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Annual School Meeting

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Iheannual meeting of School District No. Kleven of thi City and Townfhip of Aun Albor, was held at the Court House oo Moodny ufternoon lust. The report presènled by tho Secrctary, in bthalf of the Board, will give our citizens not present- and too fewof them ware - such infoirnation rtlaiivo tu our schools as vrill interest tbem : A.NKÜAL REPORT Of the Board of Trustee of School District No. Eleven of the City and Townsliip of Arm Arhar, fer the School Year ending September st, 1862. Tho undersigned, Trustees of School District No. Eleven of tho City and Towuship of Aun Albor, BUbmit the iollowing report oi' the moneys received and expended during the School year onding tho üïst day'of September, 1862. . EECUIPTS. Fiom Balance at date of last report, $ 161 42 " '..■; - voted to ]iay Bonds due Feb. lst, 18Ü2, 2,000 00 " Premium on loan to pay bouds due Fèb. Ist, 1862, 27 70 " Loan voted toward building First Ward School House, 1.500 00 " Premium and accrued interest on same, 117 50 " Tax voted to pay interest on Bouds- duê Feb. lst, 18G2, 1,096 25 " Tax voted to pay Teachers, 2,984 00 " Tax voted to pay for Fnel, Repairs, Furniture, and Incidentals, 1,800 00 " Tax voted to pay toward First Ward School House, 1,500 00 " Tax voted to pay on Mortgage on F. W. S. H. Lot, 90 00 " Two Mili Tax, 2,271 98 " Primary School Fund, 'J35 00 " Tuition fees - Non Resident Pupil, 523 25 " Tuition (ees - Resident Pupils, Lansuagcs and Ilrawmj;, 188 00 " Rent of Union School Hall, 52 00 " District No. 9, Balance, 1 53 " Inte; est on Continenlal Insurance Scrip, CO Total, $15,21'J 29 EXPEXDITCHES. Paid School Bonds due 2,000 00 " Interest on School Bonds, due Feb. lst, 18U2, 1,096 25 " Salaries of Teachers, 6,900 06 " Interest on Mortgage on lst Ward S. II. Iot, 90 00 " Insurance on School Buildings and Funiiture, 188 25 " for Wood and sawing same, 695 92 " Jatiitor's services and cleauing bouses, 425 23 " for Furniture, Repairs, and Incidentals, 648 38 " Balance indebtednoss of Dist. No. 9, 27 04 " on account of First Ward School House, 1,323 00 13,294 73 Balance abovc orders drawn, $1,954 50 Of which $160.06 is to the credit of t'ie general account and $ ,794.50 to the credit of the First Ward School House Fund. There aro two reasons why the receipts for Tuition - reportad above - fall short of the receipts for former years or the estimates for tliis yoar. Heretofore, in inaking up the annual statement, tlie Board has accounted for the Tuition Iteceipts of the school term coraesponding to the one just opened. Sucl) moneys inore properly enter into next school year accounts, and are therefore inchuled in the estimated receipts of the coming financial year. A second reason is, that as the raar School is filled with resident scholars, tlie Board has been compelled to refiise adraission to nou residente. The whole outstanding bonded debt of the district at this time is $12 G87.50. Add to this the sum of 900 due on a mortgage on First Ward School House - or to become due July 29th 1801 - and the eutire indebtedness o; the district is $13,587.50. This includes bonds to theamount of $1,500 issued on account o First Ward School House, now in procest o erection, in accordanco with plans adopted at a special school distriot meeting held on the 31st day of March last. Of this indebtedness there will become due on the first day of Febiuary next. Bonded Principal, 2,100 00 Interest on Bonds, 1,241 25 Interest on F. AV. S. Lots Mortgage, 90 00 $3,431 25 which this meeting must necessarily provide for by tax or loan, or part tax and part loan. The Board recommtnds a tax for the full amount. It is expected that the First Ward School House will bo completcd and furnjflhed ij time for the opening of the second school term, in November next. After that time the Biard will havo no present use for the old school building on Fourth Street, known as tho "old Academy," and would therefore reconuneud that this meeting authorize a sale of the same, and the application of the proceeds toward the payment of the iudebteduess of the district. The Board estimates the amount nccessary above appropriations already made to finish, scat, fcnce, erect out-buildings &c, tor First Ward School House, at $1,200, anl recommend that this meeting provide for the saaie by tax. The Board also recommends that tliis meeting aulhorize au exchange of laad with J. F. Spaldiug, for the betteraccommotlation of tlie playígrounds of the First Ward Scliool House. The attendance upon the sevsral schools of the district dwing the year was 16G0. Owing to joint exertioa of Board and Teachers scholars have been more regular in their att 'ii'huiee tlian in former yenrs. There is vet however, room for improvement. Irregulaflty - embracing in this term both absence and tardiness - is the bane of our schools. Three months punctual and daily attendance is bett3r for the scholar than nine months scattered by days and half days through the entire school year. The Board, therefore, hopes that parenta will aid in securing punctual and regular attendance In future. Schedule A accomanying this report is a ■ slateinent of salaries paid teachers during the school year ending this day. Schedule B is an estímate sheet of tho Receipts aml Expenditures for the coming year. If theso estimates secm large, our citizens sliduld reraember that tho only ncrease of expcnse estiraatert for from year to year is mado i ncessaryby thelarge in tho nuipber of scholais depending for their cdiicntion upon tho scliools of the district, an increase ia flve years of about 600. Tho census just taken gives the numbcr of scholars in the district, between tho ages of 5 and 20, as 11)31 au increaso of 61 over last year. The terms of office of three Trustees : - E, Lawrence, W. C. Vuorheis, and E. B. Poml, expire al this date, and it is incumbent upon tliis meeting to elecl their succossors. By ordorof the Board, JNO. M. WIIKELER, President. E. B. POND, Secretaiy. Datcd, Ann Albor, Sopt. lst, 1802. Tho report havinsr been accepted, the moeting procoedeil to act öpon the recomrnendiition?, in anoordanco with vvliicli tho follpwiog approprinlions were mude, and tho moneys ortlered raiped by taj : To pay Teachers' wages, 83.100 (0 Kor lïicl, repairs, and ncidentals, 1,800 OU For finishing, furnisbiug, fencing, &c, First Ward School House, 1,200 0O ïo pay interest on Bonds, 1,241 25 To pay interest on Mortgag'1, 'j0 00 $7, 431 00 A loan of $2,100 was autnórized to j pay the samo amount of tho Bonds cf the district to fall due on the first day ! of February, 18G3. A rosolution was adopted outhorizing tho Board tosell thu South School ; house,, or "Old Acadoniy," so called, and another authorizing a salo or exchange of a porüou of ona of the lots on whiuh tho Fiist Ward School House is buing erected for a part of tho adjuiíúng lot. llessrs. W. O. Voorheis, II. D. Bennett and E. B. Pond wero electod i Trustees for tliu ensuing throeyears. '


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