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The Douglas Memorial. The diploma of membership of the Douglas Monument Association, beautifully engraved on steel, about nine by twelvo inches in dinaensicns is now ready for distribution to the subscnbersto the monument fund. To all persons forwarding to the Association One Dollar or more wül be sent one of theöe Diplomas, properly executed. To contritutors in the sum of TWO Dollars or more will b' furnishfc'i gratituously, besides the Diploma, beautiful imperial size PTKEL EXGRAVING OF JUDGE DOUGLAS, 21 l-y 17 inches, pablished by Slarsh, Rowe & Co. CoutributorR ín the sum of one dollar will become lift membars of the Douglas Monument Association ; in the sum of twenty dollars, honorary life memlers ; and n the sum of one hundred dollars, honorary life members of the Board of Trustees. Local receivers and soHcitors for contributions are teingauthorized in theloyai States. PamphUts and circulara coDÍüinlrjg the Orgamzatinn. Conrtitution, ByLfcw-', and the Appeal of the Assoctatioo, will be fient to all who will fjrward tbeir address. Cümtnunication.-i should be dtrected to the "Se-jetary J). M. Ass'n, Chica go, 111." All editors ■n-ho will inner t thï? oard in theír daily, wcebly or tri-weekly issues three monthi, with aa occasional nctice to advance the object in view, will have fcr wardcd to them immediafely Diplomas as Hönorary Life Members ff this Asbociation, also a copy of the abovc Portraii, upon the recipt by the society of a copy nf tbeir paper cootainicg this announcpment. WALTER B. SQ4ÏEP, PrpEidBt. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. IiUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. laíallible in correcting. rcRulating and removing all obstructiona, fruía w ha te ver cause, aud alwoys succeasful as a prevcatire. The combination of ingrediente in Dr. Duponco'a Golden Pills for Females aro perfectly harmlf ss. They have been used in Vhe private practice of Dr. Duponco oror 20 yeara, and thousands of ladiefl can tcstify to their great and never fniling fluccesa n almost evpry case ia correcting irre;ularitiea, relieving puiuful und distrcssing menstrua tíon, particularly at the ch finge of life. Fromfive to ten pills wilt cure that ccmmon yet dreadfulccmplaint.the Whites Nearly every fúñalo in tía land suffers frt m this coinplaint. Theabove Pili has pcrmanently curcd thousands, and they mil cure jou if you use them. TLey cannot haira you; on the conirary. they remove all obstruc.tions, re store nature to its proper chance], and invigorate the wholí systcm. Ladics whosc health will not permit an aerease of fmnily, will find theso pills a luccettfu] preventivo. Ladics peculiarly situoted, or those Hupposhig themselve eo, should uot u.e these Pilla during the first three months, as they are certafn to produce miscarriagt, "after which admouiticn" the proprietor assumes no responsibüity, altLough thoir will prevent an injury to healtü. The ingredients composing tlie abo ve Pilis are inadti known to erery Agcnt, and they will tell you they are safo and will perform all claimed íor them. Price $1 per box áold in AKKABSOB,br STEBBÏNS fc WILRON, Druggiats, W. A. HUXT, Druggist. Ladies living at a distante by seuding them $1,0) through the Ann Arbor Poatoffice, can have the Pills sent (coufidentially) by mail, to any part of the country free of postage. N. B. - Beware of a base counterfit of thcet Pilis. - You can buy tlie counterfeit article .t any price froin C5 tu 7C cents a box (dear at thatj. Ladikr your UrM and hoalth are of too much yalue to be trifíed with, besides beisf imposed upon with a worthless art ele. Thoreforp, any odg oíTorinyou thp.-íe I'illsfor lesa than $1 % box, avoid tU em an you would poison. They nre bojus. None aregenuine onltM the name of S. I). HO WE is on every box which has recently bfon addcl.on account of the PUU bultig couterfeited. Sold also, by KiNNE & 3'MITIT, Vpsilanti. liLI.i k ÜEEiïEJackson, n.nd by one lrurgist in every viliago and citv in the United States, aud by FARRAND,SHEEI LY 6i CO..Gpiieral SUte Agents, Detroit. L. D HOWE, Sole Propretor, 867yrs2 KW York. e See a ffoman, in another column, )icking Sambuci Grupea for ?rEKRñ Wine. It s an admirable article, used in hoapitais and y first-clftss fumiliea in Paris, London, and few York, in preference to old port wino. It s worth a trial, as it gives great satist'action. IMPORTÁÑTto F Lm .-. ' PILLS v THE HEALTH AND LtFE OFWOMAN Iscontinually ïnperil if she is tnad enough to neglcci r maltreat tliose sexual irreguiarities to which twolirJs nf hprsox nre more or lesfl subject. DR. CHEEÍEMAN'á PILLS, prepare I from the same ormula wbich the inventor. f'OKVEI.ICS L. CHÏBSEAN; M. D.,of Xew-fork, has for twen'y ycarsused eco.