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HiJF.EK.'S SAMBUCI WINE, : TURF, AND FOUR TfAK.5 Ol.D, Of Chatre Oporo 'itkltj FOP. PHTBICliNS' USE, FOB IMALES. WEAKlV PEÍISONS & LWALIDS Ev?ry fnmily, at Jbfi peason, should uao th SAMBCCI WINE, Celebrated in Europe t-r i'ê ni'Ücïnnl and beneflcml milities se a gentle biitnutanti 'lome. lJiuictic and u rlfic, highlr ettetmed by eminent phvricians, urcd In uropeRn and Americrn lin--piifilf , end by L ome of the rst families of EurujiG and America. AS A TOXIC, It has no eqnal. eaaslog tm a peüte rod building up f thp sytem belfig ntirelj a puro wino of a mout aluablt) fruit. A3 A EICRKTIC, ] It mpftTts a heMtby ction to the GUncUandKidney?, ; nd Urinary Orgun. rery beneGcialiu JVopBy, Gout, and '.keurnatic afiectiODs. SPEER'S WINE s not a mixture or manufacturad nrticle, bi:t la pure, rom Uie juice of the Portugal Fttntraoua, cuïtivated in iaw Jt-r.-(.y,rec;mnicr,(led by Cjaemlsta and Phygiciam .9 possesaing medical properti; s flurpru:r to anv o+her Vine in use, and a excelltnt article for all week and iebilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, improvinj ho app"tite, and bfíiicfl in li lías aud childrea. A I.ADIE3 TOÏS; Because it will not totoxfeftto as otlscr ïno, h it loniaina mi mixture of spirits or liquors. and is admired brits rich, peculiar ÉlaTor, and Dutrttir proporties, mpartlng a he&ltby tone to the digestiré orgftns,and a ilooming, aoft and healtby skin aud complexión. "WE REFEK TO l few treli 1-nown gentlemen and physician] , rho hare rieJ t!ie Wine:- ■ ïen. VmSddHofftt. U.S. A. DrWilm,Utfeat., N. Y, lor. Morean, K.T. tate Dr. 7.-'d. Rffarit J' )r.J R. ChiltontW. Y.Clty ilr. Uoscuerty, tl " ). Parker, N Y. City. Dr. Farisb, PUiladelphia )rs Darcy anl NicboH, Newark, N. J Ind many other3 too numerous to ptibllstt. jBSgSone genume unlesa the s:gn:iture 'f "AT.FRFD ïPLi.R, Pas.-aic, N J.," is over the cnrï; of eacb bottla. 3-MAKK ONT: TRIAL OF THIS WINK. For Fale by Dioyuaid, Stcfcbhia & WJlaon, ih.a Arbur. A. SPEER, Propiletor. VINETARÖ. PasMaic, N'ewJerwy. (IFiCL,S03 Rroadway, N. Y. JOHNLAFOV, is. ?3ImO Agent forFrancennd (ertnany. RISDON&_HENiËRS0.N IB TT O 3SL 23 7ST 3SJ QHÁtN DRILL, nnd Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at SpringSeld, Ohio. THE VÊBT I.ATEST IMPROVEMF.NT and bettertlian all othera; adapted to sowin Wheat, Rye, Odts, larley tn A Graad Stetl. iet. It has a Rotary Feeder. ld. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. )d. JVever bunches the Grain íth. JVever hreahs the Gmin. Sth. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast iehindthe Drill. Uh. Has high wheels. and long Hoes. Jlh. Has long and vjide steel jpointsth. It has a l'xnd measure or Surveyor. )th. It has doublé and single rank drills. .Oth It has a sel adjusdug shut off ïlide. tt is neatly and substantially made. There is hardly a Drül oflered ia the markut bat can )oasí of moru or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS." rhey nre about as indiscriminately bestowed a the tille )f " Profesor,'' wbich i soraeiimes pplied to the fiddlrr1' or '; bjotblack.'1 Tbey cyase tü cunvey the dea of merit. The Biiokeye DrlU haa been on Exhibit.ion at tjuiíe a ïumber oi'totateand Conty I-airs, nd without seeking avor at Ihe ban Is of any Cummitlee, has receivtíd its 'uil share of Premi uin. TESTIMONIALS : We givo the fbllowlng Dames of a few Farmers in th;s fieinity wju have bougbt and used the BuckeyelUl : Godfre.v Miiler, Sc;o. .'acob Polheraus " FacobTrmper, ( Thomas hüe, Norllifleld. John Brokaw, ' Chiisliun Kiipp, -t E-lwnrd Bqydao, Webster. James i'roadwell, AnnArbor, nnclO'Bara, " " John (i.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " Ldmon S, Salirp. George Crtpsey, Greeü Oak, Liv. Co, Wc are also Agenta for theOhio Heaper & Mcver, acknowledged W be the very best in use, "Wc are j ust in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell Clieap. Also alargeassortraent o G-rass Scytlies. AnJ the largest and best selcoted stock of BJETT STUFF FOK CARRIAGESeTct be&re cffcred in this market. Wa aiso keep alargoaud full NAIL?, GLAS?, PÜTTT, PAINT, anl UNSEED OIL. A complete aBsortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, AVI) EAVE TROCGHSalways on band and put up at ilie shortest uotioo. KI3D0N k riESBEKSON. Ann Avbor, June Sth.lSfia 85Stf Koward üssociation, ! rilILADELPIIIA. Fnr the relief nf 'the and D'itrearttd, n$tc.tedtcitft Vru'fTi nnd Cnraiiic fHtttatL?t nnd e.spr-1'ia.lhj for tht ' G"re of Dtea8ffi nfJte Sexual OrL,int, MEIUCAL AÜVICE given gratis, by the Actiqg Surgeo. VALUABLF RFTORT Oü Spernm'on :ccíi . and 6tht PiMRf-iB of the Sexual ()rgant and on tbf NTVV REM fcDIKR cmpV'yed in th DispfS&arytRnt in soalfsd lelt-x ' enrelftpfis, frfl nf churre. Tro tr thrrt stumpi fnj poatftgaeopUMe. ArMrepf, Dr. J. SKÏLLIN HOüOFf. TON'. Howard Afssocifttion, Xo 2 S. .N'iuih St., dalphifl.Pa. 860l Ayer's Ghewy Pectoral. ' BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For tho Fpof ij cnrs of Ccvgls, Colla, Influenza, Croup, ttmmtnttt, Pneumonía, Diteaici flht :'„..■. ets, aTiaivg from CoZ, Inorpietil G?i tumpuon.aiidfitr the rtlitj a::d if at all pasnble) cure of lJalic: ,'j in adianced stngps of th taller erase. rnHEBiilsamlc Cordiiil J3 enting a Yegclsbl i : 1. tion, lieuiir.g proportie til tLc I.v: sair., isith tboinvigOratingqaalitk-sof n Cordial, m. eo well ednjjtvd to Ü;e pur inter.Ued, tjiat th'iro ere but lew casf," of disoy wLÍ wnl utjt, at an üi 1 penud, isuccuuib to iu healiupaiic liie Riving proprti-'d. Ftr ge.i, haa tlia treatmrat cf pïinnjr.nrr dhesups occupied the grcaiir portion of ib itteutiun ol ttat scie.jiilic of the medical wpíltí, bit se:::? tcqaired more emineneain hialnata 1 in the celebtattJiPiujslan. lr. HooflaOd, tlie orignatoi of lbo iinldaíiiic Coidírfl. liia l.ïo Wa üi:v.tied to tUe proiluction of remedie! tl. at would stand unrivullod. Huw well Le has siiecewlud, the Amuricsin pe.j.,Ic to oble l' jud-c: nd w posilirtlj as.iert, tht 00 prejaritions that h:ive ever boen placed bsfors tbem, bavt eonferrtd tucumc amount oí benevita uu sutfni.g homanity, er have GiigiteiJ 80 nmny cmmenrUtionB Jrom allclasfitt . au tbe remedies of Dr. Hoofland, pnpared b ■ Dr. C. M.J(knoaCt PiiiUdelphia. 