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Will bepubliahed cvcry Monday niorning, in Anu Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For thï Michigan State Anti-Slavkry Soc,Ett. TEKMS. O.ik Dollar a ycar, in advnnco: iï not paid, ii advancc, Twj Dollars will be invakiablv te qu i red. & Old subsenbers can have their pnpers at One Dollar n year, by forwarding that amount, and payiiig arrearage?. All Bubacribcrs wjll bc cxpcctcd to pay within ho ycar. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For cach line of brevier, (ilie smaliest type.) for tlie firat insertion, 3 cents. For ench subacquent inscrlipn, I cení. For three months, 7 cents. For six months, 10 centa. For one year, 15 cent. Orders by mail will be piomplly attended to. Logal Advertising by the folio. & Manufacturera, Booksellers, Machinists. Wholesale Mcrchants, and all oihers doing an txtcnsioe business, who wish to advertise, will find the Signal ihebest possible medium of communication in the State. O All Remittinces and Communications U'Hild be nddressed, Post paid, O"Sifi'AL0K LinKRTY; Ann Arbor, Mich.jQ


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