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print ing i OF ALL K1KD3 Neatly Executed AT TUE AEGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE rRKPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE EATES. We hare rccently purcimsed a ROTáLllY CAKD PRESS3 mul lmvc iida.-a the Ut'Bt stylcs of Cnrd Type, whioh enablca U8 to print INVITAT10N CAItDS, WEDDING CARDS. VIS1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styl.'s,' and as chiap n any otlier house ui lbo Btote. We are also prepaied to print POSTERS, HANDB1LLS, BLANK8, L1LL IIEADS; CIRCULAOS, PAMPIILETS &e, THB ABQUS BQOK BINDERY is in charg of FIRST GL.4SS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OK ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufncturcd in bust sttlk at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfactiou. E. B. POND, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Mnin & Huron Sts. Conway Fire Insmai.ce Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150,000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - 16,440 03 D. 0. Hogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. J S WHITNEY. L. 3ODMAN, W. EI.I.1OTT, ASAHOVU.ANT) D f1. McOII.VHA F, E. D. MOHGAN WA1T BKMENT. JOSIAH AI.I.18. A.H.BUM.EN W.H.D1CKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. ROGKRSA un Arbor References: Dr. K. WEU.S, 1,. JAMES. I.. 001X5 K, ËNOC1I JAMES. OAPT. C.S. OOODUICH J. W. KNI GUT, Agent. Ana Arbor, Michigan. Mo ney Wanted. Wh o will .Leinl Money 1 T AM REQÜESTED BY SEVKKAI. PERSONB tu obtaiii 1 mout'j' for them at Ton Por Cent Iaterest, (OrMore.) Foranyone willinK to laad, I can at oncl invcst on ?od unencumborwl abundant REAL FTAÏi: Hcuritj liiiyKumt of money anti neethat thctitle andaecurity are all rioht. The bonower pavln? 1! np'nics, (noluiünfr rcordlng. í- W. MORGAN. I r.c Arbor, Oot. 7.1849. 71itf mJHÍÉl. Empire SOip BOOK STORE fü J. lí. WEBSTER Iffi L' "' tÑ Opyxitö tlie H ' r KKXOW OrENIN'O. DIRECT FROM PÜBIJSHER+ ANl Manufacturera, a. Nftrt uui Comilcto block ot JLAW & MEDICAL HOOKS, School livoki, Misecllancoitii Boolm, Blank Boots, dan STATIO2ff33H.Y! Wal! ud Wlndow Fanér, DraWiQj .iiul Matlii-mftticalTnstrnmonts. Music( Juvoailc l-i'oraricft, Kuvelopea, Iukd acd Cards. yíw? all other Ttmdt of Pcns and Pcncüs Wlndow Coinice, Bli&dM and Fixtuip, POCKET CUÏLEKY! Aadeverythinn pertainíng to tlie trade, and moro (o whioiit'mv wuuld invite the :t.ttentïon Oí Chfl ouilíry. ín conducting oar bua!n6GS, we RliRlIdo all tliat can bp'lonc,io thai ao rcasonable DiftB, woman os child sliull Qnd 7 fault. We poaseas fecHIttoa vhlcU will cnable ua to Hupply ouratomcrH at ta Lowest Possible Figures. VTepropoeeioscUfor READY PAV, ata malí advance. Wi' expt'cta profit oaour goods, bul Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. "QirttsBoOR .:T):r,"r is maoned by a goA crcw.1 nd ;'.u-, will iiliray be found on th "qaartrr 4eok," aad irlUing Lo attend lo all witb pleamnf wlio wil! favor Lhem wilh a caü. Uoraeraber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES K. WE3STEE & CoAp.:i Ardor, Mnr,18C0. 7Jp ANOTHEli A AEEIVAL AT THE Èg$O'LD AND RELIA BLE gtt CLOTHINt EMPORIUH'.! JS, - 3 ip ïï ce isr 1 2C BXuOOis:, MAIN STREET. hasjust returned Itom thu Eutéro Citius, with & largi i,ui dosicable stock at F ALL AïnD WINTER o o x si s n-kjcb !ic s noiT oflering at uausually low phicbs: .Uuoiig bis Assortiuont may bo founi DROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESKIN8,4fe VESÏ1NGS., of aMdescriil:oní, fujirciallj' for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! wBIch ho is rotting aiul malilng U, orier, n tlielaiest an.bost atylu, togc&er wiO superior naaortment of READY MADE CLOTMNG! TBinrSS C.VKl'CT BAGS, TTMISREI.I.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, gjth amnwOB other arttttle usually found n siroila: e.stubli.-ibruenta. As ANEMPOHIUM OFFASflIOS, the subscribir Hitten liimsolf, that hislonR expericnco and genera. ucees,wiUenablehimto givc tbc grpates. atisfaclioii toall sa ina.v trust biniiu tbe way of manuiaeturing ga.mcnt., to order. WAGNER. Riflë rFöcïoiryï A. J. SUTHBRLAND HASreraovedhU Gun Shoptothe New Blockon Huton streel, outh of the Cou rt Hcuse.ontneiocona Soor, whert hc ia prepared to t'u rnioh Guns.Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pou:hes Game Bags, and Ever} other article in bis Line. Onthcmnitreasonablelerm,andtodo al' kinds o HBPAIRINtJ the ghorttnotice,andinihe best mannei ralHsJnrtmsntalway kep onhaud,ond made to order. , BÖÖTSTsTsHOES MOORE & XiOOMIS Are now receivinff a lurie assortment of Boots ud OE?. XJ B B E 1. S 1 Wbich thcy iiroposc to scll 50 per cent below former pricet for cash. Men's goo;l Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's gooJ TUick Boots, from 2,00 to 3.00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Lttdies' Guiters, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Morocoo Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 And an oDilless varicty of Smal Shoes from Fancy Balmorala to Infanta' Creeping Shoes. We ure alsoMunufncturlng nll kinds of WAKUANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Frenen Calf Boots Peggeil and S'ewed. So ïivo usa cali uefnre niirclintinfr clspwlioro, as wc are bmm.l noi i" !'■ ondortold. 