1 Thé Cora. i. Is dnrigitfi for lau uf disetsea more ■ gi-UL-raJ fird moielutal tlmü fttiy ctber to wbicli T!:c people of thig cuuntry aie aübjecf - thos? spiinging from a "íií: co'd.'1 Tlmt eciiüent authoriiy, Ur. Bell,m.: "1 will notsay C' aro toour Inhabllanta Lat tbc Vlaue and Yd'.utc Fittr ore to tbcse o! other couctries; bilt I can vr conSiicntly that tbey usher u diavEM of greHttjrcoüjpUcitv and mortalitr tLka üiesektter." Entircly Vegetable. ITo Alcoliolic l'rtparo.tion. DPk. H JOFLAND'3 CEi.nnRATED 6ERMAN BITTERS Prepared bj DR. C M. JACE3ON & CU.t Philadelpbia, Pa. ïTiU olfcctuaïly cure UVEK COMPLAIVT, bYaFEPSIA. JAUNlICE,Cttfonfa Dr Keinmi) líebiluj, Diatasesoi tke . Kkluevs, mi-i all cujeases tr;sing íioin a disordercj ' Uvr or Eitomach. tíach as Cüntipation,InWai-íl Piles, Fulness or Blood to tiie ïlear, Ac-ün; of tho ri.tmacb, Kuft, IJcart hurn, Disgust tur Food, Fuliitsd tr wújght m the blom 1 ach, aont ,6iakm or Fiutteriog at tl of thestumac!:, f-wlmming of tue lïcad, ilurried au-l i UiíEcnlt iJM'Hthtng Flu '.tering at ti.s lieart, Cboking i or O ulf.jcating i-enbati'.na vrbeo in n King posture, lJim nes oí Vljlíoo, Uota oí' wíbs btforethe sigíit, J tvtr %nö Dull 1'itiQ intl.e tiead, I-:eöciL-;:cv of Pernp.raiion, Yellowneii of the kin aai Ejes; l-ain in tí, e ai ie, EacJi ChE3t. Lim'j-t, :c. tudden Flusheaof Heat, linrningin the Fltíbh, Consta&t imaginmgB of eTii, o.wi great 1epM'38ioEsof jjirita, umi will boflitireij prereut YtLLOW FfiVP.ft, MLLIMUH Fi.Vh-Kcc. fh Pr(jpri;tir ín calüng ihe at'.tmion or the public to tbis prejjaraticn, due.i so ffith a icel ng cf tho utmost confidenrein iUTrtu! ao aciautalion to the diseE:jes for which it is ncosnnesded Itisnonew and nntried artielp, Ijut on-i thut hac stood the test of ji twelve ycrs' trial leforg tl &mer[oan p(M)pie;andit reputatiüD and saiy are crnrl Lty nny bimilar irepratiuna extnt, 11e tntimonj In lts ÍHTorgiveu by the moit prominent and wU Hlivsiciaus and inüiTJdu:ilí in al! f.artaof tlie country is immense, i.nd a car ful peruial. ot tlie Almanac, publishC1. annually by tbe Proprietori, and to be bed prótin ofanyoi'íí Ajenié, caunr.t nat h:itily the most lepticül tLatth'u remedy U ulij 'icerviug the greal celebritj k hasobtaiued Ktad tho Evident ?row J. Faetón Brmcn t'. P - Kdi'or of the Enqdoped'a of RzUgiova KnoiclC'''é!e. Altliough notnsp;sed to fa, ver Or reootn-'-nd Patert Medicines ín gtfnernl, throügb Öiitrutt of their 'ngredïeati und eaVct.I yet kno.r of no suffiqient rcason trhy iv Kan may ii'jt te.itifytotbebem-iithe believea faiOulf to h:ive rvceived trom any simple preparaticn. in th-e hope that h mny thus contribuí tu Iba bneüt of utliers. Idotbistbe more rcadiiy in ry.arcl to "IToofiíin1? : Gorman Bitters," prepnred by Ir C, y . Jack -on, r.f tïiis : city, because I wa prejudiced gaint them fur vears, ' under the impresicn that t'.iey wore ohlefiv an ■ ie mixture. 