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The Loss Of Michigan

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Wo do not know how many Michigan reghnenU actually participated in the recent battles in Virginia, but as íossefe me reportecl in the First Cavulry and First, Tbird, Fifth and Sixteenth Infantry, wo may presumo that tho Poiirth, Soventli and Eiglith were also engaged. Thu following list of killed and wounded has appeared in the N. Y. papera : KILLED. First Regiment- Colonel Roberts. Captain Pomeroy( Lieut.-nant Hanpin Tiird Rgimcnt - Lieutenant Hess, coii,p;-.ny D; Corporal Van Dusen comany D : Corporal Berringer, compnny D; Corporal Trtíveree, cáimpany D Coiporal Meade, company K MeGrath. epmpany D; II. D Baekwitb, company K; C. W. Bullen, company K; V Httleey, company K ; J. J. Puvv ley, company K. Fvst Cavalnj- Lieutcnant S. G. Morse. WODN'DKD. First Reginunt - Lioutcnant J. S. Hntch, oompuny F; Sergeant M. E. Smith, coiiipaiiy I ; J Bulharty, cómpany A ; ü. McGain, company F T. H. Graban), company G, n skle, severely; D. C. Mcïïané, compnny G, leg, peverely. Tkird Regiment- Captain Shriver, coiripariy B ; Captain Smith, cotnpany If ; Lieiitenant Breriat), coispany I ; Lienteiiant Wateis, company E. Fiflh Regiment - 0. Easterbook corcpany F. Sixteenth Regiment - Captain Barry, acting Oolone) Lieutenant Geortre H. Sn au, company A; Sergeant James Hoiigh, compnny E. First Caran- Lieut. Col. C. H. Towrf, woundud in five places; Lieut. Mcrriam. Colünel Brndhcad of Ibis regiment is reported taken pri.snner. SfA large meeting was held n Datroit on Wednesday,on cali of the Mayor to consider a proposition to close all places of business daiiy at 3 o'clock, P.'M , to give the entire population an opportunito drill. The meeting was addressed by Gen. Willcox, Cols. Stockton, Dlffield and Fjjnton1, Capt. Throop and others, resolutions adopted favoring the movements proposed, and a eommittee appointed to perfect a plan for carrying it out. LS" The Fourteenth Annual Fair of the Washtcnaw County Agricultural and Ilorticultural Society is to be held on the grounds of the Society in this city, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September 17th, 18th, and 19th. The exeitements of the times lead men to think of the arts of war rather than of peace, and utiless special effort is made we fear that the Fair will not be what it should be. B@U Tho Fourteenth Annual Fair of the Oaklaod County Agrieultural Society is tobe held at Pontiac on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 8th, 9th, and lOtli. Josepii II. Iíowman, of PontiaCj is President of the Society, and Tiios. C. Bouohton, Secretary. E3E" The Annual Fair of the Michigan Stato Agricultural Society is to be held in Detroit, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September 23d, 2 tth, 25th, and 26th. It is espocted that thcre will be a large show, espe cially of Horfes and Stock. J53T" The intelligence of Bgell's victory over Bragg, at Chattanooga is conGrnicd. 7,000 rebels wero talien prisoners.


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Michigan Argus