-sfnüy in an extended private prtictice - immediately lieve without pain, ail (ïisturbances of the periodical ischarge-. whelher ansing from iclaxation or suppreson. ïhey act like a ciiarm inremoving the painsthiit ceempany difficult or immoderate me 'Struatmn, and e the only safeand reliabla remerty for Flushes, Sick eftdache. Palufl in the L-tins. P.ack and Sidos, Palpita tion the Heart Nerveus Treraor3, Hysterics, Spasms, Iroken Sleöp and otner unpleasant and danRerouöeffects an unnatural condition of the sexual functions Tn e worst cases of Fluor Albut or Whites, thsy elïcct a cedv" cure. To WIVKS and MATBONSn.CHEESEMAN'SPII.I-Sare offered as the only safe eans of renewinginterrupted BUBStriuttioQi but, i.lllllN MUST BEAR IN 9IÍ1VB Thert is onecovdiliov of tkefcmnïe. fiystem 171 which tlt 'HU r.nnnot & takev wi'hout producmg a PECULTAR BSULT. ThtcimdUlmireftrredto it PDEGNANCY- e, MISCfiRRlAOE. Suck ü the irrrsislihle ndency of the medicine 10 rttiors the serual fnvetions to normal conrlüion, that even the reproductivc power nitUirt cnnfiot resist it. F.xplirü direction' stating when, tind wken they should ot oe used. with e:ich Box,- the Price One Dollar each !ox, cdnlaiiiir.g 50 Pills. A valuable Pa uphlet. to be had free of the Agents. lis sent by mail projnptly, by eooloiiag price to any Kent. Sold by Druggisis general y. R. B. HUTCHIN'GS, Propretor. 20 Cedar-St., New York. or" Fale by MAVN'ARD STËDBINS & WILSON , and RENVILI.E & FULI.ER. 18621862. Soconcl -A.rxiT7-l OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER COODS ! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. We are now receiving a splendid stock of dttess onnrts SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. For tile XjadiesFine French Cassimeres, and Coatings, For tlie Gentlemen. CARFETS, DOMESTIC GUODS, FINE NEW TEAS And oiher Choice Family Grooeries, For Every"body. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, GaJJ. a,33.c% SeeC H. DIILLEW & CQ, i May, 1862. 854fi Br. Wm. B. Hura's DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSÜEINQ INE T1BTH & A SWEET BREATH, CuriEgToothache & Neuralgia. Do ycu wish tobe blessed with and admireeï for Pbary Whitk and Sound ThfcTHf Ue Dr. V'. IJ. BURü'S NÍ'IVaLLEDTUUTII l'OWDER, wurranted free f rum cid, ülkali, or &uy iiijuriou aubUncfi. Price,2ú cents jer box. tO Beware of the ordinary chcap Tooth Powdera.. uicü whiten but degtroy. Do you wish to b certain that your Dreath 3 pure, weet, an ngieeable q husbanü or wife, lover ur iends? Use Dr. HURD'ri CKLEURATKD MUÜTH ASH. Price, 38 cents per-botUe. Thi3 astringent wash Ifl alsn thp best remody in the orldfor Ca.vkkr, Bad Bkkato, Ií Ouka, Sorb oüth, etc. It bas cured huudreds Do you, oryour childrcu sufler f: om Tootüache? Get r. HURD'S MA(iIC TUUlHACilE DKQ1JÜ. Price, 16 :iiiü peí bottle. Areyouafflicted with NEURALGIA? Get Dr. W. B. UKD'S NEURALGIA PLASTLB8, The mobt eflectivo nd delightful remedy knov.n. Tliev do not adhere nor blister, but sootho and charm -?.in away. Try tliein. l'iice, IS and 7 cents. - ];iued on receipt oi price. Do you wish a complete set of DRNTAL RKMEDIP3 nd a Tukatisk on PftUYIJH} TwrBf Oet Dr. HUKU'á KNTAL TKEASURY, the ne&tt and raobt valuablfi irsseut tbat une fnend can makt t anotber. Price, il ent by mail on receipt of price. For sale at all the beat stores throughout the counry. Cactio. - As there are de-ilera who ttike advantaer of ur advertispnients to inopose upon iheir cuMtompr.s inerior preparutions, t is nceasury to insist upon buving hat you cali for, and you will gkt trü bist, tl.orougly cstod", and prepared by an expencneed tmd Ecienlific entiltj rnunm sf the New York State Dentist'a A jociiition, and Vice President of the New York City Denal ifocuty. Addrcss WM. B. HURD k CO , New York. tQÊ. Dr. ïlurd's Dental Remedies are for sale in Ann Arbor by í:teübin3 & Wilso.v, Elüubach & Co., and Giu&ville FctLCR. 860tf THE HOUSKKEEPKR'S NEW rURNITURE POLISH Preparetl from an improved recipe by the proprictr of thrt "Brothkx Jonathan Polissh," is certifled by all lie leading New York Kuruiture Déniers a ud Piano"ürte Makers to 08 the best in the worlü for Reniovintr cratcliea, Markt, and Dirt. and restoring a liigh ani aaiing gloss to al kinds of Varnisbed irork, f rom Furniure to Leaiher. It is ebeaper aud beiter iban Varnihh, ries irainediately, and is easily applied. a piece 7 Clinton Flannel and and a bottle or two of this EW 'CKÑiTfnE Polish, a Houtekeoper can work magie in the urnituie of a house aud keep itlooUmg like new. Now tho time to (4ihiM up" your Tableo, Clitürs, Desks, 'ianos, r"iütuie Framea, Carriagw, ere, and raake thfra ook 30 per cent. beiter. Tljis is true eonoroy. For ale by l1 urniture Dealers anï riloiokeepers gf njrally, - rice iñ nd 50 cents a bottle. Pepot Xo. 1 Spruce St , Tew Tori Special Agenta Wantod. Addresa, Box 972, New Vork P. O The Hou-ekeeper'üNew Furniture Polish is for sale t Ann Arbor by Great Books in Press. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE GREAT REBELÜONj OR "helleroism of ourSoldicrs&Sailors. 1 voljlargc 12 mo. Price, $1.55. The critica and the public arp right in predictingthat ais will surpass, in grapbie narrutive, excit'ng interest, .ad extensive popularity, ail other histories of the War orthe Union, lts theine will be the hcroic daring, paent suflerings.and hair-breadth escapes of our soldiers nd sailors, and its incidents will ferm the theine of conersalion at innumerable firesides for years to come. It ill contain . in addition to its stirrïng details, the philoophica.1 Analyfiis of the Causes of tlie War, by Jon.v .oturüp ifeTLKY, LL. D , Author of "Tlie Kise of the utch Republic," etc, the dates uf all the important vents froin the Juhn Browo raid, and an accurate and evised account of the principal battles, with engra ns. One third the proceeds of all Subscription sent direct o us will be given for the Relief of lJi.sablcd BoldifVB, nd all perBonswho wish a copy of the worit, sn 1 also o benefit tbe slldie s.shonld send their Dame and adress at once. Also, any ofiftcer er privatp,or person in ny section of the country, having knowledge of a heoic act or stirrin incident, will oblige us by sending us n accountcf it. Booksellera, Postmasters, and Canvasíog Agenta will je farnished with a Subscriptions Prospectus, on applicsïon to the PublisLcrg, ■fl A liberal commissiengiven to soldiers desiring to et as agenta in takingsubscriptions, n. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANÜFACTURES, from 1608 to 1860. By Dr. J.Lkander Bishop, 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. now ready, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probably the largest and moat important vroxk uow ia tho American presa. We have also just published new editions oí tha folowing useful and popular books: The Business Man's Legal Adviser ; Or, How to Savp Money, by Conducting Business accordingtolaw as expounded by the Be&t and Latftst Authorities. 400 pp , sheep, I'rice $1, OPPORTÜNITIES for INDUSTRY ; or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money. Cloth, $1 This has been republUhed in England. Every busini'ssmanand clerk should have these books. Thcy will pny the buyer a, hundred fo!d. Every parent should get them ior their sons. All the=ft books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. Wc pny particuUir attention to mailing books wrapp'ng them catefully, and will procure and eend post pa id, any book anywhere, on receipt of publisher-i urice. Address FREEDLEY & CO., 86ltf Tribune Buildings, New York. IERPOXS who wish to buy a Piano of the best nriker . wil! be shown how thcy can save a haudsome sum in the purchfise if tliey addri'ss I'jaxo, care Juy, CoE Co. Publishtrs' AgenU, New Vork P. O. Sültf MANHOOD ; HOW LOST, HOW EESTORED Just Publiskzd, in a Sealed Envelopc. Pric Six Cenls. A LRCTUftE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CÜltE OF S1'KRMAT)RRH(EA or Semion WeaknettS, Involantury Emissiou, Sexual Debilíty. an( Impetiimeats to Marriage geneially, Nerrout-nsss. Con tumptirn, FpflfipBy ;in.i Fitt ; Mental andlhysic;il fnea pacity, re--uHing from Self-Abuse, c. By ROBT. J CL'LVERWKLL, M. D., Author of tbe Green Book, &c. The w.irld rvnomnd author, in this ndtnirable Lee ture, clearly proves frfm his own experiennce tliat tb awful conseqnences of Self abuse may be effcctual! removed without medicine aii'l without dangeroua iur gjcal operatlonR bongies, instrurperitB, rings, or cordmli poipting out a mode of cure at oncecertainanclefffetua by whicb every sufTfr r,n i matter what hts conditio miy i e, may curo himself cheaply privately, and radica ly. Thifl lecture will prove a boon to thousands am tbouRande. Sent uü'ler eeal, in a plain envelope to aoy address on the receiftof Bix cnts,or two postage Ktamps.b addieesic, Tm. CHAi J. C. KIJNE, 327 Bowery, New York, Poet OíBo Box , 4586 Ayer's Agae Gura 'S 03 g í O 2 ? H - iS o S fc s j tí il i C fe V o L -i 8 S 12 1 4 -Ji THE BE3EL1ION ON HIGI1 PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS CüMMENCED AT TÍIS 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. ÍAIÍBOV opening alarbe and varied assortmcntof Si riuMd Sumracr Goods, and n view of tho rebellion on hlghpricss gonc-rallv, wiUolfor tijera tomyfnonda anclcustomcrat tho very'lowest figures toe Casi.