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gbur Mvtümmsk Surveyor & Civil Engineer. W WEEKS, Surrej-or and Civil Eiigiroer.cfiitir. ■ ue.-t t: gtve immediate attention Eoall orderfl. - OiBce at bis re.?iienco at the corDer ol lalherine and Tiinver slrcet.", Ann Arlor. S.-pt. 10, 1862 I;8f9 IFOZR, SALE. W. S. SAUNDERS cffers Lis Hoinesteatl For Sale. "Wil! bc in Ann Arbor the last week ' in September, Prioo Lvx3.el T?oxxxxs Can be obêained hy calhng at thit Office. (Jhancery Sale. IN rURcUANCE, and by "virtue of a rlecree of th Cirïuit Court for ihe County of Vahtnatr, in Cnancery ( made on the foarteent i day of July, A. !., 18íí2j in a certain cause the rui o pending, whereio (.i'eorgc TT. B Renwick is comptainfint, and Albert F. Van voorbeis, and Kebecca li. Van Vooihois bli wlh iebrah lerRÍns( Lorenzo I). l'erkins and Mei ia Perkini lijs vrife, Orangc Woodwortb, Israel l), l'ackanl, Aixli Puckard, Jolin Peeblea and Thomas V. Leonard are defendunts: Notïce is hereby giren that I shaU etl tt public auciion 10 the luchen bidder at the South door of the Court Housj in the city of Ann Arbor, WashWnaw County, anl State of Michigan, ou Fri'ay the 24 U iiay of October next,at ten o'clock in thv fortOM cf Huid day, the.rottniriug described parecí of lsud towit : All ihat cer.ain tract or parcel of land known aud describe! as ftflloivs, to-wit: Hfceen acres fiom th Kouth-west cornt-v of tbe east half of the south-east qu.trter üeetion fifteen, the tast half of the north et qua tor of teci Ion Xo . Iwenty tw', and tl o east liilf of nou h-west quarter of the north eavt quarter of said secti m twenty-two. anl tho west half of the mrtbwutft quarter of section No. twenly-thrde in Town ouf Bouth of ran?e oven out in tlic Htate of Michigan, containin on hundred and nincty-Sve acres, be th sa-nc m ire or les, or so much there-f as may be necessjiy to .'ati-sfy the decree iu this cause with iniertbt and custs. D. S. TW1TCHHLL, Circuit CouitCotmnissiouer Washw-naw Co.( Mich, lï. J. fÍKAKK-í, Solicitor for Cumpla mant. Datd,Spi i).18fia. Mortgage Sale. WnKREAS.defnult lms been made 'in the condiii.trs of a -'M tiin in'U'nturo o t mortgnge cxecuted by David . il Lywood and Hope H:iywootJ,of Saline, Wasbtoñaw County, Michigan, on t!e first day of Juiy, A. . U6? to Uio un-k'r.-igncd, whicta mortgaee w daly recor.ied on lïe Ölh dy. of A neust, A. i. 1852. in I.ibrr Xo. 13 of MoitgtgoA on ta;e443 in the Kfffistrj of Deedn and Mo.-tfznjies, in and tur tbe said couuty of ft-hti'uaw; ai .d wiitreas there is now due and uup' upon said moitgage and bond accompanying the sam i the Hum 01 four-thouaad anJ tiftyilvo dollars m'! twenty nin-; cents ($4.055 tt), includln; reasonable cbargen torso attonwyí fop, and no suit at law or 10 cijiiitv baviDit buen insiitutod to recover the sama or nny part ih'reof, now thorefore, ootioe is hereby given that iy virtue ot a power f sale contiiaed in siidtmrtgage, 1 shiill s.'llat ptiolic auction to the highest biildor on ciaturday the sixth daj ol DcembOr next, at I' o'clock at noon of aid day, at the front door oí th County Court Ho s.? n the City of Ana Arboi in said County nii'l ttai", the preinises dcsr-bid in said mortgage'oU: All that part of ti.e noith-west quarter of A Hou odq in towDship four south of range fiveeaat, nii'l boanded s fotlows, to wit : On the south bj the Salt S r.nx rea rvc, on the west and north by laudownpd by Rttssell Brigge, on the cast by lands ovrued by Thor'on Ford, supposed to contain thirty two acre of lan.l, in being tne iiroperty on which tho Schuyï1' Mills are Iocated. GA1XB VAN HUÍAN', Mortgagee. Wm. A.Moork, Att'y for Mortgagee. Daten, Detroit, .Sept. 6, 1862. AGrEM FOS THE MILLÏÖN. MME. DEMOREST'S RUNNING STITCH Sewing Machines. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. o A PRACTICA!-, ripid, efficiënt, and durable sewing machín?, adaptd to a largo proportion of family sev.-ing, or fur manufacturin? purposes. It is hihl.v ornemontal, an-l so light and portable, we'ghing les tban one pounï) that it can be convenitntly carried in Ibf) pocket or rotie'ttie! lts operationi- so vtry iimple that it requiree but i gr' fc of judgtmnt to use it. ïïv tho simple turertflg ''f a c:ank wïth one hand, od puidingtb's work with_ihe silontly yet WJ rapidly wfth acommfn needie makfs the ruuningstitcb cxactly hke the hanA sewmg. only more perfect aea recular. It will hem, gftthpr, ruPle, shirr, tuck, run op brea'itiis, etc., wi'h a single or doublé thread on bv material ftdapxed l" ttc rtinnfng Pttch, f rom the Jight est anl thinnest up to two thiekneMM of ordinry bi ormuslin. The thinnost, usunily Ihe most difBcltt Ktitrh by fither m-ichiiu-i, being sewed tho easitst.- For ladiea' and apparél, and niher art'dei m.idof llghtftibrloB, ït wlli thtreforo be found almost invluable. , It is attaohe to tho tabïn like a sowId; bird, na hoving no tcniún, and ïcquiring no hibrication or cbang of titch,ia alwayx ready for operation, and such a marvel of simplicity that a child of six or cight ycars eau uiidorstaud iliniKiediatdly, it buccísí fnlïy. ItJl notatal) liable to get out of order. Each machino ík nut up in a neat box, accompanied withfullandexplicit directions, and twnty-6vc neles. , , , Pent to any &ddnalc the United StatM on 'P01 an uí der, incloing tbe ammmt. or may be collecteo t7 Expresión delivcry of ihemacbiDO. Libera! airangemenls made for agcrciei. ., Kvery Uothcr, Drew Makor, Milliuer.andLJidy cboftfi have one of &es mel'inwL AddrtM ■ nKMOBFT. 473 Brcady, V,T.


Old News
Michigan Argus