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GaEÁT.GREAÍLíiKiSATJT DARGA1NS EVER O FF E UK ü 1859. ÍS I85Í) lio. IxiÖPs öfl. 1 11 tliUCity, nro novy bcing ofieffftil at the CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & T o T7& fclry Storo'1 MIK rilibscriher wnlilt] sïiy tn t)'1 citizmiP 1 AnnAr I bor.i' pnrlipuUr, riiH tbc rpít oí Wheov' rhunt IntfiK-rM. tht hhftJiiM IMTOU I'KI 01RECTLV frora KDHOpR.t Tromenfïoua Rtock nf Watchrp! Al ofwhlchhn blode himaHftr pl (;fifKPKR thsn can h bouehi wei nf New Yoik City. Opon Faíe CeUiidñr Watohea trom 86 to $]0 'ïo do Lever d j do f to 21 Huutlng rhgc H do rfo M t :i.", do do Cylinder do do 9 to 2f í')t'l Wtelif8 l'ro'rt 20 to 150 1 lavo Uu tne CKLKRRATED AMIl'CAN W ATCIÏES, ndricb I wil! en ti r $35. Kvry VVRtí-h warranttd io pctrturm wull, or thi money retundcd. Clocke, Jewelry, Vlnted War, Faney Owla UoM Pen, Mutlcallattramenti and dtrloga, Cutlery, &c, ;id in frt't n vnrlpty of vory'liiniï (feu all; bpt y JcweJ:ri can b1 hnughtforthe uoxt ninety da v " ut vu r OWN i 11 I C E S ! Persons Ijuyïnp aiijtbtng nt thU wcll known ntblitiine niest) re1y.upQngcttlng pjEactLj bk reprwr.f i], urt)nni' v.f-y rpfui.ded. fallearly and secure thp best bfirtialna ever offered in ihr i'ity One word in repard to Rcpairing : We ar-p prfpared tom;ih any rennirs unilne or common Wuichp. rvi-n icun-kinec er the futfr wareh if Rffovaaary. RpH!rinp of locks nd Jnwplry hs iuur]. asu tHo naatfmeUtHng oí lif N(fR, ItRiïorns or Huythine rlesired, fromCallf rnia (old on short no' ti--e. EnerTii-g In hIIüs bratiuheitexceuted withnear. (;■-.- anddispatch. J C WATTS. Anu rho', .Trp. 3Pth'Pf9. 7iw Imporcant National Works, Published by I). AFPLETON k CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWAYKEW YORK The folh'wing works are scntto ñubscribem in any part of th country, (upoareeeipt of retuil piice,) by mail THE XHW A3IF.RIAIV C'YCXOFíEDIA; A Popular DictionAry it" Uenerp) Knüwledge. Ediied by tino. EUpibv áiid CuARtKsi. Uaxa, akted by a numeróte selfct corps of writtrs in all bninclies nf Sricnoes, Art ni Literal ure. Thia wurk being pubtïsbediu aboul 15 large octavo rolume8,each containlng T50twocolumn bagea Vols. I., n.f lif., iv. v., vi , vu., vin., v i. ikiw ready, each cont.aïning near 2.fi00original arti cíes. A additiniml volume will le publishcd once in about tiire1 munlha. Prce,iü Cloth, $Ö; Shet-p, $3.50; Huir Ru3sia,Í4 50 tMCll. "t'iw Xmv Amerleaa Cyclopaidia is popular without beine mi jxi :■ [al, learnid ■;lnM: beiug periantio, tompre liensivi but sulficietitly letniled, f ree f mm personal pique and party prejudice, ftvtih and v-t a ecu rato. It is i complete stbtenienl of all thai i.- knon a upon cvery importani topic witliin the Bcope 'if human inifiÜUgttuce, Kvi-iv [niportanl nrtit'le init baalden specialb wrten for i+s pages by men wtan are auttori(iefl upon thetopic nu wiiich they peak. Th. y a reqmredto bnng the ftuD.tct up lo tlit' present 'rmmpnt: totatajust how il ktaodA rtw. All the atattaticaj inronnaQpn . from the lattst report; the geogrnphical aceoouiM keep i;ice with the latovt Oxplorationi; Ij ïi iric;il matter Ënclude 1 1 1 ■ freshest just vic-s; the biograpbJcal noticea ad k mt only óf the dead bat aUo of the living, u s u Librar? uf taelf A KIDíiKSIEXT OF THE DEHATESOF COXOJÍ.KÜS Bcing a Politica! Uistory of the United Btfttes, Bron the organixatjoa (.f Bral Federal Codi iTü1 t 185r. Krtiiedand compilad by Hoo. Tho Hakt BKNTONtfron) the Odicial Rcconls of Coogrwa. Theworkwill be comieied o 16 royaloctavu voIudiod of 750 pageaeaoh, 11 of whJcb now ready. An -fiditionHJ volume ill be publbthed once in Uiréemontluí. Cioth, 3; Uw biieep, Half Mor., $4: Hal) C:df. $+.50 eaoh. A WAY UF PROCUIWG THi:CVCLOP.EDIA ORDEBATlï Furm a rliib 0$ foiir. :n l rtMtiit pritte "1' t'i-ur bookR, aii'l tive ooptoa will be ient al ihe ri-imtïr'.