- Thosoia want of a superior article oi Ckiths, Cassimt-res. or KeadyMade Olothing, -wiU cali onWIÏL WAGNER, who has just returned frora the, with a large a3sortmciit of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which havebcen purchaged at the late LOW PRICES! and can offer the ra at a Inwer figura than evfr before. Aruong my Assortment inay be found BROADOLOTHS, (JASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of alldescriptions, tngethfp wïth a superior asaortment fMTÏTEU-N'KS' CARPET B!iBMLUS, a,a lEBiïeiitlemcu's Kurnisliiitg with numeiousotherarticles usual ly found in similor eatablishments. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, Ihe subsnriber flattersbimself, thnt his long experience and general succeM, wilt iMiablehiin to frive the greatest satisfaction toall uliomay trust him iuthe way ol 3T Manufacturing Garments to order. "WM. WAGNTER. AnnArtor,ApI19thl3C2. 848tf GLOKIOXJ3 News from "Dixie!" ft i, - j - The Rebeliion about Crushed ! A. tí O. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE Retaru their sincere thank.s to their numerous FRIENJDS AND f'ATRONS, For the liberal marnier in wb i oh they buve herctotofore patronized them. au1 beg leave to announce that they ai e AGAIN ON HAND "With a Large and well selected Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, flats, Caps & Truaks, whiub. tliey wiïl sell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further parüculars Oall L, xi 3L Soo for yourselves, and you will not goaway dissatisfied, A. & C. LOEB, Hurón ?treftt, a few doora west of Cuok's Hotel. Aim Arbor. Mny, 1868. 8m851 Conway Fïrc Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Oapitnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Roprers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary, President. Dl RECTORS. J S.WKTTNFY. L. RODMAN, W. KLI.1OTT, s nowi-Awn, d c mogilvhav.e.d. moroaj WAIT BEMF.NT. JOSIAII AfJ.IS. A HBIT'I.EN VV. U.DICK1NSON, W T. CLAPT, D.C.ROGER. Ann Arbor Refprences: Dr. E. WEI. 1.8, L. JAMES. L. POÜGF, 1ÍNOCI1 JAMES. TAPT. C S. OOOI5RICH J, W. KNIGHT. Aeont. Ann Arbor, Michigan. XT 13 SARATOGA E M P I R E WATER FOR In'lizfKtion or Pyepepiia , Cnn'tipnt'fli, Xron ItebUity, I.ope r,f' Appetite. Comranr CnWu. Mn-srta of the Luzgs, Heiflaohe, nui Fcvoritb etais o tb pysteaï . í:1 hv M.TN.ÍPP, STEBEIN2 t TILÏON eJ ■ rBÜLvPíí F i CO , == Arh-ir. Í; $ï SAMBÜCI WINE, PURE, AND FOUR 1TUBS OLD, Of Clioire Oporio jTruIt,, FOR PHTSICIANP' USE, FOK FEMALES. WEAKU PERSONS & INVALIDS. Kvery famüy, at this season, ahould use the 8AMBUCI WINi:, Celebratcdin Europeforiís medicinal and beneflcml qualitic-s as a gcntle Siimulïiit, Tonic. Uiuritic and fc-u ooritO, biglily ostcemc-d by eminent {.hysicians, used in KuroTtean and Amcricnn IlospiiRis, and by som e of the firat'farnük'3 of Kuro;:e and America. AS A TOMC, It bsno equ?.l.causïng ru o. pctite and building up of the aystcm being eníircíy a pure winc of a meet valuable fiuit. AS A PICRKTIC, It imparts a healthy actiori to the GlandsandKidneys, and Urinary Organs, rery benefleialin Piopay, Gout,acd Kheumatic fcflwtloos. SPEER'S WINE Is not 9 mixture or manufacturpd Mticle, but i pure, from the juice of the Portugal ïrambucu.-i, cultirated n New Jt-rsey .reccir.raended by Cnrraists and Physicians as possessing medical pmpertio nuperiur to anr other Wine in use, and au excellent ftrticle for all wc&k and debilitaled persons, and the aged and infirra, iniprovin the apptite, and benefi'ing ladies and children. A LADEES WIN'E, Bccauso it wlll not tntoxicato as otbcr vine, as it contains no mixture of Rpifhs ur liquora, and Is admired rorltirich, peculiar flvor, and nutritive preperties, ínipaiíing a liealthv tone to ihe digestiré organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy skia and complexión. WE REFER TO A few wcll known gentlemen and phygicians, who hare tried the Whie: - Gen. WinñeldHcott, U.S. A. Dr. Wilton, 11 th at., W. Y. Gov. Ifororan, N.T. state Dr. Ward, Newcrk, N. J. Dr. J R. Chüton,NT. Y.City. Or. Doughertv, " " D. Tarker, N Y. City. Dr. Türiah, Pbiladc-lphia Drs Darcy and KicboU, Newaik, N. J And many othera too numerous tn pnbliih. jgSjf-None gomiine unïss f%óatar of "AT.F1ÏF.D 3ILhR, l'as.saic, N. J.," isovtr Ihe cork of each buttlo. j-MAKE ONE TRIAL OF TUIS WIXE. Tor fa'.e by Mayuard, SttÏJÜjïiiK & Wllson, Ann Arbor. A. SPEER, Propiietor. VIVIA'ARD. P saaie, New Jersey. OFFICE, C03 Broadway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Pa? Is, S34in5 Agent fur Frauceand Gerruany. RISDÖN"& ïïËN DERSOM' IB XJ O EL 3E3 3E3 CRA1N DRILL, ancl Crass Seed Sower, Manufacturad ai Sprir.gfiold, Ohio. "yiHE VEKY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, aud botter than X all others; adapteJ to Bowiiy Wheat, Ey, Oats, Bailey audGras Seed. li.t. Jt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. ■■ Zd. Never lunches the Grain Uh. Never Irealcs the Gmin. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcasi lehindthe Drill. 