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Recial íota EST Seca ívomun, in another column, picking Sambuci Grupea íor Speer 's Wine. It is an admirable article, uscd in hospitals an j by first-oass families ia Paris, London, and New York, in preference tp old pott wine. It 9 worth a trial, as it gives great satisfactie, ET As a restorative after a severe nttnck of f-ver, there is nolliing better t-han HOOFLANDS GEKMA.N BITTERS. Read the ailrc-rtisomcnt in another coluuili. IMPORTANT" FEMALU THE HEALTH AND LtFE OF WOMAN Iscontlnuall.v mperil if sho ia mal ennugh toneiflicl or maltroat those exual inegiilarities lo which twothirds of hersex nre mort; or íe.s subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'3 PIIXS, prepare 1 from the snmn formula vhich Üic invontur. HJRXJ5UU8 L. CHSHSEMN, M. n„of Neivfqrk, has for nventv yuars used successfully in an exteailt'tl priatepïöcUce - iinm(;'ittili-!y rclivo without pain, a]l dinturbances of thu periodical discharge, whelhcr ansinc; from iclaxation or suppression. They act like a charip Inranoriog the pains tJuit lO'Vinpniiv (htricult or iminoi.lerate me-Htruation, Rnd are the only fiafeand rcliabla rötnedy for Klushes, Sick Heaiacho, Psltrt in the I.oins. Back and Si!es, PalpitKtion of the H'-:irt Nf-rvcuf Tremors, HystericB, Ppnsins, Brokcn Sleep and other unpleasant and danderouB ellecti of an unnatural con'lition of the sexual functions Tn the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they biïect a speedy cure. To AVIVES and MATEONS. DK.CHEESEMAN'8PILL3aroffo-di the only safe inu;mn of renewinginterrupled ini.'iistruation, but, LAD1ES MUST BKAR IS MIKD There 8 onr. cnvdiiiov of thtfema}c aysterjt i 'tghich llu PilU catt'tul be taken ?ri'!u"l pnxlucing a PECULIAR Thtcmdüiourtferrtil to is PJIEONANCY- the risult, MISCA IWIAGE. Sur.h is the irresistible, tendency (ij the medicint tortstors the temiai fwcltons to a rttrmal comUioa, Ihat even Iht rqiro'luctive power of nature cavvot resist it. directions stating when, and when they should nat be uged, with ::ich Iïox; - Uu: Vrict Oue Dvliar each Box, vöntaiiibtg 50 Pilis. A vahiüWu Pa uphlet. to be had free of the Agent!. ''Pilis ent by mail promptly, by eiiclo.sin price to uny Aizeiit. Kold l)y Druggisib general v. K. B. HUTCH1KO8. Proprietor. 20 Cedar-Sl., Kac YorJc. For f=alc by MAVN'AKD BTSBBINS & ICtLSQN , and OBENTUXB & rULI.ER. #'. Slight Coïk, Lauq.i. ,JíLaa.f-&Ljrcs a or gfatc L7haat, which might be cheakei ivith x simple reme&y, if neg-lected, of ten terminales seriously. Feiu are aware of the importance of stopping a fíautjh. or ëfLiq.h jfêdcL in, its first siage , ihat vjh.iah in, the heginning ivould yield to a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attacJcs the lungs. $ií'a $.c.HLCitíLa.3rachL& were firU mlroduoei eleven years ago. It hcis been prejei that they are the tr-t article before the publio for yisiimu, atatfih, the Hcu&ing Cough in fan-S-UmiiLan., and rvimerous affections of the lSiíaa.t, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers K Singcr witt Jind them ejfeotual for clearing and strengthenmg the voioe. Sold by all (l)rLgLristD and (Dealers in Jtltdicine, at SS cents per box. A CAHD TOTHB SUFFEBiWG. The Hev. Wiluam CosGbovk, while laborinfl as n Missonary in.fapan, was cuied of ConBumption, when all ther means had failed by a recipe obtained from a eamed physician residinp in the great City ofjeddo. 'hls recipe has curen great nup:ber who were ralfcrfllg rom Uonaumption, Broaebltiflï Hore Throat.Couhs and olds, and the rlebility and nerveus depres.slí.n causee by líese disorders . Desirous f benefitting otherp, I will send this recipe, ■hich I have brought home with me, to all wLo need it reo of charge. Address Rsv.WM. CO'GROVE, 823yl 439 Fulton avenue, Brooklvn N. Y. 186." "Í862T - op new - SPRIISTG AND SUMIVIERGOODS! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. We are now reoeiving a eplendid stock of DBESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. Fine French Cassimeres, and Coatings, For th.e Gentlemen. CAKPETS, DOMESTIC GUQDS, FINE NEW TEAS And oiher Choice Family Groceries, For Everybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. CL.-O1X and &oo. H. MILLEN & CO. Mey, 1862, 854U Ur. Wm. B. Hura'á DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, 1NSUIUNG FIXE TEETU & A SWEET BREATH, AND CuringToothaclie & Neuralgia. Do yr u rUb to be Ues.icd Ith asd admired ' LfWÓrfKnd Sound 1'KkTHf !..- Dr. IV. U LNHIV'ALLKJiTOOia l'uVVDLK, wajran.d fr tram acid, h Ikiili, or auy mjuriuua iubftfcnc. liice, üó cents pet box. $3 lïuware of the ordinary cbeajj rotlh pcwdcra, tyhich WliiU'll bul. 'ii-Jrni, Do you wUh to be.certabji tliat your BffiTRfa pure, swcci, au i niecablü (u hu&band oc wlí. Juveí or friebO! Dm Dr-. IfyRp'rf CJO-EÖRATED MüCTU WA.S1I. I'rice, iiö cents per bottle, Tlii-i astringí. r)t wf.ih ia aluo the bent rcmedy in the world for Caakkíi, ED Iíkkath, BUfeSUXa UVH Mol'iu, etc. U Iiuü oured baadreda po you, or your childrcn sufler f:om ToOTu.vcnt,? Gtt Iir. HUKD'S MAGIC TOUTHACHE UROHÖ. 1-Tict, 15 cents pti büttle. Are you aillicti-d with XLUAVmIA? Get Dr. W. B. HUKD'H NEURALGIA n--r-Tí-.lW, The most efftctive iiud deliglili ui rtiuiidy i.ii'jwu. f Tliey do not adherc nor blister, hut iooth and cliaim pji n awar. 'ïry tbeua. ilce, li uuü 87 cciit.. - Malled on reofip? ül j'iicu. Dorouwbifo a completo ycf oí DENTAL RKMEDIE3 api! p. Titmig fj.N i'uKiiivi.N i'tLïü? uetDr. HURD'á DENTAL TREA3URY. the pat and njoat vulu-iljle pmant tbat onftfrtna can maf tj another. l'rice, $1 tieiit by mail ou rectijjt uf pi'icfï. For sale at all the best stüie.i throuhout the country. C.-vcrrix. - k tbera are dealera who takp ndvantog of our advei tisetueuts to inijjufie u[,ou iheü uuW fèriurprepartioafl, U u oAceëeaxy to in sist upop Ituving vbat you cml tof, and you will uk'j iuj; rbt, tl l.-ti-4, nul premr--d by nn oxpern n 9Ú i ad sciwülüir DettlUt, iH-u-uiur of ibe New Yurk tilaU Deatist'i - sociatloa, uud Vice FfBnijgnt of Uu Row York City Dütul oeu-tv. A'3drL-3 WM. B. HÜRD & CO-, New York. ■&%. Dr. riurd's Dental s are for Bale in Ann Arbor t.y t'TSBBlwa U Wildon, KbbbaCH & Co., and üuü.Nvii.Lb; a: FQLUC&. 8COtf THE JJOtlSEKEEPKK'S NEW ÏURNITURE POLISH Prepuredfroin au improvfcd recipe by the proprietOT of ths ''UaüTiiKji Joxatbasi I)(.LisH,"iá cerllfled bj all the leading New York Furniturc Dealen and PianoForte Maken to oe the bet In the world tur Removins ScimtebfWt Marku, and )irt, and restoring a high uní lasting j;!oss to al kinds uf VarnUhed trork, f rom Furaiture to jeathar. lt isobeaperand better thaoVarDícb., dries iimnediiiiely.ap is easijy appliud. W-th n pice (f Canteo flantiel and and a buttle or two of thia Sew FfitxiTLKE PuiJsH, a Houpekeeper can vork du furniturc of a house and keep it looking like nv. Kow i,s the time to lshineapfl your Tabla, Chaira, Desks, Piano?, Fictuie Frames: Carriages, etc, aud inaku thoni look TjO per cnt. better. Thln is truu econotoy. Fi' (=;ile by k'urniture Dealen eni dtorekeeper generally. - Hrice 25 and 50 cents a buttle . Depot No. 1 Spruce St , V w Yovií. íípecial Agenta Wanted., Eox 1972, Kew York P. O. The Houekeepar's NTev Furnituro Polish is for t.ale at Anu Arbor by Great 33ooks in i-ress. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE CREAT REBELLION; OU TheHeroismofourSoldicrs&SailorS; 1 vol.j largc 12 mo. Price, $1.25. Tlie critics and the public ara ri'M ín predieUsgtbat this will surpass, in grapfafe narrative, exciling fntorest, acd extfïnsive pc;pultiri1y, all otner bintoxiee ';í the War far the Union, lts theine will be the heroic daring, palien t sufl'erings.nnd hair-breadth escapes of oer soldleri and sailors, and itsiucidents will f;rm the themeofconversa ':i..n at innumerable firesnles for yean (p come. It will contain, in additïon to it-s itirrfng details, the pbilolopbical Aualysis of the Causes of the War, by John LOTHBOF MoTUtT. LL. U , Authnr cf "The Jtlftfl of the Dutch Republic," etc., tho dates of all the important evenls frora the John Brown raid, and an accurate and revised account of the principal battles, vrith engrav;ns. One tïiird tho proceeds of allSubseription sent direct to us will be givep for the lielief of Üisabled SoMici-s, and all personswho wíth a copy of the work, ünd also to bcneíit the stldie. s.Rhould hend their nnme and addreH at onoe. Also, any officer or prtvaf, or pcraon in any scetion of the couniry, hnving knowledgo of a horoic act or stirrin incident, will oblige us by aeuding us an accountof it. BooksplIern,Postmastor, nud Canvaniüg Agenta will be furnifthed with a Subscriptiona Prospectus, on application to the PublisLers, 3 A liberal commissicnivpn to soldiera desiring to actaa agenta in takiu&faubacritioa.-', II. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANÜFCTUÍtES, fvom 1608 to 1860. By Dr. J .Ljunper Bishop, 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. npw ready, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probnbly the largest and most iipportant work dow ia the Apicrican pre8. Wo havo also just publíshed new editíons oí tha folowing ubt-fulanri popular books : The Business Man's Legal Adyiser; Or, How to Savp Money, by Couducting Business accordingto law as expounded by the lïeht and Latent Authoritiea, 400 pp , sheep. I'rice SI. OPPORTÜNIÏIES for INDUST&Y ; or, A Tkousand Chances to Make Money. Cloth, $1 This has boen republishcd in England. Every business manand clork should have these ïooks. Thi'y wül p;iy the buycr a hundred fold. Jfivéry jaren' ihoold get túcm íor their tuus. AU these books are mailcd, post pau!, on roceipt of prico. We pay particular atleiilion to mailing books, wrappin tlicm catefully, and will procuro aud Kc-nf!, postpaid, any buok anywhcre, oa seoeipt ot publifibcrá1 price. AddresB FRKEiJLEY & CO., 861tf TribunD Bnildiogs, New Vork. F-IAKTOS, 1)ER?ON'S wlio wish to buy a Piano ot the bost BMfceM wiil be siiown bOT Ihey can ia ve a handsoxns tutu in the purchri'-ti if they addivss Piako, cy.rt' Joy, i'.uh k (3o. , rublihhtrs AgtntSjKew York I'. O, 8ültf MANHOOD ; HOW LOST, HOW EESTORED. Just Pyblishsd, in a Sealed Envclope, Vricc Siz Cents. A LECTURK ON' THE NATURE, TRKATMEN'T AWD RADICAL CURE OF SHERMATuRjtHCEA or Seminal Weaknesí;, Involur4try EinissÍQast Bezua] Debtlity, aad Impedimcnts to Jlairiage eneially, Nervomness. Tonhumptifp, T-'.pilopsy na 1 Fits ; Uental uní Physici pacitv, i'r'-ultin froül S-lf-Abusf, fcc. r.y ROBT. J CÜLVERWELL. M. [., Author of tbe Green Rookte. The witiltl ïvnowii.'il author. n tMs rulmirabie liCcture, cloarly proves from lus own ■ awful ctiii.eqnence of Bwlfftbafie niay be effectually rüinovt-tl without medicina and witlrout dangerpus Rurgiciil optratioaá bougief, instrumonts.rins. or cordial potntlng outa morJp of cure nt once Cer tai q tnd effect ual, by which every mffrrrr.p? matter what hls (■ n tlon ruay . 