-j expeDfvfor C'trringe; r for leu bubaeribern, eleven coplea will b .■iuut al üurexpeoaa foï crriage. To Anil Is. No other work will so libartttty retrard the exertlon of v'-'lnts An A;kt vaxvi;i in th:s Cu tv Tprmi i. .'.■ koöwn on ;ijí'lication to tlip Pulli8lier. Aun Arbor. M;ucli. I8ft. K902a,nt -iü Bev Thos., agent at Klupfl et mitba BooU Store, Tpsiianti. Black wou d'á Magazine AND TUK Brilish Reviews, GREAT ÏDÏCEET SIBSCÏÜBEÏ PREMIUM 3 and REDlJJ IOlMS. L. SCOTT&Cü., NEW YnKK, ennrinue to publUfa tbt foIiou'iiK leading Britisb IV-ro Jicais . vil: I TUK I.ONT.UN' QUARTERI t (Conüjrvaüve). ï;ii:kdini!L'K(;ii revikw (Whig), 8 THENORTB BBITIÖH KIVIF.'.V (Fiee Church). THE WESTilïN'SlEIi REVIEW (Liberal) B BliACKfTOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tóry). The prewnt ritloal state uf Europeas alb'in will r ii'i' r ihoifl [lublicHt kuis unnsually Intereating durlug ihe fertbcrnxtiiig ycr. They wtll ocoupy n middle jground between 'li1 haatity wntton ut-ws-ii-m-. crudc itpeculationti, and fiyini; rumora il the datly Journal, uu! the pooderoue l'uiue ui tn- futute niittorian, wntteu afiT tlie tiTiog Intermtt and exoüimeU ol the greai politica I erentsof the time aIi&U have paxsed nway. I u to these Periodicalfl tbal ren de ra nm-t look (or tb nnly redll.V in tul lij; i bic and relüible B!turt ol curnn events. ml a snel in a'l'litinn t(t theú vhi i-ck;;i1)!í-]h! literary.RolectiBo. and theologtoal cluirnc'cr, we urge hem upon tlieoi'ii-ildurAtionof tlie readEng publici thei-eceipt of Ailvanee símiís frm the Brtttili publisbcr.s givea ftdditiooaJ valLc tu tbee RepriutB, ' InaRinafhaatbey cannow be placed in the hand of sub.sci"iberuü -ut;is .-mjoii a original o-liíious. TERMO. (Regular Prices ) Tur finn. Fovany neff the fonr Revlewn, - - $.'i oo Kor Hny two o! the four Reviewfl, - - 5 M Kor nny tlirce of i)io our Beviewa, ■ - - 7 i 0 Forall IVtur of theKeviews, S 00 For Blaokwood e M giizinc, ■ - - . - íí 0 ' Kor Blackwood nd ne lít-vicw, - - - 50) Por Blackwooo and two Reviews, - - 7 03 K"r Blackwood and tbree Reviews, - - 9 00 Kor lïlackwooil JiU'l in? f"ur Kovirws. - - 30 00 Hfoneij cnrrcnt in the State re issited will be receivcd út pur. PO STAG E. 'The FD0EAQB to anypart of tho r'iited States willbe but ïwïnf y-fnr C-nt n yéar for " Bla kwrtd," :iii: but Fouittvu Ceuta a year for cach of the Uevii'v.g, At the above prices the l'eriodiciüs will bo iuni.ii. i; for 1802. AND A. A Premium to lïcw Subscribers, the Koa of thes&me Perlodlctfl for IStO willbefurnished complete, without additioua1 chtrgt. Unlike the mon ehemeraJ Ragasinet of the day-, tli---.' Pa Utdicalsloae little by %%$'. Henee, a f uil year of the Nos. for 1600, m;iy bc regiurded ucarly as viiluuult as for 1862. Subscribers wishing also the Xcs. for 1S6Í, will be Sopplied at the tuliowmg kxtkkmki y ioh rates