1 ara indcbtd to myfritnd Hubort .Sboetoakef, Kwj..for cheremoral of tliU prpjudice by proper tests, ini tor tQGocrageiaittal to try then, trbm nafferïng from greut and long ntín-eü debiliiy. The us; of ♦hree hottlea of these Bitter-, at the bezinning of tlie ure-ient yiir, wa.i foHo-ve1; by evident relief, and rentoration ta dígree. í bodilyand mental vigor wij .; QOt feit forrixmoatfafl before.aad had almot de.ij-iird of resrruning. I thereforetbank God nd my frtenfl for ■HrctinginetJ tbe HMofthm, J. S&XfTQS BRoWN. Read what tbe eminent G!a-s Manufacturar, JOHN II WHITAI.L, saya of the BLSAMIC COÏÏDUL. Dr. C M. Jacksov- Respected Frien-i: Raving for a tong 'irae been acqniined with 1he irtu■s cf tliy Ba'samic Cordial m Uou h.s. Colds, Iull;immation of the Lungs,&:c. I thus frtely bear test monv to Ita eflicacy Kor Hcveml yearí Í hav nernr been without it in my family It alsngivea me uleasure to state tbat I have used it with entire succes fn t'ie troatment of 3owel Thy friend trulv. JOHN II. WHITALL, Fifth Mo. :7, 1853, Race fttreet, aboT 4th, Pliila. Theso metlicinesare fer sale by all respecto ble DrofTjflsta nn 1 dealers in med'cínes í: theUnííed Staten, Britth Pro v i nee., and Weptlndies, at 75 cent? per bottle - Be ureandget the gen-ine, vitb the signature of C. M. Jackson on the wrapper ol cach bottïe; all otkers art connterfeit Pr ncipalUffics and Manufaotory, 118 Arclï Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 830yl ca. bxjïss Is now receiving a large and ■wel] selectd as3ortment of Clecks., Watches, ■■WBHaiiiBiwBirainraBHiiminiHiiranaafimiiwniromtSin.nfiiB J EWELEY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET 13 -JT TBT" JX1-4 "1133 JOS. "r RAZORS tato SHEARS, Musical Instruments, Strings f Bnolcs for Instruments, SU-EET MTJSIO, COMBS. an.l a jrreat varlety of TANKEE 3STOTIO3STS, ScC He woulJ cali particular attentiou to bis largo slocb of SPECTACIjES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated, tcith PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior art iele. Aho Huutington & PlatL's celebrated CALENDAR CLOCK! suitablefor Oölces, Couniinp: nocms,TJalïs or Dwellin?s. These clockJt :ire regable tim? keeprfl and Calendar f;nnibined,and requue the winding of the timo move 'ly, tn secure all tlu rquired oJiangw at mid öjélng tbe 'l;y fli' ttt week the and dy of the mnnth, ncliuhn? the 29th of February of Leap year. His gooda ave inostly nf reemt purchaso from !ew York and the manufacturera, and will be sold to suit tUt; timea. Persons h.ivin d.fficult watclies to fit with glMieS cia b üccomoúaU'u, as my stock is largt; ani' complete, Pt S, Particular atteníion to tue ofall kinds of fint Watehes, such as Making and Setting now Jowels, Pi.-uona, SiaJJ"s, and Crjlhalcrs. Atso ro.iilv repaired and xrarrantcd, at hlí oíd stand cast Bida of Main ttect. C. BLISS. Anu rbor,Nov. 15, 1801 826M lyOTltE is hrcby givcii tl, al iho co partnersliipihit 1 lipref'fo'r' tx te-i DiiOer thPTüfrneai A and WiUlttSi Vi n lihadeo is i lus (&y 'li-s tv d by ■ cn.,cnt ; nni thtrt alldem nis due to and Irf.rq Hie M:d fii m wül bt1 sntt!