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fttftiffi IMmtíuti. C&tDS! CARDSÜ OAHDSIÍ! ,,„„, wrchaaed ÍUUDI.KS Rotary D.__om rr- . "" t-1-Í .rot..lm, Ral)' V .Itfc ;rt, 'te., etc. CU „'ve as voura orders and he. how itis 'I. All 1 osses prompt ly sulji'" MERCHANTS' INSUPANCE C0,: OF HAETFCED, CGKN. Cash Capital, $200,0(". Total Assets, Jan 1.1 , 18.2, -,37u3.5! ?? Liabilities, ... 1 .8. "■ MARK HOWARD, riesideut. E. Ttioa. Lobdki.l. ?erv. The unWrene.1 hM be, n arniintefl1 grnt ft the aboce O.m ,a-.y. i.nd wili eftect in--rii-,-.-. g.iijst losse hy a rtso_-Mmt_ r j Ann rbT,.Iun-'2. 1 2. 8'5 ' W. N. HlüNG NAI-L, Dl'KCKIKF To.. WHOUSAI.Kan KhTAII. .lenli-r in DríGBoU,Cr prtit8,FloorOnCloth,KeBwrel.pírHBglí, Qdgenera]assiirtnH'nl of Furuialiing (oods, Ko 74 WoodwRid Avenue, Corner of Urn-d.t., ■ ■ IÍTP.O1T, Miel, _Or.lers solicited and promptly nttended to-& 803yl RAYMOND'S Hiiotogiíi;liic asuí Fine Alt (Aii-ntv No. 20.-S and 'J07 Jeffers..n Avunue, IIF.TROIT. ,„,1 M1elain..t.p(s. guej-r.o.vpe, Aabrotrpw, .te -CÁBÜ l'lCUSLt by the Utzen .. ■ lli.iu ' HT, O. II. F. lITASmtWiW UUD8I W. t.f the Independent V ■irliTiif "l'l Fellows raeet at their Lodg Rocín, terv Fridav ovenine, at "y, o'clock K. KICHAltlteON, N. U. S.aoNDnMM, aee y. l7stübb"sT" (XraaÚUta and Retail Dealer in Tobacco. OgíCT .-.. VV Main -t.-aign of " B.g lndian." Franklm, Vnn ArtOT. Mlc"3TG SUTUEKLANI et tí K, "If HOI.F8AI E AKD RETAIL Grocers and Commistioi. V MorchanU, F.ast sile Main Streel. Ann Arbur " J. M. SCOTT. MBitoTTPE k Photogrph Ahtists, in the roomi rorinerlyoccupiedbyCordley.ovcrllie atore ufbperry t Moore Perfect aatisfaction euarantced HISDON &HENDEHSON, "" ÏEAI-FliSin Hardware, Stores, hons. fumí.hing(r..nds. i Tin Ware Sc. &c, N Ulock.Main Street. A. P. MILLS, PlillR in Staple Drjr (oods, OrOÉWtM, B..ot and Sluw and Reaüy Made Cluthing, liaron Street Am, Irbor & AJíti., 4 TTOFNIYS & COINSELLORS AT Ij. aild S..:icirp L A Chainery. Office in City Hall lilock, over Wel1 t Ci's Boo Vlore. At.n rhu kJÑG8L1V V iUUdAls, rro.iT9, Counsellora, SoUíitors, and Nutaricf I'nli V he, llave Books and l'lat BhrnriOg titk-K oi all landf h tile l,..nuty,iind.iticnd tocniveyancingan'l wllettinp Snja,u4. ud U. ayg Uxíl and .j(-hnol interest n, i,v r1 oítneStte. lffistsi ftl.e Squar.-. Ann Ai:--r. - Wm. LhWiTT, M. D, PBjsiaiA.v fc Sckoïos. Office at liis relence Non) ,de of Harón treet, ard M h"i W_l "I luis,,., -.treet, Ann Arbor. (. COLJ.1EK, i 'J _vrF-CTt;R_Rani dealer in Boots and Shoes. 1 iVI door West of ihe i'oat flice. uiu Arbor, iliuh. MtOltE & L'ioMK ,1 4SUF_CTUKr.l8 anl Je-ler in Boot and Shoes, Vl I'liocnii Block, Main Streel, one door Nortb ol Vafiiingtcn. M. (iUri'KKMAN iM (X), llTHOi.KSilK-ii.l Hetail dealers and manuti.cturere Dl Ha- ClO-Whg, topertar of Cluth, C_m nere .loeik.n, &c. N'o. 5, New Hlek. Aun Amor. C. B" l'OKIKK, _,„__ . Burgf.ox IIE.vnsT. Offic cerner ..f Mail' i_TjL_f' and Hurou streel", over f. Bkc_' 1""' ''Q% Ann Arlwr, Michigan. April, 185', ' Wm. WAGNE1Ï, OSiLEKin tmlto Made ClolliingCli)tlis,Cu-imeifs mi. Ventings, H_u,Capti, Trunkri, Carpet Bags, c. Man it , Ann Arbor. __ 1 üA'jii ntiisuN. DIAL-Rsin Dry Goods, Grocenei, Hardware, Boot Shoes, fcc, Main Btreet, AnnAiI'.n. SLAVV.s(n & (-ELK, iockrm 1'ROïialuN it Comininsion Meiclian) dea T i,rin'WATBKLl_,K. UPUfll', and PuBTKli - __U,o0. door Kast ol Cook't, Hotel. C iLlïS, DKALERinClock, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at the ign of the Big V-tob, N'o. -7, 1'hoeuiN Iilock XD7ATT DAl."!KinClocks,Watclies, Jewelry and Silver Wr K __. NVw Block, Ann Arbor. T H. tKË E W AS. Bakbïr and Fashionable Hir llreser, Main Streel. Ann Arbor, Mich Halr Kronw and Curls kep! onntantlv 'in land. SCIIOFF & M1LLFTÍ. D__I.JR in Miscelluneous, Scbool. and Blank B..okf fin tionery, I'aper Hangings. ;c, Main [-treel Ann r-or. D. DkPOREST. vfTHouSALit nn.l Itetail Pealcrin I.umhpr, Lath, Khin' i?le, Sanh, Docirs, Blittdn, Water Unie, (ram! Rivii U.itir. 'Intikt l'üris. and N'ails of all A fi'll and perfect imortment of th' abovc. und all otht-r lin'ls of building maleriale constnntly on tiïtnd xt tl e possiMc raton, on Mroit -trce't, a few rtulf from thft liailroiid Oppnt. Alw oeratinK extpnsivel.v in tlt( Patent Teinont Rnrfin(r. WVSHTElWnniINTY BI BIK SflCIRTV. ; KPfWlroRT of rtWi5 and TistamcntB at the Snciftj ; prioe t. W. O. Voorbcls'. CHA.PÏN7, WOOD & CO., MNUKACT"KKKP Of DFxirxt, Bools., AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, Wra.Tp-eixï.& Iaper.t?c. AN'V AllIiOIC Ml: H. SPECIAL NOTICE TO otjsto:m::e:rs_ ALIjcciuntBover rix months wtuíí be settled at onci. C ill a the office and pay up A we 11 selecte Itutock of Xew Uouük Cbeau foi 82Hf MAYNARD .STKPEINS i W1I.SON. TH K PEORÍA MARINE.UÍE INSURANCE COMPAST, OF PEORÍA, 1LL1NO1X. Capit!, - . 8500.00C on of' the HEAVIEST, SAFBSÏ ad BEST Infnrnw Oo'h. ín the U.8. la-iureü on reaeonable terms, wnd a irayti pay rc"nptly. Tfcere iu ao bttter i'lrs nsuran CccnrftüT


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