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Iho Republlcan State Ceutral Cotumittee has callad a Repubiican átato Conveution, to eonreno at Detroit on tbe 2hh of September, to nomínate can didates for Stat6 officers, &e. With ebaracteristio niodu-siy and generosity thi.s cali invites " all eitizens of tbe State of Michigan, in favor of tho most vigorous and or.ergetic support of the Government ia erushing out the present tinhuly rebollion," etc., lo unite in iseudiiig delegntes We tb'ak bardly this bid will bo taken. Wu can couceive of a batis fora Union or citizen's roovement - independent of all party or party organizations - which ne could beurLily adviso lbo Demucratic party to agree to in this emergcucy ; but it ia ;iskiiig too nmcli of Democrats to :-iuk their poütical principies (ind their political orgauization u the Kepublican party. And just this is wbat is asked, no more, and no lesa. Wc take it the Democratie party, as a party, has ulways been loyal, aud even in the Soutli traitors füund t nocessarj' to leave tlieir oíd pnrtiea and combine to break dowu the Democratie party bcfore they daré euter upon their aecursed work of disunion. The Democratie party was the loyal party ia 1312, wheri all New Ënglaod, then the hot bed of Federalisra, sidod with the encmy both before and afier the declaration of war. The Democratie party was the loyal party during the M.exican war, whuu men vho now are the mest blood thirsty prodaimcd all war a sin. Aud, to dáy, there is, through all the North and West, scarcely a corporul'g guard of disloyal Democrats, and yet Democrats are invited to ioin, not in a Union inovement, iguorins; fur the time being or until peace may once mcve dawn upon our coutitry all party, but to forsakc thcir organization, unito with tho Iíepublican party, and aid it in keeping in office such radicáis as who, when the truly patriotic of the land ere praying for a peaceful solution of our nationaldifficulties, boldtyproclaiuicd the "Union not worth a rush without a little blood-letting." A unión of all eitizens for the sake of carrying the good old Ship of State safely through tho storm ia one thing; a merging of the Democrtic party in the Ilepubliean party, or the participation of Democrats in the election of "delegatea to the Ilepubliean Stato Conveution" is quite a different thing, and ono we cantiot adviso. v - The Eepubliean Congressional Convention for tliia district lias been called to meet at Jackson on Tuesday, September 23d ; and a Republioan Convention, for the nomination of candidatos for County oificers and to send delegates to the State and Congressional Conventions, to meet in this City on Saturday, September 20tli, two weeks from to-morrow. In view of these calla thero is considerable stir among the faithful.


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