wílinji.Uthrti. N. Y. Hof HivKao, !f.T. Ur. i, N airark, N.J. Hr.J R C!,ivm,X. Br. Dbughartjr, ' " i). 1'arUw, N Y. Cílv Dr. rwb, HiiUdeljiUi Dr L'uicy umi SicWl, Kewark, N. J And nwnjr other tr,o nnmtwlna 1" v..WI.-h. ,-__, i5--:im! (u:m iialrn Uu igouturo rf "Ainau SlttR, l'.uk-,N J," liorvrtlifceoikof each ljottl. 4S-MAKE O.K TRUL OF TH13 W1XK. Tot Sitie. Ly ilaynnrd, StebbJiiJ : Wllwn. Ai-a Albur. A. gPBBH. Piop-.iotor. VÏNEYAP.l) I' - aic. New Jrttfy. OlpiCr, C08 Bradwy, N. Y. JOHN LA POV, Pa ia. f,3,n5 Agent for franwand i.e;-many. HfSDON&HlííN'UEasaA 2C'ïlLvro tlxo X5 TJ O 3K 33 "ST 3 CRAI ORILL, ar.d Grass Se cd So?;cr, Manufactured at Spriogfiöld, Ohio. THEVEUYLATESTIVPItOVIüftNT, ad Wttcptliao ' il otlicrjf n!-i[i!ui' lu Bowng tVliatt, R), O, Burley ünlUidoa Sfcud. i lfí. 7 feos s T 'tarij Fecd-.r. 2c?. TF.VZ Í3M Z2 fcmcZ c í?.";i ft?;a' Srass Sced. oil. JSFever bunches the Orain í(h. JYever Ircalcs ihe G'uin. aíh. Sows Grass Seed Iroidcast hehindthe Drill. Cjí.Ti. HasMijh wlieehand long Hoes. Ith. lian ljifj and wide steel pointe Sh. Jl has a Ixnd measuri ov Survei or. 9tA. It his douhle and single rank di'iüs. 10A. J( has a sel adjusd'.ig simt off tilda. It is neatly nnJ subsíantiully made. Tliere ia hírdtj a Prul offared in the markut but can boast o ínoit oí lesa FIRST PREMIUMS? Tboy are aboutaa Indlscrlmíniitely bettowed a the tlth oí' " Piofc-'-or,'' which w uoioetime Dppliecl to the "jWder" or bouiblackp Tiiey cuase to convey the idea i f merit. The Buckeye Drill has teen on Exhibition at quite a Dumber of títatt y h'afrs, And without seeRing favor at (be han is uf anj Cummitrae, has reonnd its full sliart of Proluiuras. TESTIMONIALS : IVe givc the followinj rames of a few Ksrmtrs n th;s viciuity ffjo have bought and ust;tl thtí Buctt-ye Drill : Gudfroy Miller, Sclü. .'iicob l'üllieiaus Jacob Trcmper, ' ïh'mas Wliüe, NorthfleH. Jul:n Brokaw, " C'hiistian Kapp, " K'lw.irJ, Websler. James Treadwell, AunArbor, ■ l);tn.el U'Uara, " ' JuhnU. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Mai-.-hall, " L. tdmun r, Snünp. Gnorg Cropjr, Ur cnOak, Liv.Co. Wc aroalfio AgentR for the Qhio Reaper & Mwer, acinowle'lgecl tr be the vcry best iu uso. "Wc nio just in recejt of 100 Grain Cradles Wlikli we wil! sell Cheap. AIso aliirgc assoriraeut o G-rass Scytlies. And tbc largest and best selected stoei of BEiSTT STUFF FOR CARPJAGTS over bcforo ofTered ia this marküt. We !UtO kaep alargo and futí NAIW, 0LAS8, PÜTTT, PA1NT, anl LINSEED OIL. A cumiJlcte asáorinueat of BTOVES, TINWAÜE, AND F.AVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put op at the 