Bplendid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Togerher. For BIftAkwoa48 Uagmxhie, the three years, $5 00 Kor iniv one Review, - " " 5-0 For;iny ivv.ii: t ( ws, " "8 00 For Black wöótl and onèTtévïew, ' t( R 10 Kor Bbickwood and two KeviewH " " 1' 'l Forthroe Revlow, ' (i HO) Fui Black woodaud three Revlewe, M " IR 00 For the four Revlewi, " " 18 00 Kor Ulackw-.oU :ind theinur reviews, " 17 00 Any of the above works will alto be furnished to A'cw Subcr ibera 'r the v ar 186-1 , ê, umi ", At Oue Half the Regular Subscripüon PriueH. Thus a ;Vct Stibtctber naay obtaln the ïïoprints of tl FourRevrews au.l Butokwood. Seveu Consecutive Year $37 ! ! ! Wlixli is but lic 1 1c more tlidn tho prioe of the original woi-ks Rnl3Ë0 yéar, Aa we hall ü9 er agaln bc tUcely to oíTer sucb induce ment-i as Uioae here preseutcd Now i3 the time to Subscribe ! ! Jt Kt'tuittanccrt niut, i :i!l caísts, be mile direct to tkt Pab-inkers, tui aL tlicóe prioea uo commUiou can bualloweJto iigents. LEOXAHl) 3COTT ti CO. No. ölfïoldatpcet New York Ann Arbor Marble Wor(s i j Aü on liitü'i ii (iiio ftfsomnent ot" Atneriouii aud 1 TA L 1 A N MA. i B L L whicbhelfl propared to manufacture int o. TOMB 1SBÉrA TAHÏ'ES InitlUhetr varietioR.-ind -n a WRKMAKLJKE manner I Hftvlne Ii "I consi'lemble exnoripnc1 buamesi h flattern himell thal he will bo ablf to pleaM all whn may favor iné wftn their orerp. Hts pricei LO VV AST TI F LOVE8T. Ihosp vrislilne anv thing in roy l'.no :ir r!pi-e1fulj ] in-itedto nll D. C. BATCIIËLIlEK. ! Ana Avhor. Mv Í0. 1861. 80111 TO LET. TTTK BRTCK ITOrSKonilFnrn now OOOnpted hy OInpy Iluvk'ns, I-N'i .. '.ii Detroit street, Ann ArbOFi pos■n rhf 1 1 of April. AlsoficvcT'l Mtoii-K iinflrf'mt in Buchoz'K PV-tk (o lot to (foorl tea'ly t-nfiiits ut a vcry low rent, immcrliato pos.:ession given. Inquiro of L.R. BIT HOZ. AnnAibor Uareh88, 1881. eíítf ï Sarsapaiilla FOE PURIFYIWG THE BLOOD. Antl ícr Míe Bgubdjr cora uf tlio fatkwinj( enuiilnln4al Scroful jiiiíl Sirofulo tis AflTceí W)um,h:icU , nn i'imiois, U!4;i'Mf horcB, Értiutlons, Pimple; 'caxtulea, Ulotvhea, oil, liluiiis, a ml all SJcill JJÍsvuhck. OaXI.n&, I lid., Btli June, TS59. J. C. Arm A Co. Quina] I (,-yl t tny tlmy to acltOiU'lüilLtJ lilll yulir Mu .:.] nüln jjn doiM filT Hih. llavfiK inlíeiltM h Scrufuluud infectiuii, t Int re sufferëd fruiU it iit Varigiu wJW 6iE yi'U.i. ircmelnnLi it burat out Ín Uliu:s ii rny haiiiül ailtl min; BulUetUllua U turued Inward Biul dwtremed me ut th rtoinitch. Two J'cum Jtf.oil U-okt' fin i,il ii v ..til nuil (ou-ir.l illv SCHln ini.l en wllli uii tro. wliicli wa ptifíilu] niitl luatliwine beyonü duscrlutluu. J trii-il iunny nii-dfcittea uní scwml uliyalcianit, lint wlrbuul iiiuch relii'f fnun any tulug. in fiu-t, the treft uixe. Ai longtli 1 vua icj-.ici-.l to in Lita tiusjuí .Mttiig, Uit jrpii (mil urvfMTfd an aliHijiíive (amijiariilftj, I' r I ktn-v fntin yoiir i.-j-uinMni itny yon inudd iiiu-r In ;,'.inl. J Mflil tn ir, and uxl it ull it cureU mu 1 u.k it, as y. ii .ivU.. in Kiuall diMvn oí u (oHSpjoufu! o-i a m.iüib, mul uned iiiHit (Urtw bolUes. Nw Hud liuiilihy ale i 11 HiHiii bognii i. foruimúlur llieatubwlilcli artera wliilw fiil ,ir My nklii is nou tfotr, and 1 kliow l,y my feeliiijfA 1 1 uit I hu ilfat-tuw boa nuiíe Iroui my ajateuj. fc'ou , can wefl Mleva tlrnt I fuul uliat 1 aríi hayiirg wl.011 i i.:i i yon, tliat 1 ttlíiil yon ki Imvtiv uf híhmUuh vi Ujo ge. L and remaní uver gial-.