8, may cure himself cheajily privatoly, am: y. This lectura wiil prove a boon to tbousauds and jboufiíind". Seat unler scl, in a plain enroïope, to any addrvtt, on tbe receiftof ais cnts,or two posUge Umpa,by ufldiecting, Pb. CHAS J. C, KUKff, 127 Bowery,Xüw York, I'uht Offices liox ,4086. Ayer's Sarsaparilla - - - (SI g O 2 ílitl F I J .:; g M ■ ? , g fe 15 i 5 . THE BEBELUON OX Ï1IGII PRICES FOR CLOTHIXü. I!AS UOMMKNCÜÜ AT Tlili CLO & EELIABLE CLOTHISG EiPOillXJM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. TAMnot oponin a lvKe ur,l varicl nssoi-tiiicnt uf 1 3, r.n','indSuiunior;tjua., nd lo fiew of th rebi IIlou 'm tiigh trice Konfrally, wilt offer tliem Lomí rrtaod , and outoro.r. at tu YerjTowwt figures fur Cash.- Ihou in want ol a uperioi ariicio oí Clutlis, Cassi mi-res, or (Eeady-Made Cloíhing, -will cill enWM. WAGNER, whu ha jusl returneü fron the Eost, w!th a large assortmeut of SPRING & SÜMMER GOODS rliich LavobLen jjurchased attbelatö LOW PRICES! andeanoffer thcmat a lowcr figure than eTr before. Amoiigtuy A.i.ioiimeuL muy bú found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, D0E8KINS, VESTINGS of al! doscrlptions, togellier with a superior assortment ■Á Rcadj'-Mde Cloílilug, MHS. KTRüyKS, CAP.PET BAOS, IKLXÏj UMBRELLAS, and SËEÏÏÜenllcmcn's Furnisliios G-OODB, with numcions oth'-r artidea oaf$J found in similur estubli.slmieuts. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Uie sutaorilx-r ttattersliimself, that liis long eiperienre and gentralsuccesa.w"'! euable hlm to gire the greutust satisfactiyn toali whp raay trust him in tlie way ol QP Mnufacturing Garments to order. WM.WAGMEñ. Ann Arbor, Aplil 9th 1S02. 843tf QLOBIOtrS News from "Dixie!" The Rebeliion about C'rushed ! A, te C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CL0TH1NG HOUSE P.tUru thoir sincere tlianks tü thcir numcrous FR1ENPS AND PATltOÍVS, For the liberal manner in which thy havo heretoto.ui'c patronized thein, aud beg leave to aunounce tkat they ai e AGA1N ON II AMD ' With a Large and woll seloetod Stock of SPRING &, SUMMER CLOTHING! aENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps & Trunks, wblch they wiU sail at Astonishing Low Prices ! For furtber particular Oall and oO for your.ielves, and yoa ttiU not goawaj dUaatisfled, A. & C. LOEB, Huvon Sírept. a few doom west of Cuok1! Hotel. Aun Albor, Uajr, 1863. Sm85t Comvay Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Gapicnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Asscts (Cash), - - 269.963 12 Linbilities. - - - 16,410 03 D. C. Itogers, Jas. S Whitney, Seoretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WIIITNEV. 1,. P.ODJrAN, W. ET,I.!OTT, ASA WOW I.ANI1.D ''. M-fiir.VIIAl',K n.MOKGAN VVA1T BRMRNT. ÍO8IAI1 ÍI.U?. A. H . BU' 1.1-.N W.U. niCKISSON, W. T. CLAPi', D.C.ROQEaH. Ann Arhor Rrfprciiccs: T)r, E. WEI.LR, L, JAMES. [,. DODOB, ENOCIUAMES. C.AI'T. O.8. OOODRIOH J. W. KNIGIÏT, Arnt. Aun Arbor, Mioliigan. TT ssö 3E3 SARATOGA E M PIRE W AÏER FOR InrüíTPRtiñn or Py5pcp:ia , ron'tipntin, N'errouK [ipbllfty, T-os of Appctjte. Gomroon Oolds, iiJAf-acfB of the I.uBgs, Headucbe, ,-lIKÏ Feverish Ftate o; tho S.l'l by MAYNAKP. KTEEBÏN3 & M'II5r, nnd EBEKEACH & CO , AofiAbor. fjgC, M KI SAMBUCI WINE, XI) TOCE ÏEAK8 ÖLD, Of Cholee Oporto jfiult , POE FEMAL1 [LÏPEftSONS&LWALIDS GS -5 Kv(.-; _■ on, lbould uae tbe SA MM' Cl WIJÍR, t foi lis in' '"Jt.'ii'iil n ml beneficia 1 . ■ e. i iuri t'c and u dórifio, li jk1 1" aa:1.1 ui tUe Qrt fauiiüw oí fiuro] u i.ud Aura tM H hasoo equ&l, CAu[nff&BftFflLK and building up ui the ays fe i ii bultig eatiïeiy u jure wine of a oiost val uu ble frtftt. AB A DIÜRKTK3, It Miipfirti a !iíKltliy actíon to the Glandi ftndKi'lncys, ancl { ntuuy Digaft, vtiy beueflcialln Ihoey, tjuut,aud Kheum;itic aft'eptioas, BTSaRtS VIXK 1 Ia not a mlxturfl oripanuffttured trtfylo, but i3 puve, ■ Juica ui" the ; - cultivaled in New Jt r.'