(-d by Jjhn Vandshadíñ, who ia dulv autkurizeü to seitle the Bme. juiix vwrrTivr-r. WILLI VM VaDLKÍÍI.VíLX, Ann Albor, Ai'g 2!, IS02. tty The business o!' mmtnand elLn brick wiilbc ouatiad nndcarrcO. ,n tt [iCTAfij Otl'A VAN'nr.HAÜElV. QSTOTTXrrOM the PDbcriüer en Putiday the 37th t iiiiti'ï)'. h l'p'M-bfiy mnre, aboftt 14 % hand ril fi-uv U pfi whitf . white Fiiin in the fce, 10 nr 11 : 1 , c irr f. hr-r hoad vry lr-.v wlien tr ivollïng. AIro, a black tip bngjjy, wooflt'a FixtreP, opMn frnt. eKMie4 seat, n-unileH clolh ís-, fiimirt-d with. an 1 yellow flama ík, Rfmo farted, l";ip djish, no platd. cuthion and tuÁt trimmotl wilh meraun colrO4 enaia)led cloth. The raan c!Ued himtplf Jamss f olí, he U abut 27 or Í0 yffirs olil , wiih lig Ut h ir nd wUiskfr mft kuïti mer clotlscs ; he bad a wonj m. cail l auil small pooile dog, ith hith A (íoCrái rowari will be pM fíT t'.io arrt of 1he thfand proprty, or any iaformat'f'a wil] Itad to heir recovti'V. JOHNB&OTTO. Ann Arbor. Api i'?;t. !882. Farm ibr aio. TnK unrr'pncrl oiferii fnf Fale hii" inm of 52 aisri, sitat ■' abíuj otw ciile PAtith ftí ':f ruirtrsffy, ííofTiin)r 1he farn of Juflgi acss Bl#r iropryoment with 50 teren f f prr.1 cum mar f ilïrtw rcaily f'r w) e'i . Tb er Ir a fre fc.rm. Borne brn, AndRraln Iwra ïl nr-. á tbrfffy bc&r:orobnr1'1 VD gortd "vatiT Is well 'eocsd. iii 'iii imi'i ii iwi mi ii nBiMi urn p' iw i iii n naawii__i_n tliktigi) üfcok 'i ratte. 'ilie J'Utet to Br y [uí i. i jBcoh WfeOI.ESALÈ Booïs ■& Statloiwvy HunsO, S. C. GRIGGS & CO. rtBliISH Sandais Progressive Readers, m the must buautiiul a.i wtU u tho bt bcoka txtttnt tOardi, Oln 1Hl,„. . .„ ■ tri' Htiauu . ,',, '.ÍS IV Sand-rs' N roller and Uefincr!".' .""' i VI. SnderB Pict-.-rml Pr.ihur, ibtturt}! Vil S.nde oerman and 1-i.gtisl, It:,Écr, .0 VIH. Sanders' Mew Fint KadT i IX Sanders Xer-ïccind Kpi0.t ... , "" J? X. Bunder' Now Tlih ....' ,'. XI. Htn'lert'NewFourth Reader Si 511. Sanders' .Nej Fifa Krai ,...'. ft Ml. SaMera' Higl Scheol Kende, í Ban'ers ïoan;r Udie' Eeawr, ." Ë, XV. Sanders' Sobcol Speaker lm S.VI. Eami.r' Elocutfonary Ci.Vrt , .... 3 (0 s-hu have ttited theirm.rits in the stócel rcon hobinson's Course of mathematica. BY UOHATIO B. ROBKEWf, LL D. Lote Professor of ia tho ü. S. Ka I Roblnlon'. Progressie I rirnory Arltïurttft, II. RuUnwn'i ProgrenslT Intelectual Arith III. Kubin.on's Rud.swnta if writtcu Aiith ' $ IV. Robmson'a Irugrcsivc PraolitR] Arith. V. Roijiison'.-. Key to Pmctfci! ■.rixhmtV: Stt TI. l(ub,n„on Pr.gifssive Highcr,m,ti, 7S VII. RWni.onKytoH!gherAr.i6aetic" 75 VlU. Robmson'sMcwiilimeiitary Algc-fcin, 74 '■?' .? ,b-D3ÜI1's Kf tn BtemcnÜM Auekra, 75 X. Ksbmtoii'a Univeisity Algabri, 1 j XI. RabiaroD'i Key to UniTerij AJgebn, 1 tn Jt } "t".3"'-' und Xrigon, m:rT. I M v,v liolfllio;"'"u,vtj;iig1,nd NaTigatloB, 1 60 XIV Kub non's Aualj-ücol üeoactry otd oaic XV SeUanamih] .ndlnttgnii Ctlculas 1 W XVI RoUdbod'b Llimei.lary Aktnoi tny if X li Kobiuson's Unirtr.