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In All Cases The Officers Thus Making

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the reizuivs shull tuke :ni aocouní showing tlie kind niel qus ntt:es of property sei.vd, by whosa conimund ; iha amounts f' ts estiinutcd valué, i:ui tba m9C8 of the persons from whorn the sime f hall lüive come. Whenever eircanddanceB udmit of so doing, receipta wiU be given to the owners or their ngtíDts, specifying sim ly the particulais abovo rrreotioned. Gopieu óf all suish accounts and rooeiptawiU be ! mitti'd in the ñaua) m.anner, by tlio 1 cers, making tlicm, to thcsu , te ín. Al! oificcrs and soldiere ol this army nv-j enjoined and ordepod to abstain from all seizures of privaM proporty except in the mode above presonbed ; all other ppropi atiBB will be regardpd and puuished as pillóle. Tlio i ti cu thirt privuto proporty rany be plurklered with iiñpunity, .-, perhaps, tho vory wnrst th;tt can perv;ide an íirmv. Mn rnuding degrades ns m:in aml domnralizei as snlJiers all who iliji', [Mld returns thi-m t th ir homofl unfhted for the puríuit of bohest ii;cí.i.-try. - Thls ;irmy t coinpoSi d rnoslly of young mon, and the General Onramanding, to whose care tbev aro ínirueíed, o'es t to tho párente who have 9ent tlifir sihí and to tlio eommuniliéd thal have sèril tho HowiT of their youth nto tho mililal'y céfvicë oí their country, to warn nnd restraiu thcm from an evil so perñi CÍOU8. The order of the President requiroe the nppliont n { a similnr rule ín tlie fie of real iroperty. This, howevur, does not npply to stich uses as aro in separable lrom military operationa - to wi': invehes, etinps, pistiirac, hdspi tuto, depots, quarters and damagps oo casioned by active bóstilities; b'.it n use should be mado or rijiiry done t( roal property beyoiul what is aotually necessary or convenieht for military purposes, Tho destruction of anv species ol property in wantonness or malice is expicssly prohibited by the President' order, as well as ly the articles of wai and the usages of all civiüzed nationn Al commanding nfficers are earnoaily e'ijoinod to exercise tho utmost vigilance on this subject. Stmggling and tre.s passing are tho invariable ndications ff a tendency to this descHptiftii o crimo. Inbiibitnn'f!, Mpecially woinon anc chüdren, reiraining peaceably at theii hoinei", most not be tn lested ; aru when oommanding officers find families pee iliarly expo?ed in their porsoni 01 iroperty to maraading Irorti this arrrty they will, as heretofore, o fnr as the can do so ith s:-. fjt y ur.d without detri inent to the service, post guarda foi thoir protection. In próteotiog private property, no leferunue i inteDaed to persoon heM to service or labor by reason of frican c'esoent. Such persons will be regarded by this army, as they hitherto hov been, as occupyitig simply a peculiar legnl status under State laws, whiel o.ondilion the military authoritiesof the United Statea .re nut required to regard at all in districts wht-ro militar} operntions are made necessary by the rebelli' aClion of tho State govorn[ReiitH Persons subj; et to suspicion oí hestío purposes, residing or being near out lorce?, will be, as heretoforo, feubject t nrrest nnd detention, until the caiiBe üi necessity is removed. All suuh arreH ted parties will be sent, -s usual, to thi, Provost Marshal General, with a statement of the facta in each caso. The Genera! commtDding takes this occasion to remind tte officers and sol diers of this army that we are engflged in supporting the coDStitutiön and láws of the United States, and in suppresïng rebel üon against tbeir authority ; that we are not engaged in a war of rapiñe, ravage or tmbjuguliou ; it is not a contest against population, but against armed forcea and política! organizations;' thut it is carried on with in the United States, and should be oonducted by us upon tho highcat principies known to Chris au eiviiiiation üinco this army cotnmeneed active operations, persons of African descer.t, fnclüding'thoso hold to service or labor onder State laws, havo alwaya been received, protected nnd emplo)red n laborers, at wages. Hereafter it shall be the duty of the Provost Mnivtia! General to cause üsts to be mado of all persons of African descent employ ed in this army as. laborers for military pur poses, such lists being made snfficiently accurate and in detail to show from vvbom sueh persons shull have come. Persons so subject and so employed havo alwaya understood that after being receivad intn the military service of 'che United State?, in any capacity, they ruld never be reckiimod by their former holders. Except upon such tinderstanding on their part, the order of the President as to this class of persona wo'ild bo inoperative. The General commanding therefore feeli anthorized to declare to s;;ch employés that they -will receivo permanent müpfiry protection against any co:npulsoiy return to a eondition of servitude. T!y cotninruul of Maj -Oen. JIcCLEI-LAN. S. Williams, Asaistant Ailjutant Oenerul.


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