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"the Old State Guard," Of Ypsilanti

"the Old State Guard," Of Ypsilanti image
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Pursuiat lo :i cali, :t m'. tinnr 1H,]( at YpsUauti. Friday, August I5th, f,r Ih.q purpi'se of forming a State Gaard of men c. ige fro:n tv. Tiio meetl . : ■ aniz ■} ,y t,s nt of 1). 'j. D iid R. V. Van Possen, ! öhainman opened prucoeilings witb a sliort but eloquent and patriotio adJresa N. K. Tovrncr, I) ]). Green and Choster Yost, beirig appointcd coinniittco on resoluttons, reportud the fullo.ving : )l heneas, It at all timos beliooves au intelligent peoplo to be vigilan t to peroene, and a self-güverniug ouu prouipl io rcpcl danger. it is especially discreet ï. these aaya of peril to tbu ropubüc to or. giiuizo a:;d uuito all the cluiueuts of itsbtroiigtli that tLcy niay bo ready fur auy eraeraenoy ; and Wltercas, Our own Statñ, in tlio ■ of colliaion with Grcat Britaiu, would bo , dirüctly esposcd to frontier attack and ; to havo its ohannela of trade and iutercourse obstructcd, and althougli it inifrlit be indisercet fir our eonstituted authori ties at present to exhibit any auxiety or jealoasy witli regard to tha tone of J5riiaiira piess or the aot-í of her private citiüiüis, yot we as individúala exereisiDí the right oí freo oritioism may wisely di so; and, Whr.reas, It is highly probable that many ol our younger men will Lio ïiccdcd by the general goveroment to put doTii the present rtoked rebellion agaiust iti authority ai:rl lawa ; therelbre, Itesolsed, Tlmt we, the older cilizons of the Siatc and the llepublic,exempt by ago frum military duty, deem it pru'Jeut tbat so nmoh military strength as hw witli ás, should be orgatiizo.d and u:iitcl to roudcr it vfficieut for State dcfunce. Resolved, That for the purpose ot' bsgimiing süch organizition, we as ei tiaans oi Ypsilanti recouimeüd the fornmiion Limo ng ourselves of a coiupauy of meu o?er the age of forty-fivo, to ba ualled "The Old St;ite Guard," of Ypsilanti; such ROinpany to meet for military drill and discipline o f ton enouali to maka i henJ efBcieut as soKliers to defend againsl atthek upou our State from auy and all quárters. llesolved, That a committee be appointcd to draw up a form of eurollinc-ut and to procure tlie signatures of o mauy of our cfüzsns, over the age of lorty-fiyo. as iiiay be (ispused to join Euoh organization, said coiiitiiittee to report to a futuro meeting llewlved, That we invite the co-operation ol citiz.'üs throughout the State, exempt by age or othurwiio from military duly for tlie furtherauce of the objectj of th ts meeting. Whioh proamfole and resolutious wer unnniuiouBly ad.'p'ed.


Old News
Michigan Argus