(-v , recommendcl by rm. síijg medical pri ■ ■ ' ; ■■ W otht i .-i', and aii exteïleüi arti1 fot fül veak anl ■ q od inflrin, improTÜif the appetit , aud beu H i Iditn. A LADIES IXKt Bdsausfl t] p,jt intoxicóte as other wlne, a it CèllTaiaK U" i.iix! "i-. i' . ■ foritn rícb, peculiar Bavor, apd nutrltiye rdicrtiesfc Iffiparting a healthj foue to the : E i blooming, soft and healtby skin md compUxu u. AVE UEFER TO A few weil Uuo'.vji gentlemen &□ ; ■■■ ha liuvu trifd t!if Wiut:- Oep, WtufloldScirtt, Ü.S. A. Dr. Wil ,ou, llthst.. H. Y, öor. Morgaü. N'.Y. ttate Dr. Ward, Newark, W J. Dr J 1'.. (..l.:;f'n,X. X.Clty. fv. loughertx. " " J). farkfft N City. De. P&rish, Pfailadeliia Dra 1 ÈfcTi ;. - ; 6 ii no'1, ik, x. j ! And nmny eti eroua f. publ jJ(2r"Nonfi genuino m of "AtPKHD Sl'LLR, l,M,aii;,.N J.," i ovr the Kvk of eacb bottto. T-MAKK ONf T.HIAL OF THIfl W1XK. ate l-y Miynaul, SUbbtii Wllnon, Aun Arbyr. A. SPEER, Piopiiator. v;rv iRD Pasaic, S'ewJerBy. OFFICE, L08 Èroadway, N. Y. JOHNLAFOV, Pais. ! 3 í tafl tor Franco aod Uermauy. RÏSÏ5ÜNThËN1JEKS0. CRAIN DRILL, arui Grass EJeeci Sower, Manufactured at ËpriDgfield, Ohio. rpHE VEltY I.ATFST IÍIPROVEMENT, and bot! er ttian X all üthcrs; adapteJ to toirtBg ffheat, H_ o, Oute, 1. It Aas a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of O rain and Grasa Secd. 3d. Üfever lunches the Grain ith. liever Ireaks tha Gram. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast iehindthe Drill. Qth. Has high whecls and long Hoes. Itli. Has long and wide steel pointsSth. It has a l'ind measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has douhle and single rank drills. 10. It has a self adjusii'.ig shut of slidc. It is neatly and substantiallj made, There is hardly a Drill oDerod q tbo markut bat can boast of more ur lesa FJRST PREMIUMS}' They are a bout as iudiscriminately bestowcd a the titlo of " Profcí-sOTy" whicli Í4 Kometiineu ppliei to the lifiddh-ryy or ' bootblack," Tbey cuaso to cunvey the idea of mtrit. The Buckeye Drill han bec-o on Exhibition at quite & number of Htate and County Pairs, and without sceking favor at lb hnu ís of any Coramitteo, ha.s reuuivd itd full share of Premiums. TESTIMONIAOS : We give tho following uames of a few Farmers in tira viciaity wao have bought and u.sed the Bdckrye Drill : Qu&Frey Müh-r, Scio. Jacyb rotttetamM " Jacob Tremptr, " Thomas While, NorthQeld. John línikaw, " Cln i.iliui] K;i i'p, ' Edvard Boy don, Webster. James freadweU, Ana Arbor , l:inelO', " V Julin (J. Cook. Locií. O. A. Marnhiiü, " L. lidnjon 'tí, BaUs, Gcorge Croptf y, Creen Uak, Liv. Co. We aro aao Agonts for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, acLnowIetlged to be the vcry best íd U3e. Wc aio just in reccipt of 100 Grain Oradles WhiU we vill sell ciieap. Also a Urge aRsortraont o G-rass And tho largcst and best selectod stock of 33EISrT STIIFOJ1 FOR CARRIAGE9v$i brforc olTíirod in this market. Yo also keep a large and full W.ULS GLASP, PÜTTY, PAINT, imd UKcEED 0IL. A complete asKorlincnt of STOYE3, TINWAEE, ANÍ) LAVS TROUGIISnlvíays on hand and put up at tlie shortoát iwüce. RISDON & UlíNDF.BPON. Acn Arbor, June L3tli,lP2 Hovvard Associaíion, riiJLADELPniA. Yarlhr. relirf of the Swli nnd Dtttrruud, nLllctfil mUk Vrun and Ohronie '■.■■.-■, - tur thi Cure of Diacasf.s nftílt Srcnal Organ, MEDICAL ADVÍCe (ven gi.itii, bv tho Aolinj Sur. Stop. VAI.ÜAB1.K BF.PORTS onSperiDaforihefa.aní1! itlf . [ the Sexual .■ NKW BKS - I ED1KS amplnyed in tb' : .