6horto,t0„uco. ni3bONBEKMBBON. Ar.nArbor, June 2th. 1862 9if T7K1M thtiiobioriTwrabout l""r oek ago a (wo year F old wdHElrEK. Has a lillle white on bellr. and longbinni A ie:i'inable rewnrdwlll ba jmid tur-nitirma.ion where.hcn ton.jd Add Arbor,Juncl2, 18M. 86Tw2 General Land A Keney PERRONS waniiH{.'fnrni8,rreeldencpfiPoriaí Aun Vrbor, can by r.nliiug on nae aeleclfroaia lUt t no f arm f F"or Salr! 0 fv i'.zPttvnm :t. ti. i:c::aorprsaeb ;(somo „. ioodv'ntk Morrlhan 5O UwellUK íümisrs nthirClty.rro'ntw 'ninred so fanrthavinnciolBreach:and ovftr 1 O ( P.(!II,I)INC IOTS! Amonethcrnrnif arr the l!hf. OFlarrn, ISOOarrs t.he fotlrr farm, in (ïreen Oa. t'.' Plac( fa rm . .. 1 4clarri. tlirRIanilonind Ji-nk farm. I n WBbtr; th am!), Mic!incl ("ilanrv. Newton B"cr, nd FallaliO' ranr!. In Aiir .! . Kinirsls yM farm. 1 n 1' r Hltrh nnd H1-k frli 1 1. I ndi th PatrV rioyv Urm l" rffidnm: W. W. Tavinn.B n. Ritir i rl Eui-Ii'í fsrm In-ivl'an Moft'f ,1 mui &:ber: caá be dlviáedio tjU JiaaiTbc;. Jsb li 1SS6 Mi L; il. HOüFLAKD'S BALSAKIG COSBÏAL, . For the upeeíj eüfï of Cottqhs, CoUs. Influenza, Cfotfi itdaricéeèi, jïrrtnctiitts Pneumonía, DistaftiSoflh, Hoto ele, artivq f ra in CohJ, Incipïtrtt Csiii9U7npt0 7,andfor the relief and if at all possibïir) cure vf i'at'unli in adeanezd stages of tha latter rjlHEBaisamic Conïtiil is tntirolj ft VsgetaVI X Uoo,eombiQ!ngthtt be&Ilng propeftica ot iho Elsam, with tb invigorming quaUtis of üordlftl, i,roducing a coijibmat on &o v. ch ai3n.Ul to tb ii P3CS iutiii-üed, tlibt thviO are bul U-w cnee of dis'-n-e whícL will oot, ut m uaily pcriJtt, succumU to It i culiand liie giving proporties, Foragos, bas tlie trenttnent rf puimrjnftry iiepafB occup d tufl gre:ti.-r portion uf ib ftU-tfiiim ui ti.? scieatitlc of IU mt'dicttl world, but nJöé acquiiwl mom tui.Dfcjicu ld hi.-, ti-oatmeni ,o! thet díMAsm, tl eeitibrittelPruislait l'f. IloufUBd, the ci-ignatut ot ti:e BalMmlcCordikl. Hlilifu irsi ú- tion uf,rDdia ihat VoulU ttand ubiivalleJ. Hptr w#lï Le hfti -act-eclud, ths Amanean peupl nra Rble t-) juüge: iiri'l vu posiiivüly HB-tcrt, tl.nt nu preparationi that hafir tfcc been placel U-efnre thouk, bru'e oonferrd tiicaame iimouu) ut bnc4ts on auffcrlog hummity, or have elicitcd ao ooaoj ComBi6bd%Uuoi iroai llcliiiJ ! ui society, fts ihererr-ydiea of lr. Botffla&d, preiiarod ljy ür. C. W.JRikfWD Co., of FhiUdtlpliU. XU Cordial li ;paineü Fot a oUts of dlfieftWl more gencia! Hi)d moro tata] tbun ar.y otlur %o wblcb tha j ptupte of thli Ctfuntry me sulüet- tb I fruía a ilsUsht cod.'' Titnt nilucnt aathorily, 1 : lïetl, R.avs: uiwl)l notsny that Culos to our iuliab ítttoti what tb Plartu ind Yrïlia Vtver tr I i ot ctber countrlea; butlcria ayer coaQ'leutJvtbat thej j ush'.