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Death Of Col. Brodhead

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A diputen has been received ín to"D anuounciug tha death of Col. Thorntoo F. Brodhend, oí tho First Michigan Cavalry. Ho was wounded in tho lungs ii) (ido of l he battles before Manass:ia last week, and co suveroly Uiat he Slirvived but a few days. No particulara us lo his death have yet beun received. Col. Brodhoad was bnrn in Novv Hampshire, and was ihe non of John Hrodhond, for a long tima niember of Congres :nd a leading citizen of the State. Onu of his bvothers has for yenrs resided in Washington, and not long sinoe was appointed by the President one of the Commissioners under the act tor the etnancipiition of lleves iu the Disti iot oí Colnmbi i Col. Brodhead caine to Michigan about tho year 1838, while yet a boy, one of his brotbers being ut ihe limo caéhier of u bank in Poniiao, at whiob place the Oulonel took up his residente. He seon becatno connected with tho Jacktanian oewapaper, and in 1841 was nppointod Asfistant Beoretary of State under Kobt. F. Eldridgo, whieh oflioe he held duriog one or two adm.mstrutions. Whoi) the Mtsican War 'jroke out he was appointed ono of the Lieutenunts in the Pontiac companv, bilt Boon iiftor the ariival of Ihe regiment in Mexico was ealled to tho slaff of Gen. Piorce, on whicli ho sorved during tlm war wiTh rr.uch credit to bimaeli and in more than one instance received special Doticein the roporte of his superi ors. Soon afterhis return to Michigan after the close of the war ha was cleoted, we believe, to Stato Öenate and was also Secrelary of tlie Sonnte. In 18 19 he purchased an interest in The Free Press establishment, with which he "A'as connecïed till the spring of 1852. In 18f3 ho was appointed, by President Pierce, Postmaster at Detroit, and continued in tho office until the close of his adininistraüon. In 1858 he was again elected to the S ato Senate wiieri! hc aervvd with credit to himsïlt and -vilh cmicent entisinction to his constituent. When the present war broke out he ofit-rcd his services forthwith to the govoiniiu'nt, and in August last was authorizod to rai-e a cavalry regiment which he did in a very short space of time. The regiment was assigned to the corps of General Banks, to which ït has been attachtfd np to the present time. As soon s active service wus begun, Colnnel Brodhead was appointed to the nhief oominood of the oavalry of tho corps, and as such acted in the battlo of Winchester and the fainous obaae of Jackson and Ashby up the Valley. Ho not long since conducted the dah into Orango House, and to within three milos of Gordonsville, and still later the bolder one through Stannardsvülo, and acerosa thu Blue Riclgu into tho vory heart of the eneray's country. Colonel Brod head was a bravo and daring ofiïeer, and tho country, in his denth, has lost one of its most ardent, nntiiing, and zealous supporters. No map in the land had been a moro unflinching political opponent of the present udiDinistration, but as soon as the red hand of rebolüon had been ruised ágái"1 ifi no mn wil8 more uofiioobing in its He was a man of most excllent abüity, and, iiüd he chosen to exert himself, ffOuld I have made his mark as but few men eoukl. Ho was true hearted, kind, of a noble nature, and generous to a fault. A nother Michigan Colonel has offered up his liie for his country, and tbe wholc State will mourn his loss.


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Michigan Argus