-it) AtronB)y, 1 7S Y,1" K"bi:"on', Hath, tintital Üjeh.'rs, í4 XiS Rob nson-s Ksy :u Algtbrn. Camirr SarFormtega FfLL JIATHEMATICAT, COrRSS 'mbme ng tenhmttlc md Tm e „ k n the Uigb01 .'- i - pinaucs. „r „ cf re.earoh, fac.l ty BDd uums of üiwtM, n acá practieul u -. , ,-llh,',r of ,Wl ■uiMiííurpajMdby Eo matb;n-.a:;ta -.rritcr ie thi. country. Thi, aenca bas bmn rtc,nuacndd br the beat Gray'a Series of Botánica, sis booka. Hituboock'i School Anatoiny and Piivsiology, 81. Hitehcock's Gcciogy, one book. Will's Orammars, tvro books Wrfl'a Sniontific Series, includbg Chcmistry, Pliilosophy. etc Three books Wilsons Series of Retorica, Cve books Piisqnelle'a Frene!, Séries, cigLt books oodbury's Oermnn Series, seven booka. iiiyant & Stratton'a Series of Book-kceping, threo books. Spencerian System of Pc-nmansLip, aia9 booka. And Many othcr Volaabie Boola. Wbolesalc Dealei-3 and Eetail PurcIiasei-3 TT;ll flnd at our store over Tour Tho'jspnd clüTcrnnt arUelMof atationery and Ired Tiiouaand Volumes oí bouks. frwa wlúob to make their i-electicn cumpna-.r.. tn aisortmei 1 111,1 rlrolwl br ai:y oth bgo housein tue Uni'cdítatc.f. S. C. GPJGGS & CO. Are Special .Agenta for Messra Harper & Bro'a Publioationa. " I). Appbton & Co's " " ïicknor & Field's " " Gould & Lincoln'a " J B. Lippincott & Co's " AnÜfanilafiañtbelrBooksat Bufara prices for eash. Note Papers. Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of STATIOVERY, at tbe lowcat rrice . SLATL3 by tbo dozen or cí.se. 3-Sfrcnger?.ial trave!.T3 vi-itiüg cliicaeo viii Dnd It Interestingto linger fur au lioummid tbe iatermiüabl. pües of bteratureat39 and41 Laks Srreet. S. C. GRÍGGS& Co. Agenta "Wanted. -Forallcostiyaniraluable Subscripción Workí, " ?Bliï V:r up"n Reli'"n. Literata, Science, Art, iddressb. C.üKIüoS ,v CO. PLEASE ili.üEMEER Tbatt'nen; !a no bookutore :i this country kwping ltter ormoroexteasiveassortmeDt thia is al-ay fouaá at i'J aud 41Laïe Btrset. REMEMBER. That PuWie or Frivato Librarlos can bc suppüod wlth flrstclaas Standard Works by S. U.ü. & Co. upon better ternas than to stnd tast anc pay Irslght Western Literary and Professional men, Teacher, bchuiars 111 al! departments of of the world of lelter, are invjted to make 19 mi 41 Lake atrent ttieir placo of raiort in momenuof jeiure. B.C GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and Ketail Booksellera and Stationeri R9 & 41 iake. itreet, Cbicago. S. C, GB1GG3 842lü3 ü. t jASs2.v. DO YOU WANT WIIISKERS! DO Ti OU WANT A MOVSTACHEi If o, purchase ooe boft!e cf E. E. Cliampion's EXCELSIOP IN VIGOR ATOE The world renowned the article of the kind ever ibe psoole of the United States. Th. above THE EXCELSIOR WJilSKER INVIOOIIATOE I 1 Isa Beautifal, Kwmutalcat, ioothin?, vet Stlinu'atim Compound, acting as if by m-ig-c upon 'the root, eau mgjbeaatlfulgrowthoi Luxuriaut Beau) If lied to the will cure üald.nïss, and f applic ac corJini{ to dirtctions, it will cause to spring up m bald spou a flne gruwth of soft ntssBB) The Celebra ti -i EXCELSIOR INYIGORTOR Is an indispensable Artlclo n eviry (.enfleman's To:!et and after one wec-k's me they ivoul.l i.ot, lor anv ch,,.,j' eratian.betnth-mtit, Tbe abovo article frem y ? Mk"brmgouia thick set of WaisKïs Tlie sub„cr!bers are the only Agents for the abovo ar. ticle ïu tbe United Statet. They would also announce to the pubüo that ther are agenta fur Napaleon's Hair Toilet? The only ai ticle over offerrd o iheFiench peor.le t' at wouid crut. BTRJiGBHiiHl the above Toilet bain manufactured tlie solo benefit o I.nuis Nnpoleon 1 1 ick article s bow iBdispeOsable in liis Toilet roe m. The leering cong 'ent that tíiis Toilet must necessiirily t kt tbc place i,f all otiicrs cv. r fffi-red to tbe public, thi-y talie pleaiüre In cxpresi-ing their conSdi'iiceiu the articlc. gnining tlrom practical uo THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET WiU Ccki, Otrjiqht Hiinin Poft, Sakn,Flowln Curli, -h:it will rnaain Insbape forouo dav er ooi wiek if dei.ny lono-er -noil, f the dlreetiona are strictlj iollowed, whlcb are ver simple and easj . Tlih TIn, Toilet iViesrot in nnv munner-.nte'fere with the Nattral SoflvtU nf ihe ITuir. It ncilher scorche nordyenit; h ut glvw iDe bui u suft, thrifty appearance. Tt iiiso prüvcnts tlie hair fn.m failing oll and turning gray . THENAPOLEOX IIAIR TOILET Has boon beforethe pcbic batn Bh' rtiime. and liaa alreaiïy been tested bj over one Miousuvl personal and they tisüfy lime the N"puleon Hair Toilet ia the greatv.'.-t Boautüifri'verotf. red to the American people. To prevent thi Toilet 'rom being counterieited or !mItatedby onprmclpleitpersnrrt. wt do not offer. t for sale at íiny l'rugciíts in l?nite Statos. Iherefore any Laiy or Uentleman ■ Soft. I.uxuriant Hair and Carh. ani Long. Soft WMskers or M.. atache, can l'U'Cui'o the InrJexratnr :r Toilet, etther one, for one dollnr cuclosed in a. letlar, witU thir aüdress. Ailri)bs, g.f. srnxv Box 1B3, CoUinsviHe, IlirtforJCo., Conn'; And it wfll be carefui:_v aeat by return mail. I-IO FOK, EXJKOJPIi I " L. LIVERPOOL, aSStSffiSÍS CORK, Ircland. LlVERl'nol.XEW ÏI18K & PilILADElPHIA STEA&KHIP CO'S yiEA.MERS. cny uf losi u.v, c;tv op manchester, r.m, : ton, Tona. CUY OK .'-."iVV YOrK, KTWI. 22I0 Ton. l'on. H, V07 Ton. CITY OF BAl. IDIOTIE, KA-GAftiO, 174 " 2.Ï61 '.'. 19 S " city of WAsuixcTo, : busí'ooíujsí m " öSO I Oue of ' V) N'ï Yovk v. ery OAUBÚAV, ut Hl, Iroro Hgl' 4i. ■' K.; aal ■ 1 ererjr uKl-VKPAY. Rates of Iassage. HBSI CA3TS, 10 I.IVKRI'OCL AN'O CCHK, f9 ' L'.).i)O, 90 " " " P-Ui!-. HAVRE. II iM3URGan! e:c, M CAD'K r.r-Pl::r;i!W bTe r-th:ng to prnvtd for thevuyage. Oí) cubic toúl of luggagö iree. tiLE:iAGi:T')Lr"':;'?;0OL .:r ros ks i. .i i' ; - ,- ,;_) tn '■■ " }' ■'.■'■■ . ... ... " .4.1 " " ÜAVKE, HiMliUiiCsE : BHSliSN'. ' P:oso "t asisnaii h'iüt i .una, are r.upplied v. :4'; ir.'..!:' ■■ ■■ tnibilutorn, ni crrT l'r'r Average poiis across I tb ■■■"ccyitUon .md alteniauce ia et.j.ii lu tLt of auy 8.nier 8fiO.1t. fl. TICKETS ïOJ.3 far bolli wsy. ii ■


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