-r in ütr-c ot grenttr Jcuniplidiy ca mottalitj ' tbau LhtMlaUBr.11 E?i tirely Vegetable. No AlcoliMc IJrtijaration. Dïï. HJOFLAND'3 CEL.EBBATED ÖHaMAN BITTERS Prcared by DR. C. M. JACKSON & CO., PbfUfelpfcla, Pa. WÜ ffeelwU cure I.IVEK COMPLAIVT, DYürEFcIA, jAUNWCE.Curcilic ur Sllvom'y, 'Jh:i&-&: of th KHneya, mri ftll aiasea urilng ín.m a UUordírod Lirer or - b mach Such ut. ConUniÜon,Iowar3 Pilos. Fulnsaa Gr Blood to the Uc&c, tin j of tha Stcmaeh, ffttuse, Heart injrn, Dirigitdt for 1'oüJ, FuloeM er weight BtltO ttínnacli.tuur Ërnotutioii). , zinking or Flutterini t tht) it of tho Stonwcli, wimniii)ji ol tlie li'.-iti, ilunied ü&d üifficult UiHathing Kluttering at iho Heart, Choking or Sulfijcating MDhati'U rliGa in n lving posture, Üha U9U ot Viflioo. U'jt, (JÍ wbn b-fö:te tLi tlght, Fivcr ni Dull Pain tn the Uead, Uflclepcv öl Ptt-Apivuttun, Vel lowoees of tliOÜkin aol E'e l'ain in the 61 Ie, puck Cbitt, Limba, ftc. Suelden Ftualréíof fl'íat, Burninglo tb Klt.ib, (..'■.■M.-.u.r.t Imgicinga of ril, and gnti i-;preasious of Spirit, and wiH posttlveij prorect Í,OV FKYLlí, BILLHCFKVtR,&c ChPropniuriaclhogtkatíentloa of the public to Uw prüpar.i-tiUü, Ú---A-.-' -i i",!i a ffifcl ng cf the u'.moai cunfidencein it ■■;■■■■ -nv' iul.iuUi.,n to the üi.sea.-e." ;ur w!iich U ié rt'C :..rl'.Cv I Itisuunew a ml uiitrivd artiole, luit on tliai lia ■ tlie tetff n t Wel vu .yeirtr t: ii U-fwie the Auier_.!■.'. .tii-i tá rí.-mUtiiMi and --ar. ara auiivaUeü iy finy HÍmilar pregara tío Sa ex tuö t, rtfhe tvrtimony .ii its tttTor [(iven by th moi 1 1 rooiim :.' nfl well-t n wn Ph;siciauí snd UidívidoJila Ín a.11 artsuf tha coun Qdinse, t.nd a car ful prut&lul tb Aimaoac, pubjjshied fcnnuallf bv tlie Proyrietota, p.üJ io bu bi f tuy uf iheír Agènv, cartnot ■.■-_♦ Matiaí; the inuht ikepticel tlinttli s Mttneij( i:i Lai' uct.'úig the yrt-ai iclebritj it hasobtioed Read the Erïilet;"9 tram J. iït&cn Broten 1. -' , Eál'cr oftfic Lnrjdccd'-a of lít.l-giour. K7i'jv:it-ve. AUhoiivb noftltpotcd t tarcror recommfcad Patent Ie4iciow iO KrírHl, tbrough disfrubt ot' ttieir ingruilieptfl nAml.ï y#tknw oí uuauRcientreason why i irau uaj not textil y tu t!iv bpncí'it be belicvea hitnst-íí u havo iveeived from anyimple preparatlcn, ín tUe üope that k muy thus coatnüute tu Uie bcnoíit oi ÏUotUIttlie more readiiy in regard to ''ITcoflfinrl's Qefman Bitters," prepared hy !;r C", M. Jackoo, ot this :ity, becaust I wai'-) igant theni for yeam, unAer the iinpresion that 1 1 1 ey wore chieflv an aloii )1 c mixture. I un fnUcbted to my friona Robert Sboemaker. Ksq.