-lully. Youn, Al.KRKD B.TAM.RT. Bt, Anthony Kirc. Kosc or Iiys 1 pclns, 'J'eKtr iumI Salt Klit-um, ScalU llcml, II íitt; tvoiJii, Soto l'lyvHf "Jáou-.. Dr. Rohert M. Pib!e w rilen Irotn PnlriU. N, y.. ]2Di Scpt-, 169, IIhU bfl ciirJ un InrHvmla cuse of Dropxy, ivüLii tlireutouoil to leimiiiata fitinlly, ly 1L0 pi'i--.ov(íiinií iiHM rififiir ■ i 1 . ipariltii. hihI himi -i ilatitiwrQai Maligoaut Efyiptla vy Inrjtts úww of Mim khiuö; y ho curca tlus cfimnnii Ernjtttntt ly it cun.etuntly. I Bromhíxcle, Cloltre or Swellcd JVccIc. Ztfbtilon Slii.ui -f l'ii-nii, TttXHfi, wriles : "JJ'lirea itoU í tles f ynur Sjuiiii;iiíII cuicil 1110 froin n Oi'rt - . It-1' eous Httvlliu nu tlm iiutk, wTOtli 1 dad mGTorcd fiou ovür two , eiuri." Eienrorrlicen or wíi'i . o nrfRii Tumor, l I 1 lm UJ:cratioii, !'iaule !);.-■ i.-. Dr. J. l(. S. ('liitniíintr, of Nw V01 1: City. writf.H ; "I most eheiti tully witli (lie rmjneNtof nwr agenl In naviiiR I have fhnni] yoiir Buratpftrilhi n míwt excellent n!'-i 1! i ■. jn tliu miiMí'ioiis ((iiiiplaiiils for wtiidi vo tíjtpluy iinoli h n-im-.ty. U11C eRimcliilly in Htmat liífttcs I of the HoloftitúiM i]inili"Hiíi. l have cnifil manj inveler: Hte cases tif f-il'-ortline;i y It, a lid HINDÚ wln-in nmiplafnl Wí mit.ofi] i.y uttrrtttüm (íftlii' nitrito, Th ulceración Iteelí wjtp wHin cun-ii. NoHihiff vltliln niy knowlel(n eijiinls it fnr wnm rninlo ilerniijtPiueiitB." KHwnrd fik ftfnrmw. of Nevl.niy, Aln., irrflra, " A danpermis nwirian tomaran nneiiTthe femalw in mv liunilv, wliidí (mil ilefted ll Nía mufeiliw we omití niiiy. lina at it'iiu'Hi Itwo rniiiil.'trly hy yonr Kxtract of&nruiptutlhi. Uur iliv.-í:in llmiiKlii mlliliiK Init fxtiipiilloíi coul.T sffonl n-llef. bht he wïv(wl llie lrl ni' j-onr SíiiHaputilIn nu Hm lajtt mrt if.fne cullliig. awl it pmved efTectuat. Afíer iHltiunyour it-meily ei-hc weelu uo synipínm or llm iHMH#te i"ti))iitis." Sy pitilla and IIcrcurlal Dlnease. Ni;v Ohm-.anh. '2:itli Augtlüt, lSft9. Tn. J. C. Aykr: Rïf, I rhcfi Tnlty cnmply. witli I lio reqnpat. of yiMir nent. un-l mnorl to ytta moiho oí the ellects 1 liiivt! realixrd PfltL vuur SnriiHrilln. T Iimvi cni'-tl ir I th ir. n tny prncifcn. mnxt. i.f tl.c rom . JllililltH n' ivhilll t ii rnMltlM'ltf(. IMlii ImVQ f HIJIil ítS eff.'f Irnlv woiideiTul fu ■ ftf VfVnrul tnut Mr aerial ?), O111 of my pHtfanl had Pydilllllc nlnwa in hla lljio:it. uliit-h hlri ]inlnl ftnil tlie ; top or' hi nicHiih. Vtiur Huraiparill ntundlly taken, . eurml liim lu Uve weeka. Anulliur wan atuackwl byeecondary mruiuCuiua in lii.s iiumb. uikI tlm nlcenttluti Imtl eaifii ituay coimlilmiUile put óf it, s tlml 1 IwlioTo tlio dinoMlnr wmild huuu lench lik bralu mul kil] hlm. Utrt it yit'Idi-il to my iKliiiiiiÍHiintioii üf yoiir .varMiiriMn: ilie ulcera litíiiii. lui he i.s wi-ii jiiiin. iiii of cmim whtauut omodbUtguratiun tu his fticö. A wiuuan ulxi hiul brto treatd fir llie aaniu dlBiiiíAei by m-u-un mom mifteilng froiu Uiia (miIkoii in her Imuihh. 'J ln-y liad Iteuiiue so suiiíti V ti) ttlt) Wi-ntliri Ihnt Mil H iliüJij) (í;i v bltQ Kdllt-itíJ i-XciuCÍhIIdk pulll in Imr j.