6th. fías high wheels and long Hoes. Ilh. lias long and wide steel jpoints8th. Jt has a land measure or Sur1 veyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. 10. It has a self adjustï.ig shiit of ! tlide. It is neatly and substantially made. Thrrö ia harcUv a Drill ofFeredin the markut but can boast of inoie or less FJIÏST PREMIUMS? 'hey are nboutas indisorirainatcly bestowed aï the tHlfl of '■ Professor," which is soraetiraea pplied to the jiddler" or ' booiblack,7' They cease to convey the dea of merit. Thd iiuckiye Drill has betn on Exhibition at quite a number of Ütatoand County Fairs, And without seeking avor at Üie bands of any Committee, has roccíved itá full ahare of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : We glve the following pames of a few Farmers in th:s vicinity wjo have bought and used th Bucbcye Dull : Godfre.y Miller, Sc'o. Jacob í'oltieraua " Jacob ïremper, ( Thomas White, North field. John Hrokaw, " Chiislian Kapp, '■ Edwnrd Boyden, Wel3ter. James I'rcadwell, AnnArbor, Daniel O'Hara, tl ' JohcG.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Ldmon 's, Saline. Georgc Gropsey, Green OakTiv. Co, Wt) are also Agenta for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, acknowledged te be the very best in uso. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell Clieap. Also alaxgeassortcaent o G-rass And the largest and best selected stock of BEISTT STUFF FOR CARRIAGES ever beforo offered in this market. We also keep a largo and f uil NAIL?, GLAS?, PUTTY, PÁINT.aña LINSEED OIL. A complete assartmeat of STOVES, TINWAKE, AX D EAVE TR0ÜGH3 always on hand and put up at ihe 6horteat u-ttice. RISDON i HENDEKSON. Ann Arbor, Juno23th,18fi2 6t9tf Howard üssociation, rniLADELPHIA. Fortht rcHrf of the S'r.I: and Dislrettted, nSyUteduiii V'ru-'rni and Cnronir. Datum, upictally for ihi Cnrt of Dteasfs of the Sexual Organn, MBUICAL ADVICli sivcn grati, 'oy Ou Aatizg Sur, VALÚA 8T-T! RFPOBTP fin F.rfj-raüi errheea . and otbfr ■ JDisC'es of ihe exual irgtns,;ind on tbl ÑKW KKM j EDIEK cmplnyei in the Ii'.kpcntnry, sent ia SM.M lelt I I onve!npe, fri-e of charge. Im or thrr( stamp foi ' poHtapcaccantaHc A-ldrcrs. Dr .1. SKULIN IIOüüHTON', Hrward A6t);iaiion, Ko 2 S. -Nintb St., PMIrl.iphU.P. Rïui _Ayer5B Cfeerx Psetoral DU. HOOI' L ALS U'S BALSAMIC COKDIAL, For tno ppeedy cure of Covghs, Col8, Influenza, Croup, Hocrscrssc, Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Distases of tht fïetoil$, arising from Cold, Indpient Cr,,i 9umpUon,andfor the relief and if ut allposxible) cure of Patients in adcanccd stages of ths latter diseasè. rilBE Balanmic Cordial ia entirely a VeffUbl predasX tion, combiningthc healiug proportie oi tLe 1aam, wltK tb invigoi6,ti:ig qualities of a Cordiri, , ■,. ducine a sa ntliadapttd to Um purtusen inteiuled, tbst Ihere butfew case of diseasc vruicL Wlü n-i, at an narly pcriüd, fiuccumb to lt.i bealiugaLd iify g:viiicr propqrU Fcr agen, ha tbc trcsiment of pulrnur.ary dlttatei Qccupfoü lafl gre;i'er porti' :i of tLe attation oi th acientifie of the medical w&ld, but r.';rc Bcquïred mnr eminyncoin hia trtatmva yof these diaesse., than the celébrate'! Prusaiaa, lr. ïiocflucd, thg orignaíor oí the BftUftiiio Cordial. Hislifewus deroted to the production oí remedies tha,t wou ld staod unrivalleJ. Hot well he bas .ucceec!f:d,ihc American pcoplf afi ab! to judge; and wo e3.srtt tht no prepcrallona ihnt hu re rcr bcn pheed b?fore tham, conferrtd thesume tiinount, of btoefiU en SUÍTerisg humaiiitT, or have eüoitrti so many commendatieng frora all cldíí-es of societv. as theren:eiic.s of Dr. üuofliuk!. prepared b? i Dr. C. M.Jaikfwc & Co., of PbiIuaIpIilA. The Cordial is desined for a class of díáeaacs more geuoraJ and more ia al than ftuv otber to which the peopic of thia cuuntry aie subject- thoije spi inging from a "sltyht cctdS' Tlmt nñfamt authoriíj, Lr. Bll,8ftí; 'ílwul aatany that Colna avt toour tnhftbit&Ots what Ibe Plague oud Yellotc Fitcr cre to tbone oí otber countries; but I can iTir confideatlr thfti thej uaher in diseanc of grenterconipUcitj and Eaortiity than these latter.' Eníirelij Vegetable. - JSTo AlcoJtolic Preparalion. DK. IIJOFLAND'3 CELEBRAIID GERMÁN BITTERS Prepared by DR. C M. JACKSON & Cü., FhiUdelphia, Pa. 111 offtctually curo LIVEK COMf'LAIXT, DYáPEPSIA, AUNll'.'E,Cluonic or Neivous Dfbiliiy, biieajwtof the üdne-s, and all diseases ansing from a dkordered ver or Stomach. Sooh ai Conatipation, InwarQ Piles. Fulneas or Elood o the Ilear, Ac'ditj of the Ötocnach Nausea, Heart urn, Di&rottt foi lood, I'u!nees er wélgkt in tbs torn ih.bour Eructali'jn-, Sinking or Fluttering at lb Fit theStomocb, wimmiog of the Htad, Hurrïed an-f ifficult Bitathiug tiu'.tering at the Heait, CLokicg r Buflbcatiog seni-atins wlien in a lyiug posture, Dim es3 ot TUioo.DoU