-for theremoviè] of tliiM prjttdice by proper nciu rapi'intut to try them, whe:i i uíler'ing f r oiii [rreat and long eontín-ed debiUiy, The tiw of 'bree botttes of tUwto Bitter, at the bezinning of tlie prwent year-, WMÍollpwcí by erídou rolieí, nd rentnration tu a dtffreo i bodiW untl mentAl fíg ■ ] ]. : uot felt forsixoonths beforü.and Uü aimott ■■ of retr&ining. I th&refurvtha&k God Rttd :nv rriend for Urtetiiij me t the uw t them . J. XK'.v ION' BJtüWSlíep.í whtt tViO eminent Gia.-.s iíanufacturer, JOÏIX II WHITAI.L, says of the BLSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. O M J.cksov- Rft.;jf.'cÍt"J í"r:-_-in1: ITavírg fyr a long time been aoqaintetl wlth the vlrtnea of tby B.i'samic Cordial m Coa ha. Colds, InflHminatlon of the LutiRB, &o. I tbut frly br testimony to Iti ForverïyeM I hat noTer bU without it p my familv It abwgÍTfB rae pleusure to átate that I hv utfd it withuntíre bqccwii ín Vw trvfttmcnt of Sowe CompUinU. Ihj friepd trulr, JOÍIN M. WniTALL. t'ifih Mo. 11, 1SGS, Eaceátrcct,above 4iU, i'h:!a. These maJicincsiiri fw sale bjc all ri-ipccliiWe Drntr;sts un', dealers ii mfed'cinM in the Unitfd lates, Britih Provlnce, au'' Wi !tlndies,af ÍS cents jkt boitle - B ureiinrtgot tlie gen-ini?, wil h th Big I! ture " í.' M. jALItBOV 00 thP vrrrijjcr n! each buttle; fï'i olker arr ootnttrftü Fr ncipafiKDoa and ifanatac:oiy,lí Ardí Street, Philartslphim, Cjl. SiOyl Is iv receiving a lare aml well sclcctsd aS3onusnt 0íccks9 WatchDS, - ■■■■■■■■■■■laÉnMMiiRMMmmnanM! JEWELEY, Silrer and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET T3 TBCJ T3T" 33T-W TSTJ atS. "afc" RAZORS and SHEARS, O-OIL.3D PEISTS, Musical Instruments, Strings Bnoh$ fr hs!rv7nnits, SIK-EET MUSIÓ, COMBá, üd a great vorlctj oi "5rA.XTK:EB 3STOTIO3STS, ScC. He vrould cali particular atlentiou to hls Ir.rge stock of SPBOTACLES, 0 Qold, Silver, Síeel, and Pla'ed, uith PERISCOPE GLASS, t unido. áQ HnntiDgton A Platt's celebrated GALEND AH CLOCK! suitnble for Offices, Counlin P.O. ms.llalls ot Dweitiojs. l'hef e olockri are rtUaUe t;n:.' tivper M Calendar crabined,an4 peqnncvhe wiiidiñg ut' the time move menta onlj,t secure all th requiiwl clianp's at mil bight, showiog the diiv of tl; wee the raoatt nnrt 'l.iy of thu m 'ntti, nclu'lini te '.9th of February of i.c:i ; vear. Jlis ffooils are niostly of-recent puveha from Nëw Vork and the mna1actu, add ill bMM B'jlt th tirae.i . Persoai! h ivinr aifflouH watchaa to fit with glam-a cso b seomadated, u my ttoo!; is largi; an' completo. P. S. Particular