-icii Jim] Uwen, Mu-, l.u, M cnifd eiitinly t.yyt.ur mumi.ui!,i hi n few wtvkv. I kru.w hnin itH tiinimlíi. vhlrh vur nrnt gare me, Ihut Uilti lreiaralhin Httni yourinliormluiy liiinil liea tereat reiiieily; uuiBoiiueully, tlietw imiy nuuarkitblt] 1 multa wiih ii uut Mururútod niv. nutiniilly youra, G. V. AKIHKR, M, ])- KUeuinatisiii, Gout, Hvcr Comnliilnt. iNDKeKNbKNVK, lrdk(i d., Vo.. Wíl .lutv, lhiU. Dh. .7. C. Avne Hlr, 1 Imve bwii allllcled witli a palnful olirmilc WieuMHulittu fui a long lime, wlikli üafUiHl (ho skiil n( phyH iuns. utul (flurk to nía In ilte pfull iba ramedlMl couM tinü. nntil I Irhjnl your Sarratouilla. Ono bottlo ciitftt 11 in tu tti-i'k. nuil it-M.-rt! iny tEPueral lu-nltii f; irin.-h llutt I allí tiir lw)U"T tliflli beÜ4V 1 Waf attickud. 1 thiukitHwmiilttrliilfuedlcliie. .1. Fit KAM. Jotes Y. Oetclwll.or St. Umin, wrlt: "I líate Imen afllicteii tot ynirs wiih un ajficfi'tt tf the .ira1,' wlllcll cl-üliu)''i liiy Jii-hIHi. 1 ti-! i-vi-ry tbltHJ, nnd QtttJ llllng liiilf ! lo relieve me; and I Imve l't-en m luokeii-duwn uuin fur süine yt-iirs fnun no niher fáuae llmn tteruvyêmnt tf Vtt Liver. My la-luveil taalur, tli lu-v. .Mr. Kiiy,iu]tml 1110 tu try yonr Kurnuiiaríllit, n ■ nusu lie wiid lie kr.tsxv yon, and aiiy tliinjí yon nlitrie v, iis wm til trj'íllp. liy tlu liÍtíint; of iíímI it has rinvil me. and lias vu Hn1ld my Itlr.ï os lo 11 m-w iimn of uie. I fl yoiing naiu. 'i lie bet Ciin be iaid ofyou nut liHlrgowl enongli,1 Schíi'rus.Cniii'cr Tumor, TCu1i-;eiiieiit, IJIctrrntioii, Curies und Kxloliulion of the iiuiies. A prent viiifciy of casos Itavp been réporfed to uk wlifro cune tít tliBB fiiriuHnliIe cuuidHÍyt Iihtu rtwultfd fhiía the uso of 1I1U r'tm-ity. bll Olir in-n: vmII llot adllllt tlit-iii. Borne Bf du-tit iiuiy lia fuuud In or áuwrfniíi Aluiaiinc, H'ldcli tlio af(iilM boluw untued are pleaaed to fiiriflflli gmtftloflll wliftoiH fitr tlifin. Dyspepüil, Ileari HUcnse, Fita, Kilcp yf Melaiki Jioly, A cumióla M, ■■!;■ rviiiHikfibUi uit-f uf ilit-.-e n;;. . i, u.t Jiitvo li'-í-n niudu l'.v Hit? tillfiiitui)Mucr[l'tina-l.ii)i'. It stinuiliiti'H tltU Vital flIUCii'-IIK IlltU viMOlls iKll'll, BHtl til U ovendims ili .ui.l. t.-s wlihli wniibl be MiimM-.l lii-ynd Ha rearli. Sncli j luiaisly Imx tuiiL been i ■ ;■ 1 ■ i--' 1 hy Ihu ir C('8.-it-s f llic (!■' 1 ic, Hhd we (Diil'idviil Ihul tliitf uiit do for thiin ni I thal medicine can üo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoralj POR TMK KM' Hl CL'RI OF i'ousíli, Cïoidsj Iiiflinti'.n, IToni-McnesSf Cjdu, ItroiK hitis, lucipieút 011w 11 111 ltoi, íifl for Kt-Ilbf of oisiiii ptlve Pul uta in n (1 1 i íK-ctl Stit;t:s of tli e UiM-iisv. TIiíh I a roifcily su uuivK-.lly kiiowit tu mrpaai ny fiílicr tur Míe .■ 1 1 1 of llitf'Ht nnd liiii ccinplüiitl.H. ilut! it Ís iiHclfíy licre (o pnbllsli llie el Ideitce of íl vii luif. 1 ta tiniivitllod exoulletiee for rougbs índ colds, nnd its tmly vonderfiil cines of tiutmoitqry dbtpHse, have made it known tlirout'liout llie clvllíxud rlBtlona of I lie earlfa. Few ar dio commuiíltJeft or ej buiijiea Riuuua 1 )■ m wlio Imvo not. aome Mraonal pxperlfiice of llfteffecta - Borne Mvlug trn]ihy in ilxir miiUt tf It victoiy o ver the íjr.l'! 'i umi (iftiir-mus dlnurder? of fbe Uujoatatid Iuíis. As ;ill kuuw tito drniílñil futality of tlm dlíonlíTH, miiií aB th'.