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From Richmond

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The account I receiv] from Dr. Moorc, of the lammer in wbich our prisoiiurs in ll.iebmond have boen traatcd, is most rovolting, in spito of liis confi i tl] at Col. Gibbs. uf thi) Vori y seuimd j North Carolina md the undoí iiini, bebaved like gentlemen, and did ! what tlicji could, ander the circurnstances. At the Fair Ground of Lyncliburg, where 2,'jÜO were not long since coiifined, five of six dicd cvcry (hnj f rum skeer exexluiustion, througJi poor and ;■ food. Uut all they eudured was as uotliing comparad to tho tormenta which thosc iionds - tho iöbfel leaders- urn infiicting upon the oflicers of Gon. l'opo vh') buvo fallen into tlieir bands, somo 28 of them. These poor fullows are confiiitd iu olose and dark roniü:-, likc comjtion felotis ; not allowed to buy anything to ïiiitiato tfieir suft'crings, tven at the usual exorbitant rates ; allowed to Lave no ineat, Dotliing but nn insufficient 8upply of bread, (sour at tliat) and water poisoned with tlie filthy sewcrage which Jlows into the James Riccr ; water - so 6ays niy uformant - that a d.g or hog would rèfusé ! In addifion to these horrors, our brave tner. are liablc at any moment to be haugcd by theso tnonsters in human sbupe. lf there bo anything in inlcrvcntion, is it not time for the wliole ' civilized world to cry 'shanü'," and bid us God speed in tho work of crushing ! the source of sueli outrages igaiust civiiizatiou 'Í Could it be wondered at if the Nosth, ut leogth frenzied by sueh erueltics, should put forth its full powera of retaliution, and inílu-t punishnient j on these creatures, from whicb it , aliy shrinks even in basa contemplation ? My infonnants assure niu that we h.-ive, all tb is time, beeu vronderfully underrating the powers of the rebels They s;iy tiiat at least 10U,0()i) men can be spnred to defend Ricliruörid, lea ving anotlier 100,000 to defend it on tho south ern sido ! They say that the mnst sanguina fceling exists in Richtnnnd as to taking Washington, and that l.irge bets, at heavy odds, are frequontly bfférèd that it will be so. They say that our officrs aro not allowed to po out of prison or have the run of their hote's - a very different rule to the one we have put in practico agaiitst tberï). The rebels, in spite of all they maj preteod, have the most resrfectful fear of MoClellan, and rank him .is our bost General. lïis check bcfore Richmond has not diminshed their confidonco in and fo;ir of bis talents, for they knrow how little thó fault of it depended upon him.


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