attcnf.on to lio of all Linds of fino Wateres, fiuch as Making :md Setting new Jewels, Piniims, Smjs, mi Cylindtrt. AJta CLOCKS, Sc TE-W-EIEV-ST rn-atly rajiairfd and warrantcd, at his uld EïanJeast siit1 uf ilain Street. C. BLISÖ. Ann Art.n-, No. T5, 1801 826tf D1SSOLUTION. E Oc-nwliwnWp heretnfo ixijtlr bcH-ct-n tho unrersigaed undertbe nanra and Rtylo of Ppoof íc Tho-pson w4iMolwdhyhy mutual oooientoo the 15th liiiy of Mar,int. 'ih&businrit ol the lam tra will bo Hrttled by .luhn W. Th&ip3'n, nuil the business continuedbyC Spoor. fIIW.,PMR, jo;in w. TiiuiirsoN". Datfd, nnArbor,Miy-8ih, ÏS.3Notifcf. ALL pcrsonf inrleblcil fca tie IfifeS flrm of Pnonr anfl Thompson arorcqucstp;! tn culi at the oíd stand uncí mïke prompt EclemBnt o. tbJ. A Cmd. TITK buBinew of FVlrMfi an-1 Binnen Trïïltic' will bp carrietl on ntthe pld pinta of business ol 3for I Thftmwwn fcy the nrtrrigTted, wbo soüc t; Üip cnnfin lied patronage of Iho oM onetmners Qt th firm, una hopos by prnmpt attfniion to bufttaesfe tö pain patrone. A (jenpral asstrlmont if H;irness n4 Sddlerj alwayson b.-inil. AJÍ pwon nábtedto ine eitber tqr nfiifior hook account ure requestcd to settle tUe tamc ilolay. CHAS. PPOOR, Ann ArW, May L8, 1S62. S5w JVotlCL. WnTTTlFA mywifPheb ,MUii baWtVf rïin about th cfiuntrv nnr mnpinc m" in (ehi wilbou ray conhent fr knTvldir-i; ib r-fnr 11 p#rs n nr ctutiond aLr%tnttt tTURt'ne h"T nnmy aecouQtt%l 3 sha pav nft Vhtdof herentract!ng. ' pstm3 HARVKY ANN'AQIL. Pharoc, Mpy20.I-62 „ . t i_ - Ayer'g Sarsaparilla, " Chicago Cork Trac, Th rtaa lo Bwj School Bokt. WHOI,1'5,AI.F. Book & stat Soné i y Hotifi. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. FTJGLlfiH Sandsrs Prcrrssivo Readerá, tfawlf Utootrotyfmd, wiifc utirand oriptcal fllaftMftMNty _fa isa noat lj-iii.-.;t"ul a. (til &t 'he bet bcofcft utUiit. 1, indrfl' Albbtbit M, 6 Ifi a ttt,..,...l :-9 II. dfcfiAers' I rimarj bebH 'JhrrR. 8 on 4 card.t 1 í# III Sxndo' 1 ruiJir ü'pieUfrg Dook, 13 IV Stndífs' 1 ■ !■'■ büö tcfintr, 1A . Aurita.t' Abftlyuaof Bngllsb Woidí, W VI. San-k'r'ü l'lcu r.:U Pr taer, (bourdj 12) Vil BHnden1 l-ertnan atifl } nglish l'rimtr ir Vilí t-ander' New Firrt líes-JÍr, I IX 8nderHXtwS el k$ X 8anderN'ew Tbird Reader, O XI. Kindera' New 1-oui th Reder, t XII. 8Dder' Ntw í-if.h 1í a tr Ï XL1I. 8Hílera' Hlgh Schtol iUrde.-, ew XIV. Sanieis "iouns; toadles' KeHUfer, 0& XV. an'ler.