ot webs before the aight, Ftver and Juli Pftin iu the ttead, iieöeiency of Perpiration, Yelvmh of tli e dkiu and Eea, l'ain in tho tiiie. Back uest : L;mbs, fee. Bo4dn Fiuahsiof Heat, Biirning in ie .Flesh, Cons'ant imagimugE of evi]} and great Uert-ssiorsof Sp.ritu, and wili poitivOIv Dtcreat YLLOW FKVil, BllXtOüa FETLK, Jto. rh Propriei or in calimg tb atte&tloa of the public o thlfl preparatiOD, dees so with a íeelng cf tha utmost on&deace iu its v!rtues -D'i atiaotation xo the diseases r whiab. it is recüiuinended Itianonew and uatried nrticle, tut on thut liaa ood the testof n twclve yenra'trnil before tho Amercan pt(iple,nnd its repuiation and sa;c are uurivalle f any similar pnparatiosa extant. Tbe testimony its favor givo bj the most prominent and wc-11-known ;r;sicians snd individuáis En all partsof the eountrj is mínense, und a car. ful pcM'ULal uf the Aimanac, pabshed annuüy by the Propiietors, and to be had gr.itis 1 any of thfir Ageuts. caunot but Hatiafy tho most .epticel thHt th'i remedy ii re all j Ue.ierrii:g the great elebrity it hasobtained Reail tile Evidente 'rom J. Ncioton Brmri Ti. f) , Editor of the Enqdopedia of Rdigioits Knculedge. notflisposed to favcr or recommfcn'i Patent edicines in reneral, tbrougb dutrust of thoïr ingroents and tflVcts,I yet know of no sufficientreason why aan may n;t tetiiy to thebeneüt he believea himselí o have received trom any sioiple preparaticn, in tluicpe that fafl may thus contnbute to the beueflt of tbci'3. I dothls the more readily in regard to "Roofland'd erman Bitters," prepajred byDr. C. M. Jackson, oí th!a ty, beca use 1 was prejiuuced against tliem for vears, nder the impression that the? were chii-flv tin ftlc.'liol 1 ani indebted to my f tiend ílo'oort SUoemaker, rsq..for the ramoral of thia prejadics by proper ests,and for eSurap;emöntto try them, when sufferng from great anJ long contuiued obili'.y, The ustr of iree bottlea of these Bitters, nt the besinning of tLe resent year, ■wftsfolloweö by evident relief, and restoation tua dtKreei.t bodily und mental vigor which I ha1 ot feit forsixmonths before,and had almost despinred f regaining. I tbank. God ftiil my frienrl Tor directingucto the usoof then). J. NSTTQN BKOWN. Read what the eminent GlaflB Manufacturer, JÖIIN II. WHITAIX, uyi of tha BALSAMIC CORDIAL. Dr. C M. Jackso- Renpeoted Frienrl: Havíng for a long linie been acqainied wilh the virtus of thy Balaamie Cordial in Cou.hs. Coldi, Infl;tramation of the Lungfi. &-C. I tbus freely bear testimony to it3 efficacy For severalyeara I have rever been without it in my family Italsogives me plousure to state that I have used it withentire suocess in the treatme-nt of 3ovel Comptaiüt. 'J'hy fricnl trulv. JOIINT U. WHITAIX, Fifth Mo. 17, 1853, Race Street, above 4th, Pliila. These medicines are fcr sale by nll r?3pectable Drugglata tfnd dealers in med'cines in the United States, British Provinces, amï VTestli.Jies, at 75 cents per bottle - Be surenndget tho gen-.ine, with the signa ture of C. M Jachson on the wra'pper of each bottle; all others are counterftit Prucipal OiSca and Manufactory, 418 Arch Street, Pl.üadelphia, Pa. 820yl C BX.ISS Ie ïicw receiving p. targa aii'l 11 stlcctaa assertment of OlockSp Watches, MHBHMHONMinnissninMmaBnnniiiii . J EWELE Y, Silver and Plaled Ware, TABLE AND POCKET cs tr rmc jki tiï: jhhb. -mr EAZ0R3 asd SHEARS, CS-OIjID TIBISIS., Musical Instruments, Strings 4 Books fot Instrumenta , SIEi-BET MUSIC, ! C01IBS, and a great vaiicty of -5TA.3STKEE 3NTOTIO1STS, óüd. , He would cali particular atteutiou to ïiis largo slock of JEIa3ZÏO"3C1A.OXj33S, of Qold, Silver, 5.ÍCÍ, and FlcXcd, vüh PEKISCOPE GLASS, a superior artícle. Ahio Runtington & Platt's celebraied CALENDAR CLOCK! imitable for Offices, Countin.ï Rooms, Halla or Dn-ellings. These docks are relñible íiine koopers and Calendar combined.and requhcthe winding of the time move monís oulj,to seo ure all the reauiied changeg at raid night, showing the dny of the week the montt nnd Iny of the month, neludin;? tlie 20i'a of FebroiPy of Leap year. His gonds are inostly of recent purchase fi-om New York and tha manufacturers, and will be sold to suit thu times. Persons havizur difficuH watchea to fit with glasses oaa be aceümodated, ao (ay stocU i& larga anO complete, P. S. Particular aUeation to the 3FliaiP-.X3F3LX3Sr C3r of fcllkiuds of fine Watche=, sucb as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stajfg, and Cytinders. At$o CLQCIÍS, ts TE"Vvr3XJï"5cr nf-ally rrpnired and "warrant cd, Et liie old stand êast 5iJe uf Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann vbor,NoT. 15, 1S"1 S25H pissoiutïon. ■OTGEishei-cl)y girón Üj&t th eo-purjneralip tbt i heretofoie i-tod uader th,spsari s-yle ot' John and Tülim Vn lehadcn is ! his 4J SlMolvtá by