3-REI'AlKlSi DOB 0N8H0KT NOTICE.JB MiK)RE & LOOMIS St., Ann Arhor, Micll . S'Jütf TO WHOMIT MAY CONCERN. ÏIIK DNDEBS1GNBD, Hotel ProprIUr n t!if Mty o( Ano Aii. ■[■.icsi.coiivill.v annooDM to tnc )ublic,tliat o und alter the l"t tUy of Juniiury, 18H2, TEN CENTS FA E E. will ho clinrgi-1 tocacli nndcvorv pkfOO currisil toantl froni th cara, to the respectivo Ilutéis, liv the Omnil 01 B.COOK.C-ook' Hotet H.BARSTOWjFraflklin Ilouse. Aan Artor, Dcc. 2lli,18al. 832tf NOTIOE. SCHOOL Inspectora' áñí Directo!1' Ulankí liave been recóivéd t tbinóBice. anfl arti rca'ly Ur YniUn. TüwnRltip Cli-iknarc refjiicstcfi to prn-li tboic f'v.ïi-r-. :;, J. ) ii.i. ■ . Clerk. i Aon Axbor,JaneK,19J; t'fitf ISTEW QOODS. BAQH fc PKERSON Bavu just opeuetl their SECOND SPRING STOCK and offer n CHÜICE SKLECTION Of Seasonafole Goods, including all The Ne west Styles f LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Clcths, Domestics, Staples, GROCEBIES, ScO-3 We Bought for Oash and wol sell FOB CASU OR REA DY PA Y, at very CX.11. vTD SEE! BACH & PIERLON. Ann Arbor, Mny 15, 1F62. SCHOFf & t MI LEER l UEST1LLONHAND at thelrold Sian.l, A No. 2, Franklin Bleek, vrft& themottoomptatti asaortmö! ■ f Books and Stationcry, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL AND WJJïDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLERSj CORDS, TASS HLS, GILT CORNICES, GUBTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oifored in this Market ! andtl.oy woulclsuggcst tqthoselopursoitcfanytlitogln SANTA CL A US' LI JV E that tboy can secorfl Doublé Chrisfmas Present ! by purchasircg fnira this stock, as each yurchafwr gett an additionai iirt-scnt of Jewelry , Src. , Ranging invalue irom 50 c-ts. to $50. Tlii-.vtriit tll tboittong ovp?r:c..r.o innloctlng joodí foi t!i3marft1 nhistrlctatientiiin to tbc wants ofCactomn,mJ eátitlc tbom to a liberal bnvc "i Patronag. w-i Aun Albor, Di5. 6. 1SC0 " 'lt L.IFK imSÜÜAWOfi. Tho Connocticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. Aceumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000 WDXIKSCBB UVES foi any araünot not exceedif I.O.WO:-: the whole Umn ül'Life orfoca tèno" vears, on tV.e most favorable ti-rms. B The Compaoy i puraly mutual amJ tnc pccy holdersgol all the surplus over theexactcoa of v--.ranco It acooroodates Ibe insnred In the setllemei 01 their premiums ON LIFE POLICIES, ir deslred, bj lfg anoteturoae half the amount,bcaringint"re.l W percent, lier annum. Dividendê are Dedarcd AnnualV asd f-ince they now amooat to nFry per cent on t' pieiviLuei. eaah and nóto, and are inoreaaiog thejr tf be applled U cancel the notes. Jgfy The ratos of premiuttM areafl ns any 'lrr r(t' ■poosible Company and tuelarge ccumulatedi'n "' $3,500,000 s seoorriy Invested, a muy be seen ' r; '' ence to the statement made aceording to luw, ■ nlo in the office of tbo Countv L'lcrK.iit Aon Arbor.-tí JAMES GOODWUPMat., Secy. t.,,,. ForpartJenlamapplyto JAMES 0. yP". 7631 JVgeut al Aun Arr BUCtt. Great Keduction in the ïice of SINGKlt & CCS Standard Maciines . Weü known to 6e the Best f Manufacturinq l'urposc. No. 1, Standard Shuttle .'cliine, formerly sold at 890, rudud to $70. No. 2, of samo kind oí fcchine, for raerly sold at $100, redual to $75. SIÑGER'S LETTER A 'ACHINE Ií the best Machine in the worM tol I'il.v Bewindend l.tabi Manofacturlng Purposes : (funnar,) and besutlfully ornamented $60. The Nos. 1 anl 2 .Machine WO of git capacity and appilcatlon for manufucturing pon"' Our No 3 Machines ar especia"; mimi to nll kinds of licht aml bearj Uatber Totk, Inrriage Trimmin. Booi andshoe Makiog, Harneas Mn:,', etc, etc. Ihe? ar of extra te, and lln an armng enough te ntke andet it ottd Uih the largoat lKbh. ïhere is Bcarotlf "y partofaTrinnntrs' stitcsithat cauuot be better' done witn them tnan by-hKqso, too, the niTiiig of Huw an'l labor is vc-y gnajThetableof these iincbiucs i 24 inches long, and khuttle will hold six thnetbe usual quantityjof tbn Tl koftcbine worka as l'atas smali onos. Wi' wonlil askl'or our l.fttcr A. Macis, Mie special attenUon of Vt Hakerb and Dre nra.aad all those who want Machines fot U#H man Uuri,i parpases. Thry emboUj tl"1 ptidciWes ofj Btendard machines, tílaklng llkelhem. tbelntevlojaitoh,and are destlned to asoelebiated fur FiMlwwma u , ligkl manufactnving putposea as {our lani machine w formanufacturing purpoBes Ie Wal. We bav always ou hand, HEÚMJNa OACohifc Twist I.]Ni:N ANI OOHON TIlliEAU, OU ai'üüUi, lifót -'USl'. 1ML1A b.ittles,eto.,etc. We m;imifactureour own Needtpsaau vl warn all pergonit using ourmachlnea not to boy anyers. Vo that thera are seedlestold of (W t inferior quoliiy at highos pticoa thaD wccla'rg3!tlie bett. The needïes oíd by na are manufacture] r;i]iy for our mahlnw. A bad neetie maij rcttder tkt machine almosl Hsrles. Uur cu-tonu-rs Boay resi assurcd thatlt ürïinch Offlees are f uriutbed with the ' genulne acti .' In case of mail pürBhase, the mono; ma sent in postaf sianipi', oi bank notes. Correapondonts will please write tlioir nantsunct. lv. It b all inportaut that me shoujd, icncasc, kno.v the Posl Ollice, Coiinty, mid Sta'". A.l persons reoulring Information abseving Macliinoa. theiM'1, prices, woklng oapaeitáud tte best methods of purcbaiúDg, can obtaiÁ tt b'ling to us, or any of Btfuiob. Offices for a oopy of I. M. Singer & Co.' Gitte, Wnicb to a beautlful Plctorlal Paper efitirely tted to the sub joel- II aill licseru.xraüs. y V havo inalc the abuve RKDÜCTION IHCE3 wllhtbe Wo.fold vii-.v .i bepeAtlng the publilourm'Ivc. The pabltc have been Bwinuledbj jui uia. chinea it:ule in iinUatioii of our--. Toe meiabero, from the [ron casting to tilo mallest piiw.tpoor quolity. Their maUn have nol the mean tUisir work Tkejr nréhldaway Iñ Bocret plocesjreit noulilbe mpossibie to have al Inélt cómmantHioper ftieobanicftl appltaaces. ttisoDlrby doiDgreat bB8inoii8faiIÖhavlpg"ejttegsivéraaonfotunot ellihinfiU', thut eood inacbiDes can bé madeatitat prlctts. Ihibeitdeslgnedmaolilfles, BADJ.V iUarc alwaya ltiihle to ïtet out of order, and nresurtot considerable tronDlftaad monfif to keeptbera irtire The nu:iütics to ba kokxl Cor in.a laohine)8ttAintV of OorreOt Iicticn rit iill rates Of sliccl, 'iiiiiv oí co'nHti'uetion. great dnrabiïity, andrapidityperat Ion, nthths !:. st labor. Machinen to ( W eiieeïitlal qoaltttes, paiut ua madof thebestnimd liui.