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The New Postage Stamps

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s:_'!t tor t'ie po.stagce stampa to be used m currney have been aduptud, and are H0V7 in the linuds of the engraver. They a-o t) bc of denomioatious viz.: live, len, fcwenty five, and iifty cents All v:ll bc piiutcd oa bank note paper, and iho fives and tena will ba "2 -8 iuehea, and tb o twentv fivea and filties Ü iuchos ia longtFf and all are l 8-4 inohes wkle. ïbe 6.VC3 aud twenty fives will be of b"wn, and tens and fifties green. 0:i the upper corner of tbc faces will bé t!ie denefflination in white iuures o:i a dark ground. The tivi's will have in the centre the tívo ceot pastase st.imp, witli a " 5" in reotnotrioal lathe-vrork on encl side.- The teñí wül have a tou oeut stamp, witn ' 10" on eaeh sido. The twenty ïves will havo five 5-cent i-ta:nps, partij oierlapped from left to right; and the fifties, five 10-cei.t stamps, gh;iilar!y disposed. Over the designs na above deseribed will be the words, "Poatage stampa furn ished by the Assistant Treaaurera and dsgignatod Dopositariea of the United 6 tata;" aad uudei thom, " Keeeivnblo for postare stampa at any Postoffici1." - In tho middle of the lower part ol the notes will bo " U. S.': in large lettjrs. Lar:re figuras íin lol he work) dennting the dpnomination will be in the centre of tho back of each ' stamp" or " note," surroundod by the words " Exchangfeable for Uuitad States notes by any Assistant Treasur.-r or designated Uuited States Djpositary, i:i sums not less than 85. - lleceivable in paynient of all dues to tho United States les.s than $b. Act approved Jnly 17, 1862' The notes will be esecuted in tbe highest etyk of tiio art, and cvery possible preoaution will be takeu to prevent counterfeitiiig. J5 A Coimecticut soldier wntes home tliat the Coramissary at Annapolis has given the boys so much mule uieat that the cars of the whole regiment have grown tliree and a hall' menee since their arrival at the Maryland Capital. fÉS" A whirnpuring Bohool boy has traced the origin of the botanical term weeping willow to the fact that sticks ure taken from it to cbaSlidO unruly boys. SZST The heirs of Eobinaoa Crusoe havü instituted a snit to recover the Island of Juan Feroaodez, fonnding their claim upon the ground that ha was ''monarch of a!l he survoyed." L3T A. mnthernatician being asked by a stout fellow, " If two pigs weigh 201bs., how inuch will a large hog weigh?" replied, " jintip into the scalee, and I will teil you immediately." An English writer savs you 0:111 teil when you are surroonded by a dozen Americans by the fojlowing unorring test : "Three will bo emoking cionrs, nnd r.ine roading newspapers." SP What fruit does a newlj married couplo tnostly resemble ? A green pcar. L3L" The Chicago Journal, ropublican, says that ininiediiitely upón tho order of draftic boing receivod in that city, two of tho editors of tho Tribune., abolitionists, left town. A tnan once observed that milestODOa ivtuo ind enough to anawer your questiona without giving you the Irïfuble to ask thera.


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