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Desperate Fight In Western Virginia

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(Jam.tpous, Sopt 14. Ou W Cdociday, a column of the enemy, &,0Q0 .-trong, snid to bc undi'.r the OoiCioand of General Loring - the first notice of wboui was 11 our rear, bet w oen Fayetto and Gu!ey - made a;i attack on our (orces cucampcd at Faycttc, eonsistiug of the 'l'hirty fúlirtb and Thirty s::ventli Otiio regitneats, naaibering about 1,-00 men, under corumand of Co!. Siber, lien a desperate fight took plaoe, lastJDg till daik. Our farces cut ihoir way tl!roul), roachiijn; Gauli-y during tl: e niglit, having lost about 100 killed and woiuidoJ, nwstly of the Tliirty-fouith Oliio. In the meantime ano'her column of tb o eoetuy approaebad Gauley bridge, on the Lewisbuig road, undoT Cerro (iorlo Williams, eutting ofi' the Forty sevi.Mith üliio, two Bonipauies of tbe Nintb V'iruinia, and one company of the Secoud Virgioia Cavalrj, who were at Smersville. fiolhinf; bus sinco been beard of ihem. UndiT tbese cireumstances, Colonel Leiglilburu's flank and rear, bei ng tlireatcncd by an ovcrwbcliuiug force, bc was conipelled to evacúate Gauley, whicli Iiü sueoi'ssfully acooniplished on the moriiing ot' the 11 tb, after destroying all the governmc it property ho was uuable to briug uva v. Ho accordingly moved down the Ka nawha in two columns, one on eauh side of the river, reacbing Camp Platt on the tbe aftvruoon of lbo 12tb, skinnishin tli(! whole way. llore bo masaed bis troops on tbe nortli bank of the Kanawbttj but, being hard pressed by tlie eno niv, retreated during the nigkt, reaehing Elk River, just bjlovr Charleston, o;i Satiiiday morning. Ho made another stand on t!io losver Enmjc of Elk liiver, and a desperate bittle ensued, lasthigfrom 10 o'cloek, A.M., till dark. Onr foroes shelled and 4estroyed Charleston, two honscs only being left. The result of the fight is unknown, nothii'g baving been board from Colonel Leightburn since G. P. M , urday. Up U that time our troops heli thfiir grüinid, and wcro punisliing the ciifiiiy severuly. We onderstand tlial uur troops couipletely dostroyed all tlie SaH works. Colonel Iieiglitburn breuht in iir-inense n-.iiu of 0.);) loadod wagons safuly to Elk llivor. Ti'e retreat to filk Kivei was coiidujtod in (jood order. Great anxiely is feit fiir tlio safoty of our (orees, is well as of Point Pleasünt and Gallipulis. The militia is flockiug here frotó this and the suirounding countics. Tbo border i in great d mger. The enemv's force is represented as betng 100,000 strong, with i proportiouate furce of artillery. GaHipolw, Sej.t. 15 Col. Liïhtburn's ailcanoe renched Ripley, Virginia, near tho Oliio liiver, at 10 o'cluuk last nighl. Pussoncer.s on the Maiiettn and Cinoinniiti train west, this mQFOiog, report heavy ounnonadiiiR in the diractioo of Kavonswood, on the Oluo.


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Michigan Argus