-r-niinseal fiivcii;i(-.. !:'■(■ of cliarf;c. Twn or threí btuí ip nceaptablo. AúJrcss Dr..l. HKILIJN nOÜGHTON', Uowwd Association, ïfo - S. N;ath üi , ",,ilndolphia.Pa. Ayer's Cherr-y Pectoral ' Dit U BAL8AMIC CORDIAL, Cougks, Co!:fj, Influenza, Cror'p, ffoan Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Distases oftfu I tls, arisingfrom Cold, Incipient ('"; ■ sumption, andjbr the relief and if ut all pottitüt) cura cl tutUnls in adoanced stages of ths latter dist siira, with iuvioralinjf ; ■ ■ . ■ arly penud, buccm ■ . For ü sclenUti ■ teJ Priualan, I'r, Hooflutid, I ,'-.■■■ K ; umd oí ■ ■ + i ■ have eljolted so tnany comiu . ■ ' Dr. C. ;■!. ■ - ■ ■ The Cordial i I ■■■ more ! gemirá) hiiíI more fatal tu&n auj p4opl of tilín country are subjeet - tli l'rtmi a '■'■elighl coíd."' TíiíU etjiifloiit authoi Ull,aays; "IwillnoJ i are tooui Mtnti wha1 tb Plague tnd Vtií-nr Fiver are to tbpo jt utber uther In ■ . ■ i Jcbiapilcft , üjan th iclattor." Entlrdy Vé$$tcttíeí Na AloohoUc j Jrreparatím, DE. nOOFLAND'3 GEfiMAH BITTE3RS ■ ed by DR. C U. JACK3OM Jï CO., llilUdelphia, I'a. WIU effectaally cure l.IV'KK COMPLAI-VT, íjV.-. -T A I NT 1 lCE,Chron:c "r Kw - ■ Kldnejrs, ííü'I all dihöasea arMÍng i,,ii LWer or Stmnach Bucb as Coastipatíon.lDward Pi di Kloüd tö IIcíh", Ac'ditj oí the Stcmacb, Kausea, Hcart tiül'll . 1 I : tho fl ■ rifd (Ui'] DItScult BiHathiug, FTuUertog t ihe Heart, Choking B ■ í ■ ■ Ciiesi ,!,■■.■ ■ dd S F lu inef of f] al Burning in ImaginingS ol LOW FJ KK, Illl.l.; ■ j-ftft, i of the puLlic td tliia prepara tion, ; ■ i.i-e iti it. v'i' ■ i . UUÍOS iu lliií ■■■ . for wbich it i.-i rccjn'.ineni.led It Lfl 00 sLood] ti.. elve ycars1 tri ■ Imbfputativo anl ■■ iy afo un by uiy olmiïar preparatioHs extant. tutu favor gi ven by the most promiaent and wcll i : aul and indi vid u;i Ík Id al! partí of tl. e cu e. h ;i ful ;f the Alu.nnac, p'ublihel anniuiliy Ly thé PropHators, and to ■ uf Kiiy ni Llu-iv AgeQi3j c.uiiKit Lut tllfi IBOSÍ ' tbat tll's ren Lbo reat cdlebrity u haaobtalaed Kcad the Evlílenr trom J. Newton Brown 1. D., LdVvr of thc Eicydujnda 1 Altiionii nol ■ .uviror recommfead Patent i dients uinl suects,I yet know oí do . , aTraniu;. doI ; 'ne believes bim-tell to have ivceiveu from any ■ bope that h may thus caBtfibgte tu t Le beneñt oí o tii ere. Idothfsthe more readily -. n fard to "IlooflanJ's Germán Bitters,1' pxcpared bypi i city, becanfcte I was prejudíced aga . t . aoder tlio imprefutlon tbat they we . i alcod olía mixture. 1 am Indi maker, Ebo ..for th cemovüi i tests, íind for sncouj ing f rom groat B Dd long continu ed ' be ua of three b0 -A present year, wasfollüwed by evident rel ratio ín a iE grcet f b ieh.1 bad iiot feil forsixmontha bef ore, and had alm infog, I therefor? thank God nd my f ■ dartotlagiaeto tho aseof tbem, J.KfiVfTOX BfiÜWM Ead wh it tn::e eminent Glasi Manu facto ter, JOIIN' II. W1ÏITAIX, saya of tl. CORDIAL Pr. C.M. Jacrscv- Respectad Fricndi Haring lor a lans time been acqíiiriifl wííh the rirtuufl of thy Balsaiiiic Cordial in Cuu.hs. Colds, ïoflamuiatioQ of the Lungs, de. I thm freeïy bear testimony '■ , For st yoar.i I hav nerer been .viliuut il family It alaogtvei me plsaaare to state that I have used it witli mire succeai iu thy troataicyt of Bowei Comfjlaiuts. Thy fiiend i . JÓHX M. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. 17 1 1S5S, Raco ."Street, above 4Lh, Plilla. Theso medielnesara Cbraale by all respectable DrnjïgiBts and dealers in mvdïcinea in tb ili ProTlDce,and WestTndies, at 75 oents per bottla - Bp sure andgüt the gcn-iine, wuh the atg nature í C M. J.(;kson on tlie weappef ol eac'i bottle; n.'í others are counterfcit. Principal Oílice and Maiiufatitory,4lS AicU Street, Philadplphla, Pa. B20yl O. BIjISS Is now receiving a largo and WU seïectcd auortm&t of CieckSy Watches, JEWE LR Y, Silver and Piatetl Wase, TABLE AXD POCKET TÍ "WLJ TB JBC TH33 BR. "jr RAZ0U3 and SHEARS, GOLD PE1TS, Musical Instruments, Sirifigi !f Boolis for Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, COMES, and a great varicty of YANHEB UQTIO3STS, &O. He would cali particular atLtjntiou to Lis large stock of SPBCTACLiBS, of Qohi, Sclccr, S:ed, and Plalcd, aith PÉRÏS'COPÈ GLASS, a huponor artljla. Ahp Huntigton & Platte bra-ted CA LENDA R CL O CE ! ■aitablfl for Oma i, C untfs? Rooms, Halls m D ■■■ these docks are re i Qombine4,and i n&ding oí" t be timo mov- . :-y changetj , i v. !ng iha Jaj ■ f t ■■ ;i ■■'! dn y of lije m )ath] includm the 29 th of February of Lenp ycrir. UU gooda are mwtlj of recect N'ew Vork au L tl i iréis, and wiil be suit the rof.cns lm ving diili - ulJ ■■ witli glasaea caá be ui H110 OODBplttttt. P. S. Particular attcntion to t!ip 3. X3 C Et E Xf JC3Iof al) kincU oTfine Watcliw, safeh as Making and Setting new Jewols, I3it!Ír,;i: Siajf, and Ojl'itdtT?. Also clocks, ss nBw:EXRr5r nc.itly repaired ail ffarrantcfl, at his uld stauüeast slile of Iilaiu Strekt. C, BLISS. nu irber, Kot, 15 C-.'Ctl ZSO FO3 ETTROPE I -V LIVERPOOL, BBBhBhS C O 11 IC. Ik-IhihI. LlVERl'OOl,, NEW YORK & NITLAHËLPHI1 STEAM8H11' C0!8 STEA51EÖS. CITY OF LON'! ON, CITV OF M.:IIKSTKR, CI1Y OF NEW YOr.K, ETNA, 20tO] '. ;3' Toas. ciry qf iA u.Mor.i:, . i " . fnV, GLASGOW, J9.3 " CITY OF WASHINGTON, BOSPH0R.U3', 3 " 23S0 One nf the above Sirtucrs mil lenvc x,v; Tovk cv oiï ÖALUKDAÏ, al mm., in.iii Fier 11. S. R.; umi tlvatjiocl overy WELNEopAY. Kiites of' I'as-r treaTCABIN.lttUVïBfOOL a:íD UJF.K, L85 i ii LOSPOM, 96 " " " VAKH. HA.VBJS, HMBÜRQod ''S CAPIN PAS o n'thing t" pr i ::vj ullüfCll 20 ui gTEEKAGETOI.IVKRPOOL AÜP rOBK SZb o " V i.üu;n .'ï nul ü-uia Wv ■ PAUI3 !'; , i. j; . . -, 4u ; i r ar bni'.i arutui.. n' "''■ i"urge i 31 tbd K . . ttgodimco is cqu) io tJ iniit. v;3„ . D for bota way. ar n. piivtï. Chjcigo Book ïr; 7tti l'lace l ■ ' ■■' WB i.K Kook i ry House S. (■. GfrlGG.S & CO, Banfl, : 1 Í l rits. 1 t l3 "' j ;;;;;; . fc ,. j 4„ ultr, i{, 7 Xlll. San '.-, ' eu er, t-s ) ) XVI KaïnJiT:;' Eiócui ,3 10 ■ - . ■ tlïro■ ci_r,j -r M..I ■ I l] ÏULIÜ. llcbinson'a Course of Mathematica. BV i Svy 1 U UÜe Intellect u&l i. 5 Aiitt d -O HighM Aritbuntto, 74 II. i: . , s Kc, ii,metc. 7 VIH. Kobii i : mtiiUry Algcla, 74 ■■,■ Algebra, }3 X. Robín , jj yi. RabiusotTs 1.. j t9 XI I Robiu S Cei ..... 3 y . LtiOtl 1 U JÜY KvL . anj ms 1 SO o :ra! Ctlcultil 1 jo XVI Rol . ipjr 75 XVIi Hobinnon'a Dol 1 75 x vin p.oiiiü ioas, i -1-' , üctiSDtitt, ?urr, sc, j jo COURS] . mij lheUiL: . tv ud aptnPsl ',i 'il""i'autl ui ',I iliii er in thi ry. Tljis acTti 1 has bvijnrccóraraen'iecl by th bett Jljlljeiiiiiliciuiij in ali oi-.jti, ., oí '.Lu cUitrj . Öray'i Huríes of Botmiies, gix books. Hitebcock'B School Anatomj und riijiol ■jck's Geologj, ene Koot. WcH'3 Grammare, two books. ell 3 Scientifio S-ii;.- neludhig Clmm■y, cto, Tiireu booSi. Wilsons Seïiès of Historie, fiVe booka. Fügquelk's Froncti Serios, feight books. 1 ury's Gei a, geven books. Bryont & Strfttton's Series of Book-kcejjing, tlirce books. Spencerian System of Peumansliip, aine books. A1 other Valuablu Eaulis. Wholesale Dealers and Eetail Purcllii. siorü over Tour Thou.and different artieleao v,,j. buuka, ij-im '..-„.-ii to m - et i:ot rivuivd b auy othr Wwk liousein tao l. ■ S. C. GRIG98 & CO. Are SjiBdal Aüentj for Méggrs; Harper & Uro'u Publicaticja. " D. Appk-ton & Co'a " " Tioknof & Ficld's ' " Góuld & Lincohi's ' " J. Ji. Lippincott & Ua's " Aud furnislmll Ibt-ir liwAs at Eastorn pr;c fux oah. Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Gap Papers, Blank Books, Ptts Books, Aad all i'.nid of STÁTIOJJERT, at t:ie lowtut prinei . SLATJá by Ibe doztn or case. 8-S1ri.njersand traveler ritlting Clilcago wlil fiad . ie.