mutual ennsoat; mi tbat all dera nUdueto oud t.rc'Bi tb said flrm willbo settlcd by John Vandcbatlcn, wbo is du!y aathorized to settle the same. JOHN' VWLEHADEV, WIU.IAM VANDÏRHEYDEK. Ann Albor, Aug Í6, 1S82. jgy ïhc basinesa oC maMoK and sclling orles wü oe coDtinnpd and carr'cd on ês usü:ii by [667 .vSj 3OBJI VAXEf.HADEN. QSTOI.EN Fi'OM the BubMJiiber rn PunJny th 17th i" nftn'.a light-bíiy maro, abnut 14 H hand high. all fuur l"g whit . white trip in th nee, 10 or 11 yoars old, carrsos hr hpad vc-ry low when trnvelliisg. Alto, bUoktopbnggy.wooaeaaxéltree, opon front. cloed eat, namlea cloth tvp, tvimtr.ed with grrm anl yellow damask, rocïp faded, long dafh, no p'atc. cuBhion d(1 boat trirnnieJ vi;h merken eclorod enftmtlod cïoth. Tho man cfvlled himelf James Cole, h II abnnt 57 or 10 vfiirs old, wixb, li:ht huir and wblftkcp ani fi'-im mer o'loihes ; lio had a woiüin, obiU aüd imil! poodle dog, ith bim. A liberal rownrd wil! bo p"id fw tho arrest of ti' th'ef and prop?rty, or any nrormafcoa iaat will lead te heirreefcv' jooNstow. Aan Ar'Or, A-.'gust Ut, 1B53. - -- - ... 1 Farm for Laie. ! rTijjK t}i3í'teot3 offert tor fsTe his f&rtn f 62 tors' L litHAÜd iaílttítflftld íbnaí oo b et tb rniTfrtity.Adjoioina Ihi faiip ofjiiir KlTiprtay; 4" i aci'cs r.nder ircprnvcir.oot ?"ith 20 acres ;f prr-'l hL.m ! eer frfl'nwrtarly f-r ■'■■:. c '.. Ihvé 's a flfam hof bftrüft bnrn.imticraïhbiirB eïl oew, n thriiiy btwiat orehard, ind wtrr. I wUfeaoeE. FOr TJ1K SPpÏT" On thtflm)KÍLf2 luicago L'cgs 'iii 57.e .'ra to fii-y 8Jiccl Bufa WHOi.ï-'sai.e Book &. Statipnery í1oi:e. j S. a GRlGGS & CO. . I'CBLISH Sanders Prcg-rfcsive Readcrí?, SgirlTEctH)tyid,whhBr and rrrfc; llituírükr.i are the most b-jtotiful as weli as (he but Ucks ex;atl. I jWr' - . , r. :- , nt j f( Primary Heb,1) Ckari, Son f emir, 1 6o H bandera' l'r.mary Spellirg Eook l IV.amdei'] . b1 nd tetar,. T. 15 . . anda.' Analynt -.:' Eng'Jili 'iin r VI. Han-Jer'a Plctvnat ftok. íbuurü) i! Vil. Enders' Oerc: n eco tLgli,h ir cr ífl VIH. ganden' Kew First Ketder ,' IX. Sanderi'KewSecundBtodei .... fg X. Sanders' New T.l.ird Reader, .."."" o Xí. Sinders' N'owFourth Ris.'.or, '!"" r? Xü. Srüío:í' Nw iifih i.'.a'i; .... ík XIII. Sanderi' HighScbcol Eíaíer,...". aj a!v. Young Ladicr.' licuar " cm Í.V. anders' Sobeo! Speaker... ... 1 {, XVI. Santera' FJocatUmir; CLtrt, ." 3 (9 Tliese readers aro uistior-ilsiicd íor C.rlatlr rroL'■' ckaraaer and pncUMtlataf felfea m iiie jíúir they hare been rjoelred witb unpwceamttd ínvír so fcy no olas m':ro than by Practic.1 Trachtca wljo imvetestedthelrmerltsin the school room. Eoblnscn'3 Course of Matfceiaatlis. BY HORATIO N. F.OBIXÍON," LL V. Lr.te Professor of ilatbematic.i in the O. 3. Ktt I Ro'jiE3r,n'sPrcgrcf3iTcFr-rcrrf Ar:t!.i;:cMc II. BuUatoa' Progreuir JntiectB] Aritli ' UI. Kobinaon's Kudaneata of wriuci. Aiitb ' s IV. Robinücii's Ptogrewlve Practica] A.ith a V. RobiLaon' Key to Prsc'-lca! Atitbmrtlí! M VIII. Robmson s Mew Algebia. ?s IX. R jbmson'8 k to EUemeatarjr Aigct.-, ís X. Robm&on's iJcirersitir Algebra 1945 XI. Robinion'i K ey to L'niTeraitj Algebra, 1 í XII R-.-bmson'í Oecmetrj and Trigoncme :r 1 sn Xllt aoWnoa'anrTeylnjand KaTtgatioa, 1 to XIV Rob nion's A;:slyücal Gecmcti ; and Cotlc XV Robinson'slAereDtlalan.ilotc-EralCgículuíl f AI Kobiuson'a E.ementarv isitcr,. mv. 7 XVI; Kobiuson' Univpr: itvA' t'ocoiny 1 74 XV11I Uobinaon' üperat:i.r;s, 2 95 XU Rob.ncon's Kcy tu Algebra. Ceoaclij, Survejiiig.icc , , Jo Formingr. TUIX MATIIEMATICAI. CCfRSr ,„. bracmj Anti.met:c ani T-ixt in th UicLci JiathematicB For of research, f;1ity and aptnes of Ulutntlea. ana practical useiulnej, tbo author of tb series I66uri.'.ised by co mo ihtmatical Titer in thia country, Thl series has bnit rreolavticnded by the best itlthmtioioj la ill secti.msoi the country. Gray's Series of Botanies, six books. Plitlicock's School Anatomy and Pürsiology, $1. Ilitchcock's Gcology, ono book. Well'a Grainmars, two books. Wcll's Soientific Hories, including Chemïstry, Philosopljy, eto Tijree books. Uilson" Series of Hwtorie, five booka Fasquollü's Proaob Series, eigbt books Woodbury'H Germán Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-kecping, tbree books. Spenoerjan System of PenuinnshiD, nin books. And Many otlicr Valaable Boclu. Wholesale Dealers and Ketail Purcbasete WillHnd at pur store over Foor Thousand dilerfnt arocles of Stationen-, and ïhree Hondred Thcusand Volumes cf bo;,k3, dom which to make tbeir -election ss&iisrssir1 riVdlsd bj ws oihcr b S. C. GEIGQS & CO. Aro Special Agenta for Mesara Harper & Bro's Publicationa. " D. Appltton & Co's " Ticknor & Fieldt " " Gould & Lincoln's " " J. Ji. Lippincott & Gö's " And fun.ish all tbeir Books at Quitara prista for . Note Papers, Letter Papers, and Cup Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kladl 1 of STATIONERY, at the. lonst f ric. BL71TES by tbc dozen oresae. B-Sírangcrs.'