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OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT TUE AEGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE TREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RA.TES. We hare recently puroliased a O-LES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lat'st stylos of Cnrd Type, whicli enables us to print INVITATION CAEDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We aro alao prepartd to print POSTERS, 1IANDBILLS, BLANKS, WLL HEADS.i CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS &c, THE BOOK BDiDERY i in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RN ALS, 1IOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufactored in best sttle at Ne-w York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entiro satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main ác Hurón Sts. "Provide for Ycr r Family." LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Western ollico, Kingsbjry Dlock, Randolph St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. PolícipH are insued upon the Hvea of dobtorí, and for all business purposes, eítlier for life r for a term of yearrf, on as favorable tprms as by any other Company. Uarried ladies may insure the lives of thelr basmnak according to a law of the Stftte,securing the nmount of Oír intiraocc to themselve or their chüdrí-n, free frm the claims of their husbands' creditors ; rIro, marrid ImlifN can nsurc their mn HveR for tht) bcncñt of thctr j cbiMren or trustees. l'otieies on Hven are issued for any sum not exeeeding ! $10,000. By the term of the chnrter, this Compnny is prohibited paying moi'e tlian 7 percent, annually in dividende OD i's capital to stockholder ; and it receives that um n ut'-rost for the use of ita capital, the surphiH befnf dividtd nmoiiL' the Mutual Tnsurers ; henee it will ap pcar that it coitibine the advantages of a Mutual witli the Booorlt; f a Stock Compnny. Whcn the premium amountH to $40 or over a note may be given for four tenths oí the Rates as low as any other good, company. BgN"w ís the time of tocure a competeney for youi famlW should deitth nud your humeutead eucumbered and busiuesr involved. KRASTUSI.YMAN, President. 6so. F. Sxirror,Sfy H. K. Johnsm, Vice President: and Manager of Western lïrancb ofiloe, Chicago E B. POND, Agent. WM. IEWrrT,M. D., Medical Eiambaer. ARE-NOW OPENING, DIRECT Fi;o.u rii;i.isiii;j-AND Manulaclurcrs, a N'ew am] Complete stoïk o LAW & MKD1CAL ÜOOKüi, School Booka, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, dan ssT.A.i'TorírrE: n y i Wallaud Wil Dranring nnd ïTatliematlcnnhstrainéntA. Mulle, Juvdnilc Ubnkrienj Euvtlopes, Iuks mid Cnt&t. ' GOLD And all otJer kinds of Pens and Pencils Wimlow Cornice, Shade and Kixture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! AinleverjthlngportalnÏDg to the trade, and more to whickthey wuujd i.vite tho attention of thé country. Inconductinyour business, we ftballdri all thnt can he dooeBO that no rcasonable man, woinan or chiUl lmll find any fault. We posstiss facilüt?8 which will enable us to supply our stomers at the Lowcst Possible Figures. Wp propuso toscllfur 1ÏEAIV PAT, ata smal! ailvance. ' oxpcta profit un our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Thp "Empire PoOK STOKE'is mannoiï by atooil 'crew,' nd thcy will :hsa_vs be fnutnl on the "quarter di-ck.'1 ready and wiltin to attondto all wiih pleaéare, trhd will favor thera with a cali. Uemeraber the "Ernpiro Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Cq. Ann Arbor,May,J800. 7Jj ANOTHER Lk ARRIVAL AT THE i' Ú f OLD AND RELIA BLE ffflË CLOTHINt EMPORIUÏÏÜ öS,3;T 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN STREET. hasjust returned from the Eastern Citiea, with a largí and dötiirable .stock of F ALL AMD WINTER O E X S ? wliicb he iü now offering at unusually XiOXT FH.ICÜSS Among bis Astíortment may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of aJl dcscripttoDS, eptciully for FALL AND WINTEE WEAR ! which h is cuUing anl making to order, in tholatest and beststyles, tógetlier wilh a superiur assortmeat of READY MADE CLOTHJNG! TRL'NKS CARPET BAOS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with nuracrns other artxles usiitilly found in siruilar e.siablishmt'ntR. As ANEMPOBIUM OFFASHIOM, the Hubscribcr flatters himself, that hialong experience aii'l nnenu BUOCCBwlll onablo him t give the greatesi satisfitrtion toall who may trust him in the way ofmauufaeturinji jiarments to order. 769tf WM. WAGXER. Rifle FactoTt A. J. SUTHE11LAND HASretnovedhis Gun Shop tothe New Blockn Huton street.ö out h nlthe Court House , out nesecond floor, whert he is prepared to fu rniflh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouthes Game Bags, and Evcrj othcr article in bis LiDe. On tbe most rcasonnbl tcrms,Rnd to do fill kinds o Et. S 3F ii. 1 3EI I INT 3t the ahorteu noüec.anel i n f lie bent mannei fnïl tasortnujnt atways Jeep n hnnd.ond madeto order. BOOTS SHOES ? MOOHE & LOOMIS Are now receiving a Iarge assortment of Boots and Shocs and :r,tt:b:b:e:r,si AVhich they propose to sell 50 per eent below farmer pricei for cash. Men's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men'sgood TLick Boot8, from 2,00 to 3.0U Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip nnd Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Morocco Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 And an endless variety of Smal Shoesfrom Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shoes. We n ri alaoDIanufacturlug all UIiuls of WARRANTED BOOTS & SH0E3. Mens Fine French Calf Boots Pegged and Sewed. So gire us a cali beforo pnrchasinpr olupwhorp, as wp aro bounrt nnt to lie unilcisol.l. igHÜPAIKIXG DONE ON SHORT XOTICE. MiMHE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Mlch. 820tf TO WHOMIT MAY CONCERN. OlVCISrXBXJS F-A-ÜE. TIU; rNlKRSI(NKll, Hotel ProjttteWM In thlt clty ol Ann Albor, rpspcí'tfully announce to the public, that onandaftFr lirst day of Jannary, 1802, TEN CENTS F AR E. will bp clinrffí1! to cach and every pi'-son carrk'd toand from tbe car, to the respective Hotel, by the OmmVus B.COOK.Cooli'sHotcl. H.ItARSTOW,Kranklin HoilM'. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 24tb, 1861. 883tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla., BAGH $c PIERSON Iliivt' just oponed tlieir SECOND SPRING STOCK and offer a CHOICE SELECTION Of Scasonable Goeds, including all The Newcst Styles .l LADIES'DRESS GOUDS, Cloths, Domestics, Staples, G-IELOGIEZEtlES, &C-, We Bought for Cash and will sel] FOB CASH OR RE AD F PA Y, at very JLiOSTsr Figures, CJJLTa A.]NnD SEE! BACII fc PIERiON. Ann Arbor, May 15, If62. SCHOFF & MILLER A RF. STII.L ON' HAND at tln-ir okl 3 taart, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wï'.h tliomost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8IIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Mariet ! and they would suggest tothosein pursuit cfanytliingio SANTA CLA VS' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchastng frota this siock, as each purchaser gete an aduïtiona) present uf Jewelry , re. , Kanging invalue trom 50 ots. to $50. J83T" Thpytrnt that thmrlonp; experienee inselecting goods forthismarket, And strict attention to the wants of Customers, may eutitle hem to a liberal share oj Patrón i ge. Ann Arbor, Dec. 6. 1860 777tf lifFE 1I8SUKaCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life In suranca Company Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WILLINSDRK LJVES for any amount not exceedïng $.C.CKK : the wholc term ofJLife orfor a term of years, on the most favorable tertnit. N'. H The Cumpany is pureïy mutual and the policy hoUlers pet all Uit1 sm-pliis tlie exact cost of insurauce It accomodates the insnrod in the settletnent of their premiums ON I.IFK P0LICIE8, if desired, by taking a note fur one half the amount, bcaring interest at aix percent, per annum. Dividends are Declared Annualhj! and since they now amount lo fiftv per cent on the premium, cash and note, and are inercasingtbey may be apptied to cancel the notes. #5" The rates of premiums are as low as any other reSponsible Company nndtlielarge accumulaled fund of $3,500,000 is securely invested, M muy bc seen by reference tü the statement made acconliiigto law, on Gle ín theoffice of the County Clerk, at Ann Arbor."5L JAJCES ÜÜODWIN, Prest. Guy R. riiEi.PS,Secy. Korparticnlarsapply to JAMES C. WATSON, 7631 Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKB, & CO.'S Standard Machines . JVell known to be the Best for Rlanufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shutlle Machine, forincrly sold at 90, reduced to 870. No. '2, of same kind of Machjne, for incrly sold at $100, reduced to 875. SINGER'S LETTEK A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the irorld for Kamtly ?ewing aiul IJght MAQuCactrOring Purpoae: (witlt Hanmer,) and benutifully ornamented $50. Tbo Nos. 1 and 3 Machines are of great capacity and appiication for manufcturinK purpmes. OurNo. 