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Rebel Generals In The Field

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The correspondent of the New York Ilerald t1io rodu over the battle-field it Cedar Mouutaiu after the fight, has ihe following : Directly a hale, sober-sided oíd gentlomaa, somewhat sunburnt, and dressed in the phtin, houiespun habitof a farmer, carne upon the ground and galuted us silently. He wore a sing'o star upon hil blaek shoulder strap, and liad no other symbol of rank. ThÍ8 was the North Carolina General Garley, whose brigade fought so well and were so well slaughtered at Williamsburg. I noticed that his young staff followers had a wholesorae respect for him, as indeed he did not look to be alvrays of a May morning guise. With this and the other worthies, tho Union Generáis Ilartsuff and Roberts engaged in conversation. - I rode across the brook to a knoll, and proceeded to sketch on the back of an. envelop the localtty of the battle-ground While thus engaged a man in a gray suit, with grayish blue pantaloons, and a quantit y of fresco upon hia arras, bat, belt and shoulderg, trotted up the uscent and salutod roe. He was rather gaunt, as if worn down by constant exercise, a good deal grizzled, and hardfeatured, as if used to tyrannize or cominand. His horse was a blooded one, and he rode ea sily, so that I saw at a glance Líb position of General of oavaliy. " Are you making a sketch of our position V said the General to me, curtly. " Not for auy military purpose, sir," I replied, " merely tor reterence. " Are you a reporter ?" " Y03, sir." " You may go on." This was Genernl Stuart.whos achievementa rival Ashby's and Morgan's. It was he vfho made the faruous raid with four rcgiinents around General McClellan's army a week before the bloody battles of Richmotid. Adverting to kis in signias of office, the General, in casual oonversation, spoke of liii equlpmentu : " This bridle," said he.bojishly, " was made io England and seut to ine from fiiends acrosa the water. My saddle was sh.pped by underground froru a rebel woinan in Baltiinore. We will niake all these things ourselves after a wbile." Referring to our cavalry, General Stnart suid Üiat Virginia bad the best cavalry in the world, as her men wcre born riders. Ho complimented Rush's lancers, of our service, and the Fifth Regular Cavalry - the latter for a heroic charge at Gaines" Mili. He and General Hartsuff had been old scboolmates, and accosted cach other rather embarrassedly : " How are you, Hartsuff V" " Stuart, how do you do ?" They rode off directly to revive old times These rebels claimed to havo sevon regiments of Marylundera m tbeir Sr vioa. Tbey have, however, but three re gimonts from ïennessee. They claim for their conscript regimenta the very best courage and devotion.


Old News
Michigan Argus