-h.ii toperftotion, u. havo Üiava; ud dio:i ngmnd sentí', to da this. TIn' pvrabaaers'of maohlnea, whosodaily bremUy concern, wtll fladthái ti. ose havlngthe abovsM nol oniv wnvk -. .11 al rapidaa well :s rfqwafj, speel ,but last longer in thA tinost poraiblo workingr. Or machinen, na made by us, will eardmoi witli 1-S kiln.r !h:it]ii:.v niii.-i s u liethor in min o' onrRÓrnbt; Infact, théyarüheoerthananA macbüMMKiagin. I. M.INCIH S c:i 45S Broadwaj1 NewYi tsr Detroit OOiw, 51? Wooilward Ayeoue, (M Bloek.) 8nu ' M. H. GOOURIGH, , Agent, Aun Albo ' i B ji VV. M O R GAN, Agent ' Mutua lTjreTnnrancCoinjiïnyi Nfcw Toi 4 AeoamnlatedAnMtt, - - ■ - ö,360 thö lea4.n(cjUfe Insurwico Company ídib i . 8, Knit'kí-rbockrr Life lnsuinc:("omp:ui_v, New Tor __., iir.' ,■'■: - ï"ffA:. - U-Mii Ifutnbold] Piro fnsúrancfi Oompauyj New Yor CaUlw1b arinntf urplun, - 2.110;' ■ I'rtoiii Mario Pire [nüráno Co. , Vconull VtotV x N"o. 1 C'r'p. 707f Opttu, M,' 11 ü R A C E W AT E B Sy A G E iï T 3 3 3 H r o a (hv a y , Jí e w V o r i PubÜshor Of BEtlilC mui Mu.sie IíooHm ASB DB 11 Hl i S Pianos, MelocWous, Alejandro Órgano ürgan Accordeons, Martin's celebra ted and uther Gnritars, Yiolins, Ttsnor Viola, Violineellos, Accordeons, F] minas, Ftütds, Fifes, TnanglosClari :netts, Tuning1 Forks, Pipes andHamtnera, Yioliu Bowh, bestltalian Strings, Basa Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. J3 la. o o t TWX ia. S i o, irom all tlifi juiMisIkts in the V, - , Öertuü'a IIunliir( ;tiia Modern School, mul uil kinds t" tnatrñction IiookH Tor abovo instrumenta; Cluirch Music ïïiiok.i; Ifnoio j li.iuul; iluaie papor, aod all kiada ui ilu.ic 1 . - e ■ .imïitSP, A t t heLowcst Prices. New Planos, At $175, $'0P, $■.'.':", (200andup to $$Q0. Socoud j!:ui'l i'iiums fiiin (25 up to Slüü; New Melodeons, S4Ú,1 &, $100, and up to S200; gccond Han9 Melodeona i to WO; MéxandreOiina, with livt'st.p, $160, tpn ïi,;;nil $226 jthfrteen stop, 250, S275and : ua(opB,S20and 376: A liiJCr:il dinoount to CU-rKvnu'it, ChurohWk bbnlli cliouls. tícmíriarien aml Teaclti-rs. ïhu Tradc Bupplied at the'uiual trade discouu'w Testimoniáis of tUe Iloracc "Wntcrs Planos and IVIclodcons John Hewftt, of Oarthagtt, New York, wLo has had the Horacc Waters Piiuios, writfsas follows: - "A frtend of mfn wtahaffnotopurohasea piano for her, Öho llkfl the one you boW me in Iïectrmber, 1856. My piano sbcurainí; popular in thifl plüce, and I thïi:k I cao iiriirodP5 " "r MO io(ri; they will bo uiore popu. lar tliun any other luake.'' 'Vo have two o( W&tera' Víanos in use in nurPenii. nor, om' of wi.:h has bren se v ere y testad for three fears. m i we Qfftn lestify to their good qnaiitj and dura-Wood & Oregory, Mokm Carroll, TH. '■ÍI, '.V;, ],.-k.h SIB: Hnving inted oncof your : orles for twojearn pMt 1 hEvo Omu'] il u very superior Instrument. Ai.n.vzo QbaT, Principal P.roofttin Fieigttn Semmary. "The Pinno I recoiTOd from yoo cootlaoea i bfaotwa. 1 regard Itu une of siie beatinfftrumeoui in the placa." JamksL ClARKE, Charleston, Va. The lielodeoo haa aafely arrïved. I feel obli)fei1to you firy uur liberal difcount." Iltv. J. 41. SicCoitmck, Yarquetvillf.S, C. 'The piano wns duiy rocoived. Itcamn in excellent condHion, and Ia rwy moon admirod bmy numerooi ::iiuüv. Accept uiv tiwaks tvr yoqr promptatienh11 - RoBftKT OOOÏTEB, Warrenkam, Hrarljoed Co. Pa. V n i r pi hm plednefl ua veil, It th befd uno in our ",- 'iKOMaS A. I.ATHA, Camphtllloti, Ga. "Wo au1 vcry inucii ohHffed to yoa for hnving sent siich a ' LentforSxoO." - Drank, Iítr,t Co., Bvffalo VemocrtU, "The tlorace Waters Fianoanrelinown asamon tho f W are ennblcd to npeak of tliese instru monta with confiUèuce, from persoi o of their : :ililc ijuality." - N. Y. ÏÏtittn&tfUt. "Weeaa speak of the mérito of the iloraco Waters pl . ■ ■ f i ir.i personal knowledgo, .ís bdüag the very fincst ipinliiy.'"- Chrhiian frtiríltrjicer. 'Tho Horoce Wat ra pianos are ouilt of the best and most thorougbly easoned material. Wo no doubt thai buyers can do fca wftH,perhapa botter, at th1n than at any otherhouse in the Union.'" - AUrucate auï Jourunf. V.ít-r-' uianoa a td melodeons challenge cöroparisón with t'i" Qimb1 mafle anj Rbero In the country.'' - om "Hoxace Waters' Piano Forten are of f uu, rlch and towerful - .V. Y. Musical Revew. -(;.r Crlend will ftnd at Mr. aten1 store the very .: Lnient of Musïc and of Pianos to be found in the i ulied Siate, and we urge our southern and trosten) fnemls tf giTe Uto á cali wkcntver they go to Xew York."- Graham'ê Magazine. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath Seh ooi Bel), 100,000 lssted in ten Moiitlis. Tim oapreeedentod alc of fbls book induccd the Lunesandhymnstoita preso, without xtw -t on Useobeapdi mung the naany be lutiful tuaes and hi mna added llldV Ue 1,-. :.!■!:- "'I ought t" lov? ii!)1 nu' Iht;" "O PU be a tí"! child, Indeed I will." These and eight others 10 Bell,were nuogat theSunday School Anniver ie M. K. ChurcBat tbe Acadeuj of Mu&ic, iih TIip Fïell cfti tain oetfriy 200 tunes :i r. 1 ■ is one of the beat collectiona eTerissued. Price líic; $10 jt hundretl, postajre 4c Elegantly bound, ombosscd püi, 25c. $-rt por 100 It bdfl bu introduced jjlomany of tlie Pubüo 'r' Tlie publlahed in rnnll numbers entitled Annïvsrsaiy and Sundaj Bohooi Uimïo Bookt, Not. 1,2. 