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Tho readers of tho Sunday moniing papera wore eleetrified with the annnuncotnent on Sunday mörning lost that Col.". Wiu.cox, Corcoiïax, and their associate prisoners had buen ieleased, and wem amohg their fiieuds. These olficerá nrrived at Forlress Monroo on Sa'.urdny nfternöon lost, and at Washington on Sunday morpjng, Taken over a year ago, (he rebel authori tieshave clung to them with desperaüon, holding thom now as hostages for prívales, now ior Buokuer and Tilghman. and now for thia or tho othor uaptured rebels, but ever wuh a tightened gi'ip. We havo long tbought ihut our Government ehould havo insisied npon thoir exchange rr.oiiths ago or stop all exobange s, Tjut in our joy for their preseui release we will let that pass. They are now at lieino ready again to enter tho service oí their couutry, and we predict that tho nsb els will hoiir from them again somo day, and that not a distan t one. - Arrangement.1? aro buing made in Detroit to givo Col. Wilcjx such a oleóme homo as will do something towarels compensating him for his long confinemetitby the rebels. Wo predict it will be a roception that will make hid hcart glad. Bgk. Orders have boen recüived from the War Departmunt at Washington that no officer will bo detailed from tij o rcgimuuls iiow in the field, regular or voluntecr, to accept cominissions in new regiment and tltat no officer must bo appoioted for oompaniea beiug raiscd to üll old regiments. Tho first order may bo necessury to prevent the demoralization of tho old regiments through a general strife for promotion, but it leavea the ncw regiments to be officercd from civil life, vhen wc bad hoped to sec them comnianded by officers who have been tned on the field. The second or der is but just to tho uon-commissioned offieors and privatcs who desiso promotion. Ckf Muj. (ïvn. Fitz John Porter has written to (3ov, Oubtis, of Penn sylvania, reqnestiog liii tu appoint no officefS ho have Eesigned to places in tho new regimenté. He saya that with u single exception the reaignation of iiü offioer bas been accepf.ed '' whóae service )ii any cnpacity would bo of any beneüt to the military arm of tho service." liitther rough on resigned officers. JKgT The Gen. Tiios. "Williams who itiade so galíact a iïght and met hisdeath so heroically ia tho recent fight at Ha ton Rouge Wus a resident of Detroit, almost from his iufancy, and a son of Gen. Jso. K. Williams. He eutered West Point in 1833, graduated with iionor in 1837, and bas ever sincc been on duty in the aruiy. He was a thorough soldier. iO Wo seo itotttted that (ho War Dspartment at Washington has orderdered that no company officers bo appointed to men recniited to fill up tho old regiments. We think euch order right, fcr we believe that men in thü tiwld, who havo seon niño months or a year ol sorvicc aro entkled to promotion. JETiS" It is said that Oassiüs M. Clay rceently returned from llussia to aocopt a Míijor General's commission, decline to enter the service becauso the President's polioy on ihe slavery question is not radical encugh to suit him, and that ho will return abroad and relieve Cameron. Tho country will lose nothing by bis determination, and yet it is a pity to have Camcron come borne. L3 On tho evening of the 13th inst the steamers Peabody and West Point collidcd on tho Potomae, off Ragged Point. The West Point was bound up, and had 279 persons on board, 254 ot whom wcro convalescent soldiers belonging to liurnside's army. Sho sunk in about ten minutes, and 73 lives wer lost. L3L" On Monday, tho President appointed Col. Corcoram Brigadier General, his ommission to date from the 2l8t of Jnly, 18G1, the dato of his capture at Buil Run. - Is a like honor to be conferred on Col. Willoox? Ho is equally deserving. - Willcox haa been appointed n Brigadier. Hurrab tor General Willcox. jL"SAt a war meeting held at IIülsdale on the 13th iust., Gen. Oass was present, and made a strong speech in favor of standing by the government and putting down the rebellion. Ho dcclarcd in favor of forgetting all political differences until tho old üag agaiu floats over ovcry State of the Union. t Dr. Edson B. Olds, of Lancaster, Ohio, a uoted democratie politickn, was arrcsti-d on the 12th inst., oharged ' wiüi treasocablo talk and discouraging ! cnlistmccts, If guilt}', all right. lint, then,why notanxst Wkndell Phillips? : 1 His speeches do moro to en i listments tban any it WW possiblo for Dr. Olps to ruake, L"Í2r Mossrs. Lawrkncb and U.vni visitcd Camp Jackson on Wcduesday, aud n bfhalf bf tho subscfibcrs to tlie ! (.'r.listincnl bounty fund paid caob. meraber of the oompanics cf ('apis. Gisaxt and Wii.t.sik $10. ín Uupt. ü oompany 98 moa - tlio iéaxnuum of nonoommissiODod offieers aud privatoo - were paid ; aud n Capt. YúitsiK's ooiiip:iny 82 were paid. Capt. Ws company is to be fillcd, lío biiiitívu, by Iransfers froni cüuijanios over-full. - Those wLo have not yet puid thuir BuTjÊCriptioDS to tlie bounty fund are requested to do so imniediatoly, at tho store of Messrs. ]J.vcn & Pieusos. JCS" e visitod iiio camp of the Twentieth RegSmënt, at Jaotson, on Wedncsday, and fyund the boys bnsy, drilling, getting rcady for housekcoping, &o. Sevü.ul of t Iit öompanjea luid been ■ mustered in, and tlie work was fast beioo ooinpletcd. Tho Washtenaw boyd wc met all seemcd n gooJ spirits. Col. WlUUiMS iuformed us that ho was ander orders to havo the regiment ready to leavo the State within ten days. Es?" Humor s3's that Gen. Dix is to sueceed Gen. Butler at New Orlcans; and that Gen. Butler 8 to be assigned I to duty beforc Charleston. A'.so that Gen. Burnside is to succecd (Jen. Mc, which, wc t :iko it, nicans that he s to have cummand at Fortrcss M onroe and of that portiou of McClellan's aruiy left on the l'eninsula. O&igr It s announccd that the Government has stoppcd tiie exeliaiig of prisoners, and that no moro rebels will be released until Jtff. Daeis eouutennands his reccut order, treata Pin':'.s officers and men as prisoners of war, and abides I by the terms of the recent cartel. Ai-ÊT Capta. Soulk and Bacon, and Lieuts. Mowatv, Fasshtt, and IIussby, .of tho Sixtii Michigan, uro riportcd i wounded in the rceeut figlit at Haton j ltouge. Tho ta'ücs of privatea killed and wonuded have not been publiaked.


Old News
Michigan Argus