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-The American Citizen, th"Native" paper of Detroit, goes for doing; away with all disabi'ities of native born. citizens on account of color. The "No tives" generally woulJ do well to consider the condition of a large portion of their native born brethrenat home, before they make war on tbe privileges extended to foreigners. We cali attention to the resol ution of the Liberty Convention respecting Miss Van Vleet's paper. We hope our frienda will give all possible aid to the enterprise. The following persons will receive ubscriptions: At Detroit, C. H. Stewart- at Jackson, S. B. Treadwell - at Ann Arbor, Beckley & Foster - at Marshall, J. N. Stickney - at Adrián, L. P. Per kins. These persons will please to act as above, and forward subscription io Miss Jane Van Vleet, at Niles. We will add that at the convention, Mr. Stewart commended this enterpriae of our western frlends to the support of all, but especially ot the ladies. He had been at Niles, where 100 subscriben who take no anti-slavery paper, had been already obtained, and where it was ex pected that in the adjacent country two hundred additional subscribers would alio be procured. (L The Liberty party tnakes bo mueh trouble in effecting elections in New England, that the people are boginning 'o piopoee elec tions by a plnrality of votes, instead of a mi jority. A bilí by which & plurality is to e)ect members of Congress after the secoud trial, !ias beun received with much favor 'va tht Legislature of Massnchueetts. In the debat, Mr. Sargent of Cambridge, etated that thw wat) not a new question; he had exapnined the variooe returns of eieciions nee 1880, and he had found that there had been two or more tnals for eleciion in all the district!, with one exception, and that in one dwtriet nine trials were had before a choice could bt effected, and that the rttult of all these tríale was the choice of the candidaU hoving &' ktghest number at the first trial; thiw howing a needless expenditure of time and oionef to effect a choice, and he bould therefor vote for ihe bill." 07 We are debtedto Hon. S Dentón, and the Clerk of tbe Senatc, for Lfgitire Docürnentér


Signal of Liberty
Old News