8, fc 4, in order to acoommodate the uilUon; price f2 S 3-i per huodred No. ft will soon bc issofid - commencemeni "l mot lier book. Ab, Revival Muslc Books, No, 1 & 'J. ; SI ív $'- pol 100, postage lc, More tha;i 300,000 mpips of tbc abore bonks li:ive been tssued the past months, and tho demsnd is raptdly increftslng 1'ubiiAhed bv HORACE WATERS, Acnt, oö3 liroadway, X. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New Vork. Vocal, "Kind Wordscan novordie;" "TKe Angels to!d me so;" "Wjjdfl of the Wrst;" "Thoughta of God;11 Giv.i me back my llountain Home;" "Öay nreaicsf' i"i.-: miy CockRobin;" "ï'm wtth thee BtHh'retnameaj" "ïhere's no dtirllnC Uke mtoe:M "Saiah J.tne Lee;':iEv;' -i 'm Leftving thee In 8orrow;n "Bird of Beanty;" "Home of our Wrth;1' "Grarfl -f Kosabel,"' and (Wake, lady, wake1, price 25c eaqh. ' !.;-.Ti:r.lHM.i!. - 'l '['alare :ir'len, or Pinging Bird Polka.' 40c; 'Swinging SchottUche;" "Mirabel Pchot1 iel :" 'Tli'inias wtker'o Schottfsche:" lecotomini eacb. The abOTpieceffhaTebeautlfal ■ l( Welnaer Polka ;" "Arablan Wai eryMarch'," ovianna Donlella Mazurka; "Real: in Polka;11 "Crinoline Walte," and "Lancew' Qua 5c i ach. "The Empire of Refeh'a Quadrille;" a nee, and "The IlibiM-ntan Quadrille," 35ceach. Many uf these p5ecen played by Baker8 uelebrated orchcnt ra with great applraee.4' Mailed frec. A lurelot oí Foreign Music at half prioe. Pianos, Mclotleons and Organs. The Ilnrace Watars Pimíos and Molodfons, fpr deptli, jmrily of tone atnl durability , ure PrïèCa very low Second Hand Pianos and Uelodeons f rom $-5 lo $150. Music and lus ice! Int rue.t ons of all kinds, at the lowest prioea. 11OKACK WATHEÍS, Agent, N'o. 333 Bniadway.X. Y. Trptimomais; - "Tho ITornce Waters Pianos are known aa among the very best.' - Evangelist. Wet-, ld s]eak of their meritflfrovi personal knowledge." - Christian Inteliigcnccr. (tNbthlbg at the Fair displayed greater excellence -"- Churchman. Waterfi' Pianos and Meloueons cliallengecomparïson with tbc ftuefft made anywheroin the country." - Hovie Journal. TlOtf LOOMIS & TJEUFF, Succeiísors to Chapín fc Loomis.atulChapin, Tripp & Loomií riTITK above firm of Loosnfa & Tripp havinj purchasec 1_ tho cutiré interest of the former eompASáftfl wil continue Oio business at the old Rttimlt, whore tliey wil! bo ready, on the shortest noticc, to üll all orders ia thE liue of Castingsand Machinery, In the most workmanlUcu marmer, and on as libera torms as wny otber sliop in the State. Among the vari out) articWsmanufacturtil by ua( we %vould enumoratc STEAM ÊNGJNES of all kinds; Mili Gearfng and Fixtuies, wrouRhtand catt; all the various caHÜngsfor inaking and repairing Horse Puwers & ThresLing Machines suoB aa are ftt pro-r-nt, or bare formorly beon in use in tina pari of thöStte, a wel) aa all thö rarious ktndü 1 1 oaatings and maohlne woiU oalledfbrby farmora and meohanfcfl Inthis sectiöu of tbe country. of all the rarious patten, op in sizesandprices, will be koptconstantly on hand, gut the most modern aud improvod Btylaa. ïliaiikfnl f'.r former patronage to the old ftrnuuve woülii sol UUt a enntinuance i'rom M frïends,and a trial by ill wiahios forunythinii in our lineof buainew. LOOMIS & TRIPP. AnnArbnr.UaT lSih, 1869. 697tf TH RESÏlTNG MACHINES. PiTEïTED AND HANUFACTURED BV Nichols & Sheppard, lïattie Crcck, Micli. Improved for the Season of 1862 I:i tilín íepirator the grain sscpamtod frora tlio straw by meand of liftlngfliigors, that t .-? thS iraw up aod down Mt.h .1 s miden motion frnm the tune il i (ave the eylindor ur.til it p&fins 10 the sticker, and the trr;nn fatls througba bottoiu ma.dof stat, ctear from the etraw. TIn paris (lontjittiit Iheno Sngerfl iml tlie lilit grain i vit ti mu ;i r6 made to vibrato er Kffjng backwara tinl fot wan!, whiuh wocka the straw (o tic ht;ic!er and the gr.un '- Mu Ktevea The nupenoritj uf this machine over uil íiííht. eotasUtd ín fis lVrffct Kcrtiontiin of Gratn iromStratr, tí reat KÍropíicity, hartng no (lickers or boatorn to dog op, mul leu macblnerj lii.ui nny oihcr machino now nintlf. irt:it cuincity, ad it wïH not waste vhfflD croirdM. l'orfcoi ctcaner, having largar seiV#a Hian wiv ithor. PttBj ilruit , betlr iioïii-ti'tictcl nmplo and duntblc. Pcnnsyh'ania Iron llorse Power. W.n-nintcil to betho bost Horse Power in use. Made vnth wood oí Iron f ra nu as profortwi ■■- ol M chifCft ■ We ifTi-r vnu v MACHINKIN USE Setter Ihanl'i ta', ILill's Fowlcrviilc, or any rnacfalno built on their princlplew Ir' jou infend bo.ring a mncWine of nny kiml gul a paicptriei of tts or out Ag-nt, and mfeKify yourtcli. ramphlot M.-iit f; oc. l'alt :uni iflAjor ad Iresii MCIiOI- &.SHEPIMRD, K.tft1" f'rpi-k, Michigan. Or M. RÖflERS, or MKO. BASJi, nU, A nu Arbur; or I. V'. Wakeman, agent, Dexler. S50ina Oval Picture Frames AU.I7.!' ftr.