.ndtravelersTisitinjT Chicago wl!l fio4 il inwre-tmgto hoger for an hour imU the inlermmabU pilutf UtrtaratS9na41Lake Street. S. C. GRIGGS & Co. Agenta "Wanted. For al! costly an-I ralaable Subscriptlon Works. ot any noble work po Religión, Litmtom, Science, or Art, AadressS. C.üüJGüSii CO. PLEASE RtMEMBER Tl,?.; thr Ia no bookstore n thia c raí b f kdtïini s tut. aT8O8rr4".Ít?eetMrtmentthU ÍS füaJ MBER, That Pubüc or Priratc Librarles can be sunpüe,! wKU terina than lo send East anc pay ireigkt Western Literary and Professional men.Te.-.chers, ■ u all uopartments cf of Uw world of letWs iHinvited to maie 9 and 41 Late sireet thcir place of resort in moments of leisure. S. C. GRIGGSS: CO.. wlicleaalo and Ketail BookseBera aud Ktationor "9 & 41 Lake Stieet, Cbicaco S. C. GEI0G3 8m3 K. L JiHuSl. DO YOU IVANT WH1SKERS! DO OU WA N T A M O US TACHE I If so, p.irchaso ono bottie of E. E. Champion' EXCELSÏOP. INVIGOEATOR The world renowned ocly artlole cf the kind evwofïcred the ptoule of the United State. Tic abovo artice is the only one usd by the Frouch : m Londen and rarlslt is in universal me. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEB INVIGORATOR ! I '" BantHnl, EooDomioal, Sóothlng, yet Stlmulallnf tompouud, actiDg as f by m"g:c upon the roots, caun ing beautiral grovth si Luluriant Beard. I-' lied to the will cure üald.vess, and if applied ac'ij to rtuvetion, it vnH cause to spring up in bald spots a nue gruwtb. of soft rtussu e.u;. The Celebrated EXCELSIOR INYIGOP.jTOli Is an indispeusable Article in cvery Oentleman's Toilet aad after one weekH use ihcy treulci not. orany cunsïï. without it. Tbe above artielo wilijn from Four to Eigbt ■VVeeka.briiiuou'.a tbick set of WnlfiKïKs or MouSTitHI. Xbi substribers are the only Agents for the sbovo arHele in the Cniled Statef . annouace to the public tbat they are ajeo ts for Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The on!y s!tic!e orr cfferrd lo theFienc'i penp'e t! at would cria SMUiGHT haik 1 tue abovc Toilet being mmufactured for the scle bonent o Louis Napoleon ! whicb artic'e is new indispensable ir. lus Toilet room. The subsci ibors teeling confldc-nt that this Toilet must necessnrily tik the .lace et allothers %yn r.llered tn the public, they tM;e pleasurc ia expressing their u-nee iu me at i-c.e, g : . ractical use TU E NAPOLEON HAIS TOILET Wlll CCRL "TR.lIGnT HaIR n Soft, Silkn, FlOWÍBg Cutid, In ín síiape for one ay, or uno w.ek ifde iird, nr iny'longur penad, tf the dírections arostrictly füll'i-.ved, which are verj simple nnteasj . Tliis Huir Toilet does not in snv marmennterfer? with thc Natural Sofiness of the Huir. It neither noi dyesit ; butgives ihe Uair a soft thrifty appearanee. It aleo prevents tic hair fn.m falling olt and turriinggray. 9 THE NAPOLEON II AIR TOILET Ilusbeen beforetho publ'cbuta sh. rttime, and has alrejrly bcen teteti bj over oro 1 Klnannd perfons : and thcy tc-süfy th.u the Nnpoleoil Huir Toilet is the greatcot Beautiüer evereï. red to the pei'.ple. To prevent thia Toilet irora being counterfeited 'er im, itited by unprincipled persons, we do not oíTert fer sal R t any r uggi , ts intha Unilei Slatcs. Thertfore any Lady er Gentleman who de&lre9 So'ft, Luxuriant Hair ad Cuiis, and, Soft Whlskera or Moustache, con procure the Im-i-orator or Toilet, either one,for on dollar enciosed in a lc-cicr, witii thnr aUdreB. Addre&R, G. F. SPEttY ft CO., Bjï 1H3, ColUnirrill, Hartford Co. , Conn Ani it irillbt carefullj icnt br return inail. HO FOB, ETJE,OII3 I BT5 LIVEBPOOL, agÊÈcÊüs&i!&këiL C O R K. Irrftmd .■ LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK & PHILAPELPHIA BTEAMSHiP CO'S STEAMERS.CITY OF I.ON'i ON, CITY OF MANCiiESTIIii 25fOT.nï. Jan. CI1Y OF NEW YORK, ETNA, 2-Vi Ton. 1 roí. I, i!9T Tc.a. CI1 Y OF BAi.TIMOR". . KANIGABOO, IS-4 '■ 2SC7ÏOCS. GOV, :9.S " CITY OF WASHIGTCS, i ÜJÜUORL-S, U3 " 1.5=0 ! Ooe of the abovs Stumera wiil leave Yori cv. ■ ÖATUKDAY, al nnon, frc-.T l':t-: 41. K. R.: attl Lirarpotl cvery WEUKESDAY. Tkttes of I-assaL. FIKST CABIH, 10 LIVLH!'OOL A.VU U)ES, 88 ' 'i ' LONÜQM. ?0 " " " PAK!-. HAVRE, H .LZBUnO -v:-! B33MEN P4 CABIN PAFSESGERS have cahicg t-i prarid( foi thevoyagc; ara 10 ajloired 20 cubic it cf laggage 'rse. STEEKAGüTO LIVERPOOL .ASI) CORK f.'S " m LOXDOS, (07 raü from UXraeel,) :-H " EARI3, .. - .... 3 " " HAVKE. IUMBCK3 na S&SHB-V, There Sta&taftrf s:-e hui:t Is t-'.U iron &ect:Aü, ai'-j Rupj 'j I cirry -ineriencd Sr;t : V.i-vr vcrlfra pa:'8fr" aC"O tb4 alucia li f om JO ta ÍS 'ir.yi ■ rjajooHtion ind ttiodtci il 10 tit of icy m K. S. PORT?, At th ne nf ti itoi'gjr Arg-j.


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Michigan Argus