-' &uhcol Speaker,., i tO XVI. Sanders' KucatlooHrj CUrt, I C Tbfffft icatiirs arQ fttoUncaWhvd fr tlieir oírlctly pr+ rrísimc charoctiv hiiO ]i HtlJci Oa y-' r Monto 't yupg. Thpy have b-vn r'-ceif n witli unprtcedMd fuYM.MA Ijjr no g'uss m'-rp fAvovubly thao by Practical TtacLtr whü Iikvü ttod tbeir mr:ta in tLt tchool i'.'m. Kobinson's Course cf ïïathcmatlca. BY HORATIO N. r.OEINEOK, l.L. D. LaidTrofeuor of Mathemfttic !a the U. 3. Kry I RobinsciD'fi ProgrcBsifei fin ry Arlti laclto, II. Kbins'-i.'j Prtjgi B tí lntullfctuftl ríiL. UI. Robaut'd Hud.menU of wriíUn AiitU. i IV, iohns! ■■ . '■ ftrttetíe&1 Arílb. liüliiLjjii'.-t Kej to Pi'ttcL.t'U Arit},m-t;c, W VI. Kübinon Pr grcaWe Utgbrr Aiitl.irnt-c, 7$ VTI. H;b:nMin 8 Kty'tu Hightr Antiitote, ? VIH. íU.Ojíbsoii'8 ew ti meiat ry a;ci bi I , T IX. K biQson'd Key t... u iuenUrv AlgcVrt, 75 X. KoUinou' Uuiwifiity Algebra, 1 24 XI. il-!; :h.:.VIü [-: Unireraity Algeb, 1 ( Xll BnWn)tiHÜccinetry hkJ lilgumme ry, 1 60 Xlil Kubtaami'i öumiug;inti Kitvigstion. 1 ftv XlV Kub i-on'ii AuaIjtic&I (Jt: mi-tij and Coftlfl eetlor.!), i Jy XV Bobian -" I tBdIt:tLraICalc&2ttl iO XVï ttobiniiou'i Elcinciitarj Autoim mjr, 75 XVU Hobiuson't UatverAltj Astroucray, 1 T3 XVUI RobinflonMathimaticm] O j;f ruines, 2 ïA XIX F.ob niofc'rf Kty 'u Algvbra, cmotry, Lurvtfing, m, 1 lo Formiïfg fi FULL KATHfeMATICAL COmSE, c-mbr;ic:ng 4,rithmotic nnJ Tcxt Botk in the Hiftbei Muthematica. Kor txtü.it of rewarth, faclHty er.d spineKe ojT Ulimtratlon and usefulnefl, the uuibtr oí 'tlís peries isBuraH?ed by uo matbircatfcal writer in thls oountry, Thi aerii-a lisra btn recvmmended bjr the bfti% feUtbeáattoiafu ie all aectñioaof ifac couctry. Gray's Series of Bátanles, síx fcoolfS. Hitubcock's School Anutouiy and Ploí olog3', l. HitoHcock'a Geology, cr.e book. VVeH't O ra in in a ra. Uvo booka Well'a Si'ientifio Series, incluuing Clicmistry, Philosophy, ito Thrcu books. Wilsons ïH'rk's of Histories, fiva book. ''agquclle'a Freneli Series, eigbt books. Voodbury's Germán Series, scven books. Jryimt & Stratton' Series of Buok-keeping, tb reo booka. pencurian System of Pcnmansliip. nin books. Am! ?Jany othrr Vnluable Eooka. Wholesale Dealerá and Iïetail Pnrrni3 at our Eíorí'ovr rur Th"ri33and tjiffirent nrIclM of Statlonery anti Thrue Uuodred Tbonnuvl Voiuntu oí booka, frum whieh io muk their ititttito, titapriiiinx an assorlctei ï aut rivalyil bj niiy ether Uwvi Uour.t iu ttit? Uuited btatai. S. C. GIíIGGS & CO. Are Special Ag:nti for Mcssrs Ilurper & Bro'g Publications. 't D. Appli ton & Oo's " (i Tioknor & Ficld'.s " 11 Gould & Lincoln's " " J. 15. Lippincott &, Co'i " Accï fonüsta all thcir Bfiokfl ut ErkUed prices for oah. Noto Pupt-r, Letter Paperq and C'ip Papers, Blank Books, Tasa Books, Ana ail kB3fl of STTIOXERY, at the loveat prifM. SL iTES by tLc docta or cam. t?Síran)?crí!