-WKICIC? .Ufll idHiïvcd and fórjale cití;it ÍOHOPP & MILLER'S. GREAT.GREATER GREATEST BARGA.I.NS EVEH OFFERED 1859. JLq1859 In tliiá City, are uow being offered at the CHEA1CLOCK,WATCH, & Je xv elry Store- THKStjbscribnr wouldnny to thecitizonnof Ann Ar ' ptirticulnr, and the rest nf Wnshtnnaw ' Counlr hl ireni-rnl. thl hehasjuat ÏMPOKI'KD J)lRECTLTf from KUBOPE.i Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! All of whichhn bindhimsc]ftoell CHEAPER than can be hought west of New York City. Open Face ('yljnder Watches Irom &i to $10 do do Levor do do 8 to SI ' HuntingCasti do do do 14 to 33 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Watchea from 20 to 100 1 havo aleo tno CELEBIIATED AME1VCAN WATCHES, vbtcfa I wIM sen ttr 835. EvnryVvatch warrantbd to j perform well, or thu ulonoy reinndcd. ,A Cioulis, Jewdry, Pinted War, Fnncy Gooda. Gold Pen, MusicHlinstruini-nta and dtringi, Cutlcry, &(., and in fact avarit'ty of everylhina: uaually kept jy j elera can bc hnughtforttje ooxt ninety dHys at vííuc OWN P RICES! PcraoTJB liuyinji finything at this wi11 knuwn cstfibliaurru ut can rely upon gottlög gouils cxact'y as rtp resentd, orthouKn#y rcfiinded. Callenrly and secure l!io besi barguii;a ever oiï'ered iu thif City, One word in regard to Repairing : We flrn prepnrd tomnlte nny repair onfine or common Walcht'S.even tnniHkinecíír the entire WAtcb f neceiuury, Repinting ut' Clocka and Jewclry hI nunl. Aso tto mnufncïurine: oí RINOP, BROOCII? or aaytblng des 'red, from i';iüf-.i-nin Gold onahortnotlce. Kn-rnvii.c in allits branches exceoted witlmeat. nfis aialdiijpíitch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jsn. ePïhlP59. 7i iw Important National Works, PUblMtti by X). AITI-ETON k CO., 34G AND 346 BIIOADWAYKEW YORK The foUowing niks are soul to Subscribers ín any part of th-j "country, (upon roceipt of retaíl price,) by mail' or expTi THE NKWAMKIIÍAN A Popular Pfctionarj of General Knowlotige. Kii--."i by Gho. KjpuiV and C'imiïi ks a. Di-VA, aided by a numerou Sflt-iït corps 'ii' writ( ra in :ll branches of Sciences, Ari nii'l Li teta fu re. Tbis wort is being pubUabod iu súboa i 15 lare octavo volumen. each contniniiijr 75Otwi-columu pajgcs Vola. T., !!., III., iv. V., VI.. vil., vni., k, ix. . . aaofa co&talnfng Dear ".öü)crriin;il ti cíes. An aúdáUojia} volóme will be publíshed once bj nbiuit Ibree tnonthi. Trice, in Clolh(-$3; Shaep, $3.50 Half RuR6ia,$4.50 each. The N't w Amêrïc&n Qyclftptsdta a popular without benig superficial, U'jtiiioJ wilhiMit twkig i'."lantic, oampre i ■ ...■!.: iy detatled1 freeCrom personal pique finil partj prejudice, fre.h and yt accurate. It [g a com pióte !■■''■ i'ïLiriil ui' all thut is known upon everv importan) q. i; wííhin the senpe of human ïntfnigeiwte. - Kvi-iy important arttcle init has boen speciailv wnttcn for .is paces by men who are aúthoHUoa opon the topic on which they spcak. They are requirert to Vrmg thi subjecjupto tii; present moment; to state uit how it Rtftndfl RWW. All the statistieal infortnation .% front the Itittst reportsj tüfi sfeograpüiea! accounts Loep pace witii explorations; historica! mattefa ihciude the freshèsi just views j the biosraphicsl iioticcs adw jil not oiilr of iherlfeaü but uliüuf tho living. It if a librar? of twO AliRlDGEIÏÏEXT OF THE DEBATES OF CO NG RE SS Being a Politica] Htatory of the Uof ted States, f rom ti. on. of the first Federal CoaEressifi 17:' t 1850. Rdltedand oompüed by Boa. Teo. Hart BB.TfON,from the Official Reoordfl of CongTAM. Tho work will be COltípleted in 15 royal octavo volumes -f 7ÖU pogeseaoh, 11 ofchioli "are now ready. An üdditional volume h 11 bfi publïshed once in th ree moni : S3; Uv Sbeep, Half Mor., Hall Calf. $4.50 each. A WAY OF riluCLTÏTXG THE CYCIX)PLDIA OR DEBATES Form a club t' Tour, and remit thepriceof fourbooks, aod liu copies ii't 'ov séht at therenittter's expense for : or for ten subseriWrs, ole ven copies will b sem at uur expense for cariiaje. To AiCtiis. No other work will so libertiliy rewnr'l the exertions of yftoqte. Am Agbxt w.wtkd in xmB CotÜtt Terms mattf knoM'n on appttcatioB to the PubHshcrs. Aan Aröor. Murch. 1859. tiOOSa.nt $& Ber, TDOfl, W'muiiT, agent at Kinne ft Smiths üook Store, Yjisihmti. Bïackwood's Magazine AND THE British lïeviews. GREAT IXDiCEMEXT-SLBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS aud REDtJCTIOivS. SCOTT i CXÍ.KEW YORK, continue to publidU tht followin leading BritiáU Pcrodicals, vis 1 TÜF.LOXnON' QÜARTERLY (Consïrvative). o HIK KDINBUROn REVIEW (Whïg), ü THE NORTH BRITIíII RKV1EW (Frec ChurcU). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 6 BLAOKWOÓD'S BDINB0RGH MAGAZINE (Tory)The present ritical state of Earopean afTaïr will rendf-r Ihese puf1iqntiona unuuoally interestíng d uring the f r' licuming year. They will occupy a m ground oetweeu the bastily vritten nW8itmB, speculations, atid (iyinif rumora of thO daily Journal, udtheponderoua tome of the future historian, wr Lteu sfter tbo living toterost nmi pxcltemtnt of the great AoUtieal orenta of tlie tune sim 11 have paiwtd avaj ï) ifi to tlu'Ke Perioilicals thai readen rnu-t look for the iinly riÜy iutelligible and reliaulo hiry of curren trents, and as sucd In addiUoa to thoii weltestablished Hitii-iry, ftoientifie. and. theological character, wo uige ;hèm opon clieconidtirationof the reuding public. Tiic recetpt of Advancc Sheets from the British publishcr.s pivew addttíonal valué t these Reprints, ioasinuehas they cannow be placed in the hands of subscribersab jut as 80OD M the original editlona. TERMS. (Regular Pnces ) Per aiiD, Fovanyoneof the four Reviews, - - - $3 00 For any two of the fovir Iieviewn, - - 5 00 For anvthree of the four Reviews, - - 7 CO For alt four of the Reviews, S 00 Kor iïlackwuod DfAgazine, . - 3 03 For Blackwood and one RêvfefP) - 5 0 Por tilackwoua and Iwo Reviews, ■ - 7 00 For Black woodaml tli rei' Reviews, . . - 9 00 For Black woud anti Che tem Reviews, - 10 00 Money current in the Statu whírcissiced witl be recehcd at par. POSTAGE. The Postage to any part of the United States will bo but Twent y-four Ceuta a year for l Blavkwood." and but