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"PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Meatly Executed AT TUE A1ÍGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE rREPAttED TO FILL A.LL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINT ING AT THE MOST KEASONASLE PvATES. We hayo reoently purclissed a ROTARY CAED PRESS, and linvo a.ldr d tiie lntst st.yles of Cnrd Type, which enables us to priut [NVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CAKDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the nentest stylis, and as clieap as any olber lioiisü 111 ihe State. We aru ttlso prepari-d to print TOSTEKS, HANBB1LLÖ, BLAKKS, DILL IlEADSj CITtCULARS, PAMPULETS &?, THE .AJR.O-TTS BOOK B1NDERY i in c'.iargo of a FIRST CLASS W0RKMÁN' LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, UOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTEHN And Manufuctured in best sttlk at New York Prlces, Psriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old 33ooks Ee-Bound. All Work warnuited to give entire Bivtisfaction. E. J3. POND, Propr. Office and Blndcry, oor. Main fc Huron Sts. 'Próvido for Yo r Family." ICISriOKIEÏtBOCICEDR. UFE INSURANCE COMPANY. WtsitTü oOicf, Kingaburj Bloek, EUmdOlpfa St., Cbléftgo, Assets Jan. let, 18G2, $270,223.44. Policios are iiísuífl u pon the live of debtors, and fr ritlmijMM purposca. cither fr Ufe or i"r .1 term of ttustBittvorable termx as by atiyoth'r Ccmpatiy. ■ 1 l:ilU's Tunv insure the Uves of tUeir boRbandF, : -.' to a Ittw of tlie State, Becartng the ftmonu of '.ÍéL' inuraucé T" themElves or their cluNlrt-n, freo fr"in thechfctms of their huan-1' crwJitore: clso, maTrid 11 ;,; ure tbelr on Uve for the benefit of tb' Ir ■ Policiea n live are iaeued for nnj sum noï excectling ÍT'.O U. 11 .- the terms of the charter, tota rompnny i? prohibí tod pIng moé iban 7 per cnt, nnnoalljr IQ divldondv .11 bapital tt) BtodtholdflW ; anl il rurcivos that Fiim hi Intere) 6n Mu um (f t;t cpltaL ï'lt! rarplus belng divMed atuDg the Mutaal loflurers ; henee it will appear thát it cothblnei" lm sdrawtages of a futual wiih the t'cmiiy f a stock Compaay., ihf1 premium ninoutitii to $40 or over n iwt raAj hv. K-vn for four tentbn f the ommunt. Ratea un luw" 03 any oüiergootl company. "RN'nw i; thi tiB of cure a compiíMicy for youi famU,v sfaould fatb Gm', yoar homealeatï oncumberetl ■ BEASTU3 1.YMAN, l'rc-8ilor.t. C.KO F. SjjlFTJW.Bffï C, K. Js)lin-"n, Vicc PrcaKlc-Lt rui1, ilauogcr of Wi'ttcru Brancli olTiw, Cbicago B. B. POND, Agpnt. WM, LFVTtT,M. D.,VtJ!oilFtitliEer. ij, A RE KOW OPENING, i IRBÍ 1' rOM rtBLISJIlOli: f ÁSD ilaaufiicturcr, ü New aa.l Compteie tttock of 'LAW & AJ LOICA L ISOOKS, Sc'vicí Bcoks, MitdlUneout Bookis, Blañk licok$. un stationbhy: u.