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The Movements Of Garabaldi

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Tho followiug proclarnation has boen issued by Garibaldi, dated Bnis Fienzi : '' The holy oauae of our country unites us agaiu to-day. Without asking where we ure going, with smiles upon your lips, you have hastened bither to fight againat arrogaut foreign rulers. I ask only of Providenea to preserve me in my confideuee. I can promise nothing but toils aud troubles, but contidently rely upon your pelf-denial, for well do I kuow you. Oh ! mutilated remnant of glorious battles ! It is unnccessary to ask your bravery in the fight ; but I must ask you to preserve discipline, without which no army eau exist. The Romans by their discipline wero enabled to become the mastera of the world Stnve to gain the affections of the people, as you knew how to do in 1850, as well as the esteem of our valitint army, in order to bring about tho unity of' the country. Upou this occasion the brave Siciliana will be the forerunners of the great destiniea to which the country is called." PHOCLAMATION FltOM THE KINO. The King has issued the following proclamation : " To My Peoplb : " At the time Europe is rendering homage to the wisdom of the nation, it is painful to see young people carried away by illusions, and, forgetful of the duty of gratitudn due to our best allies, make the name of Rome - ttie name which is tho desiro of all - the signal for war. When the hour for tlie nccomplishment of thee nterprise sliall arrive, thü voice of the King will mate itstílf heard. Every other sumiuoua is that of rcbellion and oí' civil war. The respon sibility and the rigor of the lavv will fall upon those vvho will not listen to my words. I shall know how to preserve tho dignity of the crown and of tae Parliament in order to havo the right of dcmunding frota the whole of Europe jus tice for italy " Ia the Chninber of Deputics explanatious froiu the ministry wcre requested with respect to the King's proclaiuation. Signor Rattizzi replied that tlie mauifesto was ocoasioned by the enrul.meut of Volunteers, and the false reparta whieh had boen circulated that the goverument was secretly in favor of them. J wk requisita tbat tb e j ing should ceaso. Ho hoped that Garabaldi, knowing tlie firm wil] uf the King, would suiimit to Ilis wishes, and that a civil war would be avoided. The Chambor, aftcr a short discussioii, expressod its apprrvul of the noble and firm words of the K'ng, aud pa3sed to the orders of the day THE ROMAN QDESTIOX. The itáliftn jnurnals assert that the Englisli squadron has received oidf-rs to act in concert with the French and Itaiian squadron. Tlie Prefect of Palermo has issued tho fo'.lowing proclamation : " Permentation has agitated the pub lic mind for some time past. A report hns been spread that the goveinment does not disapprove the events whicli have occurred. Respect for ihe laws has alono prevented íts opposing tbcin by forcé. Now, bowevcr, that the meeting, by taking up arms, have assumed a military charicter, they aro forbidden by the laws of the goverument. Citizens I are warned. The gnvernment cannot enouuce its niission - caunot permit any reame, howovcr dear to tlin countrj-, to usurp the prerogativos of Víctor Emanuel, the King chosen by the nttion." In the Turin Sécate, Rignor Rntazzi said that the government had mado every effort to prevent the enro'linent of volunteers. As regarded tho expodition whieh had been tho object of publio comaient fer several days, tJie government was detertnined tu prevent their departure, and had taknn neoessary steps for that purposo.


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