Fourtven Cents a year fur eacU of the Reviewg. At the above prices the Poriodioals will be furnished for 1862. AND A A Premium to New Subscribers, the Nos of the&ame Perfodiodisfor lSf'O wfllbofünüsliöd Complots, without addilionat charge. Unlike tlie morí epbemeral Magazines of the day, thesp !V. Eodlmls loso liitle by a?;e. Henee, a fu II yetr of the Nros.i'orló60, mxy ü rfgarded iieuily as valuablb as for 1862. Subscriban vlshfag also tho Nes. for 1SCI, will bo npplied at the toüowing uxxantBVi lowratkb. Splendid Oflbrs for 1800, '61, & '62 Together. Poi BUokwood' Uagastaff, tlie threo yra, $5 00 Kor íiny ODQ H- Í6W, - " " 5 'O ForttDy iwoijivirws, - - " " 8 00 For Black vroo i and ong Review, " fi -0 For Blackwoqfl aadtwo Reriews, " " 12 00 ■ ttëviewi, ' " )10" Foi Blackwoodaad Uiree Reviews, u is 00 Kor the four Reviewi, - - " " 13 00 lr Bl&ekwood and theloai Reviews, " 17 00 Anjof the above vmrks will also be forninhedfco New Subicribertfor tiio y r 1866-1 , c1, umi 9t At ÜQe Huif the Regular Subscription Prices. Thus a AVw Sitbcriber may obtain the Iïeprints of tin Fourlicviews and BlackwonM. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! WliK-ti la bal linie more tliiiti thoprice of the original woiks íorí'Tie year. As we shall liever agiin be likely to offt-r such nüuce' nieuts m tiiu.- bere preseuted liow is the time to Subscribe ! ! ing Remlttanoes must, in all cas, be mado direct to iV Pnb'isfter3t for at these pricea uü commiaioa caá beaUowedto ugenu. LBONARD SCOTT & CO. No . 54 Gohi street New York Ann Arbor Marble Works. IB&tVtolxolcaLor I ïASon banda fino ussurCment of Amorie;in y ml 1TAL1AN MA li B L L whichhois propared to manufacture into n ftllthetr vnrieticf. finí in a VPORKMAKLÏRE manner Bavliig had considerable OTperteoce in the bnsiDsi 10 tlatters himielf (hfti he will Iw ble tu piense kil w'.o ijjay i'iivor nie wih theiï Off'ori. Ilis priect L& W AS THE LOWEST. hose wisljine; any tbioff in roj" lino nrn repectfuli O'ited to cali D. C. BATCHELPKU. ' Ann Arhíír. MT 50,1801. 80U1 A Card. Mrs. H. O. HARVKY would nfnrm the citzens of Ann Arlrnr that slie has taken rooms : nï the residencc of Mrs. Kellogo, on Ann 3(rcet, iind will bc prop;recl tn rive instruc,iim topupils upon the Tinno, Sleloilecn, or Cuitar, afterFrkluy, June 27th, If62. Ael Arlior, Jnï20lh, 1862. 4w ' AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Aiul fiíi" tlio fipuiíüy tuve of tliu following citn]litinta ; Scrofuln nnd Srrofulou AilYt t loua,such. j ;i s TiiuiiHs, ll( i;ih, Sors, tv itiltioikS j I'iniplcn, Puatule, Hlolrlus, lioil, liiaiits, aJltl uil SJtin 1;-'-ii,i-s. Ouci.wd, I ii.J., fiíli Jimp, ÍS0. J. C. Ateu & Co. Ceuta: 1 fooi it my duty to ncknowludgc whnt your KursaitfuHta lias dono for me. liaviiiL iiilicriU'd u Scioftilmis iiili-ulkni, I havo sufïejud f rum it in varlb'us ways ibr year. Sometimos it buret out in Ulcera oa my baudti awl ara; suinetJiiu It tui n. i Inwurd umi dïatressed uiè til the stomacb. Two yeara ugo it broke wit on niy bead umi coverod my SCaJp aii'i ean wltli wie sore. whlch wu palnful ;mi lotiUiaoiue bevond deScriptioo. J trled niany medicines amt bt-veral pbyslclans, bul wllhoul iniicli relief Trom nu y thing. Jn fact, tiio disorder grew worbe. At leiigtli J iras rejolced tu rund in the Uonpe1 Uessenger that you had prepurod nu alterativo (.Saniuparilla), for 1 kiiem froiu your repatation nny tliin you inade mint Jjo gooil. I Beul to Ctnciniiatiaiidgol it, und and it till ii cured mo. I took it, as you iulvif,t, lu sitroll dose-s of a tunspuonful overa inontk, umi useü itliiiost Miree bottles New and bealthj skin soon begwi lo funn tiudor thé scab, which aftera whllfl r.-] l off. .My iktn is uow ctear, aad 1 know by my feelingK that lbo distase h;m gone f'rotu my syhtt-ui. You can noli beliove tlint 1 foöl wliat i mu snjliig ivtion 1 teil yo, tljut I hoht yuw to 1ü onu of ilnj upostles of tho age, ftud ïüiuaiu over gialuiully. ïfoun, ALl-iu:i) B. TALLBT. St. AiiihoityVs Flr, lïosc or Kryipclufl. Tetlr una SaltnUcuuk. Scald iiead, Kiiigwonii, Bor Kycs, iiopsy. Dr. Robert r. Preblö irrites froni Balem, N. Y.( 12th Sept., 1 ;.7j, Unit lio Iris onred :m invaterntv cuau of Dropsy, wlikb tbreataiieü tü tfriuiintie fuiolly, by the pei-severing na of out Sarsaparilla, umi iilso a uáogarooi JUaliffttant Erytipdat hy largo doses of thu samo; saya bo cures Dio oommon UruptUm by it constant ly. Bronclioceic, Goltre or Kwellcrt Neck. .ülniloii Stonn r,t' l'rfíPiH'Ct, 'J'exas, rllw : ■ Xbreo bottles of your Sa i mi mi !!;i curad UIQ frOW ft Gnifn - a bideotis Bwellüig on (he Deck, whlcli I Iiail biilleied fiuin over two yenni." Leucorrliirn or Whlf -s, Ovnrinii Tumor, Uteriiie Ulccrutlon, lcmale iiscascs. Dr. J. B. S. Cliannlng, of New STork City, wrftñ ; " I most clieüifnlly oomply wHh tho reqnwt of your agent in sayiiig I have fnun.l yor Sarpnynrilla a mout excellent altci-.-itivi; in (lm iiiimerona comitlalnts Tor nlildi we employ such a remêfly, luit eJinecJnlly in lámate Distases of t!i" ScFoTulous (lijiibeíiiíí. I liavo cui"Cl niauy invetérate rases of foncnrrliOM by it, nnd nonie wlieie llio complaiot Wjifl emined 1-y tdceratian of tbe uterus, Th iilceration Itoelf jtfl soon mi'-il, Notliing irlthfn my knowledpo eqiiüls it (br llieee remitió itemitgments.H Jjhvniil S. Mmiiow, of Mevbnry, Ala., vrlUM, " A dan peroiis ovarían lutiior on one of th remales In my family, whi h luid defled all Ihe rcmciliofl we conld employ, lina nt leiiglli Loen compietely curel hy your ISxtnict of Saisapiirilta. Ocir pliyakbui thought noüilng luit extirpation coulil ii (Tui. 1 rt'llef, bilt he adviaed tlie trial of your SaranpailHa Ilie last rraort befbre cutting, anti ft pro ved t'ffctiml. After taklngyour remedy olgbt weeks lio ayniptom of Uie dlsaiutfl i oniaiiuk11 S jtltllis nntl JMcroiirini Disease. Ni:v OfiLKAHB} 25Ü1 August, 1859. Dn. J. C. Atrr : Lii I clfeerfnlly comply wUh tho rqnest ofyour Hgent, anti rennrt (o you somo of the cflecU 1 li.tvo reiQlsed With your Saraipnrltla. I have cuicd with it, in my practico, most of tlio compliiints for wli iel i it is recnmnientled, and have fnuml its efffcts truly vonderftil In Ilie cure of Veverml and Ner curial Dispose, Onfl of my pnUenta b.