(in'l travckr vi 't"i:pr Cblcagfl w!l! fin5 U ;ttrrfptn to lir,g'-r lor hu Itoar uzutf ti:f inTftrmiintti jili: of fiteratare atSO and 41 Lak Street, S. C. GKIGGS & Co. Agent3 Wanted. US Tor al1 cjstiy an Subscripttoa Works, er u;iv noblu irark up :i Ruligiuu, Literator), ccieuaö, oc Art, iddnw o. CilklOtiS at CO. PLEASE Ui.MEMBlOi Thatt'ifrL' is no bookstore in tliis country kci-plnff bstteï or in ití extensiva &so7tDieiit ihaa ij kIiTuví íqub1 ut tS luid li ti-t(tt. KEÜLMBER. Tliat Pu'ülic or Frirate Librarle enn bo suppïïed wltU tirst cliiaS BTandard Wurka bj ü. (J.G. & Co. ujjod bclttr terms than ïo end 1 ast a:.c paj ireigkt tfSj.WejU-rn Litemry ana Frofesstonal mcn.Teachersr ScUulars iu all dvpartmDts of of th worlü ut letten. BTtim-iteO to mak e -9 a'rJ 41 L.I:ü stMwt tlieir i)'ute of reaoiiiu momeatsof I C.GEIGGS& CO., Wliolosalc and lïMail tïooküöllvrB And Statiouer, :-9 & -11 Lake Street, Chicago, 8. C, CRIJG3 &42.lï3 E. L JANSEX. DO Y OU I! A NT WffISKERSt no rot uMA-ri moustacuei I.' lo, parchase om bottie of E. E. Cl.ampion's EXCELSIOR ISVIGORATOR! Thti world renowaed toilet-- the orlv .irticle of the kirnl evcroffered the pcoule i# ihe United" States. ïiw abovt anicl is the oniy one used by the IíüucU j ia Londun lai.i l'uria it is in universal u.-e. THE EXCELSIOR WlilSKEll INVIG0RAT0R1 i Is a lïeautiful, KconoiTiical, Soothïng, yol St'mu'atinp Compouad, ictinj as if by m ig:c apon ihe roots, cu ing a bttaatifu) growth et Lu xu riant BearJ. If Rp;.l;tl ïo the Sca)T,i1 wiü cure Baldnkss, and if applid acirdintf to wiÜ cauo f priH3 up in bjd ipü'uj a íiü;.' ru'.viU of í-oft PKJfelJ Baib The Celébrate EXCELS10 R IN VIGORj. TOR Is an Indispensable Arilcle in cvtry Gentleman! Toilet, and sfter one weOk usc they wo:!iJ uot, for cnv cnaidt-ra,tiuii, be without it. 11c above urticle wUl,io ïrum Foor to b-ght Week;;, Uring uut a tbiuk sot oí WaiaKïiij 'lli subucribers are tho onlj Agonía fot the aiïovo wtlcleio the Uuitedátatcí. They would also anouncc to tlxs public that lUf are agontsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet Í fhe onl f Jii t i o 1 o over oíTcrfd o th F ench peo f le thít wou ld cukl tkicct hair ! the above Toilet heing maiiufftctuTod Tor the ote b; nufit ■ Louis Nnpoïeon ! which article 'a now indispensable In ïiin Tilet i o m. Thfl subsoribers leeting confi lent that tliis Tuilet muv QAetetsnril; tikt t-io placa of II others ever off' red to ,i'U-,tliey talce plfiare 1d expreetstog tbeirconüdent-e in the artiole.gainiitg t trom practical u.-e. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET JFiïïCORX, ctra!G"T II.'