-'tDto ling'T ir .in l.our nmij tbc in'.crü;iliilU pues of literatea t 8? and 41 Laku Sirtot. S. C. GR!GGS Sl Co. Agente Waated. tfir For aüuostiy anl v:iluab!e Subsoriptioo VTuriw, . ■ ,.:íz,,d, uuratuw. Sciani, or Art, Iddress S. C.VUÜUS CU. PLE.1SE ft] ïhatthare is no. bookstore io this country k- ;hg bcttsr or.(aor extiMM lliwyi gao at EQ aud 11 Uke treet. EEMEMBER. ■ "ublic cr Pi , baauppIM Ti-h Urst clasa Standard Works by S. C.G. iiCu. upoa boltt torms thin !o stud last anc pay Ireigbc a-Wüstern Litcrary and n-ofeisionnl men.Teacbtrj, Eoholan in all depa . . ,,f k-ltera, ara i.ivitijd to make Í9 ui.! 41 Late Street theif Iilace of : i.j raoottaUof leisure. S. C. GRIOGS & OO, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers and Stationem i Lake Street, Cbics)?o. a. u, cüiggs 84Sia3 K. i jaksï.m. DO YOU WANT WH1SKERS ! DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE l If so, parchase one bottle of E. E. Champion' EXCSLSIOP, IN VIGORATOR The v.nrld renan-aeil t!ie article of the kind evp-oÏL.rod the icode of the United States. The above T.'-f " ' om oed by the Freuch : ia Lor.doo anJ Paris it is in universal ULe. THEEXCELSIOK WHISKER INVIGOEATOR 1 1 Isa. Beautiful, Económica!, Soothing, vet Stimu'atliif Comjiound, acting as ff hy magie upon 'the roots, cau7 inga beautifulgrowth 01 Luxunant Beanl. If ap: livA to the Seal],, it w, 11 cure B.u.d.vess, and if pilied a. cording to direclioSm, it wlll cause (o pring up ia bald spots a fine growth of soft ntBñ iiaib. Tlie Celebratei EXCELSIOR IN VIGOR AT0RIsan ndtnpensaWe Article in evtry Cenücman's Toilet, and aiier one week's lue khaj u-ould not, oruny onaidi-ratiou, lic u-ithnutit. Tbo above article. will.'iii from Funr to liight Wceks.bdugouta thick .set of W musas .VCIIE. ïli subscribers are the only Agenta for the above article in the üniteii States. They woul.l also announco to. the publie that lhy Napoleon's Hair Toilet! Tho only ai'ticle over ollercd 'o tbe Ficnch people that '"'-1 iiriMiiii thi'abovo Toilet being manlifaetured for ' :ipoleon ! which ■ nnw iadispensable in bis Toilet rooai. Xhe lubacribera [eling confl lentthat this Toilet munt arilj til.tthf place ef allothen tm offcrwl ■■ tb6Dublic,they take pleasure in expressiug their confld.ene m tbe art ■ I It from practical u. THE NAPOLEON JIA1R TOILET VillCcRi tiïaigïit niRin Poft, Silben, Flowing Curl", n ü! rem lin to Rhape U r one day or one week f 4b I, if the dircetiuns are atriutly ■ : eattj . IT ir Toï.M does cot in nny mannennterfere wüh the NaturfU Soflnesa of the ff air, It oeither u umi l lot nor n ■ . renta the hair irosa f&Utpg m l TÍ1E NAPOLEON HAIB TOILET rt timo, and Ii:isa1ü'l persone I .and ■ ■ Pi et ia thi great' os-t j' ople. I ar tm■■■■■■ t for sale l -■■'■ ■ i the Tniíeii Stateg. Therefon any I . Lam mot liaír sndCuvlrt, nu ' . c-n srooure th Inriiiriator or Poi] ■ .■■,ur una r jclosed in a btter, witb &ötr n'JdrcüB. A4 G.F. . Box lt-3, ' And It wJÜV c&ntaUj seut b, return mail, "Próvida for Yo r Family." UFE iNSUHANOË COMPANY, Weet) i - rnndnlph St , Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1SÜ:, 8270,223.4.. r.nit t i livt's of debtorF. ,1 uf yeará, on b I r Cnoiwiiy. acci ■ ■ :t of 1 ].c i ■ ■ : 'r r the claims ■ ; i : sleo. n".;rrid for the bancöi of Uieir ■ ■ - ! ,,r nr.j nua noi exeoöiiipg r. tbfs Comríñy pprohibf■■ ■ ' nda , , , in int . iisc urert ; bene U U] ap; . I Tiih 'iï or ovf;v a nrti mv as low a %ny o I !ƒ ■ .-■'fricv rr yi.i'i Üj('. j bui - moim rd iad busim lvOd. .prMtdent. Gho F. SlVIFFKï. "-cy Iï. r. Johncnn, Vfri PvfEiient, and HaaAgtf cl VfitËfrn Branch oíH B. POND, Agent-. wir. Lïïwrrr.y n &r. ■' Ayer's Ague Cüre. .


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