-fl SyiUIHlle ulcera in bla thtuiit. trblch wero conmiaitng hfa nabita aml tho top of libi niouth. Your SHruparlllo, tteadlly taken, cured Iiliu iu (lv weeks. Auotlior waa Httacked by uccondary ayinptunia in UU nose, and thu ulcuration bad aten avnty i consfüentble rart of it, ho thnl l beltovs tho dborder ironld rodii raooli uta bralii und klll lilm. Jtut it , yleldeil lo my mfiinnUfrittimi of yonr uMarilla; tlie ! ulcera liealed. and ho is u-ll ngnlii, nol of cutirse without ! sotnu dlstignraUoii lo IiIh fiicv. A woiuaii uho had btcn Irealed tot tliy wiiimj tUsunlei by uieictiry wan KiiITciing fnun tliis i 'iisiM in lui LKineH. '1 lny imil bocoinê oellBltive to tliu irenthar Hint on n dauin ilny Slio BUfTerèd excrutiatin pain in ber joints atid boncs. Slie, uo, was CUred enUrely byyour iatsupiuithi in a few wot'ka I kuuw (rbiil IU fucuiula, trhtcli yoiir agent gavo me, tliut lilis I'i-iíuiiií.iu froni your litborntury must bea grtat ramedy ; coBSuquentiy, llteeo imly ïunmikublo ïcsults with it have notaurpifwd me. Kraterüolij ypura, G. V. LAKIÜER, M. D. Rheunmtiïin, Gout, I.iver Complnliit. iNfiJEPENPBNGEi lIVtttuil Co., Va., tth .luly, Iö59. Dn. .T. C. fflr, 1 have Utvu aflllcted wllli n pnlnful ebronlc Ithtumaium for a long linie, vhkli baflled the skill !■] iiysjclnitii, auil Bluek to me in BpUe of all i lm reuiediea 1 conld Hiid, nntil I tiietl your SaruaHuilhL Ono botttu t'tii'fil uiu in two weeks, and restored my gcncinl licaiili so much tlii.t 1 bui (ir botter tliau bufore 1 was uttackud. 1 lui uk itu nonderfíil medicine. J. íKKAM. Jules V. OetcheM, oí Kt. Louis, writwti "I havo lcn nRI. 1 tor .veaiH willi au afítelt'nn t.f Iht JtivtT% wliicli deslroyed my heallb. i wA erery tbliut, aud OTerJr Hiinf; failüd to relieve mo; and I ha vu In-en a in oken dowo man jbr sooiu yi-ais fnun no i Iht cnuse tliaii dtvavgtmttïtnf the, l.hrr. My IwloTed pasinr. tlu ltv. Mr. Kopy, ud Ised nu: toti.v your S'arw;ii:niil;i. hecausB lis sak) he krew yoU and anj tbiiifi you niado ih woitli lryiog Hy blessiDg ofuod it fins cured me and lui- so purified my binod as to iTinUoii new mnn óf me. 1 f.c! yotinj; ngnln. ïh best Uiát can liüsaid of you j nol halfgootl t'itougli." BcHIfrilSfCsiUCCV Tumor. Knlni cmciit, Vlcnndon, Caurlea nud Kxfoliufiuu of the iEoiit-s. A grt'ut vai ii-ty of ensos have been reportad lo m where curesuf Oite fttinildablu cmilaiut buvv rwulted from the use of Miis mneily, 1 tit om Bpaee bt-re vrill riot a'iniit Ilii.-in. 8oma of thi'in mav foiiml in our Ainericau Alntaiiac. whldi the í.hn Uelow naiued arojtleascd to fiirnish giaiis to all wlio enll for thcin. Dyspcp.sln. Ilcnrl Olacasef Piis, XSpHcp- sy, AllueUoly, Nciunlgia Miitiy remorkablu cures of then afTecLiona han beon made by the alterativo power of tiiïs utèdlclua. It rtimulates tho vital fiuiclloiiA luto rluÁrous aclion, and thu overcomes dtaOriiera wlitch iroulil n suppofted bfynnd ita veacli. Such a teuuily Unn loin been nqnirfd by lbo nacessititfjf of lbo ierplo, rtiul we Hre coulldeut llmt UiJs wlïl do for theut alt that medlclue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PO II TUK llAril) CLlti; OP Coulis, Col Is, Ifliieik7.n, lIoms(neJ-s, C'rou i', ltrom liilis. ln ijiii nt iüiim jttlon, n i.i1 ior th Muf uï (Olisimipti vc 1'ftticiktS Ín ndv ut I Slaijcs Of tlic lisi-asi'. Tlii Ís n remedy bo uiHvei'salljr know in Fiirpass any otber for the cure of IIiiomI and hing complalnta, Ibat it is iisclcüs here lo ptibjiali tho ovidesee of its vlrtuM. lts uniivalled excellence for rouglis and coldfl. and lts tiuly wonderfiil euros of nuluionary disose, iiaTo mado it knowu throngliout lito clvUIzed natlODS of tlie cailh. Few aro lbo eonSmnitlUea, or even lainilit-a, among tht-m who havo not Sonic iciinniiil experleiice of itseflects - Bonit' living tropliy in (luir mldnt of it victoiy over the subtle and dangerous dfdordeni of the throat and Iangfc Ai all know the dmulfnl faf.ility of these disorders, and as tbey know, too. Uieeflectaof,tbis remedy, we need not do more tlian to assnre ibem thal ít has now all tlie virtues tlmt it ditl have vrbea mnking the cures WbJcb bave won bo strongly upon the coutidi-nce of mankind. Prpared by Dr. J. C. AYER &, CO., LoweU, Mass. Aal tol ulo ly Maynard, St.ebbms & Wilson, FARHAM). 8HELET t Co., Detroit SOOyl J II. BL:KK1I.L, TravelUng Agent. RISDOTST & HENDERSOK'S "bjöLa THE GENUINE wm& sïewhts S T O V ES . We wish to cnll the uttenüon of the public to this celebrated COOKSNG STOVE! Whijh is'lhe only perfect stove made. It wil do inore I usincss with one third less fuel tlmn any other STOVE made. From tcstinioiiy pi ven by tho persons referred lo below, on iccouut of its duiabihty aad Fuel Saving Qualities, it has proved a saving frora Twelve ïo Twenty Dollars per year. We would relcr you to tho following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEU IN USE: Pint'. Tappnn Arin Arior. .T..l,n F. Miïlor. Ann Arbor lrof. Wood, '; I J. Gilbert irmllh " l'mf. WinchtO, " J.