.ii in ?oi, SilKpii, FIoTiing Curls, .Int wïll m dn In sfespc fi r wie riay or nna v-. ck if d sitfed, r hiiy loner Mriod, if the ïiirectiona art' strictly follnwe!, whÏQÏJ art' vory s mple and ea. . Tl1 IVület flofsot in nuf mamwinterfov with the ffniural &,jïtea of the Itir, It neither acorcl e noidv's it h it li út n, suft, thrifty appearance ' It ulfo tl: o bair ir' ui ia:'iu oii ftud IHE NAPOLEON IIAIR TOILET lT;i3 been beferetbe publc bv.t a sh rt lime, nr.rt h;s Mreany bseu tesied fv over nc 'liousaod portons! and tbey tesiltv thal üi" N'hjuleon ïïaïr ToiK-t i- the treato.-l Boautifif r &vfroff' red to tbe Amfríonn pcojile. ïo preveui th't Toilet ir-)in being counterfelted or imita tei by unprhiciplert persons, v-v do not offarlt for sale it any i ruggitn in the l'nite' Stat. Ibetvforo rv Ladv or Guntli man who dsires Soft, Tüxuriant IUlr anri'Cuils, ftni Insr. Soft WliisVera or MnuUh,W procuro tliö Invitcrator er Toilvt, either one,lor on dollar cucloöt-d ia a It-ttor, witti ti.yir adioüj. Ad ress, G. F. SPEXYfcCO., Ü;jx li'31C(Hinevi!'p, HirtfardCo., Cuan? And it wiilbt carafutly sent byrt-turn mail. "Próvido for Yo r Family." ÜFE INSURANCE COMPANY. '.VüsUra offloe.KJngsburj liiock, HautiolpL íit .Chicago. Asscts Jan. let, 1S62, $27t3,223.M. Prlicics are issued upon tlia üvpr of debors, and for aü business purjiosos, ritbQv f r LU qr fiw n ierm of year-, on as favorable tersa4) ft1 by any othi r Coaspany. Mitrritnl ladies rnaj Insme the IÍtcb of thair huibftnof, accoid ogto law of the State, securing tïieamount of the iQsurftnce to themseU!! or thsr children, fre frm the tiluim-i of their hubbends1 ereditorn: alt-o. r&nriï-d liidit-s cnninsure thelr oa lires fur the benefit 'j( their children or trutta s, Poliies on livüs are Iwmtd ff'r anj sum not extteding S10.0 0. Hy tho iermKof the rbrirter. ibia prmpany ! prohibíted pujlng rao. e than 7 por Qpnt. nnually in dividtmdi on iUoaiiital to stockhoMerf ; nl it reeeiTW that rum In intertftt for the twe of it cRpitl,th wtplug bcing dividid amoag the Mivfcual Tnsurers ; bac it wüi pí-ar Ihat il ooi'ihines the adv.inta.gej ot . .Mutua wita th1 ivoari y nf .1 í ock Cmrip jv. my be Riven fir inur t-nth of the Pism Jowak auy othergood oompanj'. - JKnw ís the íim o f voure a coronfienoy for r-ai füTvlv sho;ili de-iih finí', your h meí-a'i occaaibfti and involved. EPaSTUSLYJUN, Presideot. P. F. Jobnttnn. Vie TrBident aod Manager of Veft ero öraucli office. Chicago B. B. FOND, Agent. WM. LEWTTT,M. D-, UíhümI Exam acr. Ayer's Agüe Cura . ;


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