-v kii'.w, ton, tlie ffi""ctsof tlits ittn.'ily. WB ín d not do more Iban lo aaMire tlicni Ihat it now uil the vir tile that ii 'Ü.l Imve uheu maklng (ht enrA lileb have won so itroiifciy npuii thu Gunfldruce of HaiiklMd Frared by Dr. J. C. AYEK &, CO., LowclI, Mast. A.i -i . ... raayuard, Sttbbius & WiJson, l'-,KlíANlt, .SliKI.tV í: CÜ , lu-tn-ir Su'Jyl J II. BÚKK1JJL.. Travelling Aftelt. NEW CODOS For the Spring, '1862. MAGK & SCHUD WouM rosiiectfuUy iinnoutice to the Citizen of Washtenaw and adjoitriüg Countics tlat we are no'.v recuiving Direct from the Eatcrn Markets, A fullacd complete supply of Staplo and 3F".S3lc3t DRY GOOÜS, Ladies' & Childr8ns' Shoes, GROCEKIES, CROCKERY, &c. Pur liiïiHtby out' of mr flrm for cash, and notwithBtandwg Üie mos iveuUaii coutiaue to Arttl Weckiy Adrtitlons To our stock :n order 2b Acoommodate out Cunlomtrs! witUeverything thr-y may need toa k for. Anti wo will fatLlier jjlt-dgo ourstlves to sell es chcaji AS TIMES WlLLrERÜLT and which is always as -A.S Low as tlxo Lovcst. At the samo time we linpoour ffieuds an.l customers wil. bar in niiud that the limes coiupcl Ú8 to sell our gootls For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Arbor, Jï:irch Í8, 1T61. 8-t5tf Fruit and Ornamental T H TC E S , JPT 1L,O-W PEICES. '11HK SL"Iüf"HIBF.i:S.iH' proparqj " n-ceivc j 1 l"f ui kui'ls nf Fruit au t ii :nifiitnl Trrn-. Bhraln, rl:iiii, Plonsn au'l V ni of en rj norliilon iitul v.iiiity. l"i ihtr.ill of 18 t i" I Sprtiig of IJ- IV ]i,nc lurge static nw ü'awinfc, O'l iiuoul lo nwke lirge mpormtioni froin Mme totiiaoa. I'. ■ "-:n t of the country iïrnmnd! We Inritp th pfcopl'fo inkc thoni-i'lvek iic(iinmti-(l witliour faoiH'ia'Of dolQfbhlMinow. bcfiTc purctaasiqg fcewhere. Wo nainntul] varietieB to ln trim ti n-m', :uv t M vivirnos and liciilihy nccimon . All onmmnnlctlnnwlUbe prompt ■ )y rp-iponiid to. Oar offl b ;" tvc: .' Agr.oultmal MOrC, Detroit st.. Anu ,lrlor, Sllob . DoBOÍSi CARE & CO. Ann Arbor, Juno Ü4.1S63. 658tf íloitgíige Sale. lAETAÜIJ'haTiDï bDade ia the Wnient 1 f Biim oí mwy ,ccuretJ b ƒ .1 morte xeeuí ,. JohnW. Afayuardand JUry J. lis w,. lvi; ,""'; CuittT, dttí I he Dinth ■!.■, of l)i?e-mber a iií and 1 ■ ■ office oi th UegUtvr of dJL L"r ■ ■■ ' tl' - ■ a tLÜí laj ■■' April. A l). iS'JO t tventy minutei u ., by vrh cli .lof.uili ti e p.,w-r ol Ltfe e " ti 11 ■■! 0 KRid .1, ,, ■ . .peraUve; .ad uo iJS r.r proeeed iig havlng boen iDtUmd at luw tg r.Cfv thoílubt .■e...! theruhy, r auy p,u VÜ , thontn f ( thii lUm i2 dow ciu.HK-ii to be due Lhereoa. K'otíce (n tbc-n-f,, í lit-rt-bi' gtveu thm .síiid moi-tagi will be (ureeloatd bví . p nf lí.c lU')it::L'e'1 ];■■ vi h,:, riz : "All tl, U:. píeciH 01 parcH.i ol land taaie I ƒ Ing ni Utiu ü the City oí Ann Aroor. Coi n-y of Waslmnnv iü.) til tUdugan.b in'.") nnd chikribed oUovü to-H t: Cumro ncing one huntired sit n fe-t nalytie' ntli nonb r ni tont --.;i:ii--.t comer of oiuck N üti6 (1; BortJi ut' moge three ,3; cai thenco ut on lim, ■ fv.i a ti turo ii ui, iai-ucu inuih ÜI'vib aml .1 batí 1. the ïouth tin f i;i No. eight (?) m wid tock ■ wi-: thirtjr fpGt Lo the t Im üf 8id ,,(l tin-nee oorth n.ii".iiila half foefc, 1 broce wi alung ttj aojtb Ime Di Charle ïlmyei' laud, hm! n 9 tioutb Uneoi Charla Ihayn'.