ï. Anlli, " I'rof. DoUK'MSi " JO6Cph ";ilts, '( Alphciia FelcU, '■ T. Wilkfiuon, " Vm. U. Martin, " : Mrs S. ! .-nton, " Bfsb'd Bsopar, " I O. Iinwldn, " I' (tnÜföTj1 C. A.i ii.',iu. " J. W. Majnard, " Cbnrlos llmycr, " F. L. Stebblna. " Hartin Olnrí, 'i IJ. 8. iVilson, " S. iioisr.T(i. AA,Tvivn. Mis. O. Wplch, " Thopina Wood, ?t uüeld. Urn. B. T. WiUiuaa," Alverston ürury, '; V. Chapín, " Jaceb Poluomus, Peto. C. II. WW .1. " N.C. Goo.lnlc, ' Joseph W. Wood, " Mï.Fsltorii, Abaron. We linve on hnnil a l.irtje assortment of the best kinds of Cuoking, Parlor and PLATE S T O V E S , aml a general ns30rtnient of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, nnl Rent. stuff for Cnrringe worlc. Partieulnr attem.inn paid titfi'tinc nn EavetrouglLand C'induetiirs and all Kinds of Job woik donu at tho Short est Nntice. KISSON & HENDEUSOX. Ann Arbor, lf-(!l. TO 3L.ETTh i n dow oecupM bj Olncy Ilawkins. V.t '., 011 Detroit streot, Arm Arbor, possesion given ttifi 1-tt of April. Alsosevcrji] ■ loms in Bachf-z Block to let toirno'l Ktcidy tnuiais at a vcry low rcnt,iinmei)iafco possetiSton givn. iBquireof L.iï. Btrriioz. Xrin'ArW.'Harch Sff, l!01. H15tf Ayer's Cliervy Pectoral The Latest Special DispatchJ To tbe citizens of Ann Arbor ana Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Uundrcds walching ie progress af Daily EvenU ! f The Federal Arm y again Victorions! :iThe Union must and shall be Preserved !' " There was a man in our toien, He was so wondrous wise" But with all his wUdom, he was nof so wij, as tkat 'other man," who whea hu wuuled to buy the The cTieapcst and best CLOTHINC! in ihis marlcet always jumjped into G UITERMAN' 8 HEAD QUARTEES! For thero he knew he always got his raoney'i wortli. Sceing is bolieving and yju tliat wiab to sec come in ftnd believe. Thoso that can't see can feel, and as we always raakj our eustomers fee! good over good bargnin, ; they are especially invited to our anxiow seat, that they loo mny realize how "good it is for tb en) to be with us," and how n:noh pleasure can be obtaiucd in the enjoyraent of SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! "Come all ye that are weary and heavy ]. Jen" - wit li KofKS aml we will do our best to r"lisv vou - g:TÍnfí you in reiurn the finta kind of Goods at the lowestjigwret. Great bnttles are hourly taking place ia th Clothirg line - hele regiment of Jassimeret, Vestirías. te., ara being slaughtt-rej by Gen, Sondiieim- to fit ihe great runh of recruili that are pouring in from exery direction, 11 r.nxious to have their naines enrlled for NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - ïuch as can only be had at the UeadQuarters of Guiterman L Co. Oneofthe firin, Mr. il Guitekmaí, havinj just returneil fro;a Kurope with & large assorlment of Cloths, Ca-simeres. and i uioe lot of fine Vestings. also a few pieces of fin licavtT for overcoats whicfa we will lualte up to oreer in the litest stj'le, we feel oonüdeut that we can satify all. STTJJDE3STTS 1 We are happy to greet you aga:n in our City.after spending your vacation with th " deur old folks' at home. Be assured tr wish you a pkasant term, nnd shall ver b glad ti mejl you at the Old Heatl-Quarttrs, Ko, 5, O Our forraer customers, we feel ssured, will cal! on es again To you who coice n strangers we would say a few word, vo wish you tn c:ill and look ut uur fine Coat. Pauta, and Vets we c;in do better by you than ary other h ii?e in the City, and if ym cali anci ex:tiiuno our ootls. aml try thcir fiti, you will purchase nowhere else. DON 'T FAIL TO C-A-XjIL. AT 3r. H. Q, NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. MACK & SCHUD VTould rospectfully announce to the Citizen of Washtenaw and adjoining Countiea that we are now recotvlng Direct from the Eastern Marhei9t A fu 11 acd complete upply o( L3tLiLlo and Fnnoy DEY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GROCEMES, CliÜCKERY, &o. Purrhafl by one of our firm for cash, and notwitl( standing the hard times vreshail continue to Acid Weekly Additions To our stock n order To Accommodate out Custoners ! wlthererything they may ueed toask for. .And wo wjll farthcr plüdgo ourseJves to sell as cheap AS TIMES WILL PEKMIT und which is always as .As IjOv as tlie ILowest. At Hie same timo wehopeour frlendn ami custonaer.s wiKbi'iir in wind that tbe timos compel ub to c)J our goods For Cash or Keady Pay. Ann Arbor, Jlarch ÍS, 1S6L 845tf ÏJ B 3E3 E M P I II E WATER FOR lnli;Ttion or TH'spepstH, Conf tipntton, NcrToni-Uebility, Loss of Appctite, Comraon Colils, dipeafffl of thy Lungs, Ileailache, and Feverisli state oí tho Sni.ielby M.WNAKI). STF.BBIN3 k WILSON mt EBEBBACH .t CO., Ann Arbor. ljS28. General Land Agency PERRONS wantiugfurnntor roBldonceitn oroefAnu Arbor , can by callingonmo èolecifrom lift ui uver KMI KarmsFor Salrl O f .-iiriou t si zes trom 3, te 13C'1 aercreach icp at jjoodaaaaylnthinConnty.) Morilbm 5( Dwefllir U.nisi-H nïhluClty.froro two iiundred to fouithouian döl Rrioarh : and ovr tOII f. CMI, DIJT G LOTSl Amonptbefarms are thn llshcpr larm , iiiOOacre tho l'otter (arm, i n Greci' Oak, t n. IMacf farm, ■ 4 ■lo ) acrt. theBlnndon noH Jcnk(t farms, i n Webster; h StobS, Michnc! Claucy, Newton Becpun. " Ftllabai Tarina. in Anr A rbor: J .!cy' frnM nPittêüeidtheHatch anr) Hick Tarms r; I odi tin atrirbi:iayuB,m (n Froeriom; W. S. Darikon.." ï. Bakers umi Buck'e fsrms In3ylan. Mo"' hc9p and many otbers can bo dlTldedto iO'l purcbusera AnnArhoj.Jan lt . lus '9 -4 Ayer's Ague Curd.


Old News
Michigan Argus