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A Democratie btute (Jonrention has boen called to convene at Detroit, on Wednesday, October 8th, to nomínate candidatos for State offieers, and a Democratie Congressional Convontion for tbia district, to be held at Jackson, on Tuesday, the 7tb of October, for thc purposo of nomiuating a candidato for member of Congress. It never was more impor tant tbat these conventions be composed of truo Damocrats, of Domocrats wbo in this crisis aro of all men the men to aid in saving the country, for if the country goes down on the rock of rebelliou, there will be very little work for the Democratie party. Think of this, Democrats. We presume that a County Convcution will be called in our next issue, as a meeting ot the County Committee is to be held ou Wednesday noxt. jL;5" If report is true, tho oíd maxlm that " politics sometimos make straugo bedfellows" was üluatrutcd at tho noi politioal or Union Con?ontion; )jCia a Jackson last Wed-sjay, for report eays tliat our " Biatistisal" friend of the Journal and the late tax-collcctor for thia Congressional district harinvnzed their difforcuces and slept togothor, all for the good of tho country. What noxt ? - Later report says that when Skaman' carae homo and read DeForest's communication in the S!ate News he doclared that the settlement was frauduloutly obtained, and regretted that he hadu't kieked DeFohest out of bed Well, the poet once said, " the best laid plans of mice aud men," &e. Bgi Tho cnll fora Congressional Con - vention for this district - the third - was published incorrectly in our last issue. - It should have rcad instead of tho 2d d.iy of üctobor, the 7th, for which latler date the eall was designed. A note from tlio chairmui of tliü coinmittee advising us of the mistako was not received utitil , our edition was off. - Sinco tho abovo was in type we have received a notice that tho cali has been changed to the í)th. JJ3T" The 17th Michigan Infantry is reported as havingdono glorious work in the battle of Inst Monday, near Middleton, Md., almosi annihilating a South Carolina brigade. Among tho wounded reported in Iho 17th, are : Col. WiTiiixcroN", in tho arm, slightlv ; Capt. Tiiaykr, lelt mm and hand ; Captain G01.DS111TH, ankle nnd ehouldér, Alighty ; Capt. side, Bevorely, and arm umputated ; nnd Lieut. Somkbs, abdomen, severely. Names of prívales killed or wounded not yot given. fcgT T"o ncw patenta were issued Sept. 9th, 1862, to Lovell Eames, of Kalamnzoo, Micb., No. 36,397 for Improved Water Engiue, No. 36,39S Improecd Hydraulio Apparatus. J3oth are icuprovod methods of obtaining attd coramunieating the power of a hcad of water to forcing puuips or other machinery, more in thu nature of the ttflam engine than auy other forra of motor.


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Michigan Argus