3 Machines are espeoially aaaprad to all ltlnds of light aud hr;i LmthOT Vork, in Carriage Triniining, Boot and Shoe Making, H:irnt's MakingjCtc, etc. They are of extra die, and Uta ka arm long enough to cake under it and stiteh the largertsizv flasoOB. '1'Ihj-m is scarcely any part ofo TrlnamflrB1 Btltehtng tint t. cannot be better done wilh tluin than by baad ; bo. too, the sa ving of time and laboi i. vo-y great. Tfietableof Umm machines 'in 2-t inchei long, and thosliLittlo will hold rix timesthe usual qnantit.v'"!' throad. Thelarge machine works as fastas small oues. We wotild aakTor our Lettel" A Machines, tne specialattention of Voijt Makers nul Press Makers, tnd all those who want Machiuesfor llghtmanufaettiringpur. poses. They embody the prldclplea of the standard machines, making likt i hem tboiQtorlopkod sitch, and are dwstiued to be as celebrated for FAiÖtT Skwixo ar d ligkt miinufacturing purposes asour standard macliir.t-s arefur manufacturmg [MLniQMfl in frcneial. Wi' have alwayson hand, ukmminí; (;At(;Ks,sn.K twist LIXSH AN PDTTii.VrilliliAD , OM Sl'OOLS, UKST MACíIlNK OIL in bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Xeedles, and would warn all persons oslng öor mrtchinep nottobuv anyotheTÍ. Wa kñow th;it there are needles sold of thé most inferior. quality at bigher itrices than we charj;? for the best. The neudles oíd by lis are manufiictured Asp-ci:ilh for our ma. liiin's. A bad needUmay render the best machine almost uscless. Our customern may rest assured that al. our Hranch Offlou :in' rumlahed rith the " genuineactijie " In case of small porohams, the money may be sent in postagc stamp, or bank notes. Corretipondèats wil] plèast writo thëTr nanea distinctly. It is all inportant that we sbould, meaclicasc, know the l'ost Oflice, County, aud State. JES All persons requiring nformation about Sewing Machines, their sixo, prices, working capacities, and the best mothods of purchasing, can obtain it by sending to us, o1 any of our BranchOiUcesforacopy of I. M. Singer & Co.'. Gazette, Which ia a bcautiful Plolorlal Paper eötirely devotedto the subject- It will besent gratis. j" We have made the abuve IÍF.DUCTION IN PRICE3 with the two-fold view of beueflting the public and ourselvea. The public lmvebeen ftwindled by spurious machines made iu imitation of ourrt. Tiie metal inthem, from the iron casting to the smallest peice, in,oi poor qu.tlity. ïlieir makerrt have not the means to do their work weil. They are bid away in secret plaues, whero it would be impossibltt to have at their commnnd the prop. er mechanica l appliancps. It ih only by duitig a frreat business, and havingVxtunsive manufacturing estahli.shments, that croud maeuïnea eau be milde at moderatjnict's. The bestdesigued machine, BADLY MAIHC, are alwava liable to get out of order, and aresure to cost considerable trouble and monn.v to keep thera in repaire The quulities t be looked for in a Machine aro : c.-rtainty of correct action at all rates of speed, simplicity of construction, great durabi'.ity, and rapidity of operation, with the least labor. Machines to combine these essential qualities, must be made of the best me: il and flnish d to perftction. We have the way and ineans,OQ a grand scale, to do this. Thepurcbasersb ni.icliin'.'s, vhoudafly bread itmny concern, will flndtbatthon liavingthe abovequalities not only work well at rapid as well ns slow rates of speed jbutla.ottlonger in the Snoet pnsaible work ing order. Onr DtaoblntR, as made by us, will earn mine money with loss labor thimany otbora whth in Imftatfon oí oursornot. Infact, theyarechi'nnor Ilmn imv thor machines as a gift. ' I. M.-.lNt;KK - f"., 45S Bradway Naw Vork. Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Dlock.) 811tf M. II. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZEP, STYLE? and TRICES just received and fórjalo choiipat CHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.Drc.25, 780tf Ayeres Cathartic Pilis.


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