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Correspondence Between The French Consul And Gen. Butler

Correspondence Between The French Consul And Gen. Butler image
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SiR - The íiew order of the day, wLich has been rubli-hed this morniug, m:d by which you rcquire that si! aud wbaterer c.rms niay be in the posscssion of ihe peop'.e of this citj-, must be dulivered up, h: s caused the most Brioüi alario :imorg tlio FrHucIi ?ubject3 i i New Orle-mis. Fore:grn.-f?, sir, and particularty Frtnohlien, have, nrjtr;itlistmidiiig tlic manj uocusutions brougit agsinst gotne of tliem certain persons, gatrifioed everytiiíng to niiiintaiti duriug the actual cotifiict tha ueutia i y mpused upon thein. hat iirms wt'ie delivered tliem br tlie municipal au'horiti'.-F, i hev not only uaed tiit m to maratain order lid defead peiEOiial property, and thoso aims hava eiüce betn a'.tuoft all rctarned. And t íi'jw appears, aecording to tha tenor of your order cf to d:iy, that Freuch subj'ccts, as well as citieent, ara requircd to sarrendt-r their personal anua whkh could ouly be used U self defincu. For sotne time rn-it uisinistnVjílilA sima i - c. - signa Lava inanifetted themselves among tliu aervüe population of t!;o city -urrouiidiug country of ihcir ir:tention to b:eak the bands which bind thetn to thcir mustera, and many persuus apprtheiid au actual revolt. It ia these sigtis, this prospect of finding ourselves complétela um.rmea tu tho presence of a population frotn wliioh tho greatest excessen are feared, that we aro above all tliings justly alarmed : for tbo result of sueh a etato of tliiugs would í'all on all alike who aro left wi'.b'jut the means of self-defutice. It is not denied that tho protection ;f tbe United States govenuient would be extended to them ii sucli ati event, but that protection could not be effective at all tinifs and in all places, uor próvido agurast thosc intcrnal enemiea whose unrestrained language and maunera aro coustactly n:creasing, and who are but par!ial!y kopt in subjection by the convict'.on that their masters nre arnied. I submit to you sir, these obstr'-'utions, with the rcquest that jou takc them iuto cu:i8Íderation. 'lease accept, bir, tl?e asíurance of my high estucm COTINT ME JAN, The Cor su! of France. Lieut. Weitzel, U. 8. Engiueer, and Asgistant Militarj Comniauder of Nev7 Orloaus. Headquarters Dfp't of the Gclf, ) New Oeikans August 12. 1862. J Sip. - Yomr ufficiiil nutc tn Lieuteuant Wcitzel, Asaistant Milita-y Cüiiimaudaut, Una lieen fonvHrde'.l to ine I see no just cause of complaint agiost the order rtfa;ring the arma of l'irivute chiïor.s to be jív-jii up. It ia the usual cutirse puriucd in cities siiuilarly situsltcd to tbis, evon wiibüut any exterior forca in the n;ightorliood. You will observe that it will not do to trust to mero profcss'ous of ncu'rali'y. I trust most of vour c'Uiitryiuen uro iu good fuith neutral ; but it ir, uufortúnate' y true that soine of tlieni ure uot. Tliis causes thu gocd, oí cecessity, tu suffer witli the bad. I talca leave to cali your attention ta Ihe fact that the Unutd States forui'S givu every iumra:ity to Munsiaur 13 miiiisrass, wlio clsiníed t be tbo French üouaul at Balón Rouge; aUoSed bim to keep liis armH, and relied upou bis neur.kv; but h's KBff taken [.r.souer ei tho battle fluid i: drmn ajpúusí ua. You will al 'lo me tbe favor to reuiS'.:)b r that vory f sy - f the Froiieli subjaatg t)UT4 taki t.