üiu.l (Tiodow Phmt, Pwrlugand MkthamattaaJ Iniri!ui?nU. ■ 3i.ui.ic, Juvcuile I.ibrui-.i'o, Lav.Ii wi, Iuks Cidt. And all other Itindt of Pen and Perxtls ' Winiiow Oniice, Bbadea .ini'. Kixtuv POCKET CÜTLEKY! adüveryllimfr portaining tn tlie firaJe, aad mure to vhichiuey would tli attention ot the country. In con-luoting rwt buKinc-fis, ve nballdi :vl thatflua if :iHc.hii Lti.ii no roAsooable ouuq, woman w: cima sh&il 9d I aoy fautt. V pniiflMn i".uiiiiu'.ií tt'hic'a will trtiablü ub to .supply )ui;iiut' t at the Lowcst Possiblo Figures. We propone o sel) tor 'iK.vl-V PA Y, q.asmiJladra]ice. We exacta profit "n oui goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Lov FIGÜSES. Th1 "EMriRKni-iOX Stokk,"íh niaiiiiíífi Iiy agooñ 'crew.' lul xlit'v wil! alwftjra bc bund on 11. ö "quarter U-ck," ready and irtllms to atteuü Lo all wilh jjlcamire, vviio wiH fuvoi1 tlioin iritb ;i culi. liemember the "Empira Dook Store." JAMES R. WE.'iSTER & Co Ann ArWir, ;iy,'.8CO. 7J,A H 0 T H Eli A ft A LI KI V A I. AT THE frjfl f OLP AND RELIA 3 LE iWife CLOTHINC EMPOEIUMÜ SíIJbL 3ST O . S F 31 CE 1ST I 2C B L O C IC , MAIN STREET. hftsjnst raturaed 'ïtfm tlie Eastero Cities, with & l.irg ittid deairable tock of FALL AND WINTER Gr O E 3O S irkicb he is now otFerins at ununually XjiOAT 3PH.TC33S! Among liis Aiiöortmont may bo fuund BROAPCLOTIIS, ÖASSIMËTIES, DOESEIXS, & VESÏIKGS, of a?l desoriptlosi npeoialty for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! which heis cuttfnif anii nikinj? to order, in Hiela-' best atyleii, ti;(.-tlur witïi a superior assortment of REAÜY MADE CLOTU ING! TRÜN'KS CAr.l'Er BACS, tTHBREUAS, ani Gentlemca's Furnishing Gccds. wilh numeroua other articles usully found iu sii-ils: ANEMPOFIÜM OFFASBION, th sub&cribor fin l U-r Imnself. tht hinlong expei muI nuera. woAtWill enable htm t glva tlie greale! satiofiicti'!! toat! wbo n..y trust hímin lie uray ol urnaufaeturiti7 sfi111" order. 769tf WM. W.UiN'Kll. Rffie Factoryl A. J. SUTHERLAiVÜ HASremorciiblf Gn ihoptothsNBW Block"nHntonstret.nuthn thr Court II 1 uic.ul.tneiecoud floor, whert he in yre;aeti to tu rnish Gans, Pistola, Ainmunition Flasks, Pcüikei Ga?ne Bugs, and Everj other articlc in his Line. Ou tli. in ifiraMOD&blrtenne.sDdtodo H kindt o 1 the horteat nottc.and t nt.he boa t maniicl fuUnssnrCQloatsliraya Lep un msiicto order BÖÖTS SHOES MOüHL & LOOMIS Aro now rcceíving a larc assortmcot of Beats and Bliow .1:1 '. W'hich thcy [iroposo to scll 60 pT cent bclow farmer prices for caêh. Mon's goti.l Kip Boots, froin $l,"0 to $3,00 Mon'B good TUick Boots, frora 2 no to 3.ÜÜ Men' good CaU Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy'a C11H, Kip and Tïiicfc Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladii's' Gaiters, from 44 to 1 25 Luilies' llorocco Bootoos, from 75 to 1,25 And Rn endk-ss variety of ömal Shoea from Fancy Balmorals to Infamtf' Creeping Slioes. Wc are ulio StanoiCtcttulng nll Llncls of WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Riens Fine FïCiicti Calf üoois iJeggel ixïid Sewcil. So gire un a cali be foro purch&ftinfr elapwhore, as wc are tioun'l iiot t" hp urnkTsiiü. J-HKI'AIRIXC DONK O.N SHtjUT.V) M'RE &. LOOMIS Main Pt., Ar.n Arbor, Jlich. 8U0tf TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. OIVC3STXBXTS PTA.ÏIB. T[!K DKDGRCROltSr)-, Hotel l'ripriilors n (hiü citv ol ,nn ArU'r,ir;[jOfHii!iy nnnounce tfl he jtublic, tliat on aud aftr thp Bftrt iïny itf Jtinuary, 1 7V CENTS FA HF. will be ehartrci 1 to eacb Hnd evary i 'son carrlvd toaml from t'.'t crs, to the respt-ctivc iïutela, by the OinaiVus Line. S.rooK.i'ook'a Hotel, II. tniiSTOWjl-Vankliu Iloue. Aun Arbor, Dcc. MUi, ImoI. 83iitf Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus