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The notes of a Btroll throngh the oamp of the 2GLh Regiment Michigan Infantry mny uot be uninteresting to jour readers, and with your permission, and the consent ot the many frienda of the 2Oth, wbich has but just vaented this camp, I wilt say that a finer looking body of nien than the six cornpanies of the 26tb never went into quarters at the expense of "TJncle Sam." - We wero proud to hear eminent military men say that a finer regiment than the 20th were nover mustered into the service, and we nhal! hardly be magnanimous to say k-ss of the brave boys now rapidly filling up the tents ro rocently occupiud by our own district regiment. The camp is in fine order, the men are well fed, the labor of the severa! departments well exocuted, and wlien we remembor that tho duties of Commandant, Adjutant, Quartermaster and all else conneoted with tho organization of the resriment thus far huve fallen upon Col. Livkr.worr, too mucli of praiso cannot be spoken of him. He is virtually tho fathei; and personnl counsellor of evcry tnan in camp, and the boys have all learned to lovo him already. Capt. Ciiauncky Gibbs, of the Muskegon Guards, his offïeers and men 101 strong, a strong sinewy and brave band of the best men from that región, carne into camp on Monday. On Tuesday carne Capt. John C. Culvjsr with his Livingston Guards, tho most ot whom were raised in the southorn towns of Livingston counly. Evorybody knows Capt. Culver so well and esteems him so highly that it will be superlliioua tor rne to say further of him here. His boys aro all good and truc, your correspondent has seen thein at home, knows them well, they lovo Capt. Culver, nnü will guard his good Dame well. But ono of his cornpany officers is appointed, Lieut. Hadley of the University. On Tuesday also carne C;ipt. Lafayette CnuiiCH, of ihe Gratiot Guards, 97 strong, and they are corlainly noble represontatives of tho tyardy pioneers of Gratiot. Capt. Qiíurcii's son is First Lieuteuant aud 'has saen service before. On Wednesday Capt. Lemüel Savieu's Tocumseh Guards, 97 men, carne to camp under command of First Liei'lenant Aldex. Capt. Savier, his Orderly and others of the company are veterans of tho Potomac army, and fought under Wooddiry of dear memory. Capt. Savier is still in tho army of Virginia, but is hourly expected to join his company which represents the best blood and dearest homes of Lenawee county. Capt. S 15. Burch's company, "Ellfworth Avengers,''99 men, also camo into camp on Wednesday. They are from Livingston county, and reflout the highost credit upon the different towns they represent, let L'eutenant W. VV. Burcii, oí the Union School, Ann Ar bor, and 2d Lieutenanl L. Ives, of Livingston county, are his officers. Friday night brought with ie the "Lake Shore Tigers," 104 :nen, cominanded by Capt. L. Edwin Knapp, assisted by Lieut. Fox ; both theso men are veterans and como to camp wiih the prestige of victorious battles in the regular and volunteer army. The "Ti gors" aro the most uniiorm in size and weight of any body of men we have over seen, their average weight beiog ICO lbs.; they hail from Grand Traverse county, and wero recruited in four days The o:her companies aro expected in camp oil Munday and Tuesday, and the wholo regiment will bo mustered during the week. Tho field cffioers are not yet appointed. From this morning I-iout. Fox will act as Adjutant, and Lieut. Pstaxott as Major. Dr. Kaymond, of Grass Lake, is lst Assistant Surgoon. The cilizens of Jackson are showing the boys many favors. The men are all in good spirits and wish to bo remémbared by " the (rienda at homo. - ÍSo Quartermasters stores are on hand, and the regiment will probably remain in this camp for two weeks or more. - A beg for pardun, and I am, Youra over, L. D. B.


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Michigan Argus