- atore iu lumlv' ijlw to Muiu treet, thence doutb to the place of b.inmu. 1 ;im :c..ciii'tíl b, iíi-cJ Ir-nn Juhn I-ocKivímj-í auj, v;ic ti Jobo V. klayuara : also totlovai deïcrilxM! prrctl . f !;ii' : Üeg.nDÍEK ut tlie cntre f tte bighwty wtltcb runs on Uie eaut line f íliü ür-t lid ut vilxo oí Aan rbnr, at ilití Drthw1 oorneruf tut Lumi , L t tonnerly itccupied b.v Geurde W. J wcu anj . iiMiic'l by . We!ls,and thence noith to ihf ai_t!i w corner if a lot, of land benging to l.'an 1). iïiller amo rttds (!)) tboDce eas'i riy on ald Míller1 lii.e tventjr-ttl lOdn (2 ), tlience s-utiierly purattel with .hmI liiyiiwiy nitit roils (9), thence wa-iterty paiallel to saiJ linp tHi-nly -Ivvü rot's (S) coctamiog one acre o{ Un] Itfin tbetthine lot f Uu 1 coavtyed hy tjei.rge r. Je.1 Mt an 1 wiJ1 lo Julni W. May Dar I bjr bi-ed l,triag Intn Dec. 'id, IB .7." ur finmf pnit thereitf, . t public vendad atlbftCourl Hou-e i t lie City of Aun Arl"r in f cuaatjT] 0:1 ;hü iiitli '1 .v of ovemSer nest at n toa ( Í.Uíl.tS CUTXKIt,lortgagee. Gko Fasporth, Atty. líntC'l, Aigu-i 1 1,1802. 865id Moitgagü viik. DEFAULT Iiaring been made 'n tl.f ooodftion nf 4 iiiuitiíJie, uxecute-i j Jain. IlalTey. i)f Kree'.o in Comiiy f Wathtenaw, b.n Uíe of MichigE, ! tu iNuiic! l'. Keyes, of Lima, Couiitv afr(taid, beanoi date Llie : 9 li dáy of Maich. A. I. 152, biuI record tbe name -uv i rj tii Rcglnler'a 'fflc4 oi' aaid eounty, 1; 2 u'cJock, 1. il , iu Liber líi of Uortgvge. pkgf w, which fililí mortgag was íul atüiigiieí'J by ibi sj ! ;j.tiM'l P. Ljes to Thomaft II ÍT-y 011 the ldtk dajr 1 "■■bruarv, . li.,1í5J. anl iwunlvd on tbe tóth da -.t May. 18.r7,atl á o'olock, A. M. in Líber 18 of Mortgage. pge 2 5, and atsigned by "hutaft. Malf.-v t'i M.iíjfuvt il.ufoy.oo tlití Utli J;i 'f Juj, 1 08. Mnl recorred in the RegiKter'o oflict of Wj).s]itenw Ctx.iiiy iifore.-aiil. 011 Ttli da.f nf April, ib62, ai 1Q); 'cl"ck, A. '-, in Liber 18 o( Murtpai', pajr 2(S, oí whfch ;ii'l mortgage tijera is clainied to b doe at Ui date r--il, tbree bundred nd tbirtjr-one dollurh hlj sixty-four cent a, h ikI n auit or prce Hngs a: lw littin been mstitut ■■) t recvr the lebt now due or kor pfhft Uivn-"! iiiil liic power "f .sal iu íiaíil un rtmi h&ving iti'ci'iiK.1 o]nr:iihc, Notiro is hereby giv.-u tj,,i 011 the 25 h 'lay ( OcVobtT, 1 H 2. at 2 o'dock in tii, afternounof siJ day,at the f ron I door of the Court House, n Ihe íounty of Wahtenaw, aüd State of Michigan, tbfre will hM ttt public venda e to tb hijfhe.-t bi'ltitr, the Landsdesertbed iu .said mortjTRK. oí no much tbere if au may be npce-arv to satisfv Ib] .un unit ilue at tíldate of tliis nolice, with theexpejL t-s of s;il", vi: All that certa in uïece or parool if í.-j ivintc in the town of Frepdnm aforesnid, and 'Ipscribtí as iollows, viz: The weil half of the north-weft qurtr o st'Ct'on NuintiiT ti ve township threo soulh r-inge four eaf t. wmtainng fifty-six acre and thirt? uiirht hundredths of :in acre. MAK-iARETHAFFKV, Asaigoet. Jobm N. fioTT. Attornev. ■ pated. Juiv 2L, 18t;-_. Estáte of James Stevens. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, r.unty of Waj-htenaw.w:- At se.-Nsiin of the Probate í'ourt f r the Couutyof WaMhtenaw, holden al ihe l'mbate Office, in the Ctf oí Aun Arbor, n Wedneaday, the twenlietíi day of Aujfutti , in tlu-yi-iir odc thnuRa&d eijrlii bundred itA iíxtjrttro. Prernt,Tb man Ninde. JuAge of Probate. In the matter of the látate of James Steven , Ule of -a i otuMy. eoeaeed. .1 eph McMalmn and ()lie Iliffh, Kxecutors of d eiat% C4nne into Courl und represen 1 thai they are no preiwred t'i renHer their 8nal Hccount as sucli Kxecu Wr-, and ajtkii t Ij t a tUoe and píace may be Hiüined lor the examining uu 1 allowinj; of suh account, and that notice tliereoi m;ty hv gn-eiï to all persons intffr rUfA ina.Jc.HtütH, in tach ïuanneras sid Cuurt bu dÏTWOt TiiTeupon it is Orrlered. Tlit Knday, the nint-teenth lay of epTt'mber next, at me o'clock 0 the afttcoqfln be asHifned 1 r the li ring of said pet i t ion, and thnt tb Ifvtsce-, tantees, ;inil heir at law of mi4 lec".inpi, ao'l ill other iHT-ons fntere ie-1 n naid estáte arp reuirt-4 10 rtppear ;-t a Bessfon of Raid tjourt, then to be holdes at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhor, n uil unty. an] show ca ure, f an there be, why th said Hccoiini nhould 1101 be allowed. Anil.t is furlher iMdi'icc1, ihat said Executon ffiv ootiOR to the per-fors interested in fd aatate, t th pPnilency of s iil ptition, nnd the heafintC the roof bt -:) .win ir a copy tf thi or 'pr 'o be publi.lifl in t}j Michigan A gu$,-.t newspaper printed and circuUHiu Li'nnnty of W&rihtenaw, tbree succe.isivc weela previoufl t" iaid dy of harinj. (A iruecopy.) rilüilAS NIN'DP, JuUgc of Probati. The Latet Special Dispatch! To the citizens cf Ann Arbor and Victnity ! ! ÍXTENSE EXCITE.M ENT! Ilundreds walchhig tha jnvgress of JJüibj Everds ! ! The Federal Arm ƒ agaiii Victorious! I ;The Union must and shall be Prese r ved !" '' Tht'r- was a man in our townt Je was so wonilrous wise" But -n-ith all his wiiniom.he vrp no' o wis) as that ' other man. ' who when hc wanted id buy thu The cheapext and test CLOTHiNC! in (his 1 ulways jumpedintó G U LTERMAN' S HEAD QÜABTERS! For there he knew he nlwnj-g got his nionfj'S wortli. Sieiiia ia 'wlliring mul yju Ibt wislt lo 8je cwnt in ft'i'l believe. Thusrt lliftt csii't cas feel, mul as we nlwnys mnkl uur 0lJtoni-rs f'! 15001I over c;iK)d bargai"9' tluy aro i-spicially mvited to our anxioOI st'Ut. tliut th-y 100 niny reiilize hovy "good it ia for t 111 to le witfi us," and how iiiudï ploüsm'e eau be ubtuiucd in the enjoyment of SPLENDID BARGAIW3 ! "Como ftll ye that. are wery and Iieavy ! Jen" - wit li licss and we will do our host to reliera Vïvf] - g:inirvou in re urn the yíntií kind of Goods ai the lavotst figure: Great l.altlos are honily tnking place in th Ciothfng li iu - win Ie n-ginientsof .'assimcrei, v't-stin's to are beini; reJ bv Oen. SoNiiiiKiM - to fit the rush uf reoruiti that me pounng in Irom i-very direct ion, 11 anxioua lo have tlie:r huiiku enrolled fur NEAT AND TASTY SUIT ! - 3Uch ns can only be liad nt the IleadQuarters "f Guiterman & Co. Oneoftlic firm.Mr. M Guitermax, hnring just. retui-ne.l friwa Kurope witli n Inrge assortincnt ofUlolhs. Ca-fimeres and n mee lot of fine Vest ngs. also a few oleces if fin Beavcr nt'ivuais whi h we will raake up to or..e" iu the 1 iteM, stylc, wu feel confidun' tliut we can sátUfy all. STTTJDIS3SrTS 1 We nre happy o greet you agarn in our City. lifter pending your voction with tb ' Uar oM folks' ut home Be assured v wisli vnu a pleaannt term, "nd 6hall (ver M glad to me.-l you uit the Old lleaU-Qnni'ttrs, No, 5. ET Our forrner customTs, we feel nssared, will er. l! on us.-ignin To you who como stranger we would Ruy a fsw words. wish you ti culi umi look "t our fine Coat Piints' and Vests vo cin do bitter by yoU tlmn ni y otber h u?e in the City, and if y' cali nnií examine ur eooils.and try thcir fits yuu will purabma nowlure else. DON 'T FAIL TO .ATT O. JE3C. & Ayer's Ag-ue Cur.


Old News
Michigan Argus