ü uáth cf euiraliQr, wliioli t;is offered to but not reqoired of them, by my Ord-r No. 41 ; üitbough nli tlie óffisew of tl.o Frencb Legnttoa had, -í-iüi yo ir koowladgc ar.d asscut, taken the oatli to nppart t be constituí io of tho Confedérate Stat;s. ï'icn, you, I liavü uo gunruutee for tbu good fu th of men. I do not tinderitand liow 'tt is t'iat p.rBia are ahered in tlicir eff(?otinew by beiug ' personal property,1' nor do I seo lio.v anus wíiieli uilí gerv'ií fur pero:il (]efei:oe, cannut bc as cffea.1lijf uicd WC offanñee arfare. Of the disquiet which jou say thero ure signs uumifesting ilioiüselves amou the bhi?k populrttioii, of a desire to break the boude which bind tima t thoir nuiaters, I have beeu a uot inattentive observer, with ut wouder, beoavae it would teem uaturul wlien tlicir niüstcrs had not thuin tho esainplo of rebeüioa BgakiBt constituted authorities, that tho uegi-.ies, being au imitativu race, ahould do likewise. But surely tho represoutative of the Eniperor, who does not tolérate slavery in Imüiicc, does not dtsire bis countrymen tu be armed tho purpose of preveutiug the negroos iruui bi-eaking thsir Londs. Lel rne assuro you that the proteotioa of the Uuited States against vloletice, uitbot by uogrocs or white lai'U, whüther c'.tïen or foreign, will continue toba perfect is it bua beeu siuao our advent bere, and bv far more maaifesting itself 1 at all moiïie ta and cvurywhere, tban any improviacd citizens' organizatiou caa Uo. Whenover t!ie inhnbitants of this city will by i public and uuited act, show both their loyalty a;;d r.eutrality, I shaij bo glad of'llieir aid to keep the pea cc, and indeed, to rentore tlie city to them. Till tbat time, liowever, I must require tho anus of all tlia nhubiuiits, while or bla-k, to be mider my control. I lmve tho lioaor to be your obedient pervaut, BENJAMIN F BUTLEB. To Couut Mejan, F rei eb. Uonsul. Tuk Spirit of öbve.ntï-Six.- A Lieutenant in th lOtli regiment wrote to b3 wife, in this city, reccntly, that be appliid fwr leave of uhsence several time i,;d luid bee'u refused. bat tliat lio was jorniug boma ia October it' Ik? bad to rosten His wife immediutcly replied, 'Dou'tyim do it! Dit fint f' She told a friend of her, vrith doxvey eyes, tliat "Cbarloy" was all she bad oii enrth.. She wasdestitute of lather. motlier, sister and brotber; but she "had gtven Wiarley to üod and lier country, and ihe ould not take bim back." Il anybody U-lUves tliat tbe raoa bas degéiierated, and patriotisiu bas dicd ouc, or thit the diiys of giving petticoats tor cartndgos and spoon tor bullas h is passed, let bun ,.liu: tbia stateujout aui bt!eve so no gy newppupr writcr contonds tluit a man oujjbt 10 show as muoh coartesy to bis uwñ wüe as to bis uHgliborc wito Tl'.;it is what superficial peoplo tliinlc Are ii.'ia M-vU a-id bis wife ono? ,md wnuldu't it ie absurd la bavo a man fm-uver I tffkV a-:d scrapi.ig to bi,n,cit . Marry, COU.e up, aud g) to, novv, aasrtci us ihac. ►►. Tt= ji s no irinie pos-ihle t' brirg raen? minos lo tbink alike, tb'ab w miike theír faces lk uliko. The suri w a'épobk nf (larVocís oomparoil iih the henrt ihat 'wats ouly áod be:: s onütantly to pour fori": its blood i'or öur country. $"ZÊT Tlio Kio: E uid pi-pcrs .-ibour d in s"hrtÍ8MeB